Mutes Don't Stay Silent Forev...

By Shara_G_Glenn

68.6K 2.4K 1.3K

Peter Parker was always a quiet boy after his parents died. He's been taken care of by his Aunt, & Uncle, & h... More

A Normal Day (RW)
Meeting (RW)
Short Squad (RW)
Next Encounter(RW)
'Long' Day (RW)
Meeting PT 2
Talking Pt 2 (Short)
Day at Home
The Beast
Closed Doors
Watched (really short)
Brother Satan(really short)
Meeting Pt 3
Changes of Another
All I want is You Pt 1
Question for all
Ao3 and
God damnit.

Problems at SHIELD (RW)

3.8K 139 31
By Shara_G_Glenn


"Sigh..sir it's been a couple of weeks now. Spider-Man has already been showing signs of not wanting a part of this. Our men have been injured during these past few small chases, & some almost killed due to the villains on the streets!" Clint says trying not to yell at Fury as well as trying not to shoot an arrow through his thick skull.

"...Does it look like I actually care Agent Barton, because I like to think it doesn't. Now. You are to capture this bug by the 26th, or I will send in the others to complete what you can't do." Fury says slamming his hands on the table, but keeping his voice leveled.

"Alright that's it I'm done! As much as I want to see what ol' Spider-man looks like. I'm not about to waste time when he doesn't even want to 'talk'! It's getting annoying Nick, & it needs to stop. & this is coming from me." Tony said standing up, & crossing his arms. Natasha rolls her eyes, but nods in agreement.

"At this point Director, Spider-Man would soon go into hiding from the amount of times we've been trying to communicate, & I'm afraid things might turn to the worst if this continues any further." Steve says rubbing his temple, & looking up at Fury.

Fury's quiet for a while, & then sighs.

"Do you know what SHIELD does?" He asks out of now where. This confuses everyone.

"Uh? I don't know spy on everyone, & everything. I can't really give you an answer Fury. For as long as I've been here I never truly knew what SHIELD actually does." Clint answers already annoyed at this point, but confused. 

Fury rolls his eyes..eye."Not necessarily just that Agent. We protect the world from what's out there. We keep eye on everything to make sure nothings a threat. All of these masked 'heros' out there could be threats..." A pause as Fury seems to think for a bit. 

"Daredevil has even shown his face to SHIELD on capture. Deadpool has been 'with' us since around about his change in someway, or another. Doctor Strange may not have a mask, but his powers are what would normally scare people, & even he has told us of himself. Spider-Man. Your friendly neighborhood spider is the only 'hero' we don't know anything about." Fury pauses making sure the team is thinking about this.

"I've asked this once, & I'll ask again. What do we know about him that others know? What info do we have that is reliable to us for the near future?" He asks waiting for them to answer.

"We know that Spider-man isn't really missing his voice, but he doesn't really want to talk in a sense." Clint says starting to somewhat come back into the conversation.

Fury continues.

"Yes, Spider-man isn't wanting the option to talk, but he has his way of communicating with us. Now what else do we know about him?" Fury asks as he pulls up screens of Spider-Man..

"We know that he at least lives somewhere in New York..I thought I got rid of those?" Tony answers turning to face the screens. 

Fury nods." Yes, in a logically speaking he should live somewhere in New York, & obviously near where the most crimes are. By the way Stark, we had back ups you can't get rid of something that we know how to build now. Now, where are some places we've seen him at? On the news, or in our everyday lives?" Fury asks.

They think.

"At least around the main parts of the city, of course, such as Queens, & Manhattan. Sometimes in Central Park, or the docks too. Though most of his battles lately have been on top of roofs, so in all honesty he's been mostly everywhere." Bruce answers. 

Fury nods."Then we should start looking in those areas. Not now at least..How about I give you guys until next week to plan, & start looking for him. Until then we have two days to find out anything about him." He says moving to sit at the head of the table, Tony on the other.



"It's been two hours Nick, & that's more than enough time in here with you. There's not much even the reporters have gathered yet." I say pulling my legs onto the table, & looking through my tablet.

