By gxtx_me

1.8K 251 36

What happens when your boyfriend goes missing without a trace? When his whole family just vanishes and all y... More

-One- BEFORE: How it all began
-Seventeen- AFTER: Seven years later
-Twenty one-
-Twenty two-
-Twenty three-
-Twenty four-
-Twenty five-
-Twenty six-
-Not a chapter-
-Twenty seven-
-Twenty eight-
-Twenty nine-
-Thirty two-
-Thirty three-
-Thirty four-

-Thirty one-

44 5 0
By gxtx_me

I had gotten good at lying over the past few years but I just couldn't do it to him. In the end I did end up lying to Kevin. "I'll help you" I said as the hope died somewhere inside of me.

"So what did he say?" Matt asked me as soon as I was out but I didn't feel like speaking. "Why are you asking me when you have everything recorded?" I asked a little annoyed. "Actually why is everything so unfair? I know how you ended up saving me from that building, because you had a location tracker on me! And I absolutely thank you for that but please, for once, stop acting like you don't know anything that just happened in there. Stop testing me" I said aloud with every person present there, staring at me.

"I.. I didn't know you felt that way" Matt said genuinely. "I didn't know it too, until now" I spoke. "You can go home, get some sleep, let's talk tomorrow okay" Matt said politely, making me regret my tone with him. "Okay" I nodded.

Sleep did make things a little better. It cleared my mind a little but the whole Kevin thing brought me back to reality.

To help myself feel better I decided to go to a local cafe with Theo and Liz. "What do I do?" I asked them with an iced latte grasped in my palms, numbing every sensation expect for the one in my brain.

"Can you help him?" Theo asked. "I don't know his definition of help" I realised. "Then why didn't you ask him when you were in there" Liz asked the most logical question. "I just didn't know what to say on looking at his state" I shrugged and took a large sip.

"Serena, think. Why would he ask you of all people?" Theo asked, making me give it a thought. "I'm the closest to Matt. I can convince" I replied. "There you go. Now how would that help him?" Theo leaned forward. "I have to convince Matt to not treat him like a prisoner. He's ill, not stupid" I answered.

"And there you have your answer" he clapped his hands together while I had a smile on my face. "Thor, you really are a superhero right" I laughed. "Took you long enough to realise" he laughed too pulling me and Liz towards him. "Man, how I love you both" I pulled each of their cheeks with each hand. "We love you too" they chimed in, trying to pull my hands off their cheeks.

"Also, we have some visitors in town" Lisa got up and went towards the door. "Who?" I asked as the door opened and Melanie and Ace walked in. "Mel! Ace!" I went up to them and grabbed them in a tight hug.

"What brings you here?" I asked them. "We have decided to increase the pace of events. You are invited to our engagement that's to happen this week.." Mel spoke and I smiled like the mad hatter. "Congrats!" I said.

"And also to our destination wedding which is to happen in Paris" Ace completed. Somewhere between hearing wedding and Paris my mouth decided to remain open in a full round 'O'.

"Serena?" Mel giggled, waving her hand in front of my face. "My besties are getting married. It's happening!" I smiled, my eyes tearing up. "And you both, my bridesmaids, we have so much to do" she looked at me and Liz. "Finally, I have been dying to know what we have to wear, what dress, what sandals, hairstyles..." Lisa started her endless talks.

"Liz, I am the bride" Mel said seriously and Theo and Ace stifled a laugh. "Yeah, but we have to look our best too" Lisa smiled innocently. "Don't you flash that smile at me" Mel squinted.

"If you girls are done, can I order my drink?" Ace asked for he was forever hungry and still pretty much in shape. "Sure, how many?" I patted his arm. "Two mint lemonades" he confirmed and before we knew it, he was done sipping his drink.

Kamille and Howard had arrived two days prior to the engagement. Kam was to be the maid of honour and it wasn't a surprise since Mel had lived most of her school life with her.

The engagement had gone smoothly and I had successfully asked Colin about granting me two days leave to attend the wedding in Paris. In simple words it sounded like "The patients coming to visit me will be redirected to someone else working over here and the hospital would be having twice as many unhappy customers, but you have to handle it anyways"

Though I didn't say it that way and spoke ever so politely to my boss, he must have heard it that way but, Colin being Colin, was kind enough to give me that leave.

It was the day we had to fly to Paris. Dan had booked a cab and I was done with packing the smallest bag I could find. Jake was still trying to fit in his second pair of shoes in his bag when there was a car honk outside the door. "He's two minutes early!" I heard a complaint from Jake who was now sitting on his bag and trying to close the zip. "Why do you need another pair of shoes anyways?" I asked, getting to the door.

