when I first saw you. minseok...

By colorfulwatermelon

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❝Vampire or not, I don't care. Is it a crime if I'm in love with you?❞ s. 092418 e. 021019 | © colorfulwa... More

➛ When I First Saw You.
1 ➸ In The End It Gets Better.
2 ➸ Good looking guys.
3 ➸ Not Feeling The Same.
4 ➸ A Delicious Neck.
6 ➸ Things Going Upside-down.
7 ➸ Keeping It A Secret.
8 ➸ Being Weak Is A Disadvantage.
9 ➸ Please Don't Fall For Me.
10 ➸ Reasons.
11 ➳ Sweet People.
12 ➳ Taking Action.
13 ➳ Finally, Rescued.
14 ➳ The Red Dawn's Effect.
15 ➳ Questions, Questions.
16 ➳ Aqua is the best.
17 ➳ A Short Lasting Party.
18 ➳ Hangovers Are The Worst.
19 ➳ Please Stay Baby.
20 ➳ College again.
Im back from being lazy! (maybe)
21 ➻ I Love You.

5 ➸ Dorms & Roomate.

468 19 6
By colorfulwatermelon

It's been a good 20 minutes since we left, and Minseok was currently driving in silence. I noticed he gave me a few glances as if he wanted to tell me something. But he didn't.

As we were in motion I occasionally switched my position while in my seat, I was starting to question how far was this college.

"Hey, I have a question." I said awkwardly fiddling with my fingers, he glanced at me before looking back at the road.

"Go on."

I straightened up in my seat before answering. "Where are your parents?"

"That's a.. out of the blue question." He says giving a weird chuckle. But he proceeds to answer.

"Isn't it obvious? Their dead, long ago." He says sternly suddenly turning all serious.

I suddenly feel guilty for asking, I pursed my lips looking down at my lap.

"Sorry I asked, I wasn't thinking." I huff in embarrassment. "I almost forgot you were a vampire."

"It's alright, I got over it anyways." He says shaking his head, I was guessing he forgot his parents.

"Not forget, I got over them." He says casually, meanwhile I was looking like kyungsoo with my eyes wide.

Did he just read my mind?

"Yes I did."

I stare at him like he grew three heads but he just flashes me a quick grin before looking back at the busy roads.

"You never told me." I say still shocked, he shruggs raising his eyebrows.

"You never asked." he shoots back, "its a little thing us vampires have."

I nodded processing this information, this explains alot. Like when Chanyeol said 'that wasn't very nice of you.' He must've read my mind.

Or when earlier Baekhyun said that he wasn't stupid, he must've read my mind that one time.

"I gotta be careful of what I think now." I mumbled to myself, he laughs a bit hearing what I said.


We were in front of a big castle - fine it's a college but it sure seemed like it was.

"It does, doesn't it?" Minseok agrees.

"Don't you know when to mind your own business in people's head?" I asked slapping him in the shoulder.

He laughs rubbing his shoulder. "Sorry, I can't help not looking into what your thinking."

"Whatever." I blankly say.

I look out the car window in amazement, I see college students going in and out as some talk to their friends while some walk alone.

"Come on." He gestures as he gets out his side of the door while I proceed to go out my side.

But once he did every girl has their eyes locked on him, they were whispering things while some squealed in excitement.

I was looking at them like they were crazy, which they were.

I noticed he was holding both of my bags that had my clothes inside, I insisted into holding one but he denied that I shouldn't carry anything.

How stubborn he is.

The two of us were walking side by side, he was walking casually with one of his hands in his pockets while I felt uncomfortable with the death glares pointed at me.

"What's with the stares?" I whispered.

"They seem to take an interest in me, while its the opposite for you." He states glancing at me. "Jealousy to be exact." He adds with a grin.

"Jealousy?" I scoffed. "We're not even together." I add on shaking my head.

"That's what they seem to think, Yumi." Looking at me smiling as I give an annoyed look due to the talking behind my back.

"It'll never happen." I say harshly than I unintended to do, his face turns a.. how do I say this, a 'mean' face.

A resting bitch face.

"Here's the office, sit down for a bit." He orders I obligated quickly seeing his attitude turn into a bad one for some reason.

I sit near a chair nearby while Minseok was waiting at the front desk cupping his face while resting his elbows on the table.

Soon a lady shows up at the opposite side, he says a few things relating to put me in college. He says my name while glancing at me making the lady do so too.

I smile at the lady a bit and she smiles back, more like a forced one. She seemed like she didn't want my presence, she's probably into Minseok just like every other girl in here.

What a bitch.

Minseok suddenly glanced at me with a face that says 'really?'

I shrugged giving him a grin.

He shakes his head before turning to talk to that girl, he nods a couple of times before she hands him papers and bowed at him.

"Let's go." He says as he held my hand, I just went with him holding my hand. It's not like I don't mind but it'll give off the wrong idea.

Before we left the office that girl gave me a glare, so I just shot one back at her.

"Play nice." He says without looking my way, i didn't understand how he saw that but I didn't question him.

"It's senses"

"She started it." I say in annoyance ignoring his answer, he squeezed my hand before talking.

