Dark Queen: The Cybelline Pro...

By dramatictealeaves

1M 70.5K 13.3K

A 21st century covert ops agent, Cybelline found herself transported to a medieval world of magic and war wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 - The End (Double Update Read 100 First)
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 1 of 3
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 2 of 3
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 3 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 1 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 2 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 3 of 3
Miri's Poem - The Saddest Goodbye

Chapter 32

10.1K 729 39
By dramatictealeaves

Present day - The Mage's Tower - Dycathion

Cybelline rushed into the tower at the top, past the two great bells that housed Lord Killian and Kieran.

She headed straight for the burnt and cracked throne that was still magnificent in destruction. Her fingers searched underneath the chair. The feeling, that strange feel she got when she got near those books, she closed her eyes and searched for it.

There. She felt a small catch on the bottom of the ancient, gnarled seat and gently eased open.

He's waking up. The voice of a thousand whispers said.

Cybelline looked up. On Killian's bell was a flash of green, a crack began to appear on the metal. Cybelline concentrated on opening up the compartment underneath the broken throne. Gently, she eased out a small, leather bound book.

"Found it!" She raised it up, a thin, pamphlet was clutched in her hands.

The shadow seemed to stare at the little book in her hand and sudden it gave a howl of laughter that was more heartwrenching than a wail. 

They...They dare put that in her throne. In her throne. She was the symbol of wisdom and kindness and yet they took it and corrupted that. How dare they? How dare they?  

The pain was unmistakable in the shadow's voice as it laughed and cried at the same time.

We were the greatest nation of all creation, our Queen ruled the earth like the sun and gave us warmth and magic. She was our heart and they wrenched her away from us. They took her people and enslaved us. They took her throne and burned it. Look at us now, shadows and ghosts. Slaves and animals. 

The rage, the helpless rage lasted for but a minute. It was as if the little shadow had been finally broken, after all these years. There was nothing left, only a wish for it all to be over. 

 A small pouch appeared in Cybelline's hands. Your reward, little one.

The were another cracking sound, Cybelline looked behind her, another long crack was developing on Killian's bell. 

Burn the books, release me from this hell. The voice whispered, Let me die.

Cybelline was almost at the door and then she sighed. Perhaps it was the hopelessness in its voice, perhaps it was the image of the starving shadow huddled in the corner.

She turned back to the corner, "Do you want to leave here? I could try and help."

The little shadow paused. In the last few thousands of years, no one had ever asked that question.

I am a spirit who is bound to this tower, no magic you can do will be able to release me. The little shadow sighed, I have been trapped here for thousands of years, ever since the realms of the Fae and Folk fell. I thought that I found a place where I could rest and heal, but I was a fool.

The voice grew colder, Those book are magical hooks in my flesh. Everyday, they tear into my soul and hold me here like a piece of meat on a hook.  Then your mages feed on my power. They hid the books well and in this form I can not harm them. 

You are all the same, if I go with you, it's only because you want my power.

Cybelline looked at the book in her hands and thought about the books in her pouch, "If I burn these, wouldn't you be free?"

The shadow chuckled mirthlessly, Human magic is vicious. The moment those books are destroyed, the magic in this tower would rip me apart.It's voice became even colder. And it is a fate I'd gladly suffer rather than go with you.

"You do you." Cybelline knelt down, "I won't force you to do anything you don't want." 

She had offered and was refused, she was not a kind person. One chance was all she gave. She wasn't a hero, as heroes were usually people who sacrificed themselves the first chance they got. Idiots.

Another loud crack sounded. Cybelline knew that it was time to go. "I'll burn these as soon as I get a chance."

She ran for the door and almost made it. Almost.

A large hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, "So, you finally show you tail." Killian's hair was a little mussed and there was a fine sheen of sweat on his face, but his eyes were bright with purpose. 

She smiled innocently as she tugged gently,  "My Lord? A tail?"

"Don't do that." He growled, his green eyes flashing, "What are you after?"

Cybelline yanked, her hand flew out of his grasp, she stumbled backwards a bit "I have no idea what you mean, my lord."

Killian had underestimated the page, this was strength that a normal person should not have.

"You're mage born." It was a statement, his eyes became sharper as he looked her over. 

Cybelline shrugged, "What's it to you?"

Killian drew out his sword, "I am the protector of this land. And this is the most sacred place of our kingdom. Tell me, what did you come here to steal?"

The little page seemed to cringe and stumble backwards towards the wall, "But my lord, you led me here."

