Forget Me Not Β° Yoonminβœ…

By Loaforama

15.9K 1.1K 152

❝Jimin had never seen the inside of Yoongi's house. It had always appeared that Yoongi was uncomfortable and... More

πŸƒCharacter Info.πŸƒ


270 18 3
By Loaforama


Yoongi sat in his usual seat, the bay window, in his bedroom. He never really understood why he always found himself there at some point in the day but he was sure it had to do with the view. He could see the trees that lined the road his and Jimin's driveway attached to, which he was fairly sure were Cercidiphyllum japonicum or Katsura trees. He could see Jimin's front porch and the Salix alba that loomed up above the bungalows roof from the field beside it.

The Salix alba had always been something Yoongi had loved. He used to visit it everyday before Jimin moved in. It was a comfort thing. He used to have one just like it in his backyard at home. He could remember climbing up it's branches with some of the neighborhood kids, reading books under it as the breeze pushed the papery branches around; he even realized he was gay under that tree. The thought of that old tree made Yoongi smile. He'd have to ask Jimin if he'd like to see it sometime, if he remembered.

The view was gorgeous, especially when the sun sets. However, when the sun wasn't setting, Yoongi was quite content with the view of the cute mochi next door. Today, Jimin was outside on his porch, walking back and forth, talking with himself in an almost self building way. It made Yoongi wonder what the boy was going to do. Whatever it was sure made Jimin anxious. Jimin said a final few words before making his way to the trunk of his car and reaching inside, grabbing something Yoongi couldn't see.

When Jimin's arms returned to view, they were holding a something that was covered in a blue and white striped blanket. The item wasn't too lengthy but what it lacked in width it made up for in height. Jimin didn't appear to be struggling to carry it which made it look like he worked out in some way, which Yoongi was, of course, responsible for thinking. Yoongi's eyes widened as Jimin started walking towards Yoongi's house. He dashed away from his seat and down the stairs.

Jimin climbed up the hill that separated his and Yoongi's houses. The thing in his arms just kept getting heavier and heavier as he went. He hoped Yoongi would like it. It took him over half an hour to finally decide it was the one. He was hoping his gift giving skills hadn't rusted any.

Jimin set it down by the side of the house when he finally finished his trek. He climbed the steps of Yoongi's front porch anxiously. He'd been building himself up for this very moment. His hand hovered slightly above the wood surface of the door. Jimin could do this, he could and he would. Jimin knocked softly three times. A few seconds later, a wide eyed Yoongi opened the door.

Jimin waved excitedly at the older, “Hello, Mr. Hoarder hyung!”

Yoongi's eyes squinched, “Jimin?” He said, almost as if he didn't remember the name and was just guessing to see if he was right.

“Mhm! I'm here to hang out with you.”

“Oh.” Yoongi stepped out his door, closing it behind him. He sat down at the small table against the porch railing and gestured for Jimin to sit across from him. Jimin pulled the seat out and sat down. “Sorry, it's a mess in there.” Yoongi's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

“That's alright, my place is still a bit of a mess from the move. I really need to get that together.”

“Have you fully unpacked?” Yoongi said, trying to remember how to maintain a conversation with someone.

“Yep, other than the small boxes, everything's been taken care of.”

“It sounds like the move was easy.”

“It couldn't have been harder.” Jimin said, looking down at his lap.

“Why's that?”

“Well, I was leaving everything behind. My friends, my home, my job.”

“If you didn't want to move, why'd you come out here?”

“Well, it's quiet out here and I need a quiet, isolated place. A place where I can't be found unless I want someone to.”

“It's a good place for that. We're so far from any large city, it's a wonder that you're friends manage to find you.”

“What sent you out here?”

“Same as you, except from my Dad's point of view. He wasn't exactly proud of his flower loving son. As soon as he got the opportunity, he shipped me out here. I like it though. The scenery is gorgeous and the plants grow a lot better than they would've in the city.”

“I bet, it's not as dirty here. I just wish there was a noise of some sort. It's almost too quiet out here.”

“That's both a blessing and a curse.” Yoongi smiled.

Yoongi's smile was bright and full of happiness. However, Jimin could see the hurt that hid behind those beautiful teeth and plush lips. That smile had witnessed all of Yoongi's hard times and had survived to tell the tale. Jimin wanted to be the recipient of those tales. He wanted to hear every last detail. Yoongi was a closed book that Jimin was just begging to open. If he got his way, he'd have Yoongi opened up within the month. Jimin loved discovering new things. Once the world's secrets bored him, he moved onward to people. Yoongi was just the person Jimin had been eagerly awaiting.

