Titles, what does that mean? - VIA/N

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Dear readers,

Yes, tis I, finally returned from the depths of tumblr to send you guys a message. 

I will not be updating this story. Full stop.

I know that so many of you have been waiting, what, a year? for the next chapter, and honestly I'm so sorry. I should've posted this a/n much earlier. 

I will try my best to teach y'all something here.

6 out of the 7 comments on my latest chapter were comments telling me to 'update!!' 

Telling an author to update isn't really the way to encourage them to post more. Really. Authors spend so much time on their chapters, and then the second they post their work, they get comments from people telling them to 'update soon!' 'update asap!' or 'update NOW!!' 

I was one of those authors who got those sort of comments, and after a while, it just turns into some sort of poisonous cycle, where the author basically has to write SO MUCH STUFF, and people continuously comment for more and more and more. 

About a year into writing 'The Gods read PJATO' I just got so sick of PJO. I couldn't read the Lightning Thief for about half a year without wanting to rip the book apart. I still can't read The Sea of Monsters from start to finish. So I stopped. I stopped writing anything and everything PJO, I could not look at fanart or read fanfic I could NOT. 

PJO will always have a special place in my heart, it was my first fandom after all, but I honestly cannot continue writing fanfic on this site. Because honestly, who is even reading this a/n at this point? 

So the moral here is: Don't pressure fanfic writers by telling them to 'update now please!!' 

You know what fanfic writers want? They want you to write a freaking essay about their use of alliteration. Or about the imagery. Or about the lovely complementarity of the background to what is happening in the story. Pretend that they're Shakespeare and you have one more night to finish that essay about their fanfic. 

That's what fanfic writers want. 

And don't forget that people are always going through who-knows-what. You never know what is going on in someone else's life. So scolding them for not updating something isn't really the best thing you'd be doing. 

And you, you wonderful person who has read this whole a/n are the best and deserve some blue cookies. Yes. Go bake them right now. (If you can, obviously XD)

Thank you guys, and keep on being awesome! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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