Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiy...

By HudsonDemon

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A/N: ...So I Been waiting for someone to make a Blazblue X Dragon ball Z or Super fanfic and there was an ok... More

The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!
Chapter 1: A new fatherly bond and Tragedy strikes
Chapter 2: A legendary Power Awakened and an Emotional Reunion!
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!
Chapter 4: Small Farewells and Future Vision?
Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!
Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!
Chapter 7: Kaka Village and the Sewers!
Chapter 8: Attack from Liquid Seithr and A Doctor!
Chapter 9: Alucard Castle and 3rd trait?!
Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!
Chapter 11: The White Void, Ragna and Y/N Vs Hakumen!
Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!
Chapter 13: Revelation and The Incident!
Chapter 14: Memories and a Full House!
Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!
Chapter 16: Wanted and Kids these Days!
Chapter 18: Setting up a Path of Forgiveness and The Wings of Justice!
Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!
Chapter 20: A Demon Within!
Chapter 21: The Mechanical Soul!
Chapter 22: The Plot Thickens!
Chapter 23: God slayers Cocoon!
Chapter 24: Awakening!
Chapter 25: Against the Godslayer!
Chapter 26: Unexpected Rebel!
Chapter 27: A difference in opinion!
Chapter 28: Ikaruga Arrival!
Chapter 29: Kagura Mutsuki!
Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!
Chapter 31: A Fight Between a Saiyan and the Crused Demi-God!

Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!

1.3K 23 6
By HudsonDemon

3rd prospective

You removed your cloak and got to your stance, ready for battle.

???: Irregularity detected during transfer... Destination disparity confirmed... The presence of Azure Grimoire at transfer location confirmed. Confirming commands. Will stand by in battle mode...

Then a familiar voice began to speak to both you and Ragna.

Kokonoe: Ragna the Bloodedge and Y/N L/N...

Ragna: Wonderful... an intervention ars. In the future, could you not just jump into my head and start blabbering away at me?

Kokonoe: What the hell are you still doing in Kagutsuchi, you insufferable jackass?

Ragna: And you care about my whereabouts, why? Just what the hell do you want? Are you after the Azure Grimoire?

Kokonoe: What? Oh, you think I sent her there to get YOU? Haha! That's a laugh. That grimoire of yours is useless. Well, to me that is. No, she was pulled off course by something else, some big-ass power source... Speaking of which, Y/N. You and I have a lot to talk about.

Y/N: Kokonoe, right? What do you want to know...?

Kokonoe: A bunch of things, but I prefer we talk in person once your over here at Sector 7.

Y/N: Okay, but why do you want me there?

Kokonoe: You are something that no one has seen before, a being who can use a power that surpasses Ars Magus, and not even magic has that much destructive capabilities. Followed by your origin is completely unknown so I would like to know that.

Y/N: I have other things to do that require my attention at the moment. But once everything taken care of, I'll take you on your offer but I want something in return.

Kokonoe: And that is...?

Y/N: For information about myself... I want to know about you, I would say that's a fair trade. Plus I have a question for you when we meet.

She hesitated to answer the question until she sighs and says...

Kokonoe: Fine, but before that I would like to test something. To see what your made of! She could use a warm-up anyway. Work some of the kinks out.

Y/N: What like a practice fight? Sure, I would love the exercise, but let's take it outside shall we?

Kokonoe: Alright fine, hey Lambda! Follow Y/N and fight him.

Lambda: Understood.

You begin to walk outside with Lambda and Ragna following behind. You walk one direction, lambda floated to the other direction and Ragna laid back on the wall about to watch the fight. You got to your stance and tried to talk to lambda.

Y/N: So your name is Lambda, well ready when you are...

Lambda: Ready, instructions accepted. Battle systems activated, deploying field.

A red field appeared below you and your body feels like it want to fall on the ground. You smiled and looked at lambda.

Y/N: A gravity field... I would think that it works on most people, but not me.

You then begin to walk out of the field, shocking Kokonoe, from the other end.

Kokonoe: What! He just walked out of there! The gravity of that field is at least three times normal gravity.

Y/N's thoughts: I should change my weights by the end of the day.

Lambda: Ready arsenal, combat imminent.

Small portals appeared in front of Lambda and blade constructs came out of them as you begin to dodge them.

