Book I: I'll Be Your Melody

By akosilita31

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A whirlwind romance need to be strong to make up for the time it skipped. More

Spilled Coffee
Call Me
Maybe Someday
One Hello
Its A Date
What's and Why's
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: When Music Plays
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Just Because
Just Because Part 2


458 16 3
By akosilita31



Hyunsik POV

I rush inside the lobby of the Lotte Hotel. I was about to ask the receptionist where the press con would be when I saw Manager Deagyeom running towards me.

"Hyung! Why are you late", he said while he's running towards me.

"Did they started already?" He looked at his watch, he's 10 minutes late already.

"They haven't, Eunkwang Hyung said you wouldn't like it if you would  go in late and make a grand entrance!"

"Why can't they just do it without me! Aissh! Let's go!"

Daegyeom lead me to where the BTOB members are waiting.

All six of them turn their head to the door when Daegyeom open it. They all sigh a relief when they saw me.

"Where have you been? Eunkwang Hyung said you're on your way! You got as all worried!", Changsub Hyung scolded me as soon as I got inside the room.

"Changsubie, let's talk about this later, what important is Hyunsik is here now", Eunkwang hyung said as he pat Changsub hyung's shoulder.

"Let's go in, Daegyeomie tell them we can start now!", Minhyuk hyung said to the manager.

I look at Changsub Hyung and muttered an I'm sorry.

Eunkwang hyung and Minhyuk is the oldest in BTOB followed by Changsub Hyung, then Peniel, Ilhoon and Sungjae.

I respect both Eunkwang and Minhyuk hyung as they are both older than me. Changsub hyung on the other hand, have the right to actually scold me. He is my real brother after all. Not that its known to the public. Both our parentage is not known to the public, to everyone else, he is Lee Changsub of BTOB and I am Im Hyunsik the composer. No one knows aside from some trusted people that we're both the sons of the CEO of Cube, Im Ji Hoon.

Changsub hyung used our mother's name to avoid being linked to our father. I retain my own name as I am not in the limelight as him. We both wanted to achieve our dreams on our own merits than being tagged as our father's sons.

Changsub hyung sigh, and patted my shoulder and told me we'll talk about it later.

The MC called the BTOB members and my name so we head inside the function room.

Sungjae, Changsub hyung, Ilhoon and Peniel took the seat in front, I took the seat at the back with Eunkwang and Minhyuk Hyung.

All six of them know me too well, I don't want the attention, they wouldn't actually force me to come here, but they all want to let people know how much they are thankful for the success of the song I wrote for them.

Honestly, I believe the song became a hit not because I wrote it, but it's because they have really good voice and that made that song as successful as it is.

The press asked them about the details of their upcoming three day concert. It will be held at SK Handball Gymnasium, Olympic Park. It has a 10,000 capacity, their biggest audience so far. It made him proud of what they achieve so far.

"Changsub-ssi, your fans are really curious about your family, when are you going to reveal it?"

I look at Changsub hyung when the reporter asked him about his family. He's used to this kind of questions already, but they both know, their Mom really wants Changsub hyung to stop hiding his real relationship with Dad, he's already stable in the industry anyway, hyung said in time, he will admit it.

"You better watch the concert, Changgu-ssi, my parents usually watch our concerts, may be you get a glimpse of them. Find someone with milky white skin like mine!" he said then end it with his signature crazy laugh. Everyone in the room laugh with Changsub hyung.

I don't blame them, despite Changsub hyung not talking about his family in public, he is still love by a lot of people with his bubbly and dorky personality. My exact opposite. I  prefer to be alone, BTOB members are the only one's I hang out with, well initially its because Changsub hyung keep bringing me along with them.

They are now like my own brothers!

"Hyunsik-ssi, what can you say about the success of Missing You? Did you expect it to be this huge?"

"Ehmm, I believe it became successful because people can feel the sincerity of the group in the way they sing it. It got nothing to do with me honestly, so I'm proud of them."

"Is it true it was based on your own experience?"

I got startled when I heard the reporter's question, the members all looked at me apologetically. Eunkwang hyung grab my hand and squeeze it softly, as if giving me the strenght to go through with it.

I should have expected this would come up. There's always some story behind a song right? Some strong feeling that can make you create a deep sorrowful song like this.

"Yeah, a bit!" I answered him.

"Most of the songs you composed for them are about heartbreak and longing for someone, are all these based on your experience too?"

For the second time in that presscon, I got startled. This presscon is really not a good idea for me. He doesn't like to talk about himself, especially about her.

Yes, there is someone behind all those songs, Longing, he's been longing for someone who is no longer part of his life.

I suddenly thought of the girl, the tourist girl I bumped with earlier before the presscon. She also have that longing look.

I honestly don't know why I thought of the girl from earlier when the reporter mentioned longing.

I wanted to know what she's longing for. A family? A friend? Or a guy?? Why do I feel like I don't like that last part.

I was put out of my reverie when Ilhoon suddenly answere the reporter for me.

"Hyunsik hyung wrote almost all of our songs, but we collaborate with him, so you can say its about all our experience and not just Hyunsik hyung. You can say, we all got our hearts broken at least once in our life"

Everyone laugh at Ilhoon's answer. We exchange look and I silently thank him for interrupting the reporter.

The rest of the presscon continue, and nothing serious was asked of me. We'll I am not the one having the concert anyway.

We head back to the waiting room and the members change their clothes to their normal ones.

"Hyungs, should we go eat meat after?" Sungjae asked all of them.

Everyone agreed except him, so they all looked at him. I saw Ilhoon raising his eyebrows at me when he saw me staring at my phone.

"Expecting a call Hyung?"

"You need to join us, Sikkie, you need to explain why you're late!" Changsub hyung said as he walk inside the changing room.

I stared at my phone again. Why haven't she called me? Did she not figured out that I asked her to call me? You're an idiot Hyunsik, why didn't you write in English!"

"I need to go first, text me where you all having dinner, I will follow. I just need to check something"

I rush out of the room before any of them can react.


I head back to the clothing store. The sales lady I left my note with, recognized me immediately.

"Hi, I was here earlier with a tourist, hmmm did she left something for me? A note or something?"

"I'm sorry Sir, she didnt leave anything"

I sighed and thank her, well I was just hoping she left something for me. Shit, I just realized my coat is still with her.

I was about to reach for the door when the sales lady called me.

"Sir, we found this on the floor, it must've slipped from the note you left earlier"

I looked at what she handed to me. It's my calling card. Great, now how can she contact him or how can he even see her again?

"We tried to give it to her but she left immediately. Is it important Sir? We're really sorry!"

I sighed, I cannot be mad at her, its not her fault.

"No, its okay. Thanks."

I left the store with the uncertainty of ever meeting her again.

Author's Note
I'm not sure if manager Daegyeom is younger than Hyunsik, let's just assume that he is 😉

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