I'm Here For You (Bakugou x V...

By Rainbend

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[Bakugou Katsuki x Villain!Reader] The last time Bakugou saw his childhood friend, (Full Name) was at the pla... More

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By Rainbend

Instead of Reader-chan calling Shigaraki "master" like she did at the ending of Chapter 1, she's gonna start calling him "Nii-chan" from chapter 2 onwards.

I refer Thirteen as "they" since their actual gender is unknown.


It can't be! She's not supposed to be alive!

The world faded away as Bakugou stared at the scene before him, red orbs wide with disbelief. He could hear his heart beating at a hundred miles per hours. Cold sweats broke out on his forehead as all sort of questions flashed through his mind.

His body was rigid, unable to move as roots grew from his feet and into the ground. As much as his brain wanted to deny what his eyes were seeing, his heart refused to do so.

Even though she no longer looked like Bakugou saw her the last time when they were still kids, there was no mistaking of those (h/c) hair that had grown out, but what stood out was her eyes – a pair of (e/c) orbs that always took his breath away whenever he looked into them.

Even now, the very same pair of eyes still took his breath away as Bakugou stared into them.

After all these years, she was standing before him – alive and breathing when he thought she was gone.


"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors – All Might, me and one more person." Aizawa, Class 1-A's homeroom teacher addressed the class.

The students' curiosity peaked as they glanced at one another, wondering what their teacher meant by "turned into". Sero raised his hand, asking a question that was on everyone's minds.

"Excuse me! What'll we be doing?"

Suddenly, the black-haired teacher showed the class a card that read "rescue" in bold, capital letters. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between."

Excited murmurs broke out amongst the students, thrilled that they would be doing something related to a duty of a hero. The murmurs built up until it became chatters as everyone discussed the training.

"Hey, I'm not done," Aizawa spoke up, his eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep as usual. All heads turned to the front, paying attention as their teacher went out. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities too."

He pressed a remote in his hand and suitcases containing the students' hero costumes popped out from the walls. Class 1-A's were filled excitement, eager to change into the costumes that were specially designed for each of them.

"The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready." Aizawa dismissed his students as each of them stood up one by one to collect their suitcases and got ready for their hero training class.

the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, the wheels on the go round and round, all to USJ

"Everyone, I've been waiting for you."

Class 1-A was greeted by the space hero, Thirteen, who was the other instructor that Aizawa told them about. They couldn't help but be excited that one of the greatest heroes that specialize in disasters rescuing would be teaching them today.

"Let's go inside without delay."

"Look forward to working with you!"

Everyone followed behind Thirteen as they led the way into the training ground that they would be using today. Once they were inside, Class 1-A was taken aback by the sheer size of the facility.

"It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters." Thirteen held out their arms as they introduced the name of the training ground. "It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint', or USJ for short!"

Aizawa entered the training ground, approaching his fellow instructor when he realized a certain person was missing. "Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here."

The space hero explained that the number one hero was currently taking a break due to doing too much hero work on his way to work, causing him to run out of time. Hence why he couldn't be here.

Aizawa simply lets out a tired sigh and moved to the side so that Thirteen could begin their class. However, just as when they were about to start their hero training, something bizarre happened.

The lights flickered before going off and the water fountain in the middle of the USJ started acting strange when suddenly, a whirlpool of some sort emerged from the water fountain.

Aizawa's eyes widened and turned around, a surprised look on his face. The whirlpool expanded before solidifying into a smoky figure with two yellow beady eyes. A hand stretched from within the whirlpool, revealing a man with light-blue hair and a bloodshot eye – the rest of his face covered by a detached hand.

With his quick reflexes, Aizawa immediately jumped to action.

"Gather together and don't move!" He instructed his students before addressing Thirteen. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

Kirishima's eyes widened with surprise. "What's that?"

His words caused all eyes to turn towards the whirlpool where figures of all sort started walking out of it, the light blue-haired man in the lead.

The students were puzzled by what was happening, thinking it was part of their training class when they noticed their teacher putting on his yellow goggle. That was when they knew that something was not quite right.

"Those are villains."

