Beware Of The Enemy [Disconti...

By GeminiMays

118K 3.9K 1.1K

Hi. My name is Elsa Menzel. I currently go to DisneyWorks High. I'm mostly known there at a nice, quiet, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update.!!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Another A/N
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Please Read
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
New Story.!
Chapter 47
The End?

Chapter 21

2.3K 79 15
By GeminiMays


Elsa's P.O.V

After eating lunch we all went to watch tv. We were currently watching Modern Family. I love the episode where Lily has to be the flower girl & she starts saying the f word. It's just hilarious. "I wanna at a game.!" yelled Anna, like a little girl. "Okay, what do you wanna play.?" asked Jack. Anna thought for a while. "Hide and Seek.!" she screamed. Everyone else nodded & started getting excited. "Alright, but let's get changed first." I said. They girls & I went upstairs to change. Punzie changed in my room while Merida was changing in Anna's.

"So Jack.?" said Punzie. I looked at her confused. "What about him.?" I asked & she just chuckled. "You have a thing for him don't you.?" She said smirking. I started to blush & I looked down. "Hey, it's okay if you do. We won't judge you." She said, giving me a warm smile. "I definitely feel something for him, I just don't know if they're good or bad." I said. I want to hate him but I can't. It's like my mind is telling me to forgive him for everything.

"It'll be alright. Now let's go downstairs & play." She said reassuringly. I gave her a small smile & nodded. Anna & Merida were already there. We were all wearing pj shorts & a loose t-shirt. "Okay, so who will seek.?" Jack asked. Nobody said anything. "How about Jack & I look for you guys. There is 6 of you, so it'll be easier if two people seek." I said. They all smiled & nodded. Anna & Merida gave Jack & I blindfolds. I raised an eyebrow. "So you guys won't peek. Just count to 60." said Merida.

"Why 60.?" asked Jack. "10 seconds each. We decided that one person will hide at a time. Once you get to 10 the second person will hide. It'll be easier so we don't have to made a lot of noise while hiding or running." answered Anna. That was actually a smart idea. We both nodded & we put on the blindfolds. We started counting & one by one they started hiding. Once we reached to 60, I took off my blindfold. Jack & I got up & decided to make a plan.

"Ok you search for the guys & I search for the girls. You know what would make the guys come out & I know what would make the girls come out." Jack nodded & we split up. I started looking everywhere for the girls. I finally found them & we went downstairs & waiting in the living room for Jack. I found Merida hiding in my closet, which is HUGE so it was kinda hard. I found Punzie hiding in a box that was in the attack, & the easiest of all, I found Anna under her bed. "I still can't believe you were hiding under your bed." I said chuckling. "Hey if I'm supposed to act like a kid I might as well hide like one.!" She said giggling. After 5 minutes Jack came with the guys.

"So where were they.?" I asked. Jack started chuckling. "Well Kristoff was hiding in the guest rooms closet, Hiccup was hiding under the bed, & Flynn was hiding behind the shower curtain." I can tell he was trying to hide his laughter. "Well if it was that easy then how come it took you so long.?" I said smirking. Jack suddenly stopped laughing, or holding in his laughter. Now the others were the ones holding in their laughter. "Let's play something else.!" Jack said, avoiding the question. I giggled.

Jack's P.O.V

I saw Elsa giggle. She looks really adorable. Wait, what.? I can't deny it. I like her. Sooner or later I'm gonna have to tell her. "I want to play in the snow.!" yelled Punzie. Everyone looked over at me & Elsa. I feel like the girls are mostly the ones who have the funnest ideas. I looked at Elsa & she smiled & nodded. Well I guess it's time to make it snow. "Let's go to the training room. We'll make it snow in there so we won't break anything in here." Elsa said. We all nodded & went to the training room. Elsa & I started to make it snow & everyone started smiling & started to have fun.

"So this is what it's like to have a family." Elsa said. "It's much funner than I thought." She nodded in agreement. "I always wanted to have a family, but I never thought of myself as a mother." She said in a sad tone. "Well, you were always there for Anna. You took care of her when your parents died, you kept her safe, you fed her. You were kind of like her mother." I said hoping to make her happier. She have me a small smile. "Yeah, but I sometimes wonder if I would be a good mother. A mother of my own children, not of my sister or friends." I gave her an assuring smile. "I know you will." She looked up at me. I stared into her eyes. I can't get over the beauty of it.

I started to lean & she did too. Hopefully nobody will disturb this moment. We were inches away when I felt her warm lips against mine. They were soft. I started getting a warm feeling in my stomach again. This time it was stronger & I felt...complete. I put my hands on her waist & she wrapped her arms around my neck. The others stopped doing whatever they were doing & stared at us. I didn't care though.

"Mission get Jelsa to happen, is accomplished." said Punzie. I couldn't see her but I could tell she was smirking. I finally kissed Elsa. The best part, she kissed back.

Jelsa kissed.!!! Yayyyy, is anyone else happy.? Maybe it was too early but oh well. Now which other 'soon to be' couple should I make kiss next.? Kristanna, Mericcup, or Eugenzel.? If you guys have any questions about the story so far, go ahead & ask. I will answer them in an Authors Note or at the end of the chapter.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this chapter & will enjoy the ones that are to come. Please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

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