"It's Paris, I can't just walk around in the same pair" he said when I saw Dan wave from the taxi stationed outside. I didn't hear whatever else Jake said but it was something about cute girls. I rolled my eyes to myself on exiting the house.

"All set?" Dan asked, getting out. "Pretty much, Jake's inside" I said, keeping my bag in the boot of the car. "I'm here" Jake was closing the door to lock it. "Great let's go" Dan said and opened the back door for me and Jake and then got in the front seat next to the driver.

On meeting everyone and after the check in, we were seated in the waiting area for the gates to open. "This is boring, can we go see some duty free items" I suggested to the girls. "It's hella' expensive" Kam said. "I said 'see' not 'buy'" I told. "Sure" she then smiled and agreed.

The watches, perfumes, rings all looked so good but tremendously expensive. "If all these prices are claimed to be duty free, I wonder what they'll charge with duty" Mel said aloud, earning an awkward glance from a saleswoman. But if it affected Mel, well, she wasn't Mel then.

In minutes I got a missed call and I turned to look at where everyone was sitting, only to find Dan waving at me like I was his rescue ship on a stranded island. I got the signal, it was time we boarded the plane.

Without a moment to waste, we were in the queue, holding out our boarding passes. "I love France, Ma spent most of her life there" Dan told me as we entered the plane and sat down, me beside the window. "Cool, explains why you are so good at French" I smiled. "Yeah, she taught the both of us. Many times when we were upset with Dad, we used to go and talk to Ma in French. That used to get on his nerves" he grinned and I chuckled, picturing the scene.

"Excuse me sir, your welcome drink" a gorgeous air hostess held out two plastic cans and smiled at him, then at me. "Thanks" I said and reached out to take it when Dan took both the cans from her and gave the warmest of warm smiles. I only stared and folded my arms as his hand touched hers and she smiled even more.

As she left, I continued sitting there, my hands folded on front of me. "Here" he opened my tray table and placed it on that. "You could have given it in my hands" I stated. "Yeah, I mean I could have even put it in your coat pocket. There are many possibilities" he said while peeling off the cover from his own lemonade. "Yeah but giving it to me was the better option" I said but before he heard me, she was back.

I caught her name this time. 'Josephine Dubois' it read on her shiny name tag pinned perfectly on her blue blouse. "Sir, ma'am" she addressed us while presenting a tray with warm towels placed on it. Picking it with a tong like tool she gave us one each. "Thank you" I said but she was was caught on with Dan who had said "Merci"

"Je t’en prie" she responded with a beautiful smile as though they were childhood friends and went on with her job, completely forgetting me. "Wow" I said once she was gone. "Yeah she's beautiful right" Dan looked at me. "Sure she is, which explains why you were flirting with her" I gave him a glare. "I wasn't flirting, I was just being nice" he said in disbelief. "Yeah totally" I shifted my gaze to the window.

The cabin crew announcement made itself clear for take off on the airplane speakers. Dan pushed his way past and placed his head next to my neck, his breath warming my skin. "Lemme see" he reasoned, looking out of the window. "I thought you preferred the optional view the flight offers" I chided.

"You're funny" he chuckled and kissed my jaw as my grip on the armrest tightened for take off. "That I am" I forced a smile.

"Is anything wrong? I believe it's more than something about Josephine" he put his hand on mine as the plane caught speed.

"Yeah, I hate flying" I shook my head when we were in the air.

In a few minutes we were done with airplane jokes and hearing countless "You're afraid of flying!?" questions from Dan. I was tired of trying to explain that I wasn't afraid of flying, just that I didn't like it. If there was a super fast airplane speed cruise connecting the places of the world, I would have happily opted for that; anything over air travel.

"Have you watched air crash investigation"
he asked ruthlessly. "Oh yes, a bird's going to fly into the engines and we will all crash to our insignificant deaths" I said dramatically. "So you are not scared?" he questioned for the millionth time. "Of dying in an air crash, hell yes! Of flying, no" I answered.

"You ladies are so hard to understand" he concluded.

Sure enough, the worst part of flying made it's way to our flight- turbulence. Jake always enjoyed it, he called it the fastest roller coaster without a track. And no, I didn't agree with him.

The expected announcement about strapping the seatbelts on and remaining seated was something I always followed long before the sound reached my eardrums.

The horrible momentary sensation of weightlessness when the plane swoops down in the cloud never failed to make heart swoop down in my chest. My knuckles had turned white by gripping on to the amrests as tight as I could.

In time I felt Dan's hand on my hand. I looked at him who was smiling widely. "Chill" he said his best words of wisdom.