Fear shot through them when they heard Aizawa's words, their eyes widening by ten-fold as they took in the sight before them. Hundreds of villains were standing before them, staring at them with bloodlust in their eyes.

What was supposed to be a normal training hero class had turned into a real-life situation that none of the students of Class 1-A was prepared for.


(Name)'s POV – from here on out, the story will be in (Name)'s point of view instead of Bakugou's.

You stepped out from Kurogiri's warp gate, feeling slightly dizzy since you are still not used to his quirk. Once you regained your bearings, you took in the sight of the place that the League of Villains will be attacking.

(E/C) orbs sparkled with excitement at as you noticed a group of students and two heroes who you recognised as Eraserhead and Thirteen. You could feel the bloodlust in you coming to life as you couldn't wait to see blood being shed.

"(Name)-chan, please calm down. I know you're excited to kill but remember that isn't your main priority." Kurogiri whose main body was covered in his quirk gently admonished you.

You glanced up at the purple mist, pouting. "You're no fun Kurogiri-kun. I've waited all these years and you're telling me that I can't kill? You're taking away my fun."

"(Name)-chan," Kurogiri replied in a warning tone.

"Fine." You huffed, blowing on your fringe as you sulked before turning your attention to Shigaraki who was standing beside you. "Ne, Tomu Nii-san, where's All Might? I don't see him anywhere."

You made your point by cupping your hands around your eyes, acting like binoculars as you tried to locate the no. 1 hero. Instead, all you saw was the villains starting to make a move – heading towards where the students and pro heroes were. "Yeap, he's not here. Are you sure we got the right information? Didn't the schedule that we receive state he's supposed to be here?"

Shigaraki ignored you as he begun mumbling, his voice barely a whisper. "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too. All Might...The Symbol of Peace...I can't believe he's not here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?"

You glanced at the male with hands all over his upper body, lifting a brow. "Tomura Nii-san, I thought we're here to kill All Might and not a bunch of kids?"

Even with the hand hiding his face from the world, you could hear the glee in Shigaraki's voice. "(Name)-chan, didn't you say that you'll kill anyone who gets in the way of my plans?"

Understanding the message behind his words, your eyes twinkled with bloodlust, tongue flicking out to lick your lips. "You don't have to tell me twice."

Time skipped brought to you by author-chan's love for Bakugou

Dammit Kurogiri, do you really have to warp me with the rest of the UA students too?! I'm on your side for goodness sake! You stood up from where you had been lying on the ground and dust yourself.

Glancing around your surroundings, you noticed buildings wreckages all around you. Look like you were in some sort of collapse zone area which explained all the collapsed buildings as far as your eyes could see.

Why couldn't have Kurogiri warped you to a place with nature instead of concrete? You were really at a disadvantage here due to the nature of your quirk.

While Shigaraki was focusing on the fight between the villains and Eraserhead, you had followed Kurogiri as he set out to do his job which was to scatter the students and tortured them as he pleased.

However, he was suddenly attacked by two students and in his panic, he released his quirk – enveloping everyone in his purple mist. You too were caught in the mist and before you knew it, you had been warped to your current location now.

Well, now that I'm here, there's no point in dwelling on something else. I'm pretty sure there'll be some UA students who ended up here in the same location as me. (E/C) orbs twinkled with malice. Let's see who are the lucky kids that I'll end up killing today.

Suddenly, you heard an explosion coming from somewhere in the building that you were in. Quickly, you darted behind a debris so that you wouldn't be spotted by whoever it was that caused the explosion.

You edged towards the end of the debris and peeked around the corner so that you could get a better look at what was going on. A group of villains were fighting two UA students and it looked like the villains were on the losing end.

Due to all the dust cloud caused by the unknown explosions, you had a hard time trying to get a better look. You felt your eyes watering from all the smoke as you coughed in your hand so that no one would be able to detect your presence.

Shit! I can't make out who the students are with all these smoke and explosions. You mentally cursed before starting to analyse the situation. The explosions must be from one of the students' quirk since the villains that Tomura Nii-san recruited are just small frys with measly quirks.

