Strangled Heart (Thorin Oaken...

By MusicalMajesty

4.1K 112 25

~~Warning: Kind Of A Slow Burn~~ Ambrosia was surprised to see the old wizard in the forest that day. His lip... More

*1* Our Story Begins *1*
*2* The Story Continues *2*
*3* Orcs *3*
*4* Our Journey Continues *4*
*5* An Agreement *5*
*6* Orc Encounter *6*
*12* Goblins *12*
*7* Rivendell *7*
*13* A Night To Remember *13*
*15* Split Up *15*
A/N 500 Reads?!
*16* Apart *16*
*17* Skin-Changers *17*
*18* An Explanation *18*
*19* Regrets *19*
*20* Confessions *20*
*21* Amari *21* (Also We Hit 1k Reads :O)
*22* Into The Forest *22*
Update A/N (Is This Story Over?)
Another A/N (Important!)
Important A/N- 2 Years Later...


144 5 0
By MusicalMajesty

Bilbo shifts a little uncomfortably, and I can feel a pair of eyes on us. Glancing to my left, I see Thorin watching us from afar. He doesn't seem entirely happy with our current position, but I can't fathom why. Taking my hand off of Bilbo's shoulder, I look back over to him, saying, "Don't pay mind to Thorin. From what I can tell, he's just EverythingThatIsn'tADwarfist." I smile a bit at my joke as Bilbo tries to hold back a bit of laughter. Hearing a snort from my right, I look down and see Fili and Kili holding back laughter as well. Seems these two heard me.
Kili and Fili look a bit red in the face as they hold back their laughter, struggling to do so. Bilbo joining in from beside me. Looking over to my left again, I notice Thorin is watching us all still, with a slightly calmer expression. And expression of... longing?

I must be mistaken.


A mighty storm rages all around the company as we hike through the slippery slopes of the Misty Mountains. My eyes scan the peaks of the mountains as we pass, worried about the very real possibility of a mudslide drowning us all. My hands stay poised in front of me, ready to cast a spell to block us from a mudslide.

"Can't you cast another spell to keep us dry, Ambrosia?" Ori asks me, trudging along near the front. The other dwarves look at me with slightly hopeful expressions, but are quickly disappointed by my response.

"Even if I casted some spells to try and keep us all dry, I could not keep it up for long. Last time was an exception. But that was much lighter weather." I explain, and Ori nods his head in response. The wind begins to pick up, and the voices of the others are quickly lost to me.

Feeling a shaky hand grasp my arm for support, I look to my right to see a very soaked Bilbo. Widening my eyes, I realize that he doesn't have a jacket and is no doubt close to getting frostbite. I don't give him time to try to speak. Pulling him off to the side, I stop and take off my cloak, feeling as the cold rain quickly causes me to be just as soaked as the others. Placing my mostly rain-proof cloak on his shoulders, I quickly tie the knot to secure it. Luckily, he knows I won't take no for an answer.

Bilbo re-secures his hand back around my arm, and I quickly walk back to the others. I know that he probably only grasped my arm in hopes of not slipping, but slipping face first into mud, compared to frostbite, is nothing.

We very quickly reach a cavern, in which only a very narrow path travels over it, and I realize that slipping at this point could cost us gravely.

Gripping the side wall, we begin to move along it, thunder ringing throughout the cavern. Suddenly, a boulder comes flying towards the mountain above us, breaking away bits of rock.

I barely hear Balin's flabbergasted voice from further up the trail as he exclaims, "This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!"

Peering through the rain, I finally spot the stone giants he is speaking of. Their massive stone bodies fight, and within moments a third one has joined the battle.

"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" Bofur says, just as surprised as the others to see them.

I can't say I haven't heard the stories before, but I certainly haven't seen a thunder battle in person. They're dangerous things to witness, so I've heard. But then again, I've never heard of witnesses surviving.

Gripping Bilbo beside me, I continue to follow the others warily. First, a dangerous chasm and now this? It's as if the fates are trying to kill us!

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, another boulder comes flying towards us, and the ground beneath our feet begins to move. Looking above us, I spot the face of a Stone Giant who's breaking free of the wall behind us.

My hands instantly pull Bilbo towards me, and I grip him with one arm, my other arm holding onto the stone giant's leg.

I'm lost as to what's happening as the storm worsens, and my hand begins to bleed from the rough rock that I tightly grip. I can feel Bilbo clutching to me the best he can as the leg is thrust towards a wall. Seeing our chance, the dwarves on the leg and I jump to a nearby rock. In the background, I can barely hear the other dwarves screaming our names.

I twist in the air before me and Bilbo land, causing me to land roughly on my back (As well as my bow and quiver), leaving him unharmed. A stinging sensation travels up my back and I let out a grunt of pain. Bilbo rolls out of my grip, and within seconds the other dwarves have reached us. They let out cries of relief as we stand, Balin helping me stand as I grit my teeth leaning a bit on him. He eyes me warily, asking, "Lass, are you hurt?"

I nod, answering, "Landed on my back. It's not exactly agreeing with my decision." Balin adjusts himself so I'm leaning on him a bit more. He looks around anxiously to the others as Bofur's voice sounds.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the hobbit?"

My eyes widen as I notice a pair of hands gripping onto the side of the cavern.

"There!" Ori exclaims, pointing at Bilbo.

One of the others says something, but I don't hear it, my back stinging once again as I move to jump forward. Balin holds me back, telling me, "We don't need you hurt anymore than you are lass."

