8: The Prophecy

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Annabeth’s PoV:

Rachel opened her mouth, and green mist started to pour out. Oh, please no, I thought, Oh please, gods no, not another prophecy. Apparently the gods really hate me.

To capture the end of a drastic start

Save and mend a broken heart

Mute her screams and dry her tears

Take on the challenge to face your fears

Music will repeat enchants

Where he breaks the world from ancient lands

Bathe in freedom of the pain

And travel to a distant lack of rain

Free the Lord whose death is in

And save the one loved girl

The Lord of Time will rise again

To destroy the world

(A/N: All credit for this prophecy goes to @dandydog9!! She is my best friend ever, and she wrote this for me, because I’m horrible with rhyming and poetry and stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PROPHECY!!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to you. You’ll read this, and hopefully, you’ll update your story!! *hint * hint * wink * wink*)

As soon as, Rachel finished, she collapsed, (two demigods caught her) and all Hades broke lose.


Yeah, yeah, it's short, sue me. I really wanted you guys to know the prophecy, and I don't have battery right now, so I can't put in a long update. Besides, I've always wanted to end an update with "then all Hades broke lose" I dunno. It seems like a cool line. Sorry, I'll update tomorrow, I promise!!


Peace out

§ Melanie §

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