Black Feather

By Arkarian2

719 37 0

Arkarian a girl with a dark past that is slowly catching up with her unknowingly her fate is intertwined with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 28

23 0 0
By Arkarian2

"Why did you tie me up!!!???" I scream at Deserae and Emily.
"So you wouldn't run away," Deserae said.
"Well, you didn't have to tie me up!!" I scream.
"Yes we did or you would have ran, we know you," Emily says. I don't say anything for a minute knowing there saying the truth, I would have ran.
"Good job at stopping her guys!" Matthew yells behind me. I try to turn around but fail screaming bloody murder, " you were in on this!?"
"Let her go," a voice that sounds just like mine comes from a tree. I smile knowing who it is. "Show yourself!" Tyler yells. Max jumps down from the tree standing to my left. "Who are you?" Tyler asks getting defensive. "You idiot," I say sighing.
"You look just like Arkarian!" Emily yells suddenly. I turn towards Max. " hey, thought you left," I say in a bored voice.
"Nope, couldn't leave me behind," she replied with a wink. "Could someone tell me what the heck is going on here!?" Deserae yells.
"You figure it out, you can read minds," I say smiling at Deserae. I'm here clone. I think not taking my eyes off her. I know she read my thoughts because her face goes pale.
"that's right!" I laugh.
"What's wrong with Des and why are you laughing like a psycho?" Emily asks panic on her face. I look around, I see Matthew with a serious look on his face and my brother no were in sight. Where did he go, what's he says planning? I think. Max starts to move towards me when all of a sudden Tyler comes out of nowhere and in a chillingly calm voice says "don't go any closer to my sister," Max just smiled and walked closer to me. " I said don't get any closer," Tyler said a slight edge to his voice starting to lose his cool. He knows something I don't, I realized, what is it though? Why is he getting so mad at Max just because she's going to untie me?  Max bends down and starts to untie the rope that doesn't let me move.  Once I'm free I look at Tyler and I can tell he's mad. He going to use his powers I know he his just by the way he's acting. Fists clenching and unclenching. Max knows it too because she vanishes. I get to my feet fast and start running the opposite way of my brother and friends. I know What way to go somehow like I have a compass in me, something I never had before. I don't look back to see if they're coming after me. I know I can't use my wings because of Matthew, him and his ice powers, he can freeze my wings real fast, then I'll have to land and I can't do that because Deserae and Emily might tie me up again and I know I won't be able to get out of that again, I can't chance it, so I run. 

( Matthew Prov ) 

As soon as the ropes are off of Arkarian the girl that looks like Arkarian disappears. Arkarian moves fast and starts running, I start to move to run after her when Tyler stops me shaking his head. " Let her run, she needs to cool down," I turn to look at him a dumbfounded look clear on my face. " If we lose her now, how will we find her later, it took us a while to find her and we only found her because of Emily," I say

" I have a feeling she'll stay close," 

"How do you know?" I ask

" I'm her brother,"  He replied.

" What about that other girl, she looks just like Arkarian,"  His face changes from serious to worried and then back to serious in a split second.  

" I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about her," 

" We got company," Deserae says walking up to Tyler. 

" Let me guess, it's the with a death wish," Tyler said turning to a tree. 

" I know your there,"  Nothing happens for a minute. 

" I don't think there's anyone there," I say as I turn to leave, Tyler doesn't move from were he's standing. 

" Oh, you're a smart one, aren't you?" Comes a voice from the tree Tyler isn't taking his eyes off of. The girl that looks like Arkarian jumps down from the tree. 

" What do you want," Tyler asks.

" Oh, getting straight to the point, so that's the type of person you are," She replied with a smirk.

" What do you want?" Tyler's voice has a slight edge to it. 

" I need to talk to you," She said looking bored. 

" Fine, can you start looking for Arkarian?" 

" What about you, what happens if something goes wrong?" Emily asks. 

" I said I'm fine," He snaps. 

( Tyler Prov ) 

After they leave, I turn my full focus to the girl standing in front of me. 

" What do you want to talk about?" I ask, guard up. 

" You need to chill, your so uptight," She replied looking at her nails with a bored look. 

" Is Arkarian really your clone?" I ask. She stops looking at her nails and looks up at me with a more serious look. " Yes and no," 

" What do you mean by that," I ask 

" I can't tell you that, now do you want to know why I wanted to talk to you in the first place?" With a bored look back on her face. She doesn't wait for my answer. 

" I wanted to talk to you because it's about Arkarian, her powers are starting to emerge, the prophecy is going to be fulfilled soon," 

" Yes, I noticed that too, but you didn't have to tell me that," I reply 

" You need to watch her don't let her be alone if so bad things will happen," 

" Okay, I'll get Matthew too, he seems like he has a thing for my sister,"  She turns to leave, she looks over her shoulder and says "  A word of advice be careful," then she disappears. 

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