Master, my Master | boyxboy |...

By JosslynWho

96.6K 4.8K 620

In desperate need of a way to support his family, Eli goes for a position as a Noble's servant, a bratty 17 y... More

Author's Note
I - Enchantment
II - Seven Years Later
III - Realization
IV - Misfortune
V - The Wrath of Jasper Lancechester
VI - Promises
VII - In the Evening
VIII - The Ball
IX - Our First Night
X - Temporary Seperation
XI - Fragile State
XII - Advice
XIII - Back Home
XIV - The Proposal & More
XV - Keeper of Your Heart
XVI - Lonely Road
XVII - The Calm
XVIII - Scorned
XIX - Return
XX - A Time for Change
XXII - Fire & Silk
XXII - Not So Private Moments
XXIII - Lies, Lies, Lies
XXIV - The Storm
*NEW* XXVI - This Is Love
*NEW* XXVII - A Touch of Merriment
*NEW* XVIII - Everlasting

*NEW* XXV - For You.

2.9K 195 43
By JosslynWho

Darcy and Juliette were alone in their new manor. Every room was filled with silence, no one besides Samuel and the two young women sitting at the lonely dining table. It was not supposed to be this way. There were supposed to be two other people sitting at this table with them, but the chairs were cold and empty. Darcy stared across the table at where Jasper and Eli would be seated if they were there. She yearned to see the couple filling the empty space, wanted to hear their voices. They were her friends, and they were gone.

Not quite gone, she figured, but not where they should be.

Juliette looked toward Darcy, and she closed an encouraging hand on top of her partner's.

Darcy then lifted her downcast eyes, meeting Juliette's beside her. She sighed heavily with an understanding nod. "He'll be back," Juliette promised.

"My only wish," Darcy said, "is that he comes back whole."


"I still don't understand," Silas shook his head in disbelief, "Why would he do something like that?"

Eli had just finished trying to explain why he was locked away in the rat-infested cell, his tale of how Edmund weaved a horrid lie enable to have him arrested. The longer Eli thought about it, as well, he couldn't grasp why Edmund would do something like this either. It was beyond extreme measures to get him away from Jasper. Eli just hoped Jasper was alright. He was more than certain the Young Master was aware of what state he was in by now.

Swallowing the choked up feeling in his throat, Eli hid his sentiment to the best he could and shrugged. "I don't understand anything that runs through that boy's mind."

"How were things before? Before Edmund? Before me."

Sat up against the brick wall, Eli rest his head back. He'd gotten used to the awful smell stirring back where the cells were located in the station, but he couldn't get used to the solid ground. His body ached all over. This cell only had one mattress and Silas was using it, and he gladly let the other boy keep it. "Before everything, Jasper and I were perfect. That's the only way I know how to describe us. Sure, of course we had to remain hidden from the world, but, in that, we built our own. We shared meals together, we shared a bed most times. Jasper Lancechester everything. My greatest dream was to spend the rest of my life with him. Even if there was a possibility that I'd have had to serve under him until I was old and weary, I did not care; being at his side meant more to me than–."

Eli's voiced cracked and he buried his face in his hands, muffling the unruly cry shaking his lungs all of a sudden. He didn't want to cry here, he wanted to be strong in his last moments. If not for himself, for Jasper. The last couple days had destroyed him, but he wanted his final hours to show that he could build himself back up before everything was taken away.

But that was harder than he expected. Knowing he was leaving something behind...someone...took all that strength and shoved him back down.

Silas neared Eli, placing a hand on the other boy's shoulder. Eli's body was quivering all over, his shirtless skin ice cold as he shivered. Silas wanted to be able to say something, something that'd be enough to calm Eli down, but this was a sadness he wasn't familiar with. When he'd made himself determined to hand his own life over to the authorities, he was ready to go. Eli wasn't ready for anything like this. The red-haired boy had made long term plans, had his life set out before him. Eli wasn't mentally prepared for this kind of event.

And Silas didn't want to see Eli in a place like this either, that was the last thing he wanted. What he had wanted, was for Eli to beat this life, live it how every human being should have the right to. He believed everyone had the right to live, to be free, to love whomever they pleased without such things being taken away. If anyone, Silas thought Elijah Goode would beat this world and its standards, live a long and happy life despite what was counted as normal.

