sunsets // m.c [DISCONTINUED]

By -smileycathy

16K 771 136

[ mitchel cave ] it was all she really found comfort in. nothing more, nothing less. sunsets were capable of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42

chapter 10

398 17 1
By -smileycathy

Mitchel's eyes slowly opened and he was greeted by the sight of his drawer. The braided boy pushed himself up and sighed, blinking a few times to wake himself up. He thought of what day it was and remembered he was going out with Reese to properly get to know her.

A smile began to form on his lips as he sat up. He rubbed his face harshly and yawned, stretching his arms. A knock at his door made him jump slightly as. Once the door opened, Clinton poked his head through.

"Yo," he started. "You going anywhere today?"

"Yeah. Kinda have to do something," Mitchel explained.

"Shit," Clinton muttered, looking down. He thought for a moment before speaking up again. "What time do you think you'll be back?" Mitchel closed his eyes and sighed.

"Not sure. Why though? You got something planned?"

"Yeah. Wanted to see if you'd be down to come with Christian and I to the pub later," Clinton explained, leaning against Mitchel's door frame.

Mitchel hummed. "I'll try to be back before eight so we can go."

"Alright, that works," the older Cave brother nodded, standing up straight. There was a moment of silence before a question came to him. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?"

"Getting coffee with a friend," Mitchel replied, trying to keep it slightly a secret. He was going out for coffee with someone, but he didn't say who. However, the braided boy knew his older brother would be curious.

"Who?" As expected, Mitchel laughed at his brother's curiosity.

"I can't say for now," Mitchel replied, looking at Clinton in the eyes lazily. "You'll find out, just let me be for now, though." Clinton stood there, giving him a blank stare for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"Hiding things from me, I see," he said, chuckling softly. "Well, I'll leave you to it." With that, Clinton closed Mitchel's door, leaving him alone.

Mitchel felt bad for keeping things from his brother, but he knew he had to. After what happened with Valentina, he's been scared to tell his family and band mates anything about a girl. He felt as if he can no longer trust anyone, really. But with Reese, it was different in a way. However, he can't trust that she'll be any different yet. For all he knew, she'd turn out the same as Valentina. The thought sent chills down his spine.

After a long while of being stuck in his thoughts, Mitchel shook his head and got up to get ready. He knew he'd be late if he kept this up, and he didn't want to disappoint Reese.

He made his way toward his drawer, his feet padding across the floor lazily. The floor felt slightly cold against his feet, making him speed up when walking. Mitchel started to pick out what to wear. He didn't know what would be a good choice, so he decided to throw an outfit together; a loose black t-shirt, an orange hoodie, black jeans, and a pair of white converse.

Once he got his outfit settled, he exited his bedroom and walked down the hall to the bathroom. The braided boy started up the shower and looked himself in the mirror, sighing. He prayed today would go well.

After a moment of zoning out while looking at his reflection, he finally got undressed and stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water hit his skin.

Reese, on the other hand, continued to stare at her ceiling tiredly. Her body felt heavy whenever she'd try to push herself out of bed. It took a while before she finally managed to sit up and motivate herself to get ready. The brown haired girl's stomach let out a noise, signaling that she was hungry. She sighed to herself and slowly made her way out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Her feet padded softly against the cold, tiled floor, giving her a slightly comforting feeling.

Once she entered the kitchen, her mother and brother both looked in her direction, falling quiet from their talk before she came in. They continued to eat their food, but in pure silence.

"You're up early," her mother spoke up, breaking the awkward silence in the room. "You have anything planned today?"

"Going out," Reese replied, her voice raspy.

"Where? It's too early into the day," Luke asked, jumping into the conversation.

"Luke, it's ten in the morning. That's not too early," her mother responded, chuckling softly at her son's words.

"Well, to me it is," the younger boy muttered, not looking at anyone.

"Just to get coffee," Reese opened the fridge and pulled out a cold water bottle. The chilly breeze from the fridge hit Reese's skin, causing her to shiver slightly. She heard her mom hum approvingly.

