|●|DBH: Connor x Reader Onesh...

By CinnamonBunsssss

533K 12.4K 6.7K

I wrote this in 2018 when I was younger, so the writing is terrible and I had no clue what I was doing. Read... More

|○|Saturday Night|○|
|●|Coffee Mishap|●|
|○|Jacket Theif|○|
|○|Just Dance|○|
|●|Part Avian{Request}|●|
|●|Grief {Request}|●|
|●|Family Issues{Request}|●|
|○|Deviant Part 2|○|
|○|Mind Reader{Request}|○|
|●|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 1|●|
|●|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 2|●|
|○|Mind Reader Part 2{Request}|○|
|○|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 3|○|
|●|The Lake{Request}|●|
|○|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 4|○|
|●|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 4{Sad}|●|
|○|Mind Reader Part 3{Request}|○|
|●|Emotionless Part 2{Request}|●|
|●|Kisses and Cuddles|●|
|●|Bath Time|●|
|○|Cinnamon Rolls|○|
|●|Is This Real?|●|
|○|Is This Real? Part 2|○|
|○|The New Traci{Request}|○|
|●|Sleep Deprived{Request}|●|
|○|Still a Machine{Request}|○|
|●|Not Real{Request}|●|
|○|The Real World{Request}|○|
|○|Lovesick Puppy{Request}|○|
|●|Not Human{Request}|●|
|○|The New Traci Part 2|○|
|○|Inu Part 2|○|
|●|Automatonophobia Part 2|●|
|●|Not Real Part 2|●|
|○|Bad Dream{Request}|○|
|○|Cold Part 2{Request}|○|
|○|Game Addiction{Request}|○|
|●|Physco {Request}|●|
|○|Beautiful Part 2|○|
A/N; Ending This Book
New Book Ideas?

|○|Good Guilt{Request}|○|

3.5K 110 36
By CinnamonBunsssss

{{Requested by: 0_Geeky_Gamer_0

I couldn't come up with a title, lmao- anyway, I hope you like it. :')

I gtg to a play now hnnnnn- oof-}}


    (Y/n) (L/n), the newest recruit to the Detroit Police Department, a top notch detective that had been assigned the job only a few weeks beforehand. When she first arrived she was pretty much doing her own thing, only running tasks for higher ups and such, seeing as she was the rookie still, even with being a top rank detective. But now, now she was apparently assigned to work with Lieutenant Anderson and the android alongside him. (Y/n) had seen the two many times before, and she would be lying if she were to say she wasn't excited to be on the next case with the two. Okay, so maybe she was mostly just excited because of Connor, because she may have developed a small, tiny, itty bitty crush on the android even though she's never actually greeted him before. That was just how she was, falling in love in the blink of an eye even though she hated it. Oh well.

   The (H/c)-nette currently just sat at her desk, going through the terminal at her desk for the case she was assigned. Hank hadn't arrived at the DPD yet, and she didn't know where Connor was, so she just decided to bust herself by looking over the case and getting as much information as she could.

   "Hello, Detective (L/n). I heard you were assigned to work on the latest case with the Lieutenant and I." Nearly jumping out of her own skin she quickly spun around in her chair and stood up, only to come face to chest with the android she had just been thinking about. Slowly, (Y/n) let her eyes move upwards, only to connect with a pair of soft doe eyes that held a natural glint of curiosity to them. The android gave her a small, but charming smile as he tilted his head to the side a bit, as if just waiting for a reply. Which took a minute as the girl was currently not trying to make herself look like an idiot, and it was going somewhat well, besides the fact there was a deep red flush on her cheeks.

   "O-oh, um, yeah!.. I was just... I was just looking over the case files and all that so that I would... know more about it..." (Y/n) found herself cringing at her awkward wording, which Connor either didn't seem to notice or decided not to question. But (Y/n) noticed his brows crease in concern, his hazel hues flickering just a little as he scanned over her figure.

   "Are you all right, Detective?" Connor asked, and he leaned towards the female just in the slighest bit, since he was the android that he was and didn't know anything about personal space bubbles. "There is an evident temperature rise in your facial area, and your heart rate seems to now be beating at one-hundred and nine beats per minute." With him pointing it out it only made it worse, her cheeks being set aflame as her heart pounded against her chest, as if it were just going to burst out of there at any moment.

   "I-I'm fi-fine... Don't worry a-about it..." (Y/n) managed to sputter out as she tried to lean away, only to lean too far back and stumble backwards near her chair. Lucky enough for her, Connor was quick enough to catch her, his hands now being placed firmly on her waist as his grip was the only thing keeping her up.

