Uncovered - A Shadowhunters F...

بواسطة writesbecs

65K 1.4K 189

"I'm a Lightwood. No matter the deception I create." Jordyn Lightwood was collateral damage during the Uprisi... المزيد

Common Impressions
Unwanted Blood
Don't Ask
Smoke and Mirrors
Confrontation and Comfort
Walk Away
Cowboy Family
Glass Reflections
A Step on the Edge
Lightwood Blues
Melting the Mask
Sweet Revenge
Just Like This
Change My Life
Take Two
Fading Features
Parent hood
Way Back to Eachother
Running Out
Flat Lines
Date Night
Perfect Life

City of Enlightening

1.8K 46 6
بواسطة writesbecs


I stood up almost as if to reflect my agreement and made a phone call. When I entered the room again Alec sighed almost as in relief, I laughed, "Did you really think I was gonna make a great escape whilst you were waiting in the next room?"

"I was waiting for the text, something along the lines of 'I love all of you but fuck you'." I cocked my head and waited for him to keep talking, when he didn't I spoke up, "I don't like goodbyes."

"No. You wanted to put enough distance between us before you even told us you've left." Alec says knowingly and I roll my eyes, why the hell did he have to know my mind as if it were his own? "I needed to leave Alec."

"Why? What was so bad that you couldn't stay?"

I contemplated telling him a lie, but he's already proved he knows my mind perfectly so I didn't see the point, "I'm more than aware you know about the crash thanks to Magnus' joy ride in my memories, but he didn't see that the another reason I came to New York, besides to find my real family of course, was to avenge my dead one."

"And by avenge you mean-" Alec started talking in a suggestive tone, I cut him off, "Kill the person responsible."


"I know what you're going to say Lightwood. I can't do that without being deruned."

"Actually before you so rudely cut me off I was going to suggest you hand them over to the Clave, then request to be the one to execute them." Alec says and I watch his eyes follow my hand, which hand conveniently found itself to clutching my holster. "That's why you carry that? And the gauzes in your back pocket?"

"I couldn't rely on my stele four years ago, I'll be damned if I let myself be that vunerable again."

We sat in silence for a short period of time before a knock sounded on the front door. I greeted our guest and made my way back to Alec. When Alec realised who I was stood with his confusion was more hilarious than surprising, "Magnus what the-?"

"What a lovely greeting Alexander, at least 'southern hospitality' hasn't completely vanished." Magnus said with a small smirk, earning a scowl from Alec, I began to explain as not to get Magnus into too much trouble with his boyfriend, "No. Magnus didn't know where I was so get that look off of your face." I say whilst gesturing to Alec's charming annoyance, "I brought him here because unlike any other warlock I know, I figured you'd tell him everything anyway." I say bluntly and both Magnus and Alec suddenly became very pink around the cheeks, I laughed.

Then it seemed to dawn on Alec, "Wait, What do you mean? I'm not telling anyone else?"

"Alec you do understand right that I'm only telling you because you wanted to know enough to come and find me, I'm no Angel, Lightwood. So I'd prefer if what's said stays between us for a while at least?" Alec nodded in assurance. "Where are we heading then Barbie?" Magnus asked and I could've sworn I heard Alec laugh. "What did you just call me?"

"Barbie. I nearly said Blondie but Jace took that one."

"I have a name you know?" I said with only slight amusement. "Yes," Magnus said, "And I have hair but that doesn't mean I'm going to ask you to brush it."

"I don't even have blue eyes, call Alec Barbie." I retort and watch Alec's expression change to that of offence, "Barbie? Absolutely not."

Me and Magnus were nearly in stitches from the laughter in the room, I had forgotten exactly why we were here to begin with, Alec took pleasure in reminding me. "Where are we going then Jordyn?"

"Oh right," I said still laughing, "Magnus would you please open a portal to the Paris Institute? Like you said Alec, I have to tell you everything, let's start at the beginning shall we?" And with that we ended up in Paris, France. A place I said I would never return to.

We arrived outside the Institute and and I decided against going inside, "As you know I ended up here when I was ten, I'd been in an orphanage in Idris from the age of two and this was my first time out of Alicante." The two guys stayed quiet whilst I got lost in my memories.

"I don't know whether you'd heard the name Dawson Crossfire when you were reading up on me and Trey. Dawson was his runaway cousin that my family took in first, he's the one that managed to get me adopted by them and if I'm honest I don't think I'd be alive without him. Dawson and I were as close as we could possibly get."

"Were you Parabatai?" Alec asks, I shook my head, "We didn't get the chance before he died so no, but we were as close as any bond you and Jace share so rune or not I would say we were." He just nodded and I noticed his grip on Magnus' hand tightened at the thought. "Dawson was my rock, the only one I knew I could truly trust besides myself, he was the one who introduced me to Trey ten years ago, although only one of us actually remembered." I laughed lightly before dulling my expression, "And I was barely a distance away when he was lying dead next to the car."