"With or without someone?"

"...With," she said hesitantly as she looked for something else to eat in the fridge. Another moment of silence fell in the room.

"Who?" Luke asked. He was about to speak up again before his mother gave him a stern look, signaling for him to keep his mouth shut.

"Someone," Reese sighed. She closed the refrigerator door and quickly walked out of the kitchen to avoid any sort of conversation with her mother and brother. She hated being questioned. It made the uncomfortable, anxious feeling build up in her chest.

The girl sat on her bed and stared at the floor for a moment, zoning out. She suddenly felt the urge to stay home, but she tried her best to fight the feeling. She wasn't going to let Mitchel down.

Her phone rang loudly, shifting her attention away from the floor. Reese's eyes traveled over to the device on her nightstand. All she did was stare at it as Mitchel's name flashed on her screen. It took a while before she finally reached for it, tapping on the green answer button.

"Hello?" She said into her phone, picking at her shirt.

"Hey," Mitchel's voice was heard, a smile clearly plastered on his face from the tone of his voice. "Just wanted to check in."

"Awh, that's really sweet of you," Reese replied, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she smiled. "We're still meeting though, right?"

"Yeah, we are," the braided boy responded.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."

"Yeah, same," Mitchel sighed. "Oh, before you go, I just want to thank you."

"Why?" The brown haired girl furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head slightly.

"Nothing, nothing," he quickly replied. A moment of silence followed until they decided to hang up.

Reese sighed as she stared at her phone, seeing her reflection. Her eye bags were getting more and more noticeable, her eyes look as if they were slowly becoming more and more lifeless each day whenever she would look at herself, her lips as dry as a desert. She blinked slowly and licked her lips, looking around her room and finally getting up.

Quickly, she thought of an outfit she could wear that she wouldn't regret. A simple, long, and loose red t-shirt, a pair of ripped black jeans, a white cardigan, and as usual, her red converse.

The brunette made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. She turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. After a few minutes, the mirror began to fog up, so she stripped off her clothes and hopped into the shower. The warm water ran down her back, comforting her for a slight moment.

After a long twenty minutes under the warm shower, Reese finally turned off the water and slid the glass door to the right, feeling a breeze of slight cool air hit her bare skin. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she grabbed her soft towel, drying herself before wrapping it around her small figure. The brunette sighed as she took a few steps to the sink so she could brush her teeth.

It took her a little while before she finally built up the courage to get dressed. Once she finished, she sighed and reached for her shoes. She slid them on and tied the laces quickly, realizing she should probably hurry up.

Reese reached for her phone and checked the time. It was almost eleven. She sighed, deciding she should leave now.


As soon as Reese walked into the coffee shop, she was greeted with the strong coffee scent accompanied by the smell of freshly baked pastries. Around the shop were couples on a date, or people who were by themselves drinking coffee or tea and eating as they read their books or scrolled through their phones. The environment was peaceful, calming, and really clean and bright to look at. The brunette nodded approvingly to herself as she looked around. She liked how the shop looked if she had to be honest.

Mitchel was nowhere to be found in the small shop, showing Reese that she was still early (thankfully). She found a table by a window and made her way over to it. Once she sat down, her phone buzzed in her little purse. She pulled it out to check on the notification. It was a text from Mitchel.

Sorry I'm running a lil late. Got caught up w somethin

Reese immediately replied, tapping on her screen quickly. The smell of coffee and pastries filled her senses once more and she let out a soft breath, enjoying every moment of it.

it's alright. take your time.

She set her phone down and rested her head on the palm of her hand, sighing and she began to zone out as she stared out of the huge window right next to her. She hoped it wouldn't take a while or she'll just feel really awkward.

[ a/n ]: hey! i know there was no update this past weekend, but that's because i didn't finish this chapter on time. hopefully i'll have the next two chapters up this weekend, though.

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