The explosions suddenly died down as the smoke cleared away. Using this chance, you quickly peeked out from the debris again to see who were the two students that were able to take out a group of villains so easily.

You noticed two male students dressed in what you assumed must be their hero costumes. Since their backs were facing you, you weren't unable to see their faces but even without looking at them, they stood out like a sore thumb with their hairs.

Both had a spiky hair-do – one red, the other blonde.

Damm, no wonder they're got into UA. Even though they're at a disadvantage – two people against a group, they still have no problem taking them all out. You thought as you glanced at the group of villains lying on the ground, all unconscious and badly injured.

"Is this all of them? They're so weak."

Suddenly, one of them spoke up causing you to hide again. The last thing you need now was to be discovered by them. Pressing your body against the debris, you strained your ears to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"All right. Let's hurry up and go save the others! If we're here, then everyone else should be inside USJ, too." Another voice piped up, a lighter tone as compared to the other one who had a deeper baritone. "I'm worried about the guys with less offensive ability."

The same voice continued. "Besides, because we ran off ahead, we slowed Thirteen down. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that fog, then this wouldn't have happened! As men, we've to take responsibility for what we did!"

He must be talking about Kurogiri. You thought, worrying about the misty being. I hope that he's doing okay since his quirk can be at a disadvantage when going up against Thirteen's quirk.

"If you want to go, then go by yourself." You perked up when you hear the first voice speaking. "I'm gonna kill that warp gate."

You rolled your eyes at his words, immediately dubbing him as an idiot. Sure, he was able to take out a group of villains, but they were just small frys. They were nothing compared to Kurogiri.

If the boy was to go against Kurogiri who had years of experience under his belt, this boy was going to lose. Such a foolish brat.

"What? Are you gonna act childish at a time like this? Besides, that guy's attacks are--"

"Shut up!"

You could tell that the boy was pissed off by what his friend had said. You could practically feel his anger in the air.

This is such a waste of my time. You sighed to yourself, pouting. And here I thought I could kill some heroes. I should just get out of here and ask Kurogiri to warp me out of this stupid ass place.

With that, you got up and dusted your dress, careful not to tear off any of the leaves sewn into the skirt. Just as you were about to make your escape, you noticed something shimmering on the ceiling from your peripherical view.

Tilting your head up, you saw someone crawling towards the two students who were still arguing. As much as you want to leave, you were curious as to how this would play out.

So, you hid once more and observed from a distance away.

"That gate bastard is the enemy's way in and out. I'm gonna cut off their getaway route for when the time comes. It's not like we don't have a way to fight the fog."

The person which you identified as a chameleon, dropped from the ceiling and onto the floor, slowly creeping his way behind the blonde student who you dubbed as the foolish brat earlier on.

He pulled out a knife from his back and lunged himself at the blonde boy. "Stop your chit-chatting! Since you've left your guard down—"

However, the chameleon's face was met with the blonde's hand who quickly released his quirk on him – exploding in his face. You blinked your eyes several times, taken aback by his quick reflexes.

Maybe I should stay and shed some blood after all! You licked your lips as though you were able to taste their blood on your lips.

Your eyes held a crazy glint to it as you imagined the walls of these collapsed building painted in the duo's blood.

"Anyway, if this small frys are the ones assigned to us, pretty much everyone will be fine, right?" The blonde spoke, his face calm as he stared at the villain in his hand.

Kirishima had a look of awe on his face as he complimented Bakugou. "Were you always so calm and rational? I thought you were more like –"

An image of Bakugou with shark-like teeth and crazy eyes chanting "Die!" repeatedly appeared in his head, causing him to frown at the difference.

"I'm always calm and rational, you spiky-haired punk!" Bakugou retaliated, his expression morphing to his usual scowl, triggered by Kirishima's words.

He threw the villain onto the ground and started looking for an exit so that he could get back to the main fight. "Then go if you want to!"

"Wait, wait!" Bakugou stopped in his tracks at Kirishima's words, giving him his attention. "Believing in our friends! That's real manly, Bakugou! I'll follow you!"

Bakugou simply stared at the red-haired who grinned at him, determination shining in his eyes. He felt something in him shifted as he started to see Kirishima in a different light.

