Bechloe - Because You're Mine

By Doctor_Mobius

158K 3.1K 1K

Sequel to Bechloe - I Put A Spell On You. Four years after they first met, Beca and Chloe are still hopelessl... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Author's Note
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII

Chapter IV

4.1K 85 37
By Doctor_Mobius

"Oh my God, I'm so excited, Bree," Chloe said down the phone to her best friend.

The model was sitting at the kitchen counter painting her toenails while Beca was on her way home from work. Chloe couldn't get what Beca said the night before out of her mind, and she just had to tell Aubrey. Chloe was more than ready to accept Beca's proposal and she was counting down the minutes until their anniversary.

"You think she will?" Aubrey asked.

"When someone says they only have one chance at something you assume that they're going to propose, right?"

"True. Are you going to pretend to act surprised?"

"I don't think I'll have to pretend. I'll be just as excited when she does propose. I think seeing Stacie propose to you gave her that push, you know?"

"I'm glad she's finally got some sense knocked into her."

"Me, too. I've been wanting to talk to her for a while about it but after last night I don't need to. I'm just so excited. I'm turning thirty this year and I hoped that I'd be married by at least my late twenties. I definitely want to be married in my thirties - no later than thirty-two."

"Wow. Beca's got a time limit does she?"

"Yes. I mean, now's a good time to have kids as well but I want to be married first."

"Yeah, me, too."

"Have you and Stacie talked about kids?"

"A little bit but we still need to have a serious talk about having them. It's all nice and playful when you're high on love but you need to actually think and talk about your future with your partner to make sure that you do in fact want to settle down and be a family."

"So true. I think Becs and I will just focus on getting married first THEN we'll talk about kids. I don't want to completely freak her out. You know how sketchy she is when it comes to commitment."

"I think she's done pretty well so far. I mean, she's been with you for four years and hasn't faltered."

"No, she hasn't and I hope that she never will."

"Chlo, she's been by your side the entire time. Even when she got really famous she still wanted you. People fall to her feet and she doesn't care. I see the way she looks at you when you're not looking and how she treats you - you two are destined, even if she's a pain in my ass."

Chloe laughed.

"I wouldn't worry, Chlo. Just focus on pretending to act surprised when she proposes to you."

"Were you expecting Stacie to propose to you?"

"Not at all. We hardly talked about it but it was one of those things that we didn't really have to talk about, you know? We just have this connection that allows us to not say anything but the other person knows what the other is saying if that makes sense?"

"Yeah, Becs and I have that, too."

"I couldn't have said yes fast enough. I can't wait to marry her."

"I can't wait either! I can't wait to be the Maid of Honour. I can't wait to see Becs as Stacie's Maid of Honour, too. She'll look so hot in a dress. She always looks so good in dresses. It's a crime that she doesn't wear them more often."

"Well, you'll see her wear one on your wedding day - don't worry."

"I know, and I can't wait. I'm just so excited, Bree!" Chloe squealed.

"I'm happy for you, Chlo. At first, I thought it was a little ridiculous that you fell in love with an alt-girl after about a week of knowing her but it soon became clear that it was for real and that you really felt for her. It just took Beca a push to realise that she felt the same way."

"Well, I'm glad that she did. She's my world and I'm so glad that we're still happy together. Maybe if Becs proposes we could have a double wedding or something?"

"Possibly, but I think it'd be better if we had single ones so that we don't have to share the attention."


"The media will go crazy for yours and Beca's wedding so I don't think Stacie and I want to have all of that attention."

"Fair enough. Have you and Stacie thought about any dates yet?"

"Not yet. I'm going to have a chat with her next week when she moves over here. She says that we've got all the time in the world but I want to plan it now so that I have room to make changes."

"You've always been the planner, Bree," Chloe giggled.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"No," Chloe laughed again then heard the front door open. "Oh! Beca's home. I've gotta go, Bree."

"Okay, talk to you soon."

"Okay, bye!" Chloe hung up then skipped over to Beca. "There's my baby!" The model wrapped her arms around the brunette, giving her a kiss and a cuddle.

"There's my baby!" Beca chuckled.

Chloe flushed. She loved it whenever Beca called her cute little pet names like that. It made her feel so special and it reassured her that she was Beca's and that Beca still loved her no matter what.

"How was work?" The model asked, leaning back and looking at her girlfriend but still keeping her arms locked around her neck.

"Good. My album's coming along really well. It's always good when I finish a new project. The feeling of it being done is so satisfying and it gives me a break for a little while. Until about a week later when the majority of the world have listened to my work and demand another album."

"That's because you're an amazing artist and they can't get enough of your genius - I know I can't."