"I can't imagine what you're feeling," Silas said, his voice sincere. "If I could get you out of this place, I would."

"I've failed," Eli spoke through this cry, "Everyone who I ever cared for, all of them, they'll suffer for my being here."

"No, this is not your fault. That boy, Edmund, he did this, not you."

Seeming to have ignored Silas' attempt to make him take back his words, Eli said, "Jasper, I've left him alone and scared in this world. He is strong, but I know – I know he will not take this well. My mother and father, I'm sure they are unbelievably disappointed in me. The news of my crime is false but they don't know that. They'll never know that. And my sister, she'll grow to forget me, but I'm sure it's for the best. I wouldn't want her to grow up knowing her brother was a–."

"Elijah, stop," Silas said.

Doing so, Eli rest his head back on the wall, his eyes red as he stared up into the shadows overhead. "You don't understand," he said, "You've already come to terms with everything in your life. You had your goodbyes, made your peace." Standing now, Eli felt the painful crick in his back, and strolled toward the thick iron bars locking him inside the dank cell. His fists closed around the icy bars, "I wasn't given a chance."


It was night by the time Jasper's stagecoach reached Grigory. He'd never been to a village more rundown. It was far worse than Brimonhive. Thieves and pickpockets roamed the streets, the homeless hid in the shadows of alleyways. Whores, cons, every danger to a lord Jasper could think of dwelled in this place, but he wasn't going to turn back now.

Street lamps lit the dim passages with their soft flames, numerous people stared in wonder as to what a nobleman could be doing in their village. Noblemen didn't travel this far in. None ever took the time to pass through. Several routes led around Grigory, just to give travelers the option of going around rather than taking the risk of going through.

Then the stagecoach stalled and the door opened. Jasper's driver stood watchful in his tailored suit and top hat. The Young Master could see the wooden handle of a pistol tucked at the front of his driver's belt on full display, a certain warning to those around them. "The roads further in are blocked, Young Master," the man said, "We'll have to continue on foot or turn back. I suggest turning back, but the decision is up to you."

Pulling the black hood of his coat over his blond head, Jasper worked for a moment to gather something. He'd collected a fair amount of money to bargain for Elijah's life, and he didn't want to leave it in the coach if he was going to have to travel by foot. From a small wooden chest tucked under the seat he was on, the Young Master took the several rolled up wads of notes and tucked them on the inside of his guard's coat. Since he was bigger and more intimidating, the money would be safest on him.

"Alfar," Jasper gestured for the guard to cover the door of the coach more, and once the guard was blocking the way, buttoned the inner pockets of the coat. "I need to know I can trust you with this, Alfar."

Without hesitation, the guard straightened his shoulders and nodded firmly, as if nearly offended that his Lord would think he would possibly turn his back on him for money. "Of course, my Lord," he affirmed. "Always."

After hearing such an endearing promise from the guard, Jasper felt himself relax just a little. He went on with: "And I need to know I can trust you with what I am doing here. As I am sure you know from the fiasco that took place in the manor recently, my personal butler was arrested for sodomizing Edmund."

The guard swallowed at the mention of such a crime.

"However, none of that is true, Alfar," the Master declared. "It is not, I swear to you. Edmund only lied to spite Elijah is a respectable and fine young man, and...he is my friend, and I could not live with myself if I allowed this complete and utter lie to take my friend away. You must understand, though I am going behind the backs of the authorities and my own father, allowing Elijah to perish is just something I cannot do."

Listening to the Master's heartfelt words, the guard couldn't help a smile and nodded. He'd known the Young Master or many years already, and while he was familiar with the attitude that Jasper displayed towards his family, Alfar had also noticed like anyone else that the red-haired butler did appear to bring upon a sort of happiness inside Jasper. This Elijah Goode truly had become Jasper Lancechester's first real friend, so who was he to question such? "I understand, my Lord," Alfar nodded, "Your little secret is safe with me, and I am quite honored that you would trust me with it. I won't tell a soul."

Thankful that the guard would respect his wishes, Jasper got out of the coach and readied for the walk to the station.

He knew it was smart to be wary of such a place, but still the Young Master insisted on seeing this through. "Take me to the station, wherever they keep their captives."