"Everytime I look out of the window I'm just amazed at how we are still in the air. Science is awesome" I said through clenched teeth. "It's engineering, physics" he stressed with pride. "Sure, did I say it's biology?" I asked. "Nah, just telling. See, we aren't moving up and down anymore" he said, successful in taking my mind off it.

"Lemme sit outside, take the window" I said, turning my head so that my nose landed in his fluff of hair, his chin resting on my shoulder. "Noooo, I like sitting like this" he buried his head further and closed his eyes. "You smell good" he said and I laughed. "Thanks, now let me get up" I used both of my hands to lift his head.

He stuck his lower lip out in refusal but sadly, I was used to this. I only planted him a kiss and got up to sit on the outermost empty seat. It was surprising how there was an empty seat on a Paris bound flight.

"Ma'am please remain seated" I heard a male voice say from above me as I sat and fidgeted with the seatbelt. "Sorry, was just changing seats" I looked up to stare in a pair of dazzling gray eyes. "Thank you" he smiled and I lost the ability to give face expressions. Why was this plane loaded with such beautiful people?

It was more like 'Yeah we're testing you guys here. Try and don't stare at us while we work right next to you act like we don't know what effect it has on the passengers.'

"Uh, yeah you're welcome" I said stupidly and immediately facepalmed myself in my mind. He chuckled and only added to my miserable state by saying "Just ask if you need anything" with an ohmigosh smile.

After he left I turned to look at Dan who also never failed to look his best. "Go on, who's flirting now?" he had the worst of his playful smirks on his face. "I.. I only, uh God they all look so amazing!" I said. "You are more amazing" he chuckled gracefully and pulled me into his best of hugs that made me feel like I rather wouldn't be anywhere else expect his arms.

"I love you" I said and engulfed a large amount of air as the plane swooped down once more. "I got you" Dan kissed my forehead.

"Hey Aunt Chelsea!" I was welcomed with hugs from Theo's mom who had arrived a day back and come to receive us at the airport. "Hey Serena, hello Jakie" she said and went forward to hug the rest.

"Where's Mel's mom?" Jake asked when we were getting in the car. "There's a wedding to prepare for. So much work to do. You guys have so much to help us with" was her answer that sounded more like the list of chores we had to complete.

"Howard dear, could you please help with keeping these bags behind" Theo's mom said and Dan and I went forward to help him. "Howard dear, can you please help me with this bag too" I said and squeezed his curly bushy hair. "That was an awful imitation" he said and took the bag I was struggling with in one go. It only made us laugh even more.

We were at the hotel in some time. The city in itself was so beautiful. We were in time for lunch and after that each was given tasks appointed to us with a deadline. Mom and dad were there too, planning decorations for the venue.

"We have one motto for the next two days until the wedding" Mel spoke, standing on a chair. "And that is?" Howard asked before she could compelete, getting a nasty glare from Mel who hated being interrupted.

"Do not waste time"

We followed her motto, but only on the final day of the wedding when we hardly had any time.

We were in the bridal room getting ready. Mel had chosen a strapless ruffled princess gown which looked uh-maze-ing on her. Her blonde curls fell on the sides of her face. It was all lace on the sides and small stones adorned the ruffles.

She took my breath away "Melanie Anderson, you are so.."
"Sexy" Lisa said, staring at her from behind me.
"Well I was going to say beautiful"
"That's a common compliment" she waved it off and adjusted Mel's veil on her head.

"Thanks you guys" she smiled sweetly, very overwhelmed by the fact that she was actually getting married. She then called us all for a group hug which was tedious since we all were dressed on gowns that somewhat limited our movement.

"I can't believe it's happening" she looked at all of us with emotional eyes. All of our arms were around each other in a circle. "Don't you cry, that makeup took so long" Kam threatened, making her giggle. "Alright, all set?" I asked before we could exit and make it all happen. A little nod from Mel meant approval.

"Woohoo then, one selfie" Lisa took out her phone and faced the full length mirror. We all looked so grown up; one of us was getting married.

Kam, Lisa and I wore knee length neutral coloured frocks with little tiaras. They were off the shoulder with netted sleeves that ended above the elbow. The back went criss cross with lace. With little individual details, all three bridesmaids dresses were different. Lisa didn't stop on one selfie as she had said, not when we all looked so pretty.

"I remember prom" Kam said when we walked to the door. "This is even better" Mel smiled and the door to the aisle opened. We moved to the side as Mel's dad stood there waiting for his daughter.

"I'm going to cry" I heard Theo's whisper near our ears, on looking at his cousin sister. "Don't" Lisa dried his imaginary tears with an imaginary tissue. Then there was a calm silence while she walked down with her arm in her Mr. Anderson's. We moved from behind to where we had to stand.