Ori lunges towards Bilbo in an attempt to grab him, but Bilbo's fingers quickly disappear. My hands fly over my mouth as I attempt to muffle a small scream of helplessness. My hope is completely drained as the others walk over there, but then Thorin swings down. I can't see what happens next, but in a matter of moments, Bilbo's back on the ledge, with Thorin attempting to heave himself up.

But his grip slips as well.

Dwalin and I jump forward, grasping his hands just in time. I let out a small yelp as my back sends shooting pains into my entire body, worse than before. The pain is like a thousand Elven arrows piercing my back. I grit my teeth, the other dwarves coming to our aid and quickly helping us lift Thorin out of the pit.

The moment Thorin is back onto the ledge, I fall backwards and onto my back with another grunt of pain. Thorin sees me on the ground, his eyes worried, and gently helps me up, allowing me to lean on him. His large arm is around me as he slowly guides me. From the corner of my eye, I can see the blood from my hand on his.

Gritting my teeth, we begin to walk towards the others. I don't even protest to Thorin's help, the shooting pains too much for me to even mutter a word.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar," Dwalin gruffly says, eyeing me, Thorin, and Bilbo.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin states in an even gruffer voice.

I can't help but be a bit mad about Thorin's words, but I don't have the strength to say anything. He guides us forward, and my eyes shut from the pain. My legs begin to drag a bit, but I continue forward, trying my best to ignore the pain. I can tell the others are beginning to get very worried, and are searching for somewhere to rest.

Opening my eyes just a bit, I see a cave up ahead. We rush towards it as fast as we can, and are instantly greeted with a dry place to rest.

Thorin moves over towards the nearest wall, and I quickly sit down, fighting the grimace that takes up the most of my face. I want to utter a "thank you" to him, but the pain is too much. Gritting my teeth and clenching my already bleeding fists is the best I can do.

The others are talking around me, but Oin is quickly by my side, offering water and healing herbs. I accept the healing herbs, but refuse the water. I've had enough of water for the day, be it falling from the sky or in a water skin.

Oin places the herbs in my mouth, and I quickly swallow them. Within mere moments the pain lessens enough that I can open my eyes, my jaw no longer clenched. Oin then takes my bleeding right hand, wrapping it up with a piece of cloth before leaving to help the others set up camp.

Something about this cave seems familiar. And definitely not in a good way.

Thorin wanders over to me with a slightly worried expression.

"What happened?"

Looking up from my bloodied hand, I meet his blue eyes, replying, "Landed on my back when Bilbo and I jumped off of the giant. Not my greatest plan, what with my bow and quiver on, I'll admit."

Thorin answers quickly in his grim voice, "You should rest, we leave at daybreak."

Thorin turns to leave, but I quickly say, "Wait."

He turns back to me with a questioning look as I respond, "We should find a different place to rest. I'm sure there are caves nearby, but this cave seems familiar to me. And I don't mean in a good way."

Thorin's eyes darken a bit as he answers, "Even while you're injured, you insist we keep moving? We are staying here till morning."

And with that, he stalks off again, but not before glancing back at me once more.

Leaning forward a bit, I remove my quiver and bow, setting them to the side and silently praying that this place isn't as dangerous as it feels.

I lean back again, onto the rough, but thankfully dry wall as Thorin barks some more orders at the group. Bilbo shuffles over to me, my cloak in his hands as he awkwardly sits down next to me. He places my cloak between us, thanking me for allowing him to use it. The others have all gathered in their sleeping bags, most asleep. Except for Bofur, Bilbo and me.

"Of course Bilbo. If you really think I'd allow you to freeze in the rain out there, you must be mad," I answer, my voice strained.

Bilbo leans onto the wall behind us, letting out a defeated sigh as he glances over at Thorin.

"You know, he's wrong about you."

Bilbo looks over to me in surprise.

"One day, hopefully sometime soon, he'll see that. Until then, don't let him get to you. He's looking to weed out the weaklings, and if you allow his words to effect you, then he'll have won. Show him the Bilbo he can believe in. The Bilbo that I believe in," I say, lifting a sore arm up just enough to rest my hand on his shoulder.

Bilbo falls silent, and I know that he's thinking.

"Sleep on it Bilbo. You can always make your decision in the morning. But, if you decide to leave, don't leave without alerting me. Just remember, though Thorin may not show it, he needs you on this journey more than he'll audibly admit." I tell him before climbing into my sleeping bag, which Oin had lain out for me earlier.

Bilbo nods, falling silent for another moment before turning to me with a curious look.

"And what about you? You said that I'm important, but you didn't mention yourself."

Sighing, I sit up once again, answering truthfully, "That is because I am not. Though warriors are important, there are many on this journey. A warrior, especially one that is not a full blood dwarf, let alone the leader's kin, is replaceable. I am replaceable. I am not a vital part of this journey, and even without me the company could still make this journey. You, however, are not easily replaceable."

I lean back onto the wall, closing my eyes before continuing.

"There is only one burglar- one Hobbit, the Hobbit on this journey. No other Hobbits would have come along, and no other Hobbit's were chosen by Gandalf the Grey to join on this journey. You have a purpose to serve Bilbo. And though your time has not come yet, I believe it will not be long until it comes."


Hello My Little Arkenstones! 

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I've been very busy with school and am sick with the flu right now. 

*The next chapter will not come next week.*

Next week, I will be visiting family in another state, so I will be unable to write.

The next chapter will take approximately 3 weeks to upload, of which I am very sorry for the wait. This chapter and the next 2-4 are VITAL to the story and I absolutely cannot mess them up is I want this story to be any good, so I will need more time to write them. 

I hope you all understand, and thank you for reading!

If you like this story, remember to:

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See you in a few weeks, My Little Arkenstones!

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