"We have time left calm down. Anyway I found out the last battle Spider-Man had before disappearing was between himself, Electro, & the Lizard..he sadly couldn't save a life.." Natasha says pulling up the projection on the wall of a women falling down the clock tower.

"That doesn't make sense. He has those web-shooter-things. Wouldn't he just use it to grab her?" Steve asked making one of the security videos play of the scene.

The Avengers plus Fury, & Coulson watch as the women falls down in the tower to the ground. Spider-Man right after her by only a couple feet. Time seems to slow down as his webbing is shown. It grabs her last minute as her head smacks against the ground. Camera cuts off there.

"Girls name was Gwendelyn Stacy died at age 15. Daughter of Officer Stacy who died during the Lizard attack. Ms. Stacy was one out of two students with higher grades in Midtown High. Other student being Peter Benjamin Parker now age 18....(Medium pause). These kids dated for only a couple of months before Ms. Stacy's death. Mr. Parker doesn't seem to be doing well." I say pulling up picture after picture.

"Wait a second..Pete had a girlfriend? Ah shit..Nat I feel bad now. After, so many times of asking if he had a special someone, & he'd only say he wasn't ready! Ugh man..." Clint says rubbing his face. Nat stares Clint down. "Clint. Calm down. We never knew we were dealing with the same Peter Parker, plus. He's mute he couldn't really tell us anything, & we were having to much fun then to think of anything bad." Nat says trying to comfort Clint.

It's silent for a minute, or two.

"You two both know Parker, & haven't told anyone about him?" Fury asks with some anger rising. Phil shakes his head." As much as I like you two to go out, & try to make friends I didn't suspect you both to not at least tell me about it." Phil says with a joking smile.

"Hey, we were out trying to get 12 dozen eggs, but we had ran into him at the time when we were on our way there! Ended up causing the kid to drop the 1 dozen egg carton, & the milk carton he was carrying, so we both took him to the store with us to get him a new egg, & milk cartons, but the store ran out after me, & Nat took then 12 dozen we needed, so we gave him a dozen." Clint explains. 


"Why the HELL do you both need 12-11 dozen egg cartons?" I ask. Theyre silent, both children staring at each other. Natasha goes back to looking through the cameras, & Clint joins her. Sneaky little shi-

"Wait! There! There's a camera up in the left corner between some crates there. Why would there be a camera?" Clint asked. I shrug." It could've been there for a while Clint. It looks out dated." Bruce says looking at the feed of the camera.

"Hey JARVIS. Can you enhance the picture closer to the camera? Maybe we can find a name on it?" I ask staring at my watch. "Yes, sir." JARVIS replies, as the picture gets bigger.

"It's a little blurry...uh..welp there's no point anymore..the names too scratched up, & the paint is getting old." Clint says squinting at the projection." They could be a reporter? Everybody seems to be stalking Spider-Man now a days." Phil says walking up to the projection to get a better look.

"Hm. He seems to be quite the famous one, so it's no wonder people like to go after him. No one knows his age, what he looks like, or even if he's really a good person.

"Not really in some ways. People mostly see him as a vigilante. Doesn't really report to the police. He wraps them up, calls the police, & then leaves. He doesn't really work with the police, & even if he does it's mostly for a short while." Fury states standing up, & walking over to Natasha's tablet.

"Let's see what we can find out about Mr. Parker." Fury says not forgetting the kid for a second. Taking the tablet, & scrolling through somethings he manages to find something.

"Here. Mr. Parker has been living with his aunt, & uncle for 11 years, moved out a couples of months ago. His uncle had died around the age of 14-15, & has only just lived with his aunt for a few more months before the Alien Invasion happened..sadly Mr. Parker lost his aunt." Fury says giving Natasha back the tablet.

"Then what about the parents?" Steve asks. Phil walks over to everyone from the wall."Mr. Parker's parents are said to have died in a plane crash at the age of 6. Police haven't found the bodies, so some think they escaped, having three of the para-shoots missing." He answers. We nod.