Ace looked so happy in his marriage tux, a hint of pride in his eyes. I only paid attention to the details on their dresses until they were lawfully wedded and I heard "You may kiss the bride". That was our cue to scream and cheer and howl like we were back in school watching a football match, only this time we were all winners.

It was like a movie where the princess and the prince live happily ever after. "Cake" I said before they forgot and started to dance and party.

We cut the cake, we danced and reached the food part, probably the best part of any function. It was at that part that I finally got the time to sit down and speak to the guests, including Dan. This time his style was different. He wore a navy blue casual print shirt with smart slim fit trousers. A white jacket was draped around his arm and he wore white sneakers. Overall, he looked like he had put in least efforts but managed to look his best anyways.

"Wow, you look different. A good different" I added when he sat at the table. "Thanks babe" he winked and I narrowed my eyes. "Do you want something?"

"Nah, I just like making people happy by my choice of words" he smiled, his dimples extra deep. "Happy? More like suspicious" I said. "Cake?" he asked and fed me a big piece to make me stop asking questions. "What's going on here?" Lisa asked, placing her plate laden with food on the table. My first day of taking to Dan in the school canteen came flooding like deja vu to my brain.

"Trying to swallow" I said after I had successfully pushed every bit down my throat. "Look at them" Lisa pointed to my right, clearly not interested in what I was saying. I saw Mel and Ace with huge smiles on their faces while feeding cake to each other. The dolls of the bride and groom on the cake resembled the happy couple. Mel saw me and called me and Dan over to probably get some more cake but I declined, this was their moment.

The whole atmosphere, the love in the air and that one look at Dan smiling stirred something in me. I pulled my chair away from the table to get up because I felt like it was the perfect time to...

Ting ting ting I heard a sound and turned in its direction to see Ace strike a butter knife on the rim of a glass to catch our attention. "Hear all, my friend here has something to say" he smiled and paused to welcome that friend of his. My eyes widened when Dan stepped forward.

For a second he looked nervous but that feeling faded away almost immediately after he saw me and I smiled. "Ace Wright, and now finally Mel shares her surname with his. I can't express how happy I am for you both. I still remember our school days like it was just yesterday that we first met through my best friend Serena over here. Congratulations to both of you once again and may you both stay happy for the rest of your lives" he said and got a tight hug from both of them. After Mel pulled away, he continued while focussing on me the whole time.

"Speaking of school days, the first face that always comes to my mind is yours Serena. Like I said, it feels like it was just yesterday that we were all in high school but there was this long gap which I know was very tough on you. You now know why I had no choice but no form of apology or reasoning can give us back those seven years when we could have grown up together. But the most surprising part is how lucky I am to find a girl who understands and still loves me after everything she's been through. Sometimes you make me feel like I'm living in a dream" he said.

"You know I love you" I walked to him and stood at a distance of one foot from him, not paying attention to the glances we were receiving. I didn't know where he was taking this.

"I love you so much. I can't imagine spending a day without seeing you. Serena, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be my sunrise and sunset. I want you to see my awesome but annoying face everyday. I want to feed you handmade brownies whenever you want. I want to witness your cake hogging skills personally up close" he chuckled very prince like and the world melted around me.

"I promise never to let you go ever again. I only need you by my side during every moment of my life, because it was never about me, it's about you" he took a pause in his continuous flurry of words.

When I looked back at him, I knew just what he had in mind. He held my hand and laced our fingers.

"Serena Mayers, will you marry me?" he asked, now with a dazzling smile on his face and sparkling ring in his hand.

I stood transfixed, rooted to the spot. I couldn't believe it. Was this really happening? I was at my happiest level possible, my heart ready to burst. I could have cast a majestic patronus then.

All around me the air seemed to have changed. I could slowly make out audible happy murmurs.

"Daniel Walcott, marriage? I have to think.." I said seriously and his smile wavered, the murmurs increasing.

Seeing his face I immediately burst into a grin. "Yes, I will!" I said and threw myself around him. "Only if there's handmade brownies" I whispered in his ear and he grinned, putting his arms around me.

There was a loud cheer and a shower of confetti and rose petals from somewhere above us. My face was an inch away from his as I dusted his hair free from any confetti remnants.

After that I obviously did the one thing that I couldn't hold back. I locked my lips with his.

Yeah I'm grinning now. Yay!
There will be celebrations and brownies for everyone who's willing to spend and buy it for themselves (*still grinning*).

The rest... well wait for the next chapter. Please give it a vote and comment on what you liked best.

Until then,
Love and cheers,

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