(18+) Smooth Xscape (Complete...

By mjjlovebug

103K 5.1K 17.9K

Vol. 2: This is a sequel to My Fucking Smooth Criminal, and if you haven't read that yet, I suggest that you... More

Ch. 1: Useless
Ch. 2: Trabajo
Ch. 3: The back alley
Ch. 4: I'm sore
Ch. 5: A truck load with...
Ch. 7: I...have to.
Ch. 8: The shower
Ch. 9: On the run... Again
Ch. 10: Unbelievable!
Ch. 11: Pistol power
Ch. 12: Of course not!
Ch. 13: Unfiltered
Ch. 14: Purple cows
Ch. 15: Divinity in Motion
Ch. 16: Sheepier than sheep
Ch. 17: Ultrasound
Ch. 18: I need a hug
Ch. 19: Suggestion
Ch. 20: Like this?
Ch. 21: Barbeque
Ch. 22: Defiant
Ch. 23: (Un)predictable
Ch. 24: The quilt
Ch. 25: Are you okay?
Ch. 26: Teary eyes
Ch. 27: Fresh start
Ch. 28: Streetwalking, baby
Ch. 29: Golden opportunity
Ch. 30: Almost
Ch. 31: B**ch!
Ch. 32: Babysitter
Ch. 33: Directions
Ch. 34: Side-effect
Ch. 35: Nervous
Ch. 36: Endure - or not...
Ch. 37: Tickets
Ch. 38: Solutions
Ch. 39: Distraction failure
Ch. 40: Sharing - Or not sharing...
Ch. 41: Daddy
Ch. 42: Your turn
Ch. 43: Suck!
Ch. 44: You were sayin'...?
Ch. 45: BAD Mama
Ch. 46: Guess who's back?
Ch. 47: No, no and a maybe
Ch. 48: For a new beginning
Bonus 1 - Dated
Bonus 2 - Victoria's secret
Bonus 3 - The Christmas tree
Bonus 4 - Gift of a lifetime
Bonus 5 - Hoe-hoe-hoe or whatever...
Bonus 6 - Walk the plank
Bonus 7 - Gone fishing
Bonus 8 - Me, myself and I
Bonus 9 - Mikezilla

Ch. 6: Salesmen

2.3K 113 629
By mjjlovebug

"Microwaves?!" we said simultaneously. Then I frowned.

"What in heaven's name are we gonna do with a truck load of microwaves, Jackson? You and your great plan... Oh, I forgot. You didn't have a plan! Now look where that brought us."

He gave me a warning look that silenced me.

"I think I might have an idea," he said, shut the doors closed, and started walking in the direction of the B&B.

"And...?" I asked, when he didn't continue. The only thing he did continue, was walking.

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" I yelled, trying to keep up with him, suddenly a little anxious of the darkness around us.

"Mr. Jackson?!"

Even though I felt less sore by now, I still didn't feel the urge to run. That was... Until I noticed something hairy coming out from a bush. Then I ran! And I ran so fast, that I almost made Mr. Jackson fall when I crashed into him.

"What the fuck?!"

"A MONSTER!!!" I screamed, and continued running into the darkness . But then I got scared again by the shadows of some trees, and hurried back to Mr. Jackson, who were laughing his ass off.

"Great God, Ms. Wetherby! You're more nervous than a Greyhound. It was just a raccoon. Relax!"

"Easy for you to say," I mumbled, feeling embarrassed as hell. But then I remembered what he'd said.

"What are we gonna do with those microwaves?"

"Sell them."

"But who wants to buy, what is it, like two hundred microwaves?!"

"No one."


"We're gonna sell them one by one."

"Oh. Like door salesmen?"


"So you'll charm the heck out of the women, and I'll seduce the men, into buying?"

I instantly regretted my choice of words, because instead of letting me enter the door to the B&B, he pushed me against the wall and slammed one hand on each side of me, nailing me with angry eyes.

"You are not seducing anybody else than me! Understood?!"

