Destiny ( A Story of Telekine...

By WPutman68

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Seeking help from The Chosen Ones Kyle Richards, an impressive Telekinetic, has to go up against one of the m... More

***** Excerpt *****
Chapter One: A New Hope
Chapter Three: The Truth...
Chapter Four: Friend or Foe
Chapter Five: Alliance and Defiance
Chapter Six: A Promise Made
Chapter Seven: The White Room
Chapter Eight: Decisions
Chapter Nine: Trials and Tribulations
Chapter Ten: The Attempt
Chapter Eleven: Deal... With the Devil
Chapter Twelve: The Crystal's Power
Chapter Thirteen: An Escape... to Nowhere
Chapter Fourteen: Balance of Power
Chapter Fifteen: The Joining of Three
Chapter Sixteen: Destiny Awaits
Chapter Seventeen: The Begining of the End
Chapter Eighteen: It's Meant To Be
Chapter Nineteen : The Dark Side
Chapter Twenty : Infinity ♾
*** Epilogue ***

Chapter Two: Actions and Consequences

296 30 14
By WPutman68

*** The Blackwell house ***

"How do we know that we can trust you?" Megan asks.

"At this point I can't prove anything. But we weren't the ones trying to arrest you just for having gifts," I reply.

"Alright, let's say for the moment I believe you. How do we get these people off our backs?" Max asks.

"You don't. Once the Special Unit finds out about you they won't stop until you're in a cage, or dead."

Sarah turns to Hailey, "I know you're powerful, but how long can you keep time standing still? As soon as you release it those agents will be coming, and they'll use anything or anyone against you."

"Oh as I'm sure you know by now, we can handle them," Max responds.

"Yeah I know the three of you are very powerful, but Agent White was right about one thing. You have no idea who you're dealing with. How many agents are you willing to kill before you're overwhelmed? A hundred, five hundred?"

As they glance at one another Max's resolve begins to fade a little.

"Believe me Max," I glance at Sarah. "Once you're forced down that road. You'll carry it with you forever."

They continue looking at me for a moment, but no one says anything.

Finally Max glances at the others, and turns back to me. "Alright, So what's the plan."


*** A Couple Hours Later ***

They've finally managed to pack a few things and we've made it to the old barn. That is except for Megan and Logan. They've headed to his house to grab his clothes. Hailey's power has faded so time has returned to normal. I have to admit that's something I never thought was possible. As I turn around Sarah comes out of her vision and tells me the agents are confused and still trying to figure out what happened.

So far, we're safe, and we do need to move. But saying goodbye to the only life you've ever known is hard to do.

"Max, please!" Hailey pleads. "I've got to see my parents before we go. I can't just leave like this."

"I'm sorry. But those agents will be swarming the area and I know they're probably already at your house," Max says gently as he holds her.


She turns toward a woman standing at the door. "Mom!" She shouts and runs into her arms.

Sarah and I walk up beside Max. "How did she get past all those men?" I ask.

"It's simple really," He turns to me and smiles. "She's a witch."

"Oh. Okay." We turn back to them and as they walk toward us she snaps her fingers and two torches light.

"Hailey, introduce me to your new friends."

"This is Kyle and Sarah. They helped rescue us from those men."

As our eyes meet her smile fades. "You seem familiar to me somehow. Have we already met?"

"No, I don't think so. But you may have sensed Sarah watching you over the past couple weeks. She's a watcher. She has the ability to see what's happening once she zeros in on someone. Our people saw the video from the High School and she did the rest."

"Well, thanks for what you've done."

"I've never met a real witch before," Sarah says. "To be honest, I didn't know they actually existed."

"We'll it's not something you tell everyone," Rachel says and looks around. "Where's your Sister Max?"

"With Logan packaging his things. Why?"

"Contact her and get them back quickly," Max closes his eyes and remains silent for a moment. "They're already on the way back. What's going on?"

She turns to me, "I'm afraid your friends have called for backup."

Turning to Sarah I see she's already concentrating. When she opens her eyes a tear falls.

"It wasn't Agent White. It was Cara.  She told them where we are."

"Who's Cara?" Max asks.

"She's my Sister."


*** Federal Special Unit Facility Elkhart, Indiana ***

A teenage girl slowly begins to wake up. As her eyes focus she finds herself lying on the floor inside a 10 by 10 cage. Staggering to her feet she leans against the concrete wall in the back. After a moment she looks around and sees her Brother on the floor in the cage next to her.

"Aiden!" She shouts and rushes to the bars that separate them. He doesn't answer, but she can tell he's breathing.

Suddenly a loud noise pierces the silence as a large metal door opens. Three men walk inside, two are wearing white coats, and the third's wearing a black suit.

She walks up to the front of her cage to face them.

"Hello Jessica. I hope you've recovered from your unscheduled trip."

"Who are you? What do you want!" She shouts.

He smiles, "So much anger from such a pretty girl."

"Believe me you haven't seen anything yet. Let us out of here or."

"Or what?"

She throws out both hands expecting the cage door to fly off it's hinges, and nothing happens. After looking down at her hands she tries again.

"What have you done to me?" She shouts.

"Don't worry. I haven't done anything, well at least anything permanent. Your telekinetic abilities are currently being suppressed," he takes a step toward her. "You and your Brother are actually very lucky. Most Paranormals we capture have a lifespan of about a month. But the two of you are destined for something greater."

"Just unlock the doors and let us go. We haven't done anything wrong!"

The man in black reaches into his pocket and retrieves a small device. "Such defiance," he says and presses a button.

Jessica screams out in pain holding her head and falls to the floor curling up into a ball. After a few seconds he removes his finger and her screaming stops.

After recovering a little she manages to sit up on her knees, feels the back of her neck and finds an implant.

"Soon the two of you will be conditioned and ready to fulfill your destiny."

Still trying to catch her breath, she looks up at him and he smiles.

"When her Brother wakes up begin the procedures immediately.  I want them ready as soon as possible," he says to his colleagues and walks toward the door.

Jessica closes her eyes, "Megan... Where are you?" she thinks as tears begin to fall.


*** The Blackwell Farm ***

"She's working for them, and she has your ability?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, but it's not what you think. They've brainwashed her into working for them. "

"Is it too late Sarah?" I ask.

"Yes. They've already set up a perimeter around the farm."

Megan and Logan suddenly rush inside, stop and bend over trying to catch their breath.

"Max. We just barely snuck by them. They're everywhere and headed this way," Logan manages to say.

Sarah steps forward, "Hailey, can you stop time again?"

"No. It's too soon. I've never used my ability for that long on such a big area."

The barn begins to shake as a helicopter flies overhead circling the area.

"Well, I guess we're too late," I say and turn to Max. "If we're going down."

Max nods, "Then let's give them a fight they'll never forget."

"Sarah, get behind me," I say and she does.

Max turns to Logan, "You may want to take cover." He grabs an old pick.

"I'm standing with the three of you."

"Max smiles, "Thanks my friend." He turns to the girls, "We stand united. Remember If we fight as one we can't be defeated." Hailey and Megan step up beside Max as their eyes turn blue. I also notice something blue glowing under his shirt.

Standing side by side Max glances at me as my eyes turn black, and he nods.

"Sarah, where are they?" I ask.

"Thirty men will be at the entrance of the barn in two minutes," she puts her hand on my shoulder. "There's a lot more slowly surrounding us."

Max turns to Hailey, they stare at each other but say nothing. After a moment Hailey sheds a tear as they share one last kiss.

Turning back to Sarah I take her in my arms, "Remember, I love you... Always."

"Alright everyone." Max turns back to the doors. "Let's do this."

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