   "You don't seem to be fine, Detective..." Even the android could tell she was acting out of her normal behavior, which was odd. One of Connor's hands moved to the small of her back, gently pushing on it as he helped (Y/n) stand straight again. Although his eyebrows raised a smidge when he noticed her flustered state, and just as he was about to open his mouth - to most likely ask more questions or speak about her physical state at the moment - a familar voice rang throughout the precinct, successfully catching Connor's and (Y/n)'s attention as they looked over at the gray haired Lieutenant.

   "Connor! Stop fucking around with the newbie and let's hurry this shit up..." Hank definitely sounded like he didn't want to do this, or he didn't even want to be here, for that matter. But he was like that almost all the time, so this wasn't new for Connor.

   "Coming, Lieutenant." Connor then swiftly turned his gaze back to (Y/n), a warm smile curled on his lips that caused her heart to skip a beat. "Shall we go then, Detective?" When he asked that question it was then that she noticed his hands were still placed at her waist and the lower part of her back, only making her an even more flustered mess than before. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't like being held by him.

   "Uhm, y-yeah... let's go." (Y/n) didn't move, obviously not wanting to take herself away from him. Luckily, Connor did so first, letting go of her - much to her disappointment - and stepping back so that he wasn't in her small desk space anymore. With that the (H/c)-nette stumbled out of there a bit, still trying to calm her beating heart and flaring cheeks as she made her way over to Hank while Connor trailed after her like a puppy.


   How did she end up in this predicament? One moment she was walking around the crime scene - which happened to just be in a wealthy persons house -, and the next she was suddenly pointing her gun at the android outside. Moments before she had told Hank and Connor she would check outside for any signs, and Hank didn't seem to care, seeing as it was raining and he didn't want to go get wet. Connor however had decided to voice his concern about the female both having a chance of getting sick and going out on her own, but she simply waved him off and said she'd be fine. The android was persistent, but he didn't have a choice when the Lieutenant dragged him away, making his L.E.D spin red as he stared after (Y/n)'s figure. Maybe not having anyone with her was a bad idea now.

   "J-just come with me, and everything will be fine." The (H/c)-nette mentally cursed at herself for stuttering, trying to stop the shakiness in her hands as the gun clutched in them aimed right at the deviants head. He has said nothing since she first spotted him, only staring at her with wide, fearful eyes and a bright scarlet L.E.D blinking in alarm.

   (Y/n) didn't even know why she said that. Apparently, from the reports she had read, this deviant had committed over thirty homicides, so she was supposed to just shoot it on the spot when spotted. Yet she couldn't bring herself to do so, her gut just wrenching at the thought of shooting someone, android or not.

   "Detecive (L/n)? Are you out here-?" Connor's voice rang into her ears, making her swiftly turn her head to see him stepping out into the rain. His eyes landed on her first, before noticing the deviant. His normally friendly look completely vanished, his eyes narrowing and brows furrowing as he took a menacing step forward. "Shoot it, Detective." Connor's voice sent a spike of terror down her spine. It sounded so cold, so detached as his eyes reflected that of a cold blooded killing machine. It was a terrifying sight in all honesty, and (Y/n) found her whole body starting to shake from both the cold and this frightening situation.

   The sound of fast footsteps squelching through the mushy grass caused her attention to snap over to the now running deviant, her hands shaking badly as her pointer finger hovered over the trigger.

   "Shoot, (Y/n)!" Connor's voice shouted harshly at her, making her flinch as tears flooded her eyes and her heart pounded in her chest. She could hear his footsteps quickly running towards her, before feeling a sudden force rip the gun away from her. Just like that Connor ran after the deviant, her gun in hand as he made his way out of her sight and throughout the neighborhood. But (Y/n) honestly didn't care, she only let herself slowly sink down to the wet ground, mixed emotions flooding through her.

   She felt unbelievably guilty; that the only reason why Connor had reacted so brutally towards her was because she most likely disappointed him. (Y/n) had never seen that side of Connor before, and it honestly had her shaken to the bone. Tears flooded down her face and mixed with the rain droplets running down her smooth skin, yet no sounds left her as she only silently cried.

   (Y/n) didn't know how long she had been sitting in the cold downpour, but it must have been quite a while, as when she heard some footsteps again she looked up, only to see Connor.

   "The deviant got away..." The brunette huffed under his breath, an accusing stare being sent her way as she merely directed her gaze back down to the ground.