Beca breathed a laugh then pecked the redhead's lips. "Thanks, babe,"

"You're welcome,"

"How was work for you?"

"Good! I finished up my photoshoot today and I have to plan for another campaign tomorrow with Courtney."

"Oh, yeah? Is it going to be another promotional campaign?"

"Yeah, and I was also wondering if you'd be willing to make a speech since everyone is STILL going on about your video four years ago."

"If my girl wants me there then I'll be there."

Chloe beamed and couldn't help but kiss her girlfriend. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome."

"Now, are you hungry?" Chloe pulled away and walked back into the kitchen.


"Right, well, sit down and let me make us some dinner then."

While Chloe was getting started on dinner, Beca sat on the kitchen bench as she flicked through her social media pages like she always did when she got home.

"Do you need any help with dinner, Chlo?" Beca checked.

"All good, babe. You just relax. I've been home for a little bit and I know you've had long days at the office so far so I've got it. You know I love cooking anyway so I don't mind."

"I know, I just feel a little guilty sometimes that you cook all the time and I don't."

"It's okay, babe. You do other stuff like give me back rubs, do grocery shopping, clean up after me, get up in the middle of the night to get me a glass of water, and other stuff like that. So don't feel guilty. We balance each other out and that's fine."

"Balance each other out, huh?" Beca got up from her seat, stood behind the redhead who was standing over the stove, and wrapped her arms around Chloe's tall and thin body. "So you're not sick of me then?"

"I could never be sick of you."

"Hmm, are you sure about that?"

"Becs, we've been together four years - I think if I were to get sick of you, I would have a long time ago."

"Oh, I don't know. You may get sick of me sooner than you think."

"You trying to tell me something are you?" Chloe teased and Beca sighed playfully.

"Okay, I didn't want you to find out this way but... I may have got my side chick pregnant and she's threatening to tell everyone if I don't pay for everything so I think it's best if I tell you the truth before you start noticing some changes in my behaviour."

"You're such an idiot," Chloe laughed, smacking the brunette's arm playfully.

"I know, but you wouldn't have me any other way."

"No, I wouldn't." Chloe turned her head and gave her girlfriend a peck.

Beca wrapped her arms tighter around the redhead and nestled against her. If Beca was out anywhere where others could see, she wouldn't have been so affectionate but it was Chloe. The woman had her ways of knocking down Beca's walls, which became easier every time she did it. The more Chloe talked with the artist the more Beca opened up and after four years of knocking down those walls and getting Beca to talk, Chloe knew Beca just like she knew herself. She knew pretty much everything there was to know about the younger woman. She had finally gotten that intimacy that she craved all those years ago - that intimacy that she was jealous of between Beca and Stacie. Looking back on it, there was nothing to be jealous of since it was nothing compared to what Chloe had with Beca now.

Beca didn't mind being all mushy and loving towards Chloe in the privacy of their own home. She still showed affection towards the redhead when they were out in public but not like this - not where Beca just hugged Chloe out of random and stayed there because she needed the contact. No, Beca led two different lives. To the public, she was this badass artist with an 'I don't give a shit attitude' and no one messed with her. But in private, she was this vulnerable woman who craved Chloe's love and attention. She needed to be with the redhead and be reassured that she was loved and cared for, which Chloe reminded her daily - multiple times.

Chloe loved that Beca was so different with her. Beca was comfortable enough to let her guard down and let Chloe in. After four years of prying and breaking down Beca's walls, Chloe finally had the ability to get Beca to open up and they were closer than ever because of it. Chloe knew that she was the only one who could get Beca Mitchell to open up and get to the bottom of things. Chloe being so intimate with Beca had more benefits than just knowing her secrets and getting the brunette to relax and be vulnerable around her - it was also beneficial for Beca's friends and colleagues. If Beca was being stubborn or didn't want to do anything, they'd call in Chloe and she would get Beca to do whatever it was that needed to be done. Beca hated it but she could never say no to Chloe. The redhead had her ways of making Beca do the right thing and not be such a stick in the mud and decrease the amount she was a pain in Aubrey's ass.

Sometimes Beca would be closed off to Chloe but it wouldn't last long since Chloe tore down those walls straight away and Beca was hopeless to stop her. She didn't mind and she knew from the beginning that if she was going to continue having a relationship with Chloe, then her secrets and her protection walls would have to go, and they did. Sure, their relationship was tough every now and again since the pressures of being a famous music producer and a famous model were very demanding, but the couple always remained strong and there was no place that they would rather be than at each other's side.


"There's my beautiful financée! Hello, gorgeous!" Stacie beamed once she saw Aubrey's face on her computer via Skype.