"Says here his father was a scientist, & had created something..uh I think radioactive spiders. Harmful to people, but other wise very friendly. Um..his wife actually worked here in SHIELD as a undercover agent? Do you guys have a file of her?" Bruce asks lifting his face from the tablet. Fury, & Phil look at each other.

"We might now that we think of it, from what I could remember she was a bit new, having worked at least 5 years before marriage. I'll call Agent Hill to see if she, & some of the others could pull up her file." Phil says walking to the corner of the room to talk into his com-link.

"Hey now here's something. The boys father, & mother have been on the run from..uh someone, or something. People never found out that yet either..anyone after the couple were after something. I believe it was the spiders the father created. They left Peter with the his brother though." I say pulling up something from the web.

Pictures flew by of some hospital records.

"Huh that's weird." Clint says as he takes control of the tablet, going back a few pictures."Says here kid got bullied up until his uncle died, but after a few weeks the bullying came back. His aunt had taken him to the hospital multiple times only for the doctors, & nurses to find nothing wrong with him.." He says. As everyone else began to read over the report.

"Hm. Peter could've been bitten from one of his fathers creations? As to why he could be healing, so quickly." Bruce suggests. That's a thought...but..

"But, even so what father would let they're child near something that was said to be harmful to people?" Steve questions managing to find some reports the man had shared with other scientists." He has a point." I say taking the tablet from Clint, & looking through again.

"Let's not move from that healing thought though with the spiders. Spider-Man could relate to this in someways more than one." Natasha suggests sitting on the table to stare up at the pictures flying by." What? Think this kid who is...18 years old now is THE Spider-Man?" I question, being as serious as I can without making it seem like this was a joke.


"I'm not saying it Stark, but that could very well by true. Even on those hospital reports the kids never gotten his blood checked. As a kid we probably would've of gotten sick once, or twice a month, but he's never gotten sick once. Even at this age he could've started doing illegal things by now, & drink, & smoke. Those at least would require a blood test to see if he was healthy." Natasha said pulling some information from the reports she had seen, & from missions of watching kids 15-18 acting stupid.

Tony nods raising his hands in a defending manner.

"I'm not trying to say your thought process was stupid Nat it's just hard to believe. That Spider-Man could've passed anyone of us while going out to the mall, shopping, going out to eat, a jog in the park, or just saving the day. The fact that a teenager is the one saving New York from crimes, & bat shit crazy villains is enough to make any old guy have a stroke, & die." He says trying to make a point. "& trust me Nat. As much as I don't want to even believe this possibility it is possible." Tony finishes only half agreeing with Natasha.

That sets everyone to a deep thought sans Fury.

"Then we capture him. Ask questions, & see what we can do from there." He says making it sound as simple as he could while the others thought of the possibility of authorities catching them in the act.

"Oh stop being a bunch of saps. The kid had gotten evicted a while after his aunt died, & is now living at some other apartment complex around the area." Fury says beginning to get annoyed by how the Avengers might not want to go up with this.

"Director. If at all possible, & Spider-Man is indeed Peter Parker...would he really take part in fighting along side with us? He is in fact a kid still." Steve asks looking towards the Director of SHIELD. Fury smiles one of his any unseen smiles.

"No. If Spider-Man is this 18 year old we're suspecting, then he will be put in with a group I had made a few years ago. They'll all be around about the same age with Spider-Man being the youngest. I'll fill you in on the details, but first..Bring that Spider in!" Fury yelled as the Avengers scampered out of the room to get to the tower.

It's quiet once they leave. Phil begins walking over to Fury.

"Nick..are we really going to put him in this group? They need work on they're behavior, & are still training none the less!" He questioned as they both begin to walk out the room. "Phil. As much as I don't want to..the group needs a leader, & Spider-Man. Even though mute, has shown that he is capable of being one. This will help those kids in the long run." Fury answers trying to get Phil to see things his way.

Phil sighs."If you say, so Nick. If you say, so." 

Both walking different ways as they come up with the many different possibilities of Spider-man joining the group. Will he help them? Or will things only become worse?

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