
By tstoddard7

37 0 0

Alex must find a way back to reality after waking up in a strange place where your fears haunt you. He meets... More

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
Number 9
Number 10
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15
Number 16
Number 17
Number 18
Number 20
Number 21
Number 22
Number 23
Number 24
Number 25
Number 26
Number 27
Number 28

Number 19

1 0 0
By tstoddard7

Running the other direction, we were heading back to the point where Evelyn fell, she was not happy with this, "Why don't we turn around!" She yelled from the back of the group.

"Because if we do then we'll be running towards the thing following us!" I yelled back, turning around to get a look, it was even closer, it was like we were just running in place.

Daniel looked back to check as well, "Are we even moving?" He asked.

"I would hope so!" Anthony replied.

"What if we're not?" Evelyn asked.

"Then we're screwed!" Daniel yelled.

"Stop," I told them, we all stopped moving, catching our breath, "I don't think we're moving at all, it's so hard to tell in this crap."

"Perhaps we should just wait for the thing to come for us." Anthony said.

This is ridiculous, we can't figure out where the hell we are going, there's nothing for us to do, what could we even do, continue to run and never know if we were actually running. I sighed, "I have no idea what to do this time you guys," I sat down on the floor and relaxed.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked. Number 1 was watching the figure.

"I am hungry, and tired, and fed up with this shit, I am going to sit here and wait for it to come to me, and I want you guys to keep running." I said.

"Are you insane!" Daniel yelled.

"Maybe, but I'm being serious, firstly, we don't even know if this will work, because you guys may just start running and then be running in place, just do it, alright! I'm not just gonna keep running for no fucking reason, now go!" I yelled at them.

"Screw that shit, I ain't going nowhere." Anthony said.

"I am telling you to do this! Now get the fuck out of here now before I get pissed."

"No." Evelyn said.


"We all say no, so get up, and let's go." Daniel said.

I looked over at Number 1, she was tapping her foot, I knew what she was thinking, she wasn't going to let me stay here alone. I wanted to do this. "Either you guys go, or I'll run towards him, and I know you guys have some sense left in your brains."

"Why are you doing this suddenly, what the hell brought this on?" Anthony asked.

"I don't know why I am doing this, but I just feel like I have to."

Number 1 turned around and looked at me, she then began to push everyone away, "What the hell are you doing now?" Daniel hollered.

She stopped pushing them and waved her arms for them to get moving, Evelyn went first, it started as a slow jog, but she was moving at least, she pulled Anthony who began to move by himself, Daniel stared at me for a while, but then ran to catch up with the others. Number 1 stood in the same spot.

"That means you too you know." I told her, she turned around and looked at the figure in the distance, it was much larger than I had first anticipated. She then walked next to me and pulled me to my feet, she grabbed my hand and stood next to me as we watched it come closer. She wasn't even thinking about moving. We held each other's hands and stood still, I looked over my shoulder to ensure they were still running, they hadn't noticed Number 1 was with me yet.

"You are so stubborn." I said.

I heard it approaching now, but, it wasn't what I thought, I thought it was someone, but it was a wall, it was taking the white with it, bringing it closer and closer, it was weird to see something different from the white walls. It was coming in faster than I had thought too.

I was beginning to have second thoughts, I looked behind me again, they were running back, "What are you doing!" I yelled.

"Look behind us!" Daniel yelled.

I looked behind them, and saw another wall approaching in, we would be smashed.

"Run to the sides!" Anthony yelled.

"That won't help, we'll be smashed either way," I said quietly under my breath.

Number 1 began running pulling me with her, the three of them following our direction. Running towards the left, we had to stop and run the other direction because there was another wall. We ended up being stuck in the middle of four walls coming towards us.

"This is bullshit." Daniel said, we were finally all together again.

Evelyn began jumping on the floor, "That didn't work for me when you were falling." Daniel said.

"I can still try." She kept jumping, but got tired.

"Well, guess we're screwed then." Anthony said.