Alfar still didn't appear too comfortable with the idea of waltzing around a place like Grigory with someone of Jasper's status, especially since he was a Lancechester, but if the veiling hood hiding Jasper's appearance did its job, he was sure he could get the Young Master in and out in one piece.

"Keep me safe," Jasper commanded.

"Of course, my Lord."

The Young Master stayed on Alfar's heels as they walked further and further into the village. Jasper didn't have to look up to know people were gawking at them, he could hear their whispers, cackling laughter surrounding him from time to time.

"Mmm," he heard a woman, her voice husky as though she'd been drinking heavily, and he could feel her closeness. "You smell nice," she said.

"Back away," Alfar demanded of her.

The whore snickered, "Protective of the little one, are we?"

"This way, my Lord."

They were headed down another block, then another and another. Everywhere they went, Jasper heard dogs barking, heard chatter and smelled what seemed to be sulfur in the air. And then they came to a stop, and he looked up, "Millian Station, my Lord."

Jasper peered up from under the brim if his dark hood, MILLIAN, in large bold lettering was just above the door.

"Wait here," Jasper said, "I may be a while."

"But, Young Master–."

"I said, wait here."

"As you wish."

With the driver standing guard outside, Jasper took a deep breath and went inside. The air was sticky despite the freezing cold, stale and he scrunched his nose at it. The hood still veiled his appearance when a man sitting at the front desk looked Jasper's way. "Can I help you?" the policeman asked. Already he could tell the hooded figured came from money. With Jasper's polished, buckles shoes, and the fine material in which his hooded coat was made from, anyone with eyes could tell.

For a moment after the door shut heavily behind the Master, he kept his head down, as to leave his visage in shadow. Because of his reason for being here, and for who he was, he wasn't too sure if revealing what he looked like was such a good idea. If this didn't work out, or even if it did work out in his favor, he didn't want this man to someday recognize him in the future.

Nervous, Jasper chewed his lip in thought before coming out with it. "I understand you are holding a certain prisoner I am in search of. His name is Elijah, Elijah Goode."

The man sitting behind his desk scoffed and rose from his seat. The sound of the legs from his chair scraping the floor sent a shiver down Jasper's spine. This man was an officer, dressed authoritative, and just the size of his shadow creeping across the floorboards was enough to tell Jasper he was rather large. Stopping three feet away from the Master, the officer placed his hands on his hips with a smirk on his face. "Elijah Goode, eh? You mean the sodomite who went and molested the nephew of Ronald Lancechester? That sodomite?"

The smug judgement in the officers voice heated a temper in Jasper, but he tried his best to control his anger. "I understand he has been brought here to await trial for a crime he did not commit.

"Trail?" the officer huffed and folded his arms over his broad chest. "Sodomites don't await trial in a place like Grigory. Laws work differently here. Death is all that awaits this...Elijah."

"With you, good sir," Jasper started again, "I've come to bargain for his freedom."

The officer was quiet for a second. The idea of releasing a prisoner wasn't the main focus of his thoughts, however. He was considering just how wealthy this person standing before him was. The material from his hood alone was expensive, and even the buttons and clasps on his clothing and shoes were made from real gold. His attire certainly cost more than anyone's possessions in this forsaken city.

When the man took a step forward as to remove the hood hiding Jasper's face, the Master also took a step back to distance himself further. The officer laughed once more. "You must carry a high and mighty name to want to shield yourself so. Not that you Lords would ever truly be touched by the law regarding sodomy. Tell me, what could you possibly have to offer in return for a scum's life like this Elijah? He isn't worth the leather of your shoes -- much less the dirt on their soles."

A fire lit inside Jasper at the manner this man spoke of the person he loved, but he knew he had to control his temper here given the situation he was in. Although his name was Jasper Lancechester, although he considered himself to be someone anyone would take caution in dealing with, he was still in a dangerous village surrounded by dangerous people. And worst of all, no one knew where he was, not Darcy or Juliette, not his father, grandparents. No one. Right now, all he had to rely on for protection was his guard...who he'd ordered to stay outside.

Taking a breath, Jasper continued with his mission. He came here in high hopes of leaving with the love of his life, and he wasn't going to leave without him. If Jasper couldn't have Elijah...he didn't want this life.

