Master, my Master | boyxboy |...

Por JosslynWho

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In desperate need of a way to support his family, Eli goes for a position as a Noble's servant, a bratty 17 y... Más

Author's Note
I - Enchantment
II - Seven Years Later
III - Realization
IV - Misfortune
V - The Wrath of Jasper Lancechester
VI - Promises
VII - In the Evening
VIII - The Ball
IX - Our First Night
X - Temporary Seperation
XI - Fragile State
XII - Advice
XIII - Back Home
XIV - The Proposal & More
XV - Keeper of Your Heart
XVI - Lonely Road
XVII - The Calm
XVIII - Scorned
XIX - Return
XX - A Time for Change
XXII - Fire & Silk
XXII - Not So Private Moments
XXIII - Lies, Lies, Lies
XXIV - The Storm
*NEW* XXV - For You.
*NEW* XXVI - This Is Love
*NEW* XVIII - Everlasting

*NEW* XXVII - A Touch of Merriment

3K 165 36
Por JosslynWho

Seven Months Later

7 May 1835

It was dangerous for Eli to be at home right now. Ever since moving into the new manor in Banemount, it had been solidified that it was his home, Jasper's home, as well as Lady Darcy's and Juliette's , but that couldn't necessarily be said in front of other people, especially those who thought him to be dead. Since he'd been scheduled for execution the year before, someone like Ronald Lancechester would immediately demand why on earth he wasn't dead. Although this was an evening Eli would very much like to spend with the person he loved, they'd come to an agreement that perhaps stepping out for a couple of hours was safest for them.

It was Jasper's eighteenth birthday today, and as celebration for such an occasion, the Master had planned a little gathering at his home. There would be family, guests, entertainment, music, everything that would assist in turning the night into one of merriment, but Jasper's birthday wasn't the sole purpose of all the functions taking place. Tonight was the night Jasper Lancechester decided he'd take his revenge against his cousin (by marriage) Edmund. What could be a better present?

So, while a hint of vengeance was taking place back home, Eli was on his way to a friend's to spend some time there. Just outside of Banemount, Eli brought the horse he was upon to a halt in front of a small english cottage. It was one story high, made up of brown stones, had a steep slanted roof, and a dark blue door with large windows on either side. It was a nice comfortable place to live, had a fair amount of land to garden, a stable for animals, and a well out in the rear.

Hopping down from the horse, Eli opened the gate sheltering the property from the trees surrounding it and let himself in before closing it behind him. He walked his horse by the reigns before releasing him to roam about.

When he approached the door, Eli knocked a couple times and waited a moment until it was opened.

After a second, the blue door opened with a whine and Silas Rosenkrantz stepped into frame. He looked a lot better than he had when he first entered Eli's life again. Before, he was too skinny with not much meat on his bones, but now he looked...healthy. His white skin was tanned from the sun now, his cheeks made his face look a bit more round, and his black hair had even gotten longer. With his hair tied up in a knot, Silas was dressed in tan trousers and a white button down shirt, brown boots, and his leaf green vest was open at the front. "Not that I don't want to see you," Silas said, adjusting his glasses on his nose, "but what brings you here?"

Eli smirked and crossed his arms, leaning up against the threshold. "Are you going to let me in or shall I stand here all evening? For now, at least, I've got nowhere else to go."

Silas glanced over his shoulder momentarily before finally stepping aside.

Not far behind, Eli entered the modest home, the door closing behind him and it latched on its own. The front area of the home was mainly the kitchen and the dining area, and there was a door that led down to a cellar where he stored his food. Following Silas through a doorway at the opposite side of the kitchen, they entered a sitting area. There was a comfortable sofa, few chairs, a table placed before a window, shelves with journals and books, but what caught Eli's attention the most was the person sitting at the table. It was another young man. His skin was dark brown, clear of any blemishes, and he hadn't any hair on his head. Upon seeing Eli, it looked as though uncertainty and fear entered him, but he calmed a moment later when Silas approached him and took a seat on his lap. The young man looked up at Silas and swallowed, still a bit nervous when his cheek was caressed.

"It's alright," Silas smiled for him, "This is Elijah. The one I told you about. Remember?"

Recalling the past Silas spoke of before about Eli, of how they'd nearly been hanged together. The young man reached a hand out, and said, "My name is Curtis. I have to say it is nice to meet you."

Guessing this was the person Silas was in a new relationship with, Eli stepped forward and took his hand. "Likewise, Curtis, and it is nice to see Silas here is not so isolated anymore. You see, he is quite the miserable person."