“You don't have to answer if it's sensitive, but, why wasn't your Dad proud? You're a great guy.”

“My Dad wanted a son who loved anything but flowers. I don't think he really cared if I was a great guy or not.”

Jimin hummed in response. He knew there was more to the story than that, but prying would only result in discomfort.

Yoongi wrung his hands together as he waited for Jimin to speak, his own voice not accustomed to being the first to initiate anything of the sort. Jimin noticed Yoongi's uncomfortableness and for some odd reason, he began to feel uncomfortable too. It was as if all the words Jimin had wanted to say had vanished the minute that smile entered the mix.

Yoongi wasn't accustomed to speaking as much as he already had. It's like trying to make a pie with a recipe you last made years ago from memory. Yoongi started fiddling with a leaf off one of his Artemisia vulgaris, hoping Jimin would notice Yoongi's awkwardness and speak.

Jimin watched as Yoongi's long fingers, compared to his own, rubbed a vine type plants leaf with his thumb against his palm, the small plant reminding him of the blanket covered surprise just a few feet away. Jimin let out an, “Oh!” before walking down the steps and scooping up the surprisingly heavy gift.

Yoongi stared confusedly after Jimin who had rushed off the porch and around to the side of the house. Jimin returned with a weirdly shaped, blanket covered something, which he set on the small table. Jimin sat back down and, slightly out of breath, gestured for Yoongi to remove the blanket.

Yoongi tugged lightly on the cover, which slid off revealing a flowering, shrub-like plant that stood at about a foot tall. The small blooms on the plant were a shade of violet that was spread across its five small petals. The leaves were a bit bigger than the flowers and were of an evergreen type color that looked almost glossy. Yoongi's eyes widened in excitement, a smile spreading on his lips. He looked at Jimin and said, “A Vinca minor?”

“Um, Myrtle?” Jimin said as he checked the tag on the pot.

Yoongi nodded, a happy grin on his face as he played with the plant.

Jimin smiled as he watched how content Yoongi looked with the small shrub he'd found on sale in his grocery store. “So, I'm assuming you like it?”

Yoongi nodded, not looking away from the bloom he was poking.

Jimin bent down next to him, “Then it's yours.”

Yoongi looked at Jimin, “Really?”

“Absolutely. We're friends after all.”

Yoongi felt his smile get bigger. He had a friend. Something he didn't have the privilege of saying he had these past few years. He was happy Jimin was his first in a while. He was different from all his friends before. He was kind and yearned to know more about Yoongi whereas his old friends only cared about themselves and that's all they talked about. They never cared if it looked like he was sick or looked sad, it was all them and he couldn't blame them, who would want to know or care about the kid that switched sports so often that coaches dreaded having him on their team? Jimin, on the other hand, seemed to care, to want to know if Yoongi was feeling sick or was sad. It made him proud. Proud to be able to say he was Park Jimin's friend.

“Why'd you choose Myrtle for me?” Yoongi asked.

“Hm? Why Myrtle? Well, I guess when I saw it, it reminded me of you. The flowers are small and hard to find but when you do, they're detailed and pleasant to be around. They're a hidden gem.” Jimin said, leaning on his hands as he looked at the plant, trying his hardest not to meet Yoongi's intrigued stare.

Yoongi nodded and quickly pulled out his leather bound notebook and scribbled quickly into it. He wanted to remember what Jimin had said. He wanted to read it and experience the same feeling he was feeling right now. He couldn't describe the feeling, he was glad he couldn't. He wanted to be the only one feeling it.

Jimin took a quick glance at his watch and nearly had a heart attack. “Hyung, I'm so sorry, I have to go. I'm going to be late for work.”

“You better hurry. Thank you for the Vinca minor.”

“It's my pleasure.” Jimin rushed off the porch. “Bye, Mr. Hoarder hyung! I'll see you soon!”

“Bye, Jimin! And I'm not a hoarder!” Yoongi shouted back, watching as Jimin's small figure stumbled several times on his way to his car.

Yoongi sighed as he turned his attention back to his Vinca minor. Yoongi wanted to impress Jimin and he knew how he was going to do that. Yoongi gently scooped the plant up and began to take it inside. While walking, he whispered to the plant, “I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to help you grow tall and strong. I'm going to give you plenty of water and sun. I'm going to make Park Jimin proud.”

Word Count: 1785

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