"Uhhh... I didn't mean it that way. I just..."

I coughed and bit my lip, and noticed his attention was drawn to my mouth for a second or two. Then he snapped out of it, and looked angry again.

"What did you say? Gail."

What did I say? Oh, yeah!

"I didn't mean it that way, Sir! I only thought it was a good strategy, to sell the most microwaves. Sir."

Then I pushed my chest forward and squeezed my breasts slightly together. And his reaction was exactly what I was hoping for. His eyes flickered a little and he licked his lips.

You're a genius, Gail! 1 - 0 to you for distraction skills.

He cleared his voice, and stepped away from me, straightening his leather jacket.

"That's actually not such a bad idea."

I didn't dare to say anything, in case I triggered him again. I just kept pushing my breasts together, and added fluttering eyelashes and pursed lips too.

"But right now, I have a better idea."

Oh? Why do I feel... Uh-uh... You took it too far, didn't you?

"We need to do something with that smart ass mouth of yours."

Noooo.....! Not....

"We need to clean it..."
He placed my hand on his bulge.
"...with my cum."

Dammit, Gail! Why?! Why do you do this to yourself?! This backfired times plenty...! 1 - 1.

"Let's get a room."


The next day started with a nice breakfast and a little relaxing. Mr. Jackson got some soothing ointment for the pain in my lady parts, and I felt a whole lot better, snuggled up in the crook of his arm while he watched TV. I gave up trying to understand the language, but Mr. Jackson seemed to understand most of it.

"Do you think we'll manage to sell some of them?" I asked, while drawing circles with my finger on his chest.

"Who knows?"

"I sure hope we do, because we're so broke right now, that if we got robbed, they would have to consider it as practising. Or, they'll feel so sorry for us, that they end up giving us money instead."

Mr. Jackson chuckled, and I felt the vibration in his ribcage. The sound of his heart thumped rhythmically in my ear, and made my own heart rate slow down. I lazily let my finger caress the cleft in his chin, and admired his cheekbones and squared jaw line. I could literally drown in this man's beauty.

This thing right here? It made it worth all the things I had to put up with, to love such a complex man. He was quite a challenge sometimes, but I knew for sure, I couldn't live another day without him. He made me both weak, and strong at the same time, and I loved the rush of fire he lit within me, only by his presence.

I tilted my head and kissed his cheek. Short beard stubbles tickled my lips, and his natural aroma gradually turned me on.

No, Gail! No! You can't! Stoooop it!!!

So I did. But not soon enough, because Mr. Jackson had already turned his head and captured my lips with his, and no matter how hard my consciousness objected, they were glued to his like a magnet. I slowly moved my leg in between his, and whimpered a little, both from the pain in my groin, but mostly because of the growing passion in our kiss. Our lips parted and our tongues tasted each other, first gently, but then more greedily.


But surprisingly, Mr. Jackson was the one who broke it off.

"Don't tease me like that, Gail. I need you to be able to walk back and forth from the truck, and from house to house, with me. And you know I'm not the type to make love. I fu..."

"You fuck. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."

I huffed at the thought of all the hard work that laid ahead of us, and sat up on the bed.

"So, let's get going then."


To my relief, the microwaves weren't that heavy to carry, but since we had to walk quite long distances, they sure felt heavy enough. So I was relieved when I could place the huge box down on the ground, as we arrived at the first house. A couple of kids were playing in the garden, and immediately came running towards us.

"¿Quién eres?" one of them asked, and the other one shushed at him.

"¡No podemos hablar con extranos!"

I heard them whisper to each other, but I couldn't hear what, and it didn't matter either, since Mr. Jackson interfered in their conversation.

"Hola, ninos. Nuestro nombre es Bonnie y Clyde. ¿Donde esta tu madre?"

I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, and felt so insanely awkward, that I was blushing. But suddenly one of the kids yelled something, and ran towards the house.

"¡Mama! ¡Mama! ¡Tenemos una visita!"