Seeming to make himself comfortable in Curtis' lap, Silas draped an arm around his shoulder, and said, "Have you come to now embarrass me, or is there a reason you're here? Don't get me wrong, Eli, your company is something I enjoy, you can see, I've currently got a visitor of my own."

Taking a seat in a chair opposite the sofa, Eli untied a sack from around his torso and opened it on the table before him. Inside was a box filled with the same macaroons that would be served at the birthday celebration. "There is a fair amount of Jasper's family that will be attending his ball tonight, so it seemed safest for me to step out until nightfall."

"And you chose to spend your time with me?" Silas quirked a brow, "I'm flattered."

Tossing a macaroon in his mouth, Eli sat back and folded his hands behind his head, "Is he always this snarky with you?" he addressed Curtis, a few crumbs of the sweet tarnishing his lips. "I swear, time has made him so very bitter. Tell me, Silas, what has happened to the light that once shone from you when we were younger?"

"I am uncertain," Silas furrowed his brow, "Perhaps it was when my father discovered I enjoy cock rather than a woman's touch. That he threatened to toss me to the law if I did not change, kept his promise, and then I was nearly hanged for simply being who I am. One of those could be a reason. Take your pick."

"See," Eli met Curtis' dark brown eyes with a shake of his head, "Bitter," and then he went on with: "I've chosen to get over it, really. All we can be glad for is that we continue to breathe after such an unfortunate event. We are both comfortable where we are now, aren't we?"

"Comfortable?" Silas huffed, "I live in comfort, you live in luxury."

"Yes, that is true, isn't it?" Eli smiled before eating another macaroon and offered some to the others. "Please, Curtis, I would like to hear more of you if you don't mind. When did you meet Silas?"


This would have been Jasper's first birthday celebrated with Eli in his life, but for the plot he had thought up to take place tonight, they'd agreed that having him leave the premises until it was safe to return home. At the moment, he was standing at the balcony of the second floor, watching the guests of the night arrive. Here in Banemount, there were a great amount of notable Lords and Ladies who lived here, and they were all excited to have received an invitation to Jasper Lancechester's celebration. There were even inventors excited to merely be there for a chance to speak with the Master. In the months Jasper had lived in Banemount, it was discovered that he would make a great investor to those with a ideas and products he'd be interested in putting money in. He was certain many of those people would be seeking his ear tonight.

Alone on the balcony as his merry guests arrived, Jasper looked down on himself for a moment. He was dressed in a white and gold ensemble. White stockings were buckled mid-thigh, the same length in which his shorts stopped, his white heeled boots were spotless with shiny gold clasps, and his white shirt was crisp as it buttoned to this neck. Around his collar was a lace ascot that puffed out of his vest. With just two buttons, his white vest had intricate and artful golden designs sewn into it, and lastly, his tailcoat was just as clean and crisp as his shirt, light in material with golden cuffs, buttons, and a tail that resembled the backside of a woman's dress, but it wasn't long enough to touch the floor. If anything, Jasper Lancechester looked extravagant tonight, and he wished Eli could see him now.

"Hello, dearest Jasper," Darcy approach from his right, having ascended from the first floor. In a purely golden gown to match her husband, she looked beautiful as ever with her dark hair pinned up with expensive clips, and the jewelry around her neck sparkled like stars. A smiled pulled across her red lips then, and she said, "My mother and father are quite the laughable pair. They remember how I used to love dressing Juliette up in my gowns, so they don't question why she is dressed so lovely."

Glancing down into the foyer, Jasper caught sight of Juliette as well. She was standing with Mr. and Mrs. Milridge and a silver tray of fruits was in her hands. For the evening, she wore a lavender dress that actually belonged her to and not Darcy, but the pair didn't need to know that.

"Are you well, husband?" Darcy then inquired, "You know Elijah will return once the festivities are over."

"I know," Jasper said as his hand was taken, Darcy inspecting his perfectly manicured nails. "I can't help that I'd love to spend my own birthday with the one I love."

"I understand, dearest," Darcy enclosed his hand in hers then. "Hows about you and I head downstairs to mingle a bit? It will make the night go by much faster."

In agreement, Jasper followed along with Darcy as the night went on. Eli had told him he would be spending some time at Silas' home until 10:00pm, the time the gathering was scheduled to end, so making the most of it was all he could do right now.

For some time, Jasper and Lady Darcy mingled with those who approached in glee to merely be there. Other Lord's who hadn't met them before congratulated them on their marriage, wished them happiness, and what many aristocrats aspired for: a large and prosperous family with several healthy children to pass their wealth to. Whenever the topic was brought up, Jasper and Darcy looked at one another, more so to laugh at the thought of intimacy between them. If there was anything they were comfortable with, it was displaying affection. A kiss here or there,, that was certainly out of the question.