Since Stacie was still in New York, the couple Skyped nearly every day when they could. Ever since they got engaged, they wanted to see each other all the time. Both women could hardly wait until Stacie moved over to L.A to start her new life with Aubrey.

"Hey, baby," Aubrey giggled, her cheeks flushing.

The blonde always got so flattered and flustered whenever Stacie complimented her like that. She never thought that someone like Stacie could ever exist yet there she was - tall, beautiful, kind, compassionate, and head over heels in love with Aubrey Posen. Who would have thought that the uptight blonde would have fallen in love and got engaged to such a sweet and caring woman like Stacie?

"How was work?" Stacie was in her apartment, sitting at the kitchen table, and eating her dinner while Aubrey did the same.

"Good. Beca's new album is coming along well so it'll be done by the end of the week."

"Yeah, I heard! She's not causing you too much grief is she?"

"You know, I think I'm just so used to her causing me grief that I'm numbed to it."

"Vicarious trauma, huh?"

"Something like that," Aubrey chuckled. "How was work for you?"

"Yeah, good. Same old thing. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get thrown a farewell party at the end of the week. It's not really a secret but some people treat it like it is. The thought is nice regardless."

"That's sweet! Are you allowed to have farewell parties at a hospital?"

"Of course! We just can't let it interfere with our work that's all. I've already started saying my goodbyes to some people so by the time Friday rolls around, I won't have this horde of people to say goodbye, too, which suits me fine since I'll probably cry."

"It'll be okay, babe. It'll be hard to leave but just think about the future that we'll have here together."

"I know and I can't wait. I literally get so excited every time I go to sleep at night since it's another night less that I have to wait to get to you."

"Aww!" Aubrey's heart fluttered.

"Cheesy, I know but it's how I feel. I'm just so excited to move in with you and get married."

"Me, too, baby. I miss you like crazy."

"I miss you, too."

"I have some news that you might find interesting."

"Tell me."

"Chloe says that Beca's going to propose to her on their anniversary."

"She what!" The nurse choked.

"Ah huh. Beca told Chloe that she only had 'one chance' at her surprise so it had to be perfect. If that doesn't scream engagement I don't know what does."

"Wow. I never thought Beca would be the one to propose or do any of that settling down stuff. It's usually always been Chloe to initiate that."

"I know, which is why Chloe's super excited right now about their anniversary. I told her that she should at least pretend to act surprised when Beca does propose but this is Chloe so who knows?"

"True. I think Chloe will be excited regardless if it's a surprise or not."

"I agree. Did Beca say anything to you about it?"

"Nothing. Maybe she wants it to be a surprise for all of us so when she does pop the question to Chloe, it'll be this massive announcement for everyone. Beca knows how much Chloe loves telling people good news and all that stuff so it wouldn't surprise me if Beca wanted to keep it a secret and let Chloe tell everyone."

"Yes, that sounds like something Beca would do."

"Beca getting married... The thought had never crossed my mind, to be honest. Beca's always been this distant person up until Chloe came along but I still can't see her married."

"Me, too, but I can see Chloe married."

"Oh, for sure. We all know Chloe's marriage material but Beca... That's a different story."

"Well, if she's going to propose like Chloe's certain that she will, then maybe's it's not such a different story."

"Fair point. We'll just have to wait and see."

"Chloe said that we could have a double wedding if Beca proposes."

Stacie laughed. "That's a sweet offer but I'm not willing to share my special day with anyone else. Our wedding day is about us and us only. Everyone needs to see how beautiful my bride is and how lucky I am."

Aubrey blushed again, which didn't go unnoticed by Stacie.

"You're so beautiful when you smile like that," the nurse uttered endearingly.

"Stacie! Stop!" Aubrey giggled.


"Because I won't be able to finish my dinner and you know I don't like to leave my food half-eaten."

"I do but I can't help it."

"Maybe when we get married you'll tone down the theatrics."


Aubrey just shook her head with a smile.

"So, are you ready for me to move in with you next week?" Stacie checked.

"Yes, babe. How many times are you going to ask me that?"

"I just want to make sure. I'm moving from one side of the country to the other to be with you so I just want to be certain that this is what you want. As soon as I move over we're going to be starting our lives together as a couple and soon a married couple. I need to know that this IS exactly what you want before I come over."

Aubrey looked at her fiancée with adoration. She loved how caring and thoughtful Stacie was and it was one of the many reasons that she fell in love with the nurse and why she was going to marry her.

"Yes, babe. I'm one hundred percent sure that this is what I want. I want to be with you and start my new life with you as Mrs. Aubrey Conrad."

Stacie beamed at the name.

"Well, future Mrs. Conrad, I'll be over before you know it."

Aubrey returned the beaming grin. "I'm already counting the days."

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