   "I... I-I'm so-sorry..." (Y/n)'s voice cracked a bit as a sob threatened to tear through her throat, feeling like a complete emotional wreck at the moment. The (H/c)-nette bit down on her bottom lip roughly, trying to hold back any sounds as her hands grabbed fistfuls of grass, tearing some of the pieces out of the ground.

   A sudden pressure on her shoulder made her jolt away, her eyes staring at Connor now with pure fear as she fell onto her back, splashing and soaking her whole form in water. The soft and sad look now on his face went unnoticed by the female, as she only tried to scoot away from the machine in front of her.

   "I..." Connor paused for a moment, looking like a guilty puppy as his L.E.D blinked a sorrowful sapphire color that was mixing with amber. "I apologize... I didn't mean to frighten you. It was out of my place to react in such a way. I truly am sorry, detective." His apology did nothing to help the (H/c) haired female, he noticed, so he let himself slowly approach her figure and crouch down next to her.

   (Y/n)'s breath hitched as she watched his every movement with wide eyes, feeling her head pound as she couldn't even think straight. She was thinking of just bolting up and running away, but before she could even finish that thought a pair of arms wrapped around her and gently helped her into a sitting position. She tried to thrash at Connor, but he swiftly caught her wrist, making her flinch as she thought he might bark at her again. But she found herself calming when he simply lifted her hand towards his mouth, placing a tender kiss against her knuckles and making a soft red paint over her cheeks.

   "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Connor's brown hues were back to their normal warm gaze, nothing like the sharp and unfazed look he had beforehand. "I didn't mean to frighten you." A sad gleam entered his eyes, and he intertwined his fingers with hers, before making her hand cup his face as he leaned into her touch, nuzzling his cheek against her hand in an affectionate way. He truly did feel bad, he really didn't mean to scare her, he just saw the deviant and his programming took full control of him. It sent an unpleasant feeling through his systems seeing (Y/n) so upset.

   "I-It's fine... I guess..." A shaky sigh left her lips as she tried to relax a bit, yet she still felt a little skeptical with being so close to Connor. Funny, how before she wanted to be as close to the android as possible, and now she just wanted to run as far away as she could.

   "No, it's not... Can I pick you up?" Connor suddenly asked, making her eyebrows raise in a silent questioning, which he was quick to answer. "Your body temperature is depleting. If we stay out here for much longer, you have a high risk of getting sick." A small giggle couldn't be surpressed from (Y/n)'s lips, just because Connor seemed so serious and worried, as if she would die from getting a mere, tiny cold. It definitely eased him a bit though, to see her at least not as curled up to herself as before and more laxed.

   "I think I can stand on my own, Connor." She gave him a playful look, which he surprisingly returned before swiftly scooping her up into his arms and standing to his feet. The action caused her to let out a squeak, quickly latching her arms and legs around him tightly as a sound akin to laughter came from his slightly parted lips.

   "That may be true, Detective. But think of this as my apology to you." That wasn't really true, because Connor would be lying to himself if he said he didn't do it just so he could stay close to the (H/c)-nette. It felt nice to be this close to her for some reason, and it made his Thirium pump race a bit faster.

   "Fine." (Y/n) huffed a bit, yet he noticed a the small smile quirked on her lips at his suggestion. But it quickly faltered as fast as it had came, and it made him panic a bit on the inside. "I'm sorry I let the deviant get away..." Connor felt a gutwrenching feeling at the guilt in her voice, and it made him regret what he did in the first place.

   "It's quite all right, (Y/n). It's not your fault. So please, don't pay much mind to it." Without really letting his programming process what he was doing before he did it, he felt himself lean forward, his lips pressing against her cheek and feeling as heat began to warm that area. When he pulled away he noticed why, as a deep, scarlet blush had dusted over her cheeks, and even the androids cheeks were a light tint of blue at this point.

   "H-Hank is probably looking for us..." (Y/n) quietly muttered, letting her eyes avert to his jacket after she had nuzzled her head onto his shoulder. Connor merely made a humming sound, gently resting his head against hers as he hoisted her up a bit and began to briskly walk through the rain.

   "I'll go find him. Then I'll escort you home so I can take care of your physical state." Connor explained, only earning a nod against him as she closed her eyes and snuggled closer to the androids, warmth, feeling safer than before when he snapped at her. Luckily though, Connor would never, ever do that again to her, and only be the sweetest android she had ever met from that day forth to her.


{{Is it just me, or is my writing getting worse and worse? I feel like it is- I repeat the same words too much and ugghhhh- IhateitbutIdon'tknowhowtofixit-}}

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