
By tstoddard7

37 0 0

Alex must find a way back to reality after waking up in a strange place where your fears haunt you. He meets... More

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
Number 9
Number 10
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 16
Number 17
Number 18
Number 19
Number 20
Number 21
Number 22
Number 23
Number 24
Number 25
Number 26
Number 27
Number 28

Number 15

1 0 0
By tstoddard7

"Run to the desk." I commanded them. Evelyn grabbed Anthony's arm and led him, I jumped over the marble counter and opened the side door, everyone ran in, I closed the door as the horde ran towards us, we back up against the wall, "Only fight whatever attacks, and only if absolutely necessary."

I stood closest to the door, making sure nothing got under it, or over it. The first zombies approached. I attacked the one by the door and Number 1 and Evelyn began to smash heads, Daniel chopped the heads off, Anthony swung the club around killing them. We had made it past the first half, but my saw was bending, Daniel and Anthony's hands were getting blisters, and everyone's arms were getting sore.

"How many are there?" Daniel yells.

"Too fucking many!" I yelled.

"Just shut up and swing!" Evelyn smashed in a brain.

I brought my saw down on the next one. The blade snapped in half. "Fuck!" A zombie began to climb over the counter I brought the only blade left on it's skull. Kicking him back, knocking down the closest ones. I spun around while Daniel took over my spot, I dug into the bag and grabbed a wrench.

"Hurry up!" Daniel yelled.

"I'm coming!" I spun back around and whacked the closest one. This was much harder, it was easier to smash their heads in, but it's more up close.

"How you doing Eve?" Daniel asked.

"My arm is fucking killing me!"

"Does anyone need help holding off their corner?" I asked.

"Yeah, like you could spare some time!" Anthony yelled.

"Do you need help?" Daniel stood back and looked at Anthony.

He brought up his club and smashed the closest one to him, there was so much blood going around our eyes were getting blurry, but Anthony had the cloth, he wasn't slowing down, despite the blisters having burst on our hands. "I'm good! Now everyone shut up!" Anthony yelled.

I was having trouble with my area. They were all coming towards me. There were just too many. Right when my arms were about to give up, and I was now only taking down one at a time, I could finally see the end of the group. That lifted my spirits just enough to get through the next couple. Anthony's side had run down, and he was now helping Evelyn.

"It's almost over!" Daniel cheered.

"Don't let your guard down!" I yelled.

My wrench was bloody, and my muscles were screaming, we were down to the last ten. One had made it under the door while I was struggling with a fat one above, I tried kicking their face in. Daniel whacked the head off the fat one, and I fell back, Number 1 jumped in, and smashed the skull of the one below. The blood splattered on her face, it was the last one. She fell down, and let out a long sigh, Daniel threw his hatchet on the counter, and took a breath. Anthony stretched his arms, Evelyn leaned back on the desk. I stayed in my place on the floor and stared at my bloody hands.

"Can we just take a break here please?" Daniel laid his head back.

"I also wish to take a break." Evelyn said.

"I'm gonna sit here for a while whether you like it or not." Anthony snickered.

"I'm about to pass out." I sighed.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes, one stray banged his head against the glass door for a while, but eventually walked away, none of us taking notice. Suddenly, a survivor that had gotten stuck under the horde jumped onto the desk attacking Daniel. Stunned for a second, none of moved until Daniel cried out for help. Jumping into action I pushed the zombie off the desk, grabbing the closest thing to me, which was a blood covered stapler. Smashing its head in, it eventually stopped moving. Daniel was holding his eye, blood dripping down his face. I picked up the hatchet and stood over Daniel.

"Stop!" Evelyn stood between us, "It's just a scratch, it's not a bite! He's okay!"

Daniel ripped a piece of cloth off some fabric and wrapped it around his head covering up his eye. I walked away after a while leaving the hatchet on the desk. I opened the hatch on the door, and stepped over the dead bodies. I walked past the stair door, the four zombies had turned into six, and they all clawed at the door. I walked over to the wall with the fake plants sitting in the dark corner, with a line of chairs. I stretched out my arms, and my legs.

"I'm getting fucking tired of this shit." Daniel complained.

"I know! I can't feel my arms, it's like all the feeling in them have just vanished." Anthony said.

"Dani, are you okay?" Evelyn asked.

Daniel sighed and nodded.

Hesitantly, she stood up and walked over to the bag, "Anyone else want a water bottle?"

"Yes." Daniel and Anthony said in unison.


"No thanks, I'm good."

"Come on man, there's no way you're not thirsty." Daniel said.

"Yeah, but I don't want it right now, I just."

Number 1 walked up next to me, and patted my shoulder, she smiled at me, then walked over to the chair, and fell into it. "You just want to figure everything out, right?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah that, and, I just can't grab hold to anything. I just can't think right anymore." We were acting as though nothing had just happened to Daniel.

"I get it. But, you know, let's just do it, because I'm tired of thinking, I just wanna go for it." Daniel said.

"I can't just do that though." I sighed and leaned my head back.

"Oh shut up. Just do it, shut off your mind and just swing." Anthony told me, uncapping his water.

"Alright, but after one question." I said.

"Shoot." Daniel said, before chugging down his water.

"Did we all meet each other before this, because I remember meeting everyone I've met here at the amusement park. Everyone but you two, Eve and Tony. Do you guys remember meeting me?"

"We met." Evelyn said.

"We did?" I turned around and looked at her.

"Yeah, we met in Go Kart. I was with my kid brother. You and your friend ran into us, but we never actually talked."

"I remember that now!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't meet you." Anthony said.

"I might've seen you, what places did you go?" I ask him.