Without so much as a backward glance, Bakugou faced the front once more and began his hunt for an exit, Kirishima trailing after him.

However, they paused in their tracks when they heard a noise coming from somewhere behind them. Immediately, Bakugou turned around and reacted – aiming his hand at the debris where the sound had come from and released his quirk.

Shit! There goes my chance of having the element of surprise on my side. You mentally cursed when you accidentally kicked a piece of concrete, no doubt that they had heard you.

(E/C) orbs widened with alarm when you felt a shiver crawled up your spine. The debris that you had been hiding behind exploded, but you managed to jump out of the way thanks to your instincts and quick reflexes.

You coughed as a smoke of dust rose, hindering your vision. Suddenly, a leg appeared from nowhere and hit your side, causing you to fly backwards – your back hitting the wall before falling to the ground.

You immediately rolled to your feet, wincing when you felt pain blossoming from where the kick landed. Clutching your side in hopes of easing the pain, you stared at the smoke, two shadowy figures slowly approaching you.

Shit! It hurts like hell! Usually, I'll be able to withstand a kick like that, must be the other guy's quirk. Eyes darted left and right, trying to find an exit so that you could escape from your attackers. I need to get out of here since my quirk's at a disadvantage in this kind of environment. Oh, I'm so gonna kick Kurogiri's ass for sending me here.


You jumped out of the way as the smoke cleared revealing the blonde with the exploding quirk. His red blood eyes held malice as he grinned eerily at you, thrilled to have another go at a villain.

(E/C) orbs widened when you saw his face. There was only one boy in your memory that had spiky blonde hair and sharp blood red eyes.

Before you knew it, a name that you had not spoken in a long time left your lips. "Katsuki-kun?"

Bakugou's eyes widened as well when he heard a name that he hadn't heard since his elementary school days. Both of you leapt backwards, creating a distance between each other.

No words were exchanged besides heavy breathing as both of you stared at one another with shock written all over your faces.

It can't be! She's not supposed to be alive!

The world faded away as Bakugou stared at the scene before him, red orbs wide with disbelief. He could hear his heart beating at a hundred miles per hours. Cold sweats broke out on his forehead as all sort of questions flashed through his mind.

His body was rigid, unable to move as roots grew from his feet and into the ground. As much as his brain wanted to deny what his eyes were seeing, his heart refused to do so.

Even though she no longer looked like Bakugou saw her the last time when they were still kids, there was no mistaking of those (h/c) hair that had grown out, but what stood out was her eyes – a pair of (e/c) orbs that always took his breath away whenever he looked into them.

Even now, the very same pair of eyes still took his breath away as Bakugou stared into them.

After all these years, she was standing before him – alive and breathing when he thought she was gone.


Your breath hitched when you heard your name. It was barely a whisper and you could hear the hope and uncertainty in his voice. You didn't know how to react.

Bakugou took a small, hesitant step forward, afraid that you would run away if he came on too strong. "(Name), is that really you? After all these years, you've been alive? Please tell me this isn't another dream where I wake up and you're not there."

Your heart broke when you heard the desperation in the blonde's voice, the way how his eyes were pleading for you to be a reality.

"It's me, it's really me Katsuki-kun." You quickly replied and took a step forward towards Bakugou.

Your fingers barely grazed Bakugou's hands when the red-haired from earlier on aimed a kick towards you. "Stay away from him you villain!"

Pulling back your hand, you leapt backwards to avoid being kicked a second time, putting a huge distance between you and the duo. (E/C) eyes glared at the red-haired who scowled at you, standing protectively in front of Bakugou.

Bakugou snapped out of it when red hair came into his view, breaking whatever trance that he was in. His brows furrowed in confusion as Kirishima looked behind his shoulders, an assuring smile on his face. "It's alright Bakugou, I got this."

"Wait, no!" Bakugou shouted and reached out an arm to stop the red-haired, but he was too late.

When the dust cleared, all that was left where you originally stood was an empty space. You were nowhere to be seen.

Just like ten years ago, you slipped through his fingers again.