"You think this is funny?" Daniel asked.

"I didn't say it was funny!" Anthony yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at them, "I'm so fed up with all your stupid shit and all your stupid fights, and your attitudes. Get over yourselves right now! We are stuck in here together so grow the fuck up! I get it if you're freaking out, but we all are, so join the fucking club and act your age you stupid five year olds!"

"Damn." Daniel whispered under his breath, but I could still hear him. Evelyn grabbed Daniel's arm.

"Stop, just stop." She whispered to him.

He sighed and rested his head on hers. "What do we do now?" He said.

"Wait I guess, there's nothing else we can do." Anthony said.

"We'll be killed." Evelyn said.

"But what else could we do, if we stay here we'll die, if we run, where will we go, we'll die. So, there's nothing to do but stand here." Anthony said.

Everything got really sappy really fast, none of them had hope, Anthony sat on the floor, and Evelyn and Daniel clung to each other, Evelyn beginning to cry.

Number 1 didn't know what to do, she looked around at everyone, and then at me, her eyes were glossed over, she slowly walked over to me, grabbing me and pulling me in close, I hugged her back, we stood in each other's arms.

I looked up over her head, the walls were too close. I didn't want to die this way, I was in the arms of someone I love, finally someone else who was there for me, but, I loved everyone here, Emma and Johnny died alone, they never had anyone to hold onto and say goodbye to, Emma's death was fast, but I didn't know about Johnny. Crying, I remembered how they turned to zombies and we had to kill them, again. I failed him, twice.

I wasn't going to fail them too, we were very close now, as were the walls. We inched close together, Anthony standing now, I had my arm around Number 1's shoulder, her hair was over her face to the point where I couldn't see her eyes. I put my arm down and got ready to try and hold the walls, to save them, even though I knew that wouldn't work, they would die, but I wouldn't have to watch it happen. Just before I was going to do it, Number 1, again, was ahead of me, and stuck her arms out, she was holding the walls in her hands, I stood behind her and did the same, we only had two walls, Daniel and Evelyn did the same to the other walls, Anthony helping them. None of us were about to give up. Daniel looked behind him and looked me in the eyes, he had a smirk on his face, I couldn't help but laugh.

Evelyn's arm was about to give out, it was shaking, and her face expression was screaming pain, of course she wasn't saying though, it felt like the walls were slowing down, almost going back, but then they pushed back even harder, Evelyn's arm gave out, she screamed this time though, Evelyn had tripped Daniel when she fell, Anthony stood alone, he couldn't do anything, he was being forced back, he was yelling in pain, Daniel jumped back up and tried to help, but our plan was failing, my arms felt like they were going to shatter like glass, my right wrist gave out and I dropped the wall for a split second, but in that second, Number 1's arm broke, her elbow being forced back, Anthony and Daniel were through trying, we were all on the floor, I was trying to calm Number 1 down.

The walls were inches from smashing us, we were cornered now, no hope for surviving, then two walls stopped and began to go backwards, while the other two slowed down, but kept moving. "Run!" Daniel said, we would be smashed like insects if we did that, but now we had a smidge of life. I helped Number 1 up, Daniel doing the same for Evelyn. We took off, full speed sprinting in a straight line between the two walls. Soon we were running with our shoulders facing inward.

Just before I thought we were gonna be smashed, the floor opened underneath our feet. We all fell through, screaming bloody murder, I knew that we would just go back around. When we got to that point I looked down, we were falling right towards a flat surface, no more white was left where I was falling, I looked over expecting to see them, but no one was there, on either side, I looked up, no one, I was alone, I could hear them screaming though, I focused my eyes straight ahead of me, it looked like Number 1, she was far away, we weren't that far when we fell. She was falling to a hard surface as well, she was closer to hitting than me.

Just before she hit, the floor opened up, forming a ginormous box, enclosing on her. I expected to hit the wall, but it opened up underneath me, enclosing me in another box, it was dark, and new. I hit the floor and blacked out.

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