"Go on," the officer said, crossing his arms over his burly chest, "What have you got to offer up for him?"

"four-thousand pounds."

Immediately upon hearing the sum Jasper was very much willing to discard in return for Elijah Goode, the officer seemed to be struck by this and he took a step back, his posture loosening up again and he licked his lips. "Four...thousand pounds for one person?" Thinking for a minute longer on the matter, the officer finally decided what he was going to do, and said, "Make it five and you've got yourself a deal. Five thousand pounds and Elijah walks free."

Though his heart was thumping up a storm in his chest, Jasper remained calm and neared the entry door of the station. He opened the door and went back out to the guard standing just at the end of the steps.

"Are we finished here?" Alfar asked, truly wanting to get out of this place as fast as possible.

"No," Jasper said, stepping into the personal space of his guard. He carefully dug into the pockets he'd stuffed the rolled up money before and retrieved the amount he was going to give up. In total, there was ten-thousand hidden in Alfar's coat, so he was more than satisfied that this officer hadn't gotten too arrogant in the raised price for Elijah's freedom. Jasper would have happily given away the entire ten-thousand, but being able to leave with his lover and a good amount of the money he'd brought in exchange brought a pinch more relief.

After grabbing the five-thousand, Jasper went back inside the station to finish up.

Entering, the officer looked at the Master and the immense amount of money being handed over. When he saw that his payment was there, he rushed for the keys dangling behind the desk he'd been seated at and headed for the door that led to the cells. "Be quick," he said to Jasper, and he handed the key to the cells over in exchange for the money.

Knowing someone else could possibly return to the station, Jasper hurried into the stretch of stone hall lined with cells covered by iron bars. The stench that entered his nose upon entry was a bit fowl, and he could hardly see given the low light that emitted from a mere three lit candles. It was quiet as night for the most part, seeming like no one at all could be anywhere inside, but just knowing for sure Elijah was here somewhere drove him to enter further.

Suddenly then, he heard the love of his life speak. His tone was angered and restless, and he said, "If you're going to dawdle, the least you could bring is water!"



Eli's heart pounded in his chest all of a sudden, he knew that voice better than anyone. "Jasper?!" He tried to look further down the hall, and then a hooded figure appeared before him.

The blonde boy pushed the hood back, revealing his flawless pretty face. Eli's mouth fell open, just about speechless. "What – what are you doing here?" he questioned. "How did you find me?"

Jasper touched Eli's cold hands that still wrapped the bars blocking them from each other. "I went to your parents. When I – found out about what Edmund did, I couldn't stay away."

Reaching for Jasper, Eli cupped the boy's face in a tender hold, feeling a delicate sliver of relief that Jasper was standing here before him. He smoothed his thumbs across Jasper's cheeks, just beneath the blue eyes he could tell had been crying. "This village, it is too dangerous for someone like you."

Leaning into Eli's loving touch, Jasper said, "I did not come alone. There is protection for me outside."

"And he does not question your reason of being here?"

"He doesn't care."

There was a scuff further inside Eli's cell and Jasper quirked a nervous brow. "Someone is in there with you?"

Before Eli could answer, Silas stood from the shabby mattress he'd been on. He fixed his tilted glasses to the best he could and took his place beside Eli.

Jasper swallowed, looking from the other boy to Eli, and then Silas said, "Your lover is a lord? Oh, Eli, there is no way you could've thought your relationship with someone like this would've lasted? If it had not been for that Edmund boy throwing you to the authorities, it was only a matter of time before someone else did."

"Quiet," Eli hushed Silas.

"I'm only telling you the truth."

Jasper looked Silas up and down, taking him in. So, this was Silas Rosenkrantz? He was a tall young man, frail-looking, but much bigger than Jasper with his height. Setting his presence aside, however, Jasper brought his attention back to Eli. His reason for being there. Nearly forgetting that he had to be quick about this, Jasper brought up the keys the officer had given him. "Elijah, I've come for you, to get you out of here. The man at the front accepted payment, but we must leave now before anyone else arrives."