You stumbled out of Kurogiri's warp, landing on your knees and hands as you coughed, gulping greedily at the oxygen that your lungs had been deprived amongst the dust and smoke.

Kurogiri must have sensed that you were in danger because just as when you were ready to defend yourself against the red-haired, you were engulfed by a warp and brought to where you are now.

You laid there as you tried to process what had just happened. You met Bakugou, your childhood friend whom you thought you would never see again ever since your disappearance. But here you were, ten years later, you saw again. 

"(Name)-chan, are you alright?" The purple fog asked you. 

Shaking out of your thoughts, you lifted your hand and gave Kurogiri a thumbs up. "I'm fine."

You would deal with this later when you weren't in the middle of a battlefield. 

Kurogiri turned his attention to Shigaraki who was watching the Nomu tearing Eraserhead's limbs apart, his blood pooling around him. "Tomura Shigaraki."

Hearing his name being called, Shigaraki's head turned towards Kurogiri. "Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away."

Your head shot up in surprise at the purple mist's words, both you and Shigaraki replying simultaneously, "Huh?"

Scrambling to your feet, you hid behind Kurogiri when you heard the familiar scratching, knowing that Shigaraki was in an unstable mood. You winced as the scratching intensify.

"Kurogiri, you...if you aren't a warp gate, I'll have crushed you to pieces." He calmed down and the scratching stopped, continuing, "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home."

You let out a sigh of relief, not realizing that you were holding your breath. After all, Shigaraki could be ten times scarier when he's unstable. Crossing your arms when you remembered that it was game over for the villains, you pouted. "But Tomura Nii-san, I didn't get to kill anyone today."

The light-blue hair male ignored you as he mumbled, "Before we go, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!"

In a blink of an eye, you noticed that Shigaraki was no longer standing next to you. Instead, he was at a water of body where a trio of students was hiding.

Everything slowed down as you watched with wide eyes. Shigaraki's hand reached out for one of the students and you knew that she would be dead if his hand touched her.

Ever since you knew Shigaraki you had never seen him used his quirk on someone in front of you. This was your first time seeing it in action.

However, before he could lay a hand on the student, Eraserhead had erased his quirk even though he was barely moving as the Nomu held him by his head, crushing his skull.

That was all the distraction that Midoriya needed as he launched himself at Shigaraki, pulling his arm back and shouted "smash", punching Shigaraki in the face.

People were thrown backwards, and lights shattered from the impact of the punch. You clung onto Kurogiri who secured you with his mist in case you flew away. Once you were certain you wouldn't fly away, you released your hold on the purple fog.

"Woah!" You whistled, a hand over your eyes as you tried to access the damage. "This kid has a very powerful quirk."

Only to freeze when the smoke cleared, revealing a boy that looked about your age with curly green hair standing in front of the Nomu instead of Shigaraki. First, it was Bakugou and now him?

"I-Izuku-kun?" You stammered, your steps faltering.

However, surprise morphed into horror when the Nomu grabbed Midoriya by the arm and lifted him, his feet dangling in the air. Before you knew it, you were running towards their direction as the Nomu lifted his free arm, inching closer to Midoriya's face.

"Stop!" You screamed, reaching a hand out as you willed your legs to go faster. "Please stop!"

Your pleas fell upon deaf ears, tears gathering in your eyes when you realized that you weren't fast enough to save your childhood friend. Still, you kept running – foolishly believing that you could save him.

Suddenly, a long "bang" sound could be heard as the doors to the entrance of USJ burst opened. All heads turned towards the commotion, wondering who it could be.

Hopeful smiles appeared on Class 1-A students when a familiar figure walked out, his footsteps echoing.

"It's fine now! I am here!"

It was All Might in all his glory muscles, here to save the day.


A/N: Hello there! I've changed my mind about this story being loosely based off from the anime after watching BNHA myself. Instead, I'll be following the anime plot, but not as close as to the original plot. I'll also be including some original plots of my own that are needed to move this fanfic along. I'll also be making some tweaks here and there to the anime plot to fit my story. Sorry for the sudden change, but I feel that by doing so, my story plot will be able to have a more developed and strong plot. I hope you can understand, thank you!

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