Heard the Blaze

By MaddyisRoll

178K 8.5K 206

Book #2 of the 2&2 Novels I can't hear. I'm deaf. Now for a werewolf it sucks. You basically can be snuck up... More

Heard the Blaze
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chaper Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four

Chapter Fifty-Seven

1.6K 84 0
By MaddyisRoll

A month after...


Things with Kamali got better. It took her a day to understand what I did. Then she was back to her normal state: I hate seeing her mad like that but it just had to happen. She knows that now.

The thing that has got me most worried were the pups. They still haven't budged. She's due now. Her actual due date was a day ago. Now it's just the waiting game.The blood moon was tonight. I had to leave. She was staring out the window, her stomach was about ready to pop. She was hurt. Not in the physical way but in the emotional way. I guess she sensed me as she turned around staring at me. Tears were present in her eyes. "Baby no. Don't cry" I went to wipe off the tears from her cheeks but she pulled away.

"*^How can I not? I'm having these pups alone, while under attack by your father. I need you here to help me. I can't do this by myself^*"

"You know I can't be here. I would kill to be with you. I can't or lots of people will get hurt" she still cried. She pulled me into a hug. She stood on her tippy toes to put her chin on my shoulder. My hand found her stomach tracing it to calm her down. I then pulled her away so she can listen to me. "Please just take care of the two devils. Once we gain control of the blood moon I'll run back here. I promise"

"^*Im scared Mason*^" I gulped.

"Me too Kamali. Me too" there was a knock at the door making my head snap up. She glanced over as well, sniffing the air. I let go of her completely opening the door. Mom was there, she seemed sad just staring at me.

"It's time to go. The sun is almost down" I looked back at Kamali, beckoning for her to come over. She wiped at her eyes, bring me down into a passionate kiss. Coal and Caleb both whimpered in my head. The thought of her being hurt came into my mind, her being hurt meaning I could loose all three of them. Then I could do nothing about it, I'll be useless. When she pulled away she saw my face. She wiped at the escaping tears from my face. I leaned into her touch, then kissed at her knuckles.

"My love just promise me to be safe. Please don't try and fight. Your pack and Emily's pack will take care of everything."

"*^I know I'll try^*"

"I'm going to go grab Amelia now. Goodbye...I love you" I kissed at her lips again, letting it linger. I wish I could be here all day but I parted again, beginning to walk away. I was at the door, when she spoke.

"I...love you too..." it came out rugged but it was the most compelling sound in the world. I glanced back at her, hope in her eyes. Almost like they were begging me to come back to her. Only this time things are different.

She knew that. I left without another word.

This time things are different not only because of the pups. Not only because of the war. But because I have no idea what my father was planning when it came to me.



"Start evacuating every non fighter down to the safe house. Everyone better get down there before the sun even disappears!" Jonathan was barking orders while everyone was in a scramble. We already had most of the farther rouges come in a couple days ago so they were just helping out everyone that lived near this pack house.

I just watched as people began to go down into the labyrinth of our underground. It was a maze down there only a few knew the direction to go. It stretched for 3 miles being enough space for everyone unable to fight, live down there. J then came over to me, seeming troubled.

"Hey. Do you think you can check on Kam for me? I haven't been able to check up on her. Masons supposed to be leaving right now anyways" as if on cue he walked out of the pack house. The girl was right next to him, shyly clinging onto one of his arms. People stiffened around them, moving away while giving Mason sad looks. He approached us with the girl almost tied to the hip.

"Hey um. Just keep my kids and her safe. Please" he looked so worn down already, like he's been crying. Well of coarse he's been crying there was a possibility that he may not come back either.

"It's not a problem. Just come back home to her" he seemed to have bit his tongue then looked down at the girl at his legs.

"Come on Amelia" she nodded sad as well. Then a noise. Alex's daughter yelling at us to wait. She rushed over huffing and puffing.

"I-I wanted to say b-bye" she stuttered. She still had an issue with vampires, reason her mother has yet to speak about. Amelia turned to the girl giving her friend a hesitant hug. She returned the favor they stood there for a bit. Until Mason shot up having to pull Amelia away. Her eyes had turned red. She apologized instantly. "It-it's fine. Just s-stay safe" Amelia nodded smiling lightly at her friend. Alexa slowly then began to walk away, back to the pack house.

Mason whispered something to Amelia, she nodded beginning to walk to the forest. "Please just keep her safe. Please. Tell her I love her and our little devils"

"How about you tell them yourself when you get back?" I spoke. He held a sad smile. Jonathan than grabbed an arm on my shoulder and Masons.

"Come on group hug thing" Mason chuckled a bit. Gripping us both into a hug. We were all in each other's arms until Mason disappeared out of thin air. J had glanced at me then back at the pack.

"Keep moving we don't have any time!"

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