Stunned by Jasper's words for a moment, Eli's jaw went slack for a moment. He didn't think it was possible to love this boy anymore than he already did. His entire heart had already filled to the very brim, but now he could feel it overflowing. Unable to control the emotions building up inside him, Eli began to feel as the center of his chest ached, his throat stung mildly, and his eyes glistened just like the beautiful sapphires looking up at him. "You bought my freedom...? For how much?"

As Eli's hands remained upon his face, Jasper touched the back of his lover's hands, so glad to feel them on him again in any way. "Does it matter?" he said, "Five-thousands pounds. And I would gladly give up an entire year of income if it meant you would be beside me again." Wanting to hurry now, Jasper jammed the key in the lock of the cell and opened the door. It shrieked when Eli stepped back from it. "Come," the Master gestured -- and then he switched his gaze from his red-haired lover to the other boy occupying the cell. With five-thousand more pounds in Alfar's possession, he was sure the officer would accept Silas, too. "You, as well, come."

Eli moved out of the cell, his bare feet still cold on the surface and he looked back at Silas. The other boy was standing now with uncertainty in his stare, as if stepping out into a free world wasn't much of an option for him. He only thought this way, because he'd already given up, already said goodbye to this life, Jasper was...this stranger, the Young Master who now held the heart of the man he still loved so deeply. Could this person honestly feel like it was necessary to save the life of the person his current lover used to be involved with?

In Jasper's heart, yes, he'd once felt resentment at the mere idea of Silas, that Elijah had loved someone else before him, but that didn't mean Silas deserved to suffer a fate such as this. Plus, after witnessing how torn apart his Elijah had been after Silas had merely been arrested, he couldn't allow his love to suffer the pain of loss again if Silas were to die here in Grigory.

"Please," Jasper insisted, "I know we are strangers, but I can help you - I will help you. If you want it."

Pursing his lips together, Silas breathed in and out deeply, meeting Eli's emerald eyes before accepting this change of events. With haste, he hurried along.

As the three hurried back to the main door of the jailing area, Eli paused a moment and took Jasper's hand. "Wait," he said, "I'm sure we all would have been scheduled for execution." He then took the key from Jasper and stopped by the cell of the only other prisoner locked in Millian Station. When looked inside, the man was sitting with his back against the wall atop the frayed bedding on the floor. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open, and said, "Do what you will."

"Elijah, we must go," Jasper warned.

Moving along, the three entered into the front area of the station and were confused as to what they found. The officer who'd been stationed at the front was gone and the front door of the building was open. The man had taken the money that would have gotten him in trouble and disappeared.

The driver, Alfar; however, was standing in the doorway now, still anxious to get out of Grigory, and once he saw the Master had gotten who he'd come for, all of them hurried to where the coach had been. There was no telling what would happen when the other officers discovered Eli, Silas, and the other man were gone, but that was the absolute last thing on Eli's mind right now. As he sat down in the rear of the coach and it began to move, he took Jasper into his arms, warmed by this person he no longer had to think about leaving behind. They were together again, and he wouldn't ever let anyone else attempt to tear them apart a second time.

After an hour of travel Silas sat sleeping across from the couple. Eli sat with his back against the wall of the inside, Jasper tucked into his bare chest, and he brushed the back of his knuckles tenderly down the blond boy's cheek. He could tell the Master was tired, certainly more from the long journey he'd taken to Grigory in the first place, and now he was prepared to sleep in Eli's arms during the journey home - to their new home.

Glad to merely feel Jasper so close to him again, Eli placed a kiss just at his love's hairline. "Thank you," he kept his voice to a whisper, "Now, it seems you were the one to save me this time around. You owed me one, after all."

Jasper exhaled as a smile touched his pink lips. Looking up into the gaze he thought was the most remarkable in the world, the Master felt the love Eli equally coveted. "And I would do it again," he said, sitting up a little as the tips of their noses brushed, "I would do anything, travel any distance, pay any price to keep our love alive. You are my everything in this forsaken world, Elijah. I love you so very deeply, of this you must certainly know well enough. For you, Elijah, I would do it all."

"I know," Eli nearly felt himself about to burst into tears from this display of honest to God love. This boy's love was truly the purest form of it. "You are my world, Jasper, the light of my body and soul. Always know that I love you, too; in this life, and in every life to come, for I know we were always meant to find one another in this plain and all the others set before us."

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