After a while had passed, and Jasper began to finally see familiar faces arrive, he spotted his father with Scarlett who he, of course, spoke to regardless for several minutes, but when he noticed his sister Beatrice standing off by herself at the entrance of the ballroom, he sighed and excused himself from his father and his wife. Jasper hadn't a very good relationship with his family. If there was anyone he'd had a decent time with when he was younger, it was his Aunt Stephanie, and his late grandfather, but Beatrice was a whole other story. Ever since finding out she was his half-sister back then, he'd been the one to shun her more often than not.

Honestly, without his mother, and since his grandparents, Dorothy and Benard, weren't going to be around much longer, Jasper at least wanted someone. Sure Beatrice had her flaws, mainly just like any other sibling, but she wasn't all bad.

When they were younger, she'd tried to play with him, read with him - at least in the same room - and had always wanted to be around him when their parents were busy elsewhere. Jasper, however, in all his anger, usually denied her attempts to get close to him.

Coming up behind his sister, Jasper tapped her shoulder and she turned. Wearing a royal blue and white, off the shoulder gown, her brunette hair was long and curled down her back, and her face was made-up prettily. Before Jasper could say anything, Beatrice said, "Uh, father...made me come. I'm sorry."

Taking in his sister's worry, the Master breathed out and brought their arms together, walking with her into the filling ballroom area. "Good," he said, "I would have been awfully offended if my very own sister had decided to ignore that it was her brother's birthday." Seeing her confusion, Jasper smiled, "I jest. In a way. But, Beatrice, I am glad to see you have come. I have been thinking for sometime about us as brother and sister, and perhaps it is time for me to...let go. You and I, we are blood. After father and your mother have gone years from now, I will be all you have left, not regarding any more family you will make along the way, but..."

"...I understand," Beatrice said beside him, meeting his blue eyes, "and I would like that, Jasper. I know I've never been the greatest sister, and-."

"I have been worse to you, Beatrice. Let us be honest."

She laughed, thinking it to be true as well.

"So," Jasper stopped and took both her hands in his, "If ever you wish to hear from me, if ever you need anything, or even want to see me, you know where I will be. But, I warn, write me first, yes?"

"Yes, I will."

"Now, how's about a dance?"


Darcy wasn't much for dancing, but seeing Jasper turn about the ballroom with his sister was a pleasant sight. What sight wasn't so pleasant, on the other, was the person who she noticed out of the corner of her eye. His ginger hair was slicked back out of his face and he wore a purely black suit. It was...Edmund, whom had been personally invited to the celebration by Jasper himself. With their scheming plot against this repulsive human being, Darcy was to lay out the path to the events that were to follow. All that time ago, when her Juliette broke and confessed to how Edmund had threatened and assaulted her, Lady Darcy dreamed of how satisfying it would be to take revenge for how he'd made Juliette feel.

Juliette was not the only reason retribution needed to be taken against Edmund. Not only had he also been the sole reason behind Eli's initial arrest with his disgusting lie, but he'd also previously made an attempt to force himself on Jasper in the past. In a manner of speaking, Edmund had proved himself to be obsessed with Jasper, and his arrival after receiving his invitation only provided more evidence in the claim. With what was supposed to take place tonight, Darcy smiled the moment Edmund turned and looked her way.

Everything, she was sure, would go according to plan.

"Lady," Edmund smirked, kissing the back of Darcy's hand when she held it out. "The evening seems lively."

"Indeed," Darcy wanted to bath immediately after his lips touched her hand, but her smile never faltered for a minute. "And it will have only gotten much better now that you are here. At least, I am certain my Jasper will think so once he noticed you've come."

"Forgive me," Edmund looked around for a moment. He and Lady Darcy were standing at the edge of the ballroom dance floor, out of the way of those who were dancing to the music, "But, even after reading Jasper's invitation, a part of me still finds it hard to believe he feels the way he does now." Taking a slip of parchment from his inner coat pocket, he waved the invitation between them. "The words seem desperate enough, but...the Jasper I know has never been one too fond of me."

"Things change over time," Darcy said, her voice more calm and alluring, "While you know Jasper and I share different preferences, he is still my husband and we are rather close. He speaks to me often about things he would never say to anyone else. And his..." she got closer to his right ear, bringing her voice to a cool whisper, "...desire to be touched by yearning hands has peaked over the months he's been alone. My husband has been in need of something to excite him, and it seems the only person he can think of is you. After all, you are the only other person besides myself and Juliette who know he would much rather have a - man - inside of him."

