11: I Got My Leo Back

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Leo’s PoV:

YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!! I’M GOING TO GO BACK TO CALYPSO!!!!!!!!!! Whew. Sorry, just excited. Oh my gods, I really can’t wait to see her face. I’m just doing some last-minute work on the Argo II. Festus said that we are all ready, but I just want to be prepared. Annabeth did some research for me, and she said that her island is located somewhere in the Aegean Sea. The Aegean Sea is basically the part of sea between Greece and Turkey. There are loads of tiny islands there, but Ogygyia should have this magical barrier around it, so she used some device built by my cabin, tracked down a couple of coordinates, and inputted them into Festus’s system. I just have to sit back and relax, oh, and of course, fight away the monsters. I had been working non-stop on the Argo II, and I had made some changes. It could move faster than before, so I could reach her island before the timer. Also, remember the chicken nugget smoke screen? Monsters won’t be able to notice the Argo II. Hopefully. I wonder if they like chicken nuggets… where did they get the chance to taste chicken nuggets? And maybe… sorry. ADHD. I sighed, fiddling with some scraps of metal. The truth was, I didn’t know if Calypso wanted to be rescued. I mean, maybe she still like Ogygia, and she would want to stay there, and then the prophecy wouldn’t happen, and we would all die. And, then there was the Percy Jackson problem… would she still like him? Would she choose him over me? I knew Percy wouldn’t leave Annabeth… I saw the way his eye sparkled when he was around Annabeth. He was seriously in love. It was Calypso I was worried about. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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I sighed as the wind whipped my curly hair. This morning had been complete chaos. Everyone was wishing me good luck, and thumping me on the back, and pushing me towards the Argo II. They gathered on firework beach, and waved me off. I would miss them. Right now, all I had to do was wait to reach Ogygia, and hope that monsters didn’t like chicken nuggets. I started dozing off. I don’t know how long I stayed like that, but when I snapped awake, it was late afternoon. Far ahead, I saw a bit of land. I was nearing Europe. Dang, the Argo II moved fast. I quickly raised the Argo II, and started flying.  I looked to my left, and far away, like really far away, I saw England. I squinted trying to make sure what I just saw was real. That guy did not just fly around on a broomstick. I shook my head, blaming it on my drowsiness. I stared down, as I flew over Greece. I remembered the fight against Gaea. Man, that was a sad memory. I tried to rid myself of the images of Percy’s dead body. I couldn’t get distracted. Quickly, I told Festus to descent to the water to start sailing. Soon enough, Festus started creaking, telling me we didn’t have long before we reached Ogygia. You’re all thinking: You can’t get to Ogygia, you can only get there once. Well, according to Annabeth, I can get there, thanks to the fact that the gods are captured. If they’re captured, that means that their power is weakening, so the magical barrier around it would be weakening. I would get to Ogygia. I stared far ahead, to the little island that was right in front of me. Memories of sweet smelling flowers, a crystal cave, and a beautiful girl, all come back rushing to me. I’m so lost in happy memories, that I barely notice how the Argo II bumped against the sandy beach. Oh gods. Here I go.

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Calypso’s PoV:

I was simply sitting in my cave, thinking. Thinking about Leo Valdez. I had always had to fall in love with heroes, that was my curse, but somehow, Leo Valdez had made me feel different. I knew there was something about him, that little something, that made me want to cry and laugh at the same time when I remembered him. I heard footsteps, outside my cave, and rushed to greet whatever hero the gods had sent me this time. I didn’t care. Yes, I would have to love him, but then he would leave, and I would go back to thinking about Leo Valdez. When I saw who stood outside I stopped dead. Curly black hair. Warm brown eyes. A small, scrawny figure. Except, he wasn’t that scrawny anymore. He had built a bit of muscle, I could tell. He had a different light in his eyes, like he had gone through a hard time in his life. I didn’t care. It was my Leo.

“Sunshine!” He yelled. I nearly sobbed out of happiness. I ran up into his arms, and burying my head in his chest. He held me tight, and I was just happy right there, with him. I broke apart, and looked at him more closely. I could still see that stupid grin on his face that had made me want to hate him, but now I found him cute.

“Sorry I didn’t crash-land this time,” he said, smirking. I rolled my eyes, and kissed him. I didn’t care if he was being a cheeky idiot, all that mattered was that he was here. With me.

“You found me, oh my gods!” I cried.

“I swore on the River Styx that I would come back to you,” he replied. I just hugged him again.

“C’mon, we need to get back before the timer,” he said quickly. He explained how, after the war, all he thought about was getting me, I blushed at that, and then he explained the prophecy, the timer, and his mini quest to get me. I was so excited and happy that I barely registered the fact that the apocalypse might just happen. Oh well. I got my Leo back. All that was before the huge sea monster attacked.



Sorry about not updating yesterday... I was really busy, cuz my mom is making me do MATH during the SUMMER!!!!!!! OMG mom, I get summer because its a break from school, not a reason to do more math!! Ugh.


Peace out 

§ Melanie §

Reincarnation - Sequel (Percy Jackson fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon