The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X...

By KlaraRoman

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There's more to Hanzo than just being a Shimada. And there's more to being a Shimada than just controlling... More

Author's Note
The Other Side of the Tale
It All Started With A Genji...
Hold Your Heart Down
The Wrong Teacup
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 2)
Anger (Pt. 1)
Anger (Pt. 2)
Satoshi the Little Bugger
Dance of the Masks
Starlight on the Holy River
Satoshi's Package
A Second Try
Contest (Not Update lol)
The Room of the Lost
Beauty in Simplicity
A Deal With the Devil
Stupid Cowboy
A Promise Breathes
He's Not All That Bad
The Clan Leader Rises
Realizing Power
The Chrysanthemum Returns
Lineage of the Sun
The Emperor Ships Things
For Old Time's Sake
Falling Out
Forget Him
The Black Death
Sealed Away
No Mere Lust
The Final Blow
At Last I See You Again
Sitting Ducks...
The Cold War
Identity Theft
Y'all T-T
Unlikely Friendships
Much Ado About Genji's Kimono
That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji
Planning for the Future
Back Home but Back Alone
Something Special
From the Shadows
The Dead Returns
She Would Want You to Have This
Vows (NSFW)
Reflections (Still NSFW)
A Lover's Betrayal
The Devil with Angel Wings


1.4K 73 34
By KlaraRoman

Yo let's do this! Thank you again to all those ywho have read the story and have patiently stood by with me through every update and hiatus. This one's for you!!!

Hanzo is cray in this chapter and also Lime warning! No lemon but it's still pretty graphic. X3

Enjoy, loves!

There came a gravelly groan from beneath you, and a pair of heavy eyelids finally found the strength to part themselves and let the man see light.

Hanzo lifted an arm up in front of him, a silhouette against the pulsating white lights of the aircraft. He twisted the limb around, along with his still cuffed wrist, and wiggled his fingers as much as his reserved energy would allow it. The chain still hung there as clear as day but he never bothered himself with finding answers as to why the said chains were broken like that.

The Shimada squinted, both from the lingering fatigue as well as from the peculiar weight that settled on his bobbing chest. He cast his orbs down upon a tuft of strands, and the moment he laid a cold palm upon it, only then did he realize that it was hair.

Long hair that cascaded down his side and pooled onto the cold floor.

He let his other hand grope the material of that which he laid on at the moment; warm and soft...probably made of strong cotton or some stiff fabric.

But as comfortable as the makeshift bed was, the man unwittingly proceeded to prop himself up on his elbows and ultimately on his numb hands, sliding the comforter and the sleeping person's head down to his toned waist.

The sleeping person gave a low mewl of annoyance, their long hair matting the entirety of their visage, preventing Hanzo from fully seeing it.

"Hanzo..." they whispered his name after the pull of sleep finally let go of them and they were able to get in touch with their bearings once more. " are you feeling?"

You moved your hair out of your face and watched as the vibrance that colored Hanzo's skin awhile back seemingly drained out of his face like water. He stilled his breathing until all was eerily silent. He couldn't find the courage to break the void in his head until many minutes later.

"(Y--Y/N)?" he stuttered, nearly choking on your name as his exhausted body debated on whether to reach out and hug you close or step away and make a run out of this confusion. This just couldn't possibly be happening!

How long has it been since he heard your name slip past his lips?

"You don't have to worry," you assured with a voice that floated as light as a gentle breeze. "It's really me. This is no trick."

", you can't be real." His voice was hushed but panicked, and he refused to make any sort of eye contact no matter how much you tried to make him meet your gaze. "You died when your craft exploded."

"I swear I'll give answers to all that you want to know, but for now I'll just tend to you. I'm very certain Talon has done a number on you." You sighed ruefully, "I'm sorry I couldn't get those cuffs off--I'm still working on it."

In response he said nothing, but you didn't mind in the slightest. You merely nodded in understanding and stood up to man the plane and see if anything went awry in your recess.

"Everything seems to be in check. Are you hungry?" you asked, eyes still on the blinking control panel. "I have some noodles and canned stuff. I'll make something for both of us."

Again Hanzo was silent and again you didn't press him to speak. You merely shrugged your draped shoulders and took it upon yourself to go ahead and whip up something edible. Perhaps the shock never really quite left his system and some warm soup may be just what he needed to help loosen him up a little.

The water was heating, right? You scrunched your brow. We have supplies good for the next five days. I'll resupply then...maybe in Egypt or Luxembourg. I'll finalize tomorrow.

Hanzo watched as you disappeared into a tight nook at the end of the room, presumably its kitchen, and observed as you turned your back to him, working with steam and food packets and what not.

Even when the man couldn't see your face he could still sense the small smile you wore, that one you'd have on whenever you were tasked to do a medial chore back in the days when you were still a servant girl.

But this couldn't be real. You were dead.

It's another one of those cruel tricks my mind toys me with...and it seems as though they've found a way to heighten my grievings.

You looked so tangible before him, so real that for a moment he was at awe with just how far down he has lost himself to insanity. He even recalled the faint scent of your hair wafting into his nose the very moment he woke up.

Your locks felt just as soft as he'd always known, and the warmth you left on his chest from when you laid with him still remained for him to relish in the few seconds that he was aware.

In his hazy judgement, Hanzo pursed his lips, stood up with a buckle of the knees, and sauntered over to you.

When you felt a shadow loom over you seconds later, as well as the wave of his heat boring into your back, you turned to meet him, thinking maybe he needed something or another. Instead you were taken aback by the strange glint of raw emotion that darkened his orbs and you took a small step back without your knowledge, gently colliding with the metal wall behind you.


You let off a gasp of surprise once his muscular arm circled your waist and hoisted you up so that you sat on the stainless counter you were just making food on. He had you cornered, and his legs straddled yours, assuring zero to little chance of escape should you bolt out of his grasp.

The baffled countenance you wore amused him, and he let off a loud laugh after swaying side to side like a drunk man.

"You're not usually like this." He gestured to the entirety of your being with a lazy sweep of his palm.

"I don't know what you mean, Hanzo."

He advanced even closer, pressing his naked chest against your own as he grinned, intoxicated and very much detached from this reality it would seem.

"Whenever you show up in my dreams you would coax me with sweet words and fuel my lust for you with a simple smile and a soft tug at your direction."
You blushed as you registered his words, and the underlying need that carried his voice.

"You would implore me to have my way with you," he continued, "and yet as soon as I'd have a thread of hope that all this was real, you would vanish and I would wake up--always disappointed, always angry."

You knew that there was no way out on all sides, and still you attempted to back up, momentarily forgetting about the steel wall stinging your nape with the cold. Sensing your disquiet, Hanzo pulled back, but his arm remained on your waist.

"'re not like the others," the Shimada said. "You're much more real--I could feel your warmth, I could see your soul through your eyes. I don't know what to make of this--of you. But I know you're not actually with me among the living--I watched you die in an explosion."

"But I am here," you whispered, seeing his agitation as clear as day. You brought two hands up to cup his stubbled jaw and caress his dry cheeks. You intended to soothe him, and in doing so your heart ached once you caught sight of the dark rings circling his eyes, the creases on his brow, and the deep frown that grayed his visage.

"It really is me...this is real. I'm going to get help for you, we can still reverse whatever Talon has done to you."

The coil around your waist lost its vitality, and Hanzo sighed ruefully as he took one of the hands on his face and laid his own calloused palm to keep it there.

"I...I've never felt this in a long time," he sighed shakily. "This--I miss this. Now I'm more than afraid that I will wake up chained in a cold room all by myself with only snippets of dreams to keep me company."

"You're not going to," you assured, pressing his forehead against yours. "I promised you a long time ago, remember? I'll remove this curse off your soul, I'll save you."

You two were silent for some time, doing nothing but staring into the abyss that were each other's eyes and looking at the other's imperfections up close.  You relied on the sounds of your breathing to cement you down on reality as you floated among the clouds; his presence alone brought a redness to your cheeks, and you found yourself inching your hips closer to his.

The cups of soup you've made had gone cold.

"There was never any chance of saving me for as long as I can remember," he murmured after some time as he ran a thumb over your bottom lip. "And look--my broken mind has even allowed me to touch what isn't there." He chuckled gruffly. "I might as well indulge in this."

You snapped out of your dream like trance at the ferality that reached your ears.

He cut you off with a sudden forceful kiss, one that had your teeth clicking against each other. Your bafflement only intensified once you registered the feel of his coarse tongue moving with your much more timid one, exploring the spaces inside your mouth without reserve. The hold around your waist appeared once more and he pulled you closer to him, flattening your breasts against his beating chest.


The blood rushed inside your head, and you felt sensitized all over, down to the tips of your toes. You gripped his biceps with clammy hands, gradually putting gentle force as you tried to push him back.

This was just too much for you to handle--too soon.

You two haven't even had that deep heart to heart conversation yet!

"Han-!" you gasped, a wave of diziness hitting you as he continued. You were struggling to heave in air, while he on the other hand couldn't seem to be bothered with basic human function. He continued to devour you, sucking your lips, your tongue without tire or respite; unaware that your pushes and frantic pattings grew weaker and weaker with each passing moment.

He craved you like an addiction.

Then, to your great relief, Hanzo parted from your mouth and left feathery kisses until he reached the column of your neck, where he feverishly continued his minstrations, turning you into putty against him. He ran the entirety of his palms down your arms, your breasts, and your back.

He heard you moan above him in between heavy gasps and pants, and he smirked to himself. This dream was the best he has had, evidenced by the ridge that formed in his suit pants.

He licked and sucked on the same patch of skin under the curve of your jaw, guaranteeing a bruising there by the next morning, and he gripped your thighs, large hands fast approaching the curve of your bottom.

"Hanzo." You slapped his shoulder, more forcefully this time, and pushed against his shoulders with much more resolve. You forced yourself to put aside the swelling warmth of pleasure blooming in your womb, no matter how much you wanted to reciprocate his actions, pin him down, and make love to this beautiful man with your all--body, mind, and soul.

Something just wasn't right with your lover...something seemed off. But it was clear that the man was ill one way or another, and he didn't seem to grasp the gravity of his actions.

It wouldn't be right to go on with this.

This wasn't Hanzo.

"Stop this!" you cried out, finally managing to shove him off after three powerful pushes. "You're not thinking straight--you don't know what you're doing!"

The man stumbled a few steps back, and the light of desire vanished from his eyes. He was taken aback, albeit more confused than angry, and he looked you up and down as realization dawned on him. Your entire lives played before him, and he could feel himself slowly shutting down from the overwhelming amount of emotion and information that seized him without warning.

She pushed me back...

But that--that's impossible! (Y/N) is dead!

This can't be her!


"Hanzo, are you alright?" you asked, taking a step forward once you realized that he had been standing as still as cold stone longer than what you deemed comfortable. "Hanzo, can you hear me? Say something!"

But he couldn't hear you: Your frenzied words were merely disfigured sounds that meant nothing to him at that moment. The Shimada zoned out into nothingness, and it was too late to try and pull him out of that state without further consequences on his overall being.


However you could only watch as the man wobbled and swayed like a mere rice stalk in the wind before he gave out on his weight and collapsed with a crash on the floor.

Tears slipped past your eyes without you knowing, and you sobbed as despair turned every vein in your body cold with worry and hopelessness. You still felt the heat remain on where he touched you, and you were only sorry that the circumstances ruined what could have been a beautiful experience in your relationship.

Or maybe this had to happened. Being that intimate after not having any contact for almost two years may not have garnered good results. Not to mention there was still the underlying animosity about Genji's brutal murder.

Oh, you didn't know how you should feel. One choice or another, you'd only berate yourself even more for betraying someone's side.

Shaking your head you sighed in dismay and decided on simply laying the Shimada back down on his futon until he recovers and wakes up the next time. Maybe you'd make better progress then.

As of now, you did all that you knew you had the capability of doing. You tucked him in, cleaned him as best you could a sick man, and momentarily stayed with his supine form to listen to his calm heartbeat before disappearing from his side to take care of the aircraft, still on auto pilot just as you had left it.

You regulated the temperature inside the room: Apparently sleeping in colder areas induce more nightmares, and you wouldn't wish for Hanzo to go through any more of that discomfort.

He's had his share of misfortunes. Tiny details like this would go a long way to help him.

As your hands gripped the control sticks, you let your anxiety get the best of you and your thoughts ran wild.

You weren't sure how long you could keep him from international authorities. You didn't know how long you could keep your death a secret from the people. These thoughts have kept you up at night, and they gnawed at the back of your mind during the day. Every morning your certainty slipped away little by little, and yet, every time you'd catch a glimpse of Hanzo's face, whether he be sleeping or not, you were renewed with a wave of hope, determination, and love.

You saw a life with him--a future of nothing but simplicity and happiness, and you knew deep inside your heart that you would do anything to get that.

We deserve it.

So as you piloted the dark night skies, you spared your soul a smile during these trying times and assured yourself that with each new problem the gods throw at you, you would remain steadfast.

For Hanzo's sake.

You may not have the ability to foresee the near future, heck you weren't even sure if your deep infatuation for him would last--but you were certain of one thing.

The next time Hanzo decides to open his eyes to the world once more, you'll be right there by his side with a warm greeting and two cups of hot noodles.

That was a promise you could manage.

;-; hi. So how y'all doin? :D
Thanks again for all the support loves! Hope you aren't growing tired of this book--cuz we have like 30 more chapters to go. :3


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