When Darcy took a step away and her lips pursed together, she raised and brow and then turned to search for Jasper on the dance floor. Finding him, she nodded in his direction and Edmund looked over.

The ginger young man licked his lips upon finding Jasper. He'd always admired Jasper's slender legs, loving his choice in attire when it came to the shorts he often wore in long stockings.

"Even with the guests in attendance," Darcy went on, "Jasper will be more than willing to step aside for you. Would you like me to fetch him?"

"Yes," Edmund answered without delay, "Where should I wait for him?"

Sounding excited herself, Darcy directed him to go up to the third floor and wait in front of the doorway of a room made up of nothing but windows. Without any question, Edmund followed her orders and left the ballroom for the stairs to the upper part of the manor. "Fool," Darcy was glad to say. When she looked back out to where Jasper was, he was just coming off the floor with his sister and kissed her cheeks before seeing her off.

The Master was in good spirits, that being told by the very real smile on his face and the gleam in his beautiful sky-blue eyes. "I believe I've worn myself out a little with Beatrice."

"I saw," Lady Darcy beamed with delight, "It was nice to see you and your sister on such good terms. I would hope to be seeing more of her through the years. Aside from that, Jasper, I would like to announce that he is waiting for you as we speak."

Knowing his wife spoke to Edmund, Jasper stomach churned for a second. "I can only imagine what you said to make him further believe I would want anything to do with him."

"Let us say he is quite looking forward to seeing you. Jasper, are you certain you wish to do this alone? I would be more at ease if you did this with either Alfar or really any servant. It is not as though they would turn against you for something like this."

"No," Jasper shook his head, "I want to do this alone."

"Alright, then," she worried anyways, and kissed his cheek, "He shouldn't be a hassle."

In agreement, the Master excused himself from the celebration and took to the staircase. With hate burning like a smoldering fire in his heart, Jasper was more than prepared to finally douse the heat with this card he was about to play. Once this was done, he and the one he loved would never have anything else to worry about. Of course, Jasper's father still lived, yes there would always be people who would have something to say if Eli was ever to be discovered alive, but knew for it would be easier to keep them at bay more than Edmund. He'd already proven himself a fowl and very real threat to their future.

Ronald Lancechester could be talked down, and being part of the nobility made Jasper rather untouchable by default, but Edmund...he was a walking scum that needed to be gotten rid of before he could do anymore harm. And Jasper knew he was going to have fun doing so.

At the third floor, it was quiet. Everyone was forbidden from leaving the first floor, and since all the servants were tending to the party, Jasper would be left alone with himself and his devious plan.

Once turning down the corridor that led to where Edmund was told to wait, Jasper spotted the ginger-haired young man in his black suit. Though put together, he still managed to look positively disgusting, and the Master shuttered on the inside just looking at him. From the sound of his heels knocking against the floor, Jasper was noticed right away and Edmund looked his way. There was eagerness in his eyes as a smile pulled at his thin lips.

Jasper wanted to smack it right off his face.

Instead, chewing his lip thoughtfully, Jasper said nothing and walked by Edmund to the furthest bedroom. He could hear footsteps following behind, and then they entered the bedroom behind him after stepping inside. It was dark, save for the moon shining in from the three tall windows behind the large bed. Suddenly feeling the light brush of fingers at the side of his neck after the bedroom door closed, Edmund placed his mouth beside Jasper's ear, and said, "I have to say, cousin, it was a surprise for me to find out you've been anxious for my cock. I will be sure to give it to you however you like it."

Enraged, Jasper veiled the lines of distaste and turned to face Edmund. Looking up at him, he made sure his eyes looked indulging and needy. "I am pleased my letter reached you. It has been so long since I was last...touched." Placing his hands on Edmund's chest, Jasper went on, his voice soft and full of lust. "I should firstly warn you, I do enjoy being in control. Will you allow me to - initiate?"

Letting a chuckle escape him, Edmund began to unbutton his coat and shirt, "I expected no less from someone like you."

Meeting Edmund's remark with a smile, Jasper stood back and watched him undress until he was completely naked. It was a sight the Master wished he could burn from his memory, especially the image of his fully erect cock once he laid back in the center of the bed. Jasper wanted to puke.

Just stepping out of his boots, Jasper left them at the foot of the bed. "I like to gradually undress," he said, "Is that, all right?"

"Do as you please, cousin," Edmund didn't care. "So long as I get to see that body of yours in full view tonight."