"Um. Well, I mainly stayed in the food court, but there is the one game I went to, I sat down at that dart game, where you throw darts at the balloons. Then there was the roller coaster. But I didn't talk to anyone except my friends I was with."

"Going back to the balloon thing, did you wear the cloth then too?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't blind then, but I was wearing sunglasses trying to be cool. When I got here I couldn't see and my eyes were all bloody and gross, so I ripped a piece of cloth off."

"I think I remember seeing something like that, I remember people screaming and loud pops."

"I was the other person playing that game, I thought you were some nerd." Daniel says.

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like you, but hell, I beat you there and I beat you here." Anthony said with a smirk.

"What do you mean you beat me here?" Daniel asked. Putting his half empty water on the counter.

"Well, even you said I was good at kicking ass, and you got hurt. So, I must be pretty good."

"No, I precisely remember saying 'Damn' and that's all. And it's just a scratch."

"Well that 'Damn' says it all."

"See Alex, if these two can live without thinking at all, you can go a day right?" Evelyn smiles.

"What was that remark Eve?" Daniel turned to her.

"I think you heard me Dani."

"I think all the time." Daniel complained.

"Oh please. You just told Alex not to think and just act. No matter what you say, everything you just said ten minutes ago, proves you wrong." She laughed, and sipped some more water.

"As much as I'd like to get back at you for that sly comment," Anthony turned his head to Evelyn, "I think that we should just get a move on, I'm sure that we'd like to sit here and enjoy ourselves, but are we gonna continue on upstairs, or leave this shit-hole. I'm tired of this rotten stench. I have a better nose than all of you, and no, that's not because I'm blind, it helps, but that's not why."

"I agree, I think we need to move, and because we just went through all of this just to go up, I think we should continue in here." Evelyn said.

"Or, we could go down the hallway the big horde came from." Daniel pointed to the dark never ending hallway, I turned to look at it, there was a small light at the very end, it looked about the size of a candle, but it couldn't have been, it was so bright.

"No, it's too sketchy, let's just finish off these, and go upstairs, when we reach the next floor, we clear it out, blocking the stairs going down, so nothing can get in. Then we'll go up to the third floor and do the same. Until we get to the top, and this whole building is clear." I walked around the lounging area and stood in front on the door. The zombies all shuffled around, they seemed to have no more interest in us.

"If we go in quietly, we could secretly kill them." Daniel stood behind me.

Number 1 walked back over to the desk and picked up the bag, Evelyn capped her bottle and walked over to me and Daniel. Number 1 led Anthony towards us. "I don't think we can secretly kill them, we can probably go in quietly, but they're too close to each other." Evelyn stated.

"I think we should just sneak past them." Anthony said.

"No, we need to clear out the building." I said.

"Then, what if only a few of us went in, and the others stay out here and if we need them, they can jump in." Daniel suggested.

"We're thinking too much into this." Evelyn said.

Number 1 leaned against the wall, obviously irritated, "I know just how you feel. Let's just do that Daniel, it'll just get it over with." I sighed. Putting my wrench by my feet and ripped some cloth of my shirt, wrapping it around my hands. Picking up my wrench, I turned around. "Who wants to go in?" I said with a smirk.

"For the love of God man. Just grab some people and go." Daniel complained.

"Fine, Number 1, Dani, let's go, Eve, Tony, stand by." I said. Number 1 stood up, she grabbed her hammer and stood next to me. Daniel nodded his head at me and held his hatchet close to his body.

I gripped the handle, and slowly pushed it open. The door didn't make a sound, it was almost unreal. I pushed it all the way open, Daniel and Number 1 sneaked in. I closed the door behind me, but not all the way, I walked up to the one closest to me, Number 1 sneaked up behind the one closest to the stairs, while Daniel walked up to the one behind mine.

I turned to look at Eve and Tony, they stood by the door, Evelyn whispering to him. I turned back around, and stood face to face with the zombie. His breath was blowing right into my nose. I could smell his rotting flesh, a piece of his skin dangled as the inside of his throat seeped out. I nearly screamed, but he paid me no attention, and continued to shuffle towards me, I stood back as he walked past me.

So it's been proven for sure now. They can't actually see us. It walked right into the wall. Growling and moaning, it eventually turned around and started walking away again. Number 1, tired of waiting, brought up her hammer, and smashed the head in of the one by the stairs, Daniel doing the same with his hatchet, only his made more noise, the four leftover, stopped, and turned towards Daniel, I smashed the head in of mine with my wrench, Number 1 and Daniel got the other two, and the last one was in the back corner, just standing there.

I was the closest, so I attacked. When I got closer, I noticed it was a small child. All of the zombies I've killed up to now were adults. It was making small noises, I exhaled loudly, and noticed the noises stopped. I looked down, it was looking away from me, but it's head slowly turned, until we were sharing eye contact.

I brought up my wrench, "I'm so sorry," just as it leaned forward, I smashed it's head in it's fingers still twitched, so I hit it again. I stood up straight, and turned around. Daniel stood by the stairs with Number 1, and Anthony and Evelyn began to come in. They shut the door behind them.

"Is there an actual lock on this? Or are we just gonna block the one's upstairs?" Evelyn asked.

"Well, if you don't see a lock, there probably isn't one, so we'll just block the one's upstairs." I tell them.

"Sounds good, let's go." Daniel began to walk upstairs. I let everyone else walk past me, I took a weary glance back at the child. It still lay lifeless. I turned around and looked out the door, I looked around for any movement, nothing. I began to turn around, but stopped myself, taking a glance back, I literally saw nothing, it was the same office we had walked into, completely empty, no corpses.

"What the hell?" I pushed on the door a little before Anthony called my name.

"I'm... I'm coming." I looked at the empty lobby for a few more seconds, before running up the steps to catch up. Something, was definitely wrong.

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