You keep up dodging while also destroying some of the construct blades. You then grabbed the last blade and threw it back at Lambda. You then started to rush at her, she knocked the blade way then saw you were up close about to attack. She used her blades and blocked the strike. You then jumped back got distance between the two of you.

Y/N: Your reaction speed is at least faster then the last one I faced.

Lambda: Sickie Storm.

She then created and launched a large constructed sickie that chips the ground and headed straight toward you.

You kick the construct and it shattered. You looked up and saw she was in the air and is closing in on you. You raised your arms and blocked the strike. You felt some force on that strike, she jumped back some distance away. You both stared at each other in the distance.

Y/N: That was fun, (you cracked your knuckles) now... it's time to get serious.

Kokonoe's thoughts: I see interesting... looks like I might need to make a few adjustments.

Y/N: Alright then, Round two!

You started to charge at Lambda but, all of a sudden a gateway opened and Lambda went back in and she was gone. You stopped and your charge and tilted your head.

Y/N: Huh? Where did she...?

Kokonoe: She's back here, that would be enough for now. Got some good battle data of some your capabilities.

Y/N: And I was starting to get serious...(sigh)

Kokonoe: Well sorry if I have to cut the chat short, but I have to get some improving done, bye.

She hung up and Ragna as he approached to talk to you.

Ragna: That was something, I'm going to walk around for a bit, you can do whatever.

Y/N: Alright, I'm going to find a good place to meditate.

You activated your clothing beam and got your F/C cloak on. Then, both you and Ragna went opposite directions.


Time skip

You wondered until it was night to find a good spot to meditate but you had no luck.

Y/N: (removes hood and sighs) I looked throughout this entire part of the city and I have found no right spot to meditate. What to do...? Hmm?

You looked up and see that some fireworks are lighting up the sky.

Y/N: Neat, those must be from New Years a couple of days ago.

Litchi: They sure are.

You turned to your right and see that Litchi is going somewhere with some medical supplies with her.

Y/N: Going to help someone with those medical supplies?

Litchi: Yes, I got a call and that Bang has someone that is wounded, so I'm going to head over there to help. Would you like to help me?

Y/N: Sure, I got nothing else better to do. (Puts hood back on) Do you want me to carry those medical supplies?

Litchi: That would be great. (Hands medical supplies to Y/N) I heard the news, your a criminal now?

Y/N: Yeah, but it's not to bad... I guess.

Litchi: How can you say that? When the world will be after you.

Y/N: I've always been strong and I'm not easy to beat. That and I've lived in the woods for three years and seven when traveling with Ragna and my master.

Litchi: What's your master like?

Y/N: He's strong, kind, he's like a father to me. And I couldn't be anymore happier.

Both you and Litchi have continued talking until you got to Rōnin district and it's pretty lively. You and Litchi continued though the district and found the place where she mentioned and soon a man came out and this is the same person you helped back when you first entered Kagutsuchi. Now you see him in detail, he wears a dark green modified ninja outfit with a big red scarf, silver gauntlets, black fingerless gloves, dark green hakama pants that expose his thighs. He has spiky swift back, slightly long brown hair, amber eyes, and he has a long, X-shaped scar across his face. You remembered Litchi said that his name was Bang.

Bang: Ah, Miss Litchi you're here! He's inside of my home here. Hmm...

He sees you holding the medical supplies and soon enough he got pissed.

Bang: You! What are you doing holding Miss Litchi's medical supplies?!

Y/N: I was helping her by carrying the medical supplies, that's all.

Bang: A cloaked man is a suspicious man, I don't believe your lies, villain!

Y/N: I'm telling you the truth, I swear!

Bang: Prepare for combat villain! I BANG SHISHIGAMI, will defeat you, in the name Love and Justice!

Y/N: Your not going to listen to me, are you? (Sweat drops and passes medical supplies to Litchi)

Then in a very fast speed, he came up to you started to attack you.

Bang: Pulverizing Fist!

You dodged each of his attacks and jumped away.

Bang: You can move fast, but can you dodge THIS!

He throws some nails at you then throws an umbrella that open and you stood their for a moment...

Y/N: Umm... what's the purpose of a-

You didn't finish as nails started to rain out of the umbrella but you jumped out of the way.

Y/N: Huh... so that's why, now where did-?

You didn't finish yet again, as Bang appeared behind you. He was about to strike with a dark green glowing fist.

