Weird Charm - Jenlisa

By blue_waverrrr

184K 4.5K 250

One is the daughter of a great business family. Smart, talented and not mention a beautiful woman. The other... More

2 - Request
3 - New Job ?
4 - Discussion
5 - Meeting you
6 - Showdown
7 - Chilling
8 - First Day
9 - First day's Bicker
10 - Words
11 - Intruder
12 - Regret
13 - Oppa
14 - Unexpected
16 - Choices
17 - Incident
18 - Enemy ?
Extra 1.0
19 - Dinner
20 - Dinner (Part 2)
21 - Hands-on throat
22 - Pizza Delivery
Update !!!
Chapter 23 - Business
chapter 24 - Unwanted rest
Chapter 25 - Old friend
Chapter 26 - History
Extra 2 - Healing wounds
Chapter 27 - Jichu The Great Counsellor
Chapter 28 - Is it enough?
Chapter 29 - A date with you
Extra 3 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - My Promise to You
Chapter 31 - A Part of You
Chapter 32 - Moonlight Dance

15 - Step one

5.8K 171 5
By blue_waverrrr

Its been several days since the meeting with Jinwon and Mino Oppa, and now we gathered some reliable info about the superiors and we decided to have another meeting. They will be arriving at noon so I still got some time to kill. To be certain, I called Tzuyu in, so that I can be sure of my works.

"Good morning Tyuzu, so how's my workload today? " I asked. Ready to take on of what's to come.

"Good morning to you too Miss Kim. As for your workload, I would say its moderate. Oh, but please do remember that you have a meeting with Jinwon and Mino. " She said.

"I will. "

Tyuzu then puts down some more files and my morning milk tea on my table.

"Where's Lisa? " The secretary asked when she notices a certain blonde isn't here.

"She went and get me the papers form yesterday's meeting. " I said while having a taste of my daily fuel. Mhmmm... this is what I need.  I always have a cup of milk tea or milk just to start the day. It had become my habit even since I was a child. I supose you could see my undenailable love for milk.

"She's more of an assistant then a bodyguard now I see. " Tzuyu stated, making me chuckle a bit. We were talking about her until she comes back with the things I told her to get for me.

"Here the papers Jennie. Oh, hi Tzuyu. " Lisa said once she gets in.

"Hi, Lisa. If there's nothing else Miss Kim I will be on my desk if you need me. "

"Thank you Tuzyu. " I reply, letting her start her work as well. They part their goodbyes and went back to work.

As usual, Lisa doesn't really have anything to do besides making sure of my well being and my surroundings. So helping me with my work has been a part of her job too. I was considering adding more to her salary but she insists me not to do so, saying that is a way for her to kill time anyways. Every time I bring that up she would just reject my offer so I kinda stopped do the same thing over and over again.

While I was doing my work a question pops up in my head. Without really thinking I fired the question. "Actually, Lisa you're quite good at all this business stuff, why didn't you apply for a better job before? "

Lisa lifted her eyes from the papers she's reading and looks at me with an unreadable expression. Her eyes trails away from me, "I just don't feel like it, I guess. "

"You did work at an office before right? " I asked again, wanting to know more.

"Yeah. But that was a year ago. " She still wouldn't look at me. Her eyes darts anywhere but mine. The way she's acting right now is not the usual. Maybe she's still uncomfortable with me?  I don't her to continue to feel this way so I changed the subject.

"Anyways what do you want for lunch Lisa? "

"Oh, I-I'm not sure. "

"Hm... How about gamjatang? " As soon as I mention the dish she finally looks at me. Her expression was screaming 'YES!'. I was trying so hard to stop myself form smiling. She's such a kid sometimes.

"Is that a no? " I said, even though I already know the answer.

"Yes! N-No I mean its a yes. " She said it a bit too loud. The excitement was clearly in her voice.

Jinwo and Mino oppa arrived on time. We decided to hold this mini-meeting in my room. I asked Lisa to stay outside and keep a lookout for anyone who's trying to eavesdrop us. You never know what kind of people are lurking around the office.

Jinwon oppa waste no time and get straight into in. "We been doing some digging and your suspicion was right. There is a fuss going on behind the superiors. "

"Mr. Park has been persuading a good number of them. The total number of the higher ups is 15, we need at least 8 votes to turn the table. " Mino stated.

"Well we got 4 on our side, we just need another 4 more. " I said, as I remember the result of the last try to push my proposal.

"You sure they won't suddenly budge out? That man has quite a power around them. " Mino asked.

"The 4 actually have larger support behind them, so I don't think Park got any chance for now. " I reassure Mino. He nodded once he's satisfied.

"I suggest we choose our target wisely, as we do not want this to be known by the others. Letting the man know will be very troublesome. The lesser people know the smoother this will go. " Jinwo Oppa voice out.

"I agree. Could you please tell me which are the ones that are being swayed? "

"Yes, of course. "

After that Mino starts to list all the name and the reason behind them to oppose me. In the end, we choose Mr. Yong and Mr. Lu who both got into a debt with someone outside the office. I already expected this because these two has a gambling addiction. The third one is Ms. Tee. She's kinda more of an enemy than a co-worker to me. Honestly, we suspect that she opposes the proposal just to mess with me. And the final one is quite a disappointment. He was one of the most trusted people in this company. Father always praised him for his good work, but it seems like Henry here is getting greedy. Mino Oppa found out that the valau of his bank account has been raising from an unknown source. Never thought that a once humble man will be sway by the power of money.

We ended the meeting shortly after that. Jinwon and Mino oppa said their goodbyes and went back. As I promise, well it's not really a promise but I wanted to cheer up Lisa after our last conversation. So I took her to my favourite place that serves great tradition Korean food. She doesn't have a clue and keeps asking me where are we heading to, very excitedly.

"Unnie, where are we goingggg? " Lisa asked for the nth time. Really if she doesn't have the height she has right now, I would definitely be mistaken that she's a 5 years old. 

"Aish! We're almost there stop asking and be patient or we're heading back. " I said out of frustration. She immediately shut her mouth and continue to look out at the buildings that pass by, trying to guess our destination. 

I parked the car and we went to a restaurant. Lisa being the kid she is and ran to the menu stand outside the entrance.  When I got there she hugged me. Her head rests on my shoulders while mine is at the base of her neck. Because of our position, I can smell the scent that's coming off of her. She smells sweet. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! For taking me here. I was craving for this since the moment you spoke about it. " Lisa pulls out of the hug so that she can face me. And the moment our eyes meet, I blushed. 

"Y-you're welcome. " Jesus! That face of hers is something. 


Hey guys. I wanna apologise about not updating last week. I went through a lot of things back then and didn't have the time to update. I'm sorry. Also, I will not be updating the following weeks (a month or so) because my exam is coming up and I am really nervous about it. My exam period is like a month long so I will be gone for a while. Don't worry I will not abandon this story. I really love it so I wouldn't be able to drop it. See you then.  

PS: HAPPY EARLY JENLISA DAY!!! 🎉🎉🎉❤️  And have a nice day! Bye. 

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