"Don't mind anyone, they're just jealous because I get to hold a hand of a princess." He says before smiling tilting his head a bit to my direction.

"Don't call me a princess Minseok, because I'm not." I say in embarrassment avoiding his gaze, he laughs not saying anything else after that.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked not recognizing this hallway, I glance at him but he just gives a straight face.

"To meet your roomate at your dorm." He says blankly.

"Dorm? But Minseok I said I didn't want one!" I complained almost whining.

"Stop being such a child." He laughs. "It's for emergencies, you don't have to sleep there if you don't want to." He adds on giving me a reassuring smile.

"Good." I simply say giving a smile, just then we reach a hallway with a lot of doors at each side of the walls.

"Let's see.." He says pulling out the sheet of paper they gave him earlier. "You're door is, 405A" He finishes saying looking at each door.

I nodded quietly before looking at the doors myself, before I knew it I found the exact door.

"Found it!" I say a little too excited dragging him to the door, I was the one who decided to knock two times on the wooden door.

The door opened to a girl slightly shorter than me with long majestic hair, she looked younger than me maybe by a year.

"Oh, hello. You must be my new roommate!" She greets with enthusiasm, she has a genuine smile on her face.

She bows at Minseok's presence and gives a smile at him as well, I smile before greeting her myself.

"Hello, my name is Soo Yumi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"No need to be so formal, we're roomates." She says chuckling a bit while I just give a awkward smile and nodded a bit.

"Please come in." She invites.

Minseok was about make his move but I stop him, as I stand near the door blocking the entrance I give a stare at him.

"No boys allowed, Minseok." I say grinning, he chuckles shaking his head. Before he talked he backed away from the door a bit.

"Call me when you want me to pick you up."

"Minseok, I don't have a phone." I say blankly as he opens his mouth in shock remembering himself.

"Mianhe Yumi, just give me a time then." He suggested. "It's only 3 minutes before 4" He informs before fishing out his phone from his pockets.

"6:00 would be fine." I say, he nodded understanding.

"Araso, I'll be waiting." He says. "I'll get you a phone, don't worry." He adds on reassuring me.

"No Minseok, you don't have to." I decline. "No Yumi, I insist. Now go, I'll be waiting by the time." He says while he hands me the bags of clothes.


I sighed when he magically disappeared, he should really be careful doing that. What if he gets caught?

I went in and closed the door and saw that the girl was sitting by her bed folding some clothing, I went in and sat by her and helped her fold some.

"You don't have to." She laughs, I shake my head. "It's okay, I don't mind." I smiled putting the folded shirt in the cabinet.

"My name is Jung Sohae by the way." She introduces, I nodded.

"By the way, that's one hell of a hot boyfriend you have there." She compliments wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Oh no Sohae, he's available." I laugh, she gives me a confused expression before answering.

"Available? But you guys were holding hands." She protest gesturing her hands together.

"Oh we did, didn't we?" I mumbled to myself, "I guess it's a habit." I say looking at her.

"Awe that's so cute! It's a relationship in progress!" She claps her hands in joy while I roll my eyes.

"It's not like that!" I whine.

"Okay okay." She says stopping her teasing.

"I can't wait for this friend ship starting!" She says in joy showing her whites. I smile thinking of all the things we would do together.

"Me too, it's my first time having a friend." I blurted out the last part, I covered my mouth in suprise.

"You first time?" She frowns.

I didn't know how to answer so I stayed quiet, she puts her hands on mine and gave me a smile.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, I never really had friends either. Only fake ones." She stated the last part in a more sinister way that it actually scared me.

"So your my first one too!" She says changing her tone in a more happier tone compared to just now.

"I'm glad." I smiled.


"So your not staying here?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, but that doesn't mean we can't see each other." I said while she gave a frown. "You could visit me where I'll live, and you'll see me in classes too." I added on bringing up the mood.

"Yeah, that's right.." She says pouting a bit, I felt bad that I wasn't gonna stay here. I'm acting like I'm forced to not sleep here, But I just don't want to. But I also don't wanna leave her alone.

"How about, I stay all next week?" I suggest, she instantly smiled at the idea.

"Great idea!" She cheers.

"Then it's settled." I say readjusting my posture in my seat. "Next week!" I say excited copying her energy.

"Hey what time is it by the way?" I ask.

"5:55, why?"

"Shit." I muttered, "I gotta go, see you soon." I say getting up going towards the door.


I turn my head to see her giving me a peice of paper, "text me."

I nodded and gave a smile before leaving.


"Sorry I'm a little late." I say while I pant for air, he helps me in the car worrying about me instead.

"You shouldn've taken your time, I would've waited." He suggests as he enters the car closing the door.

"Well I'm here now, don't worry about me."

He shruggs before taking out a bag from the back seat, he hands it to me.

"Here, your gonna need it."

I open it to see a phone, I look at him with a small smile but inside I feel bad that he's wasting his money on me.

"Don't feel bad, I got it because I wanted to." He says starting the engine, I nodded ignoring the fact that he read my mind again.

"Do you wanna go to your house or perhaps.." He starts saying glancing at me with a smirk. "Wanna go back to my place and keep me company?"

"Die in hell Minseok."

He laughs before patting my head. "You're home it is."


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