Bang: Shishigami-Ninpo: Honorable Death!

You turned around and caught the fist.

Bang: How did you know I was coming from behind you?

Y/N: I keep my awareness on at all times so that's not going to work.

Bang: Why do you not attack me?

Y/N: I don't want to hurt someone that I helped before...

Bang: Before...? I don't remember you helping me.

Y/N: Maybe you didn't remember me, but your subordinates however do remembered me that I healed you after that fight you had with Jin.

Bang's eyes widened as he stops attacking and asks.

Bang: Remove that cloak, I want to see if your the same person.

You then removed the cloak and sees your F/C clothing and sees the symbol on your Gi. His eyes completely widened.

Bang: You are him! I'm sorry for my actions, I thought...

Y/N: It's alright.

Bang: No, it's not! You healed me and what did I do?! I attack you and thought you were an enemy!
I'm a failure! (Drops on fours with his head down)

Litchi: You're not a failure Mr. Bang.

Y/N: She's right, you were defending her and thought I was a bad guy, but to be fair I'm a wanted man so that does technically make me a bad guy not by choice, but that's besides the point. What I was saying is, you hold your head high and when I healed you I felt your resolve and your pride wanting to avenge you're master. You are a great man Bang Shishigami, never forget that.

He gets up and looks at you with a smile on his face.

Bang: You speak of wise words, like my late master Lord Tenjo. Come, I must repay you for helping me. I have a place for you to sleep for the night.

Y/N: Thank you.

You and Litchi both followed Bang to his home and continued to follow him till you reach a set of sliding doors. Bang opened the doors and said...

Bang: This is where the injured man is.

You followed him inside and your eyes widened as you see the injured man is...Jin.

Y/N's thoughts: Small city.

Litchi got to work using some sort of spell then bandaged him up. You waited for a while as you were in a corner waiting for him to wake up. Soon enough, Jin's eyes stared to open.

Jin: Ehh... where am I?

Bang: My home, as fate would have it.

He looked to his right and sees both Bang and Litchi.

When he tried to get up, he couldn't. He can't move at all.

Jin: What treachery is this?!

Litchi: It's pointless to struggle at the moment, you're under a paralysis spell.

Jin: How am I not dead? You could have your vengeance at any moment, I'm utterly defenseless.

Bang: Trust me, I would have nothing more than to strike you down. But there is no honor on killing a wounded foe. For now, rest and heal up. We shall have our dual once you regained your strength.

Litchi: That means bed rest and plenty of it, whatever you like it or not. Mr. Bang could you fetch some clothes for him?

Bang: For you Miss Litchi, anything.

He walks out of the room getting clothes for him.

Y/N's thoughts: I should have made clothes, well a little to late now.

Litchi: Bangs a good man, a vigilante of love and justice as he puts it.

Jin: What does a vigilante know of justice?

Litchi: Plenty, enough to spare his greatest foe. Not many of people would have done that.

Jin: And you are?

Litchi: I'm Litchi Faye Ling, I run a clinic in Orient Town. Cleavage aside, I'm one hell of a doctor.

Jin: I doubt that, physical treatment is so primitive. Treating the patient with ars magus is much more expedient.

Litchi: Your way is dependent on seithr it is strong but its usage can have consequences.

Jin: You would know better than most.

Y/N's thoughts: You have no idea on how right you are Jin.

Litchi: I'll leave your medicine with Bang.

She got up and left the room. There was only you and Jin left in the room. You then decided to speak to Jin.

Y/N: Hello Jin.

He was shocked as he looked at the direction of your voice.

Jin: How did I not noticed you?

Y/N: I guess, I was pretty quiet.

Jin: Who are you? Why are you so familiar?

Y/N: You still don't know? (Sigh) I should have guessed that you still don't remember me.

Jin: Do I know you or something? At least give me a hint.

Y/N: Fine, I'll give you a hint but that's all you get. (Sigh) Who is the only other kid besides your older brother and younger sister back at the church?

Jin thoughts for a moment and he keep thinking and thinking, until his eyes widened and looked at you.

Jin: You're... Y/N!

Y/N: Well at least you remember me, that's good and the only reason why I decided to talk to you is that I hope there's a chance that you can be forgiven, well at least it's a start anyway. Now I'm going to get some rest, we'll talk later once we wake up. Goodnight Jin.