Killian stared at him cooly, "Throughout tonight, you've looked towards this direction three times. Our route was always headed towards this way."

Cybelline was silent for only a moment, "I see." 

Gone was the smiling, cheerful page who wanted to please his lord. Cybelline's entire air had changed, "So why did you let me come here?"

Killian shrugged, "I was bored. It's been a long time since someone had been so much fun."

Cybelline wanted to punch him, she said through slightly gritted teeth, "My lord was amusing also."

Behind them, the other bell broke and Kieran fell to his knees gasping for breath. He looked up and saw his cousin pointing a sword at the little page.

"No!" He cried, and then started coughing violently, soon tiny dots of red showered the floor in front of him. He looked at Cybelline and Killian.

"Get up, cousin, I brought you here so that you'll live." Killian asked quietly, his eyes turned icy. "Is this little page a spy of yours? I thought that I cured you of that bad habit years ago."

Kieran wiped his mouth, but he was still breathing heavily, his smile was a little bitter, "Cousin, I really thought you would have forgiven me by now. But I swear to you, this little page isn't mine, and he means no harm."

Cybelline frowned at the pair, "Look, it was really nice meeting you both today, but I think you guys have some stuff to work out, so why don't I just ---"

"There's no way out except for the door behind me." Killian informed her.

"Doors. Pfff." Cybelline said and she swung her fist with all her might at the stone wall.

The stone, old and brittle gave away under the girl's brute strength.

"Are you really going to jump off this tower?" He asked cooly, "It's a thousands of feet off the ground, the highest point in the kingdom." 

"Well, yes." She looked at him as if he was stupid, "Why else would I make such a large hole?" 

She turned and stepped out, intent on catching herself on some of the jutting rocks, and jumping down, just as she did with the cliffs.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on her backside and flew out into the air several more feet. She turned around to see Killian with a crooked grin, his foot raised, he called out to her, "Then let me help you." 

 Beside him, Kieran had gripped his cousin's arm, looking like he had pulled Killian back the final moments to prevent the young general from going after her. Or kicking her harder.

"You bassssttttaaaaaarrrrrdddd!" Her voice came out in a prolonged, enraged shout as she shot towards the earth. 

Luckily, she had prepared well for the heist. She reached into her magical pouch and pulled out a grappling hook. She had originally wanted to use this to climb the tower in the cover of darkness, but this was much better.

She threw it hard at the tower and it sank in with a clunk. Tightly, she gripped rope as it slowed, and stopped her descent. On her hands appeared deep red welts as the rope strained against the tower wall.

She glared up at the top, which was now too high to see clearly.

"Bastard." She spat out, and quickly began to climb down wall.

She must leave as soon as she could, that green-eyed bastard would be combing the grounds for the little page as soon as he came down. She had to devise a plan to leave as quickly as possible.

Twenty foot from the ground, she jumped and landed lightly on her feet. Turning around she bowed and raced off into the cover of darkness.

In the tower, Kieran still held onto his cousin's arm.

"Isn't this enough of a head start?" Killian asked coldly.

Kieran smiled weakly, "Yes. thank you." His hand dropped to his side, "Cousin, you still hate me, don't you." 

Killian paused, "No." He answered quietly, "Making an alliance with Londaros was the only way for your country. I can't fault you for it, even if it does mean the eventuality of war." 

Kieran sighed, "I'm sorry." 

Killian shook his head, "We all do what it takes to survive. Londaros was my home long ago, but the only place I want to protect now is Dycathion." 

Kieran put a hand on his cousin's shoulder, "The Londaros king is old, in a few years he'll die. It is your throne. If you go back, perhaps you can prevent the war. You would be a much better king than any of those sons." 

"Don't include me in your machinations, Cousin." Killian said with a lazy smile, "I'd rather watch the king's sons and his bastard fight it out. If they do want a bite of Dycathion, well, I wouldn't mind conquering their lands." 

Killian turned to the room and pointed to Kieran, "Spirit, Give him the ice crystal."

Then the young general strode to hole Cybelline had made.

Killian pulled out a three fire cracker. On his finger shone a little light of green flame. The fireworks flew out of his hands into the sky.

The insignia of house bloomed over the sky. A green shape, the shape of a sabertooth tiger appeared in the sky and roared. The sound shook the earth.

People turned to look at the sign and soldiers who had been making merry suddenly turned and ran towards the signal.

Cybelline looked up and grinned wickedly.

"Let the chase begin." She ran faster towards the castle.

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