7: The Prank

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Percy’s PoV:

Oh, this was going to be good… I couldn’t wait to see their faces! What am I talking about? Well… Leo thought up this amazing prank. Right now I’m wearing Annabeth’s invisibility cap, so that no one sees me. All of Camp Half-Blood thinks I’m dead. So I go into camp invisible… and see what they’re like without me, then, I magically reveal myself for everyone to see. All of my friends are pretty good actors… except for Leo. I swear, if there’s one thing that’ll give us away, it’s Leo. And it was even his idea! He’s been pretty thoughtful and distracted lately… We were all walking into camp, and Piper was trying to get Annabeth to cry, because supposedly “Camp brought back too many memories of Percy,” or some other reason.

“Hey!” said a small daughter of Hermes brightly. She was about 6 years old.

“Hey,” Annabeth said slowly, still pretend-crying slightly.

“Why are you crying?”

“Well… you see, last year, my friend died, and being at Camp reminds me of him,” Annabeth told her.

“Oh.” She nodded her head.

“Liz! Where are you?” I heard Travis Stoll calling. “I give up! I can’t find you, okay? You win!”

“I’m right here, Travis!” she yelled back. He came up the hill and saw Annabeth, and the little Hermes kid, Liz.

“I-I’m sorry… if she, um…” he trailed off. I guess everyone had gentler with Annabeth ever since I “died” because the Travis I knew would’ve made fun of Annabeth for crying. She shook her head and smiled.

“It’s ok, Travis,” she said. He nodded and took Liz by the hand, dragging her away.

“Great job Annabeth!” Piper exclaimed.

“That’s my wisegirl,” I said, still invisible. I kissed her cheek. She looked around, trying to find me. She didn’t realize that her back was facing me. I sighed.

“Behind you.”

“Well, then if you want me to know where you are, take that hat off!”

I rolled my eyes. We started going down, the hill, and through Camp. People greeted the us, not saying a word about Annabeth’s tear-stained cheeks. We finally entered the Big House, to tell Chiron about the new demigods. We found him playing pinochle with Mister D. The usual.

“Ah, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Frank,” he said, his eyes twinkling sadly. I guess he had wanted to add one more name in that list. My name, probably.

“And who are you?”

“Tina McKenna, daughter of Aphrodite.”

“Jeremy Royer, son of Ares.”

“Samantha Malone, daughter of Apollo.”

“Alex Blackwell, son of Athena.” (A/N: I found these names off the internet, I’m bad with last names, so no hate!! :P)

“New demigods, yes I see,” Chiron nodded his head. “Piper, show Tina around, Frank, get Clarisse or another daughter or son of Ares to show Jeremy Camp Half-Blood, since I’m pretty sure that you do not know your way around, Annabeth show Alex around, and get Austin to show around Samantha. Oh, and Frank and Hazel can tag along to one of you to see Camp Half-Blood themselves.” They all nodded and went around to their tasks. I followed Annabeth and Alex, even though I’d seen Camp about a million times. What really surprised me was the huge memorial statue that was put up by the forest. It was me, carved into the rock, and it was really freaky since I was staring at my own gravestone. I spent the rest of the day, just staring at the ceiling of Cabin 3, deciding what people’s reaction would be. We planned to make it look like none of the seven, or Tina, Jeremy, Alex or Sam knew anything about this. I had nothing against it since it probably meant getting an extra kiss from Annabeth, but then she’d have to ‘beat me up for being so stupid as to get myself killed.’ Well, at least I’d die knowing that the one I loved had killed me. Oh, who am I kidding, I’m not gonna be all calm-like in the face of an angry Annabeth. Even if it was not real, just for the prank, she was still probably going to beat me up. So, I need to have a quick escape to the lake. By the time for campfire, I was really sad. Two reasons:

1.Annabeth was going to beat me up.

2.I had missed dinner! I was hungry!

I trudged to the amphitheater, to get ready for my big reveal. The fire was burning really low, and it was black. Weird, right? Black fire. I positioned myself facing backwards towards the lake so that I can make a quick escape. Chiron was just going to stand up to make announcements, when I cleared my throat, really loud. Everyone stared at the spot where I was, except for Leo, who looked like he was thinking really hard. I wonder what… getting off track.

“Some of you may know me,” I said, making sure my voice was loud. “Some, may not. I used to go to this camp. Before I presumably ‘died’.” Their reactions were so funny. Some of them stood upright in their seat, with huge eyes, staring at the place where I was. Some started whispering things to each other. And, my favorite one, an Ares kid who ran off yelling, “GHOST!!!” I reached up to my head. 1…2…3. This was it. I pulled the cap off my head. Everyone stared at me in shock. I could see the seven trying their best not to laugh, but Annabeth still had to do her part. She rose to her feet shakily, a tear making its way down her cheek.

“P-percy?” she asked. Her voice was cracked, but her eyes made it obvious. One side of her said: I’m trying not laugh out loud so hard right now, that I’m biting my tongue. Her other side said: I swear I’m going to kill you, Percy. I. Was. So. Freaking. Afraid. Not even Kronos had made me feel this way. Then the silent barrier broke.

“PERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the whole camp yelled, they ran down the steps and jumped on top of me, creating a huge human mountain. I swear, I was nearly crushed.

“Ugh, guys, please, I don’t want to die because I was crushed be my friends,” I groaned. Everyone piled off, and gave me hugs, and slapped me on the back, and said that if I died again, they’d kill me. 

“Perseus Jackson,” a voice growled. I gulped.

“Uh, hi?” I asked. The very angry blonde stormed up to me, so I did the natural. I ran, and then I jumped into the lake, sinking to the bottom, and breathing sigh of relief, that is, if you can breathe underwater. Suddenly I felt, another presence in the water. Annabeth had probably jumped in. I quickly created an air bubble around her, and swam into the air bubble.

“Please don’t kill me,” was the first thing I said. She rolled her eyes.

“I’m not going to kill you, seaweed brain,” she sighed. I scooted closer to her, and she kissed my cheek. After a while of just sitting together, we decided to go up.

“Wooh! Here come the two love birds!” Connor yelled. I laughed, and stumbled to the amphitheater. I thought I was having a pretty great night, until Rachel started telling us a prophecy.



So sorry that I didn't update!! I was really busy trying to finish my "Gods read" book. And, also I lost the prophecy so I had to ask my friend to tell me it... yeah... I seriously don't know what to say!!


Peace out

§ Melanie §

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