"Were you the only one? That survived I mean?" Magnus asked as the horror crept across his face, I then remembered he'd seen my memories, "You saw the crash didn't you? Do you really believe I was meant to survive it?" He shook his head, "How did you survive?" Alec asked, I shrugged. "I'd love to know." Magnus interrupted the sudden overwhelming silence, "Are you glamoured Jordyn?" Alec hit his shoulder lightly for being so blunt. "It's fine Alec,"

They both turned their heads to face me, "Complete discretion?" I asked before saying anything further, the synchronised nods told me they agreed, "I think so."

"You think so?" Alec questioned, eyes masking curiousity and mild suspicion, "For as long as I remember I've looked the same, blonde hair, green eyes, but that doesn't mean I'm not. I guess it would explain a lot too."

"Like what?"

I cleared my throat, "You remember when me and Izzy went to those rogue vamp dens? Well I came across a certain vamp that recognised me, he attacked me and therefore I had to kill him, before he died he said something that confused the hell out of me."

"What did he say?" Magnus asked, I looked at Alec who's face showed that of realisation whilst I thought back to that day, the vampire was surprised at first but he knew exactly who I was. Alec finished for me, "The black hair and blue eyes suited you more." I nodded.

"Black hair and blue eyes?" Magnus questioned again and shot a glance at Alec that was so close I almost missed it. Neither of them said a word, "Anyway." I continued, "If I was glamoured it most likely would have broken during the crash, I was badly injured."

"But you've been injured before, and it's never shown since?" Alec said more as a statement however it sounded more like a question, Magnus spoke up, "It could be a warlock glamour, on rare occasions Nephilim have been known to ask such things of a warlock but they're usually only temporary. If you've had a glamour up since you were barely a toddler then-"

"Then what?"

"Then to remove it would be extremely painful, and could risk killing you." Magnus said and looked at me with sorrow, Alec seemed to have no idea what to say, "Well it's a good thing I don't want to break it then isn't it?" I say jokingly trying to ease the tension, "I want to find the person who killed my family and find the 'parents' that tossed me away at the age of two. Not looking like my original self is the best upper hand I could have."

Alec spoke up, "But it's not you. That face." He said whilst gesturing in my direction, "You're a human deception, you're hiding who you really are."

I took in a deep breath to control my tone, "When did being the real version of myself every get me anywhere?"

"How would you know? You've never seen it."

"And I have no plan to." I ended the conversation abruptly and asked Magnus to portal us back to New York when Alec stopped me from moving, "Jordyn your real family won't even recognise you, what if they're still looking for you?"

"After over 20 years? Yeah somehow I doubt that."

"I don't."

"And why is that Alec?"

He paused for a moment and looked full of melancholy for the first time since I met him, "No parent wants to lose a child." I suddenly understood why he was so upset, "I am sorry about Max you know."

"You never even met him."

"No. But he was only a few years younger than my adoptive brother, Carter. I do know what it's like to lose a brother." I say to offer some sort of comfort, resting my hand on his shoulder, when he had cheered up, or at least as happy as you can imagine Alec Lightwood being, he looked back to his boyfriend. Magnus offered him a weak smile and created a portal back to New York.


The city was in darkness and I opted for taking walk along the lamp-lit streets before heading straight back, it wasn't long before I felt a prescence behind me. I turned around swiftly, pointing my knife to the neck of the person behind me so fast I don't even remember removing it from my boot. "Woah take it easy Barbie."

I removed the blade from his neck and lightly whacked his arm, "Don't call me that Lightwood it's insulting."

"At least I know we had nothing to worry about with you walking the streets alone." He laughed at his statement and I eventually joined in on the amusement, "Let a mundane attack me, they'd be sorry they did."

"That I have no doubt."

We continued to walk in silence before I broke it, "Where's Magnus?"

"Figuring out how to, painlessly break a warlock glamour."

"Any luck?" I ask from nothing more than curiousity, he shook his head, "I did look into the vampire you killed at that den though, turns out a lot of his aquaintances knew him from Pandemonium."

"How did you get them to tell you that?" I asked suspiciously, Alec laughed, "I didn't. Magnus and the leader of the Brooklyn clan, Raphael Santiago, they go way back."

"You didn't have to do all that, I already knew about Pandemonium but I know it's Magnus' club so I never went snooping."

"It was nothing. I just thought it may have helped, I meant what I agreed to, complete discretion." I nodded and offered a small smile as a silent thank you. Then Alec spoke again and surprised me to say the least with his offer, "When the time comes, and you want to kill this vampire, whoever they are... I'll be there."

"What?! You do understand where that would leave you in the Clave? You'd be breaking the Accords, Alec I won't let you-"

"No arguments. When it goes down you're going to need an alibi that'll say they attacked you first, right?"

"You don't have to lie for me Alec, I won't let you."

"I'd do the same thing for Izzy and Jace, and Magnus of course."

"They're your family."

"Then I guess you are too." he said with the closest to a smile I'll probably ever get from him, "You have no idea how much that means, I've not had family for a long time."

"Well then I guess you won't mind if I ask for a simple favor..." Alec asked with pleading eyes, "What else could you possibly ask for in one day Lightwood?"

"I need you to come to Idris with us."

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