Master, my Master | boyxboy |...

By JosslynWho

98.5K 5K 636

In desperate need of a way to support his family, Eli goes for a position as a Noble's servant, a bratty 17 y... More

Author's Note
I - Enchantment
III - Realization
IV - Misfortune
V - The Wrath of Jasper Lancechester
VI - Promises
VII - In the Evening
VIII - The Ball
IX - Our First Night
X - Temporary Seperation
XI - Fragile State
XII - Advice
XIII - Back Home
XIV - The Proposal & More
XV - Keeper of Your Heart
XVI - Lonely Road
XVII - The Calm
XVIII - Scorned
XIX - Return
XX - A Time for Change
XXII - Fire & Silk
XXII - Not So Private Moments
XXIII - Lies, Lies, Lies
XXIV - The Storm
*NEW* XXV - For You.
*NEW* XXVI - This Is Love
*NEW* XXVII - A Touch of Merriment
*NEW* XVIII - Everlasting

II - Seven Years Later

5K 277 59
By JosslynWho

Brimonhive, England

May 1834

Eli cradled his baby sister in his arms as he listened to his mother and father argue. The walls were thin in their home, so he could hear every word going back and forth. They had been yelling at one another for almost an hour about how moving out of Brimonhive was likely going to be an option, since the cost of goods was going up, and father no longer had his position as a blacksmith. Eli didn't like the sound of it. Brimonhive had been his home since he was born, he enjoyed the good mates he had, the neighbors and marketplace, but he knew his parents were right. If money became a problem, they'd have no choice but to move to a different area. All his life, since he got his first job at the age of five, he'd done nothing short of help provide money for his family, so he was more than sure if his father started to panic, things were not going so well.

"Shh," Eli rocked Ava in his arms. He was feeding her from the only sanitary bottle she had. "Just a bit more," he smiled down at her, and his heart swelled when she opened her eyes to stare up at her elder brother. Ava was just ten months old, a bubbly bundle of joy that only seemed to stop smiling when she was being fed, and Eli loved his sister with his entire being.

Looking up when the yelling of his mother and father died down, Eli waited a moment for the silence to break.

His mother, a beautiful voluptuous woman with fiery red curls, opened his bedroom door and peered inside. She had a faint smile on her heart-shaped face as she eyed her children. "Elijah, darling, your father and I would like to have a word with you. Come," she waved for him, "bring Ava with you to the front room."

He fixed Ava in his arms, still feeding her, and followed his mother. The front room was undersized in width and length, but was fair nonetheless. There wasn't much to it other than a rocking chair sitting before a crackling fireplace, an old wash bucket, and a bench pushed up under a low window draped with rags. Light from the fireplace danced against the dull wooden walls, and the dark kitchen area off to the rear was filled with shadows.

Eli looked up from Ava when his father came in from the back bedroom. A man with darkish-blonde hair and a scruffy handsome face, he was built well from all the hard work he'd done since his son was born eighteen years ago, and now that his family had grown with the arrival of his daughter, it was obvious, just by the look on his face, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to provide for anyone for much longer.

"What's going on?" Eli asked, "Has something happened?"

His father said nothing for a moment as he paced before the fireplace, frustration clear as day in his body language. "Son," he said, stopping finally, "Your mother and I have come to the decision that you must begin looking for another form of employment. I can no longer afford everything on my own with the pay cut going around, and everyone seems to have gotten the idea to raise their prices on wheat and dairy. I know you've worked hard in that cargo position you took down at the ports, but it's no longer enough to help around here. I need you to come with me to town to search for new openings."

The news would've shocked Eli a lot more if he'd been younger, but he was eighteen now, so setting out for another job was something he was sure he needed to do anyways. It was true the captain of his shipment boat was pinching his purse a little too hard these days. Besides, he wanted to make sure his family was cared for just as much as his father. When he had turned twelve years old, he'd gone from cleaning chimneys to working in a butcher's shop, and then to the cargo ship when he turned sixteen. So, Elijah Goode was no stranger to working in different places. This time around, he only wondered where a new position would take him.

With a nod, Eli said, "I understand, I'm sure I can find something that'll pay well enough."

Eli's mother offered her son a smile. She knew how much he loved them all. He already did a good job keeping their home safe from dangers that strayed around their property. Her son was a strong boy, and now that he was older, he was surely going to become an honorable man.

Handing Ava over to his mother's arms, Eli thought for a moment. There was always a stand in the village that was littered with flyers for job openings, so he guessed he and his father were going there.

Sure enough, he was right.

After tugging on his worn rider boots, he and his father trekked into Brimonhive. The dreary town had a black and white feel to it, the markets were all a somber gray, the ground was usually soaked and muddy from the rain, and the sky was cloudy overhead. There were many people shopping at the different shops for things like wheat, dairy, fabric, and meat, but where he and his father were headed was just about the most crowded spot. The open plaza was where all news of Brimonhive was plastered, as well as news that came from lands outside of town, even countries, news all the way from the north and overseas as well.