I tapped Mr. Jackson discreetly on his underarm, and whispered:

"What are they saying?"

He shrugged casually.

"Just that they're not supposed to talk to strangers. So I presented ourselves so we weren't strangers anymore, and..."

"YOU WHAT?!" I whispered loudly.

"Calm down! I didn't say our real names. From now on, we're Bonnie and Clyde, okay?"

I giggled.

"That's what you came up with..? Bonnie and Clyde?"

"Yes, now shh!" He nodded towards the house where a woman came out, drying her hands on a towel.

"¿En qué puedo ajudarte?"

What? She wants us to play darts?! You're here to sell microwaves, not having a playdate! And with kids and all... Eww.

I studied the two small persons, while Mr. Jackson took care of the talking and demonstrated what we had to offer. And then the lady went back into the house to get something.

One of the kids came up close to us. Really close... And it freaked me out to the point where I almost ran off.

Reach out your hand, Gail! Hurry!

So I did. I held my shaking hand in front of its face, shut my eyes and prayed for the best. Then I heard Mr. Jackson chuckle next to me.

"What are you doing, Gail?"

"I'm... Uhm... I let it sniff my hand."

Mr. Jackson tried to keep himself from laughing, and his face was twisted in a grin that normally would've cracked me up too. But not with these...things around, I wasn't!

"Yeah, I can see that, but why?"

"To make sure it won't bite, dammit!" I hissed, not daring to look away from the kid.

"What?! It's not a damn dog! Stop doing that!"

He was about to say something more, when the lady came back, and I was more than relieved when she commanded the two kids to go sit in the sand box. Now, I could focus on what Mr. Jackson was doing, and how he got the deal sealed.

Hm. Your man sure knows how to charm the ladies, Gail.

He had straightened his shoulders to get his broadest posture, and tilted his head a little backwards, which made his neck look so damn attractive, that I could visually see the effect it had on the woman in front of him. And with a cocky grin, he...

...winked at her?! Did he ever do that to you, when you met, Gail? Oh! See? Now, he's touching her lowerarm too!

I cleared my voice to remind him that I was still there, but he just kept letting his eyes graze over her body like a zebra on the savannah. He was practically eating her out with the way he stared! Dammit, Jackson!! Stop that!

But then they finished their conversation, he picked up the microwave and followed her inside the house.

Great. Just great, Gail. This was not a part of the plan. He was not supposed to hit on your customers, he was supposed to sell them a microwave, for Pete's sake!

The kids in the sandbox were staring at me, while I paced back and forth, until Mr. Jackson came back outside. And that stupid bitch was clinging to his hand like a friggin ape. Then she handed him the money, and he put both his hands in the pockets of his slacks, and quite obviously adjusted a little more than just the money. Aaargh! If I could just kill him....!!!

Smiling, he said goodbye to the lady, and the both of us started walking down the street towards the next house. But when we were far enough from the house, I tapped him so hard on the shoulder, that he almost dropped the box in his hands.

"Do you have any shame?!"

I glared daggers into his eyes, with my hands on my hips.

"No. Why?"

Well... At least he's honest, Gail...

"Because that's not how you're supposed to behave like, as a salesman! That wasn't... It was... You were practically eye-shagging her, Mr. Jackson, and she acted like a feline in heat!"


"So?! I'll fucking give you 'so'!!! If we're gonna be doing this for the next couple of weeks, you'd better get your shit together and act more professional! Like a professional salesman! Not a professional man whore!"

I was fuming, but Mr. Jackson looked completely indifferent, which of course only got me more pissed than I was.

"I sold one microwave, didn't I? And she even paid a little extra because I hadn't any change."

He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, then started walking again.

"But you... Argh! You can't...! Ah, for fuck's sake!!! Next place is mine! You hear me?! M-I-N-E!"

I trampled on passed him, and into the frontyard to the next house and knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked once more, and heard someone yell from the other side of the house. So, we followed the sound, and found a man painting a shed in the backyard.

"Hello, Sir? Would you like to..."