Crawling atop Edmund, Jasper sat just over his lower stomach, making sure not to straddle his waist. He didn't want to risk actually touching the ginger boy's cock with any part of his body. He leaned down a little, as if going for a kiss but stopped before their lips touched. Reaching his right hand a bit further under the pillow, his fingers brushed up against the wooden handle of a blade. Jasper wrapped his grip around it and smiled.

Edmund placed his hands at the small of Jasper's back. "What's so funny?" he inquired.

Sliding his hand out from under the pillow a little, the Master said, "You are."

"Why do you say that?"

The moment the question left Edmund's tongue, he witnessed the gleam of the blade against the moonlight to his left and looked over. Before he could react to the sight of a weapon, Jasper brought it up and stabbed it directly into the upper part of Edmund's chest. It punctured through his lung immediately, and the look on his face was petrified.

"That is for putting your hands on Juliette," Jasper ripped the blade from Edmund's chest, stabbing him again just beside the initial wound. Thick crimson seeped out of them like a slow stream. "And nearly getting my Elijah killed."

"Stop..." Edmund tried to speak, but his throat was beginning to clog with his own blood.

"Why?" he brought the blade down once more, a sort of excitement in his eyes after hearing Edmund beg. "You have wanted me so bad have you not? Or were you anticipating our time together to be different? For me, I dreamt of his moment, the moment the life left your eyes."

Choking on his own blood, Edmund attempted to grab at Jasper's hands, but his grip was weak either way, and it wasn't long until his body was shaking in convulsions before his hands fell to his sides and his body went completely still.

Moving from atop the inert, blood-stained corpse, Jasper dropped the blade from his hand and sat there at the edge of the bed. His perfectly clean costume was filthy now. There was blood on his sleeves, stockings and shirt. He sighed, it would never be the same again, so he was sure he'd have to get an entirely new one to replace it. Good thing he already had.

Jasper stood from the bed and breathed out a long sigh, feeling almost refreshed. Unbothered by what he'd done, the Master left the room to his own down the corridor. There he dressed in a fresh pair of clothes matching the outfit he'd already been wearing, and left the previous blood-stained pieces on the dark wooden floor.

Not long after changing, he was downstairs again, surrounded by his guests. He kept his eye out for Alfar and summoned him closer once he was found. Pulling the servant aside, the Master addressed him quietly, and ordered, "I have left something in the guestroom of the third floor, get rid of it by any means necessary, all evidence, and I will make certain you and your family will never suffer financially."

Alfar was confused but his suspicions for what Jasper could be talking about were accurate. "You needn't promise such," he said, "But I appreciate the offer. I will see it done, my Lord."

Jasper stopped Alfar before he vanished. "Be discrete."

With that out of the way, Jasper searched for his wife and found her grabbing a drink from a server. Before she could take the glass of wine, the Master gripped her hand and turned her toward the ballroom. "Tonight, we dance!" he exclaimed, the sparkle and happiness in his eyes.

Darcy was caught off guard but snickered anyways as her husband dragged her to the dance floor. "You appear as radiant as ever!"

Leading his wife to the festive music being played from the orchestra, Jasper looked up at her with all the gaiety in his eyes. "Who wouldn't be so filled with blithe at such a time? I am alive, my wife is in good spirits, my love is safe and sound, and the world blind to our truths. Yes, the world is shit, but ours is quite wonderful, is it not?"

"It is, husband, very much so."

Ensnared in the joy brought on by their scheme, the pair was looked upon by their guests as a couple the other aristocrats aspired to be. Not only were they incredibly wealthy, but they seemed more than purely happy with the outcome of their marriage. To anyone else, Jasper and Lady Darcy looked to not only be the greatest of friends, but so unbelievably in love. And - in a manner of speaking - Jasper liked to think it was a bit true. Though a boy named Elijah Goode was the exclusive owner of his body and soul, Jasper knew very well that he loved Darcy, and even Juliette, almost just as much, if not equally but in a separate fashion.

When the music began to slow, so did their dance, and when Lady Darcy noticed the smile on Jasper's face become a bit softer, she said, "What are you thinking?"

Coming out of his head, Jasper met Darcy's gaze, "That...I love where this life has brought me. You, Elijah, and Juliette, and even the servants we've chosen to be around us, you've all been so good to me, and I couldn't ask for a better outcome." Stopping in the center of the dance floor, Jasper brought Darcy's hand to his lips, and pressed a loving kiss to the back of her knuckles. "I am glad you are one of the people I get to spend the rest of my life with."

Eyes glistening after hearing Jasper's confession, Lady Darcy tried to blink them away as not to ruin her makeup. "The feeling is mutual, Jasper. I thank god that we all managed to find each other."

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