Eli waited at the back of the crowd of men while his father disappeared into it, and when he emerged again, his father had a couple of crinkled papers in his hand. "Jobs, son, many jobs are out there for us to take hold of."

He scanned one particular flier and pointed to it, "Look, there's a position at the Lord's manor. The Lancechester's. They're looking for a 'young, strapping footman'." He looked up at Eli, "You sure are a very strapping young man, and those nippy lords...they pay well."

The thought of working under the maddening of any nobility didn't sit well with Eli, but as he looked over the many other jobs, he knew his father was right about it paying the best. He'd be able to live on the ground of the manor, that is, if the lord who was in search for a servant picked him out of a lineup of whoever else had gotten the idea to attempt being hired.

Without objection, Eli soon found himself standing in front of a large ivory tan bricked manor a couple kilometers outside of Brimonhive. He was dressed in his best brown trousers, a white button down with braces over his shoulders, and his rose red hair was tamed, pulled back in a low bowtie. His mother had even taken the time to polish his black boots. "Present yourself nice and tidy," she'd said to him, "The nobility don't take kindly to disorder."

There were two uniformed guards standing in front of the black iron gate blocking the entry to the manor. Eli looked toward them as they stared into the distance, and they only seemed to take notice of him when he cleared his throat. "Pardon me," he said, "I'm here for the servant position."

The guards didn't change their still expressions, just turned to the gate, grabbed the handles beside the lock, and drew it open enough for him to fit through.

Eli didn't feel right as he moved by them and into the vicinity of the manor. The stone paved path led to the massive home, but it was the greenery that caught his attention. The trimmed pastures that stretched for a good distance around the large home was vast, two crystal clear, rectangular lakes centered the head of it, beautiful gardens sat dashing to the eye with their shrubs and flowers, and Eli was impressed by the stagecoach stalled out in front of the u-shaped turn before the main doors. The manor itself; however, was something to be envied. It was nothing short of a breathtaking palace, made of pale tan brick and it stood three stories high. There were so many windows to look out of, intricate designs carved into stone, and mild touches of floral vegetation grew up along the face of the home.

Approaching the doors at the top of the wide steps, Eli didn't have to knock when they were opened for him. Two more guards in their olive green, gold speckled uniforms stepped aside for him, allowing him entry through the front. He entered the foyer once the doors were closed in him, a large front area he noted could fit just about two cottages from the village in it. The floors were white with marble, the soaring walls were papered prettily, and portraits of landscapes were hung about them. A wide curved stairwell struck Eli's awe next. The steps were white and they led up to the second and third floors, archways on either side of him and in front leading into different parts of the manor. This was extraordinarily massive!

"Ehem!" a voice caught his attention.

He looked further down the foyer to a man who'd appeared out of nowhere. He was dressed in a dark butler's uniform, white hair styled back, and he gestured in a hurry for Eli to follow along with him.

Eli didn't miss a step.

He silently awed at the incredible size of the entire expensive home as they proceeded down the lofty corridor beyond the foyer, the sitting room, a vast dining hall, and then he was directed into a well-lit ballroom. It had light hard wood floors and a few chairs and tables pushed back against the furthest wall, floor-to-ceiling windows with dark velvet drapes drawn open to welcome the sun. A stage was at the other end and Eli studied the others in the room.

There were five young men all dressed their best as well. He recognized three of their faces from having seen them around Brimonhive, and he could see the nervousness on their faces. He wondered if he should be as worried as them.

Instead, Eli found himself standing more curious to what someone could possibly own to live in a place like this, rather than focusing on who exactly he was going to be working for in a place like this. There were tales of the Lancechester family that every soul in Brimonhive, and the world over he was sure, knew about this bloodline that'd settled just outside of Brimonhive long ago. Blood, cruelty, respect and fear formed that of the Lancechester lineage, yet, Elijah Goode wasn't much concerned for that.

"Line up, now," the butler ordered, placing them in a certain order.

He gave Eli a light shove and began to place them all from shortest to tallest, the red-haired boy standing the tallest at 6ft 3in (192cm). When they were all aligned, the head butler said, "You are to address him as Master even though he has not chosen. Am I understood?"

They all gave a nod.

"Do not display any signs of disrespect. Do not speak unless spoken to," he went on. "The Young Master will not hesitate to discard of you all if he is displeased, and, most importantly, do not lay a single hand upon the Young Master, lest you would prefer to be handled accordingly."

When the head butler ceased from droning off his list of rules, a towering oak door at the opposite end of the ballroom opened, and all went silent except for the clicking of heeled shoes on the hardwood floor. Eli was tempted to look behind him, to see the nobleman he'd possibly be serving, but with how stiff everyone else was, he took note not to make any unnecessary movements unless commanded to do so. He had to keep in mind that he was doing this for his family, so being turned away was not much of an option.

Out of the corner of his eye then, a boy appeared, and when he finally strolled before them all, Eli got a good look at the heir to the Lancechester name. He was at least seventeen years old, small for his age with a height not far passed that of 5ft 2in (158cm). There was a femininity to his build, slight arms and trim legs, a prettiness set into his young visage, and the almond sharpness to his sapphire blue eyes reminded Eli of what jewels would look like beneath the gleam of the afternoon sun.