Spanish, Gail! Spanish! Why didn't you ask Mr. Jackson to teach you a few phrases before you got pissed on him?!

"Uhm.. Sorry."

I cleared my voice to start over, and I felt Mr. Jackson's eyes burn in my back.

"¡Hola, Senor! Quiero... Uh.. Res... Quieres compra uhm... A microwavos?"

Mr. Jackson had to leave to avoid laughing too loud, but damn, he laughed loud enough! And what's worse, was, that the man in front of me also laughed, and I felt so painfully embarrassed, I almost whimpered.

"Uhh... Una momenta... Momento? Whatever..."
I held up my pointing finger in front of mto make him wait, and then I jolted after Mr. Jackson.

"What do I say?! I don't speak Spanish!" I whisper-yelled.

"Ye-he-heah... I noticed...!" he laughed while facepalming. So I smacked his elbow.

"Say what I'm supposed to be saying, asshead, or else I'm gonna force you to flirt with him, the same way as you did with that chicka-crow back there!"

Mr. Jackson managed to pull himself together a little.

"¿Quieres comprar uno microonda?"

"Okay. Quieres comprar uno microonda... Quieres comprar uno microonda... Quieres..."

I repeated the phrase on my way back to the man, who had returned to his painting.

"Uhm... Excuse me? ¿Quieres creamper una micro...conda?"

Be polite, Gail!

"Oh! And, por favor!"

The man chuckled and shook his head.

"I know a little English," he said, with a distinct Spanish accent.


"How can I help you?"


DAYUUUMMM! This man is a fine specimen, Gail! Just look at his muscles under that ripped t-shirt! And he's all sweaty... And... FOCUS!

"Do you need a new microwave? We have one for sale, right now, brand new, straight from the fabric."

"And what makes you think I need a new microwave?"

I suddenly felt a little self-conscious under his gaze, and shifted my weight from one foot to the other.

Use Mr. Jackson's strategy! You need to show him that you can sell the goods too.

"Maybe not you, but your wife?"

A sly grin appeared on his face.

"And what makes you think there's a wife?"

"Uhm... There isn't? Then... Then you really need a microwave!"

I stepped close to him, to show him the brochure than came with the box, and explained the specifications like a pro. And the more confident I got, the more interested he seemed, and soon we had a pretty funny conversation going.

"So what do you say? Do you want it?" I finally asked, and frowned a little by the sudden look in his eyes. But I shrugged it off, and led the way to the front where the microwave was, with him following a little too close behind. I wasn't sure, but I think I felt his hand brushing lightly over one of my butt cheeks, but that had to be coincidental. Right...?

We rounded the corner of the house and saw the box standing on the ground...with a furious Mr. Jackson next to it.

Suits him well! Two can play this game, and he set the bars.

I scowled at him to make him behave, and put on a rather strained smile and continued my conversation with the man, pretending that Mr. Jackson wasn't even there.

"Here it is. I can help you to..."

I didn't get any further, because Mr. Jackson interrupted us with a stone cold appearance.

"I will take it from here, if you don't mind. Where do I put it?"

He lifted the box and was about to carry it towards the house, when the Hispanic stopped him. He dug his hand into his pocket and handed me almost two thousand pesos, and a little wink. And then he took the box from Mr. Jackson, said 'adios', and walked into his house.

"Don't you dare say a word, Jackson!" I hissed, as I trampled on passed him in the direction of the truck, and he growled something incoherent as an answer. Then we picked up two new boxes, and headed for the next house. All in complete and quite intimidating silence.

It was Mr. Jackson's turn to knock, and soon after a middle aged woman appeared in the doorway. Her hair was neatly pulled back into a bun, and she wore an apron over a rather old looking, flower patterned dress. A typical housewife.

"¿Si?" she asked with a sceptical look in her eyes. But then Mr. Jackson took her hand, and bowed deeply.

"Buenas dias, My Lady. You look beautiful today."

And then he kissed her wedding ring...

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