You walk outside and you see Bang got back having the medicine and the clothes. He went in the room for a moment and came back out.

Bang: Your room should be right down the hall, follow me.

You followed Bang to your room and moved the slide door and see your bed.

Bang: Is their anything I can get for you?

Y/N: I'm good, thank you. Goodnight.

He nodded and you walked in your room closed the slide door and got to bed and rest.


Tsubaki's Prospective

After a few days I've finally made it to Kagutsuchi. I still can't believe of the mission I have to do...

2-3 days ago


I was lost for words when I have been ordered to kill my best friend and the man that I adored as a brother back when we were young. I was about to say something until, Captain Hazama said yet another name was called but it's a one that I don't recognize.

Hazama: Also, Find capture or kill the mysterious accomplice of Ragna the Bloodedge, Y/N L/N.

Y/N L/N. Before I can ask a question about who he is, I want to know why do my friends have to be killed?! I try to speak but I was so destruct that I can't speak normally.

Tsubaki: U-Um... What did they... um... what did they do? To deserve ...ah...uh...

Hazama: Uh, well let's see here... It looks like the Intelligence we've gathered says that Major Kisaragi has disobeyed orders on a number of occasions, and we've got reports of desertion. Supposedly...he was injured pretty seriously going after a large bounty.

Tsubaki: Th-That's impossible! H-How could Jin-ahh Major Kisaragi... He would never—

Hazama: Ah, right yes, we've also seen a number of reports saying that he's just been stirring up trouble, and... let's see... Well, we haven't managed to confirm this yet, but apparently he escaped from the hospital we'd put him in after his, uh, accident. He also, um, took out a number of guards and a few officers on his way out.

Hazama: Now as for Lieutenant Vermillion, she went after Major Kisaragi... Well, actually, she was under orders to do that, but...ah, here we are! We've have reports that she aided the SS-Class criminal, Known as the Grim Reaper and his associate... Ah, yes, those two are ALSO apparently are the cause of Major Kisaragi's injuries and is, in fact, at the very top of the Librarium's Most Wanted List... a rebel known as, Ragna the Bloodedge.

Tsubaki's thoughts: Jin deserted? And Noel is helping a rebel?!

From what I'm hearing, I was getting more devastated. I can't believe what I was hearing.

Hazama: Apparently, Major Kisaragi and Lieutenant Vermilion have a connection to this Bloodedge fellow and the associate... Hey, stay with me now we got one more to talk about.

I shook my head and looked at him.

Tsubaki: I'm good, you can continue.

Hazama: Right, anyway the last person has a slightly different objective. It's capture or kill the person known as Y/N.

Tsubaki: Captain Hazama, who is Y/N?

Hazama: Hmm, well apparently there is no information of Y/N's past, no date of birth, no known parents, nothing really... but we do know of some of his capabilities. He is a martial artist prefers to fight at close range, but the most dangerous part about him is his ranged techniques. It's not ars magus, not even magic, it's a completely different power source.

Tsubaki: A different power source? I thought there was only seithr to power ars magus, and mana to use magic, how is there another power source?!

Hazama: We Thought as well, until the Incident where a bunch of people died, there were some traces of the energy left behind there but comparing the energy traces we got from seeing Y/N's attacks and the Incident, they seem the same but the energy signature is different. We can't confirm yet that Y/N is the one who caused the Incident, but we like to bring him in so we can study this power of his as well as see if we can harness it. But at the same time, he aided the rebel and he is dangerous maybe he's even stronger than him. Ultimately, it's your choice on what to do with him. And that is all First Lieutenant, you can go now.

I left Captain Hazama's office and headed to the next transport, while I try to clam down the fact that I still have to kill my friends.

Flashback end

Tsubaki's thoughts: I only hope I don't run into my friends, but I have only one question... who are you Y/N?


A/N: And thats all for this chapter. What did you think? Comment on what you think if you want and if you want to vote for a love interest go right ahead if you haven't yet. And as for the poll, let's take a look...

Harem: 8

Noel: 4

Lambda-11: 4

Makoto: 1

Taokaka: 1

Rachel: 1

Bullet: 1

Tsubaki: 1

And that's what we got so far and Tsubaki has made her return in the poll. Thank you for reading this fanfic, this is A/N Signing out.

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