The Young Master was dressed in a fine, crisp white button-down with a pressed navy blue necktie, and a tailored velvet, spring green overcoat. His short black trouser shorts were held up by braces clipped to the waistline, a fabric belt secure around his small waist made of blue, green, and light lavender designs, and lengthy black stockings were buckled just above his knees. But what was most notable about him was his wavy mane of blonde hair. Lastly, his features were soft, delicate, but his glare seemed as though it could burn through anything in its path.

When the Young Master turned before them all, hands held behind his back, he strode in front of the lineup, looking each of the boys up and down as if assessing their own builds.

"Names," the Young Master said then. His voice was soft but it hinted displeasure. He lifted a finger toward the shortest boy at the opposite end of the line. "You first."

"Swanson," said the shrill voice. Whoever he is, Eli thought, he needs to relax.

"Thome," came the next.




And last, but most certainly not least, "Elijah, but most call me Eli."

The Young Master cocked his head toward Eli and glared a menacing stare. "Excuse me?" he said with a hint of irritation.

Eli glanced at the Young Master and then straight ahead again. The eyes that stared up at him were daunting even for someone so fragile-looking. When he opened his mouth to repeat what he'd said, the Young Master cut him off. "Did I ask you what people call you? I don't believe I did."

"I apologize."

"I'm sure Samuel here spun the rules for you, Eli, another word and you'll be dismissed."

Eli held in a sigh of annoyance and the urge to leave. He didn't have to deal with his unnecessary disrespect, this childish behavior. Then again, yes, he did.

Young Master looked Eli over with a sort of interest then. He moved closer, trailing his gaze up and down the red-haired boy's body, seeming to try and analyze him somehow. The Master furrowed his dark-blonde brow, a tilt of wonder expressed, and he said, "Elijah, is it? What do you and your family do for a living?"

Eli wondered if this was a trick question, but when he caught a nod from the head butler over the Young Master's shoulder, he said, "My father was once a blacksmith, but he's looking for different employment now, and I worked the docks for a pinching captain."

After giving an understanding nod after chewing his lip in thought, the Young Master moved on, hands still clutched behind his back as he asked everyone else their past or current occupation. When he had all his answers, he commanded Thome and Swanson to leave. For what reason, Eli didn't know.

The Young Master was in front of Eli again, "Shirt, take it off, including your trousers."

While the command put Eli off, he didn't hesitate and unhitched his trousers. He unstrapped his braces from over his shoulders, unbuttoned his shirt and dropped his trousers to his ankles. His skin was fair and slightly sun-kissed, tight in his arms, legs, and torso with exhibitions of obvious work.

He thought it was ridiculous that he had to follow such orders, but with the struggles taking hold of his family back home, Eli would go through any humiliation the Young Master could dish out if it meant he'd wind up with the position as a footman. When Eli tossed all his clothing on the floor, he felt totally exposed in front of everyone, but not a hint of embarrassment turned the shade of his cheeks.

As if amused that Eli listened to the order in the first place, the Young Master kept his eyes on the boards of the shining floor, circling around behind the line up of nervous young men. He was about to tell Eli to get dressed again and express that he was merely fooling with him, but then he stopped behind the red-haired boy and froze. "Where did these come from?" the Young Master inquired, and a soft but boney finger touched Eli's back, running down the long jagged scars he knew were tracing his spine. The six blemishing lines started at the base of his neck, and they continued to his lower back.

"I saved a child when I was a young boy," Eli stated. "He was being attacked by a wolf. It injured me before I drove it away."

Young Master hummed, intrigued by the scars. When something appeared to weigh on him, taking in Eli's short tale, he rubbed his forearm with unease and then moved on, but not before getting another look at the past wounds upon the red-haired boy's back.

Once Eli was ordered to put his clothing back on, he could feel the eyes of the Young Master on him.

After Jon was asked what his current or past occupation was, he was ordered to leave and then the final question was asked to Eli and the remaining Frederick.

"Why are you here?" It sounded simple enough.

Frederick said, "My family needs the money for food and shelter. My mother is pregnant again and we'll need more things for the baby."

The Young Master seemed displeased with the response, but he nodded and moved on to Eli. "And what are you doing here?"

Eli thought for only a moment. The Young Master didn't seem like a very compassionate person, so caring about the real reason why he was here wouldn't get him very far. So...

"To serve you, Master," he said, lowering his head.

The Young Master and the by-standing butler smiled at one another. "Mister Frederick, I'm going to have to ask you to take your leave."

A dark glower washed over Frederick's brow as he turned to head out.

Eli wanted to jump up and down in utter joy, but did all he could to hold it in. He couldn't believe he'd gotten the position. After his first mistake, he was sure he was going to be denied. "Congratulations," the Young Master said, turning for the entry of the ballroom. "You have until sunset to say goodbye to your family. It will be a while until you see them next. Keep in mind, if you are not back in a timely manner, I will have no fuss releasing you before your first duties begin."

With that, Eli nodded, "Yes, Master," and darted out of the manor.

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