Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.4K 1.2K 414

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 20

2.1K 46 26
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 20, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Hooked Chapter 20

It was only 8pm when Harry returned to the castle. He had managed to get the knight bus for free back to Hogsmeade after promising Stan that he would pay double next time. He had calmly walked in through the gates and was met by a frantic looking Remus and Bill.

"Harry, where have you been?" asked Remus weakly, looking Harry over very carefully

"Just for a walk"

"You've been gone 8 hours" said Bill disbelievingly

"That's what you get when you lock someone up for 6 days straight"

Bill and Remus looked uncertainly at Harry. He didn't seem high, he stilled looked like a complete mess but he was acting okay...

"So what's for tea?" asked Harry breaking the silence


After a full health check off Madam Pomfrey and having what must have been the 3rd blood test that week he was allowed to eat a small Christmas dinner in the cosy and empty staffroom with Remus and Tonks and Bill, who decided to stick around for a while before going back to the Weasley's. Harry could tell Remus was very concerned about him but thankfully he kept it to himself, which probably Healer Johnsons doing. He was still extremely tired and felt a bit sick, more symptoms of withdrawal, but it was nice just to listen to the odd groups conversations about unimportant stuff and funny stories from Hogwarts. He would join the conversation a couple of times and answer a few questions but he mostly just watched and listened.

"So how are thinks going?" asked Bill as Tonks and Remus were deep in conversation over an old Runes professor

"Okay" replied Harry mildly smiling slightly. He was sitting nearest the fire in a comfy armchair.

Bill smiled back and nodded slightly

"Glad to hear it. Its probably a good thing you skipped Christmas at ours this year, Fred and George set off fireworks in the attic which busted a pipe totally soaking the whole house. I don't think mum has stopped screaming yet."

Harry smiled again, something he wasn't really used to yet.

"I kinda wished I'd had seen that..." he started but then turned to look at the eldest Weasley

"Hey... I wanted to say I'm sorry about the whole hospital thing... I wasn't really thinking and... I shouldn't have put you in that position" he said slowly and thoughtfully realising that there was a lot of stuff to fix. Fixing things right now seemed like an okay thing to do. It would maybe get his mind of everything so he wouldn't have to think about what had happened over the last few months.

"Don't mention it" said Bill "You weren't in a good place"

"Thanks" replied Harry genuinely

Harry was grateful that Bill didn't go into it too much right now. The evening eventually ended and at around midnight everyone started to leave. It looked liked Remus wanted to come and talk to him but Madam Pomfrey collected him before he had a chance to.

Once he got back into the confines of his room he went over to the small pile of presents and cards he had left before and started to open them. The first one looked like it was from Ron and Hermione

Hi Harry

I'm sorry for everything that has happened. I wish we could have helped you more and have known what to do. We just want you to know that whatever happens we'll always be here for you. Hope your having an Okay Christmas

Love from

Ron & Hermione

Attached to the letter was a large bag of random sweets from Honey Dukes. He opened the bag and found some of the strongest flavoured sweets he could to try and distract his mind slightly from the fact he hadn't drank or taken any drugs in the last week. He then opened a few cards of people like Neville and Mr and Mrs Weasley with their usual jumper. Lastly he found a letter with a small present wrapped in pink paper with white hearts on.

Hey Hazza ;)

Hope your okay, it's been very boring without you.

Merry Christmas! And I hope you like the gift, I ran out of broomstick wrapping paper, sorry!



Harry opened the wrapping paper to reveal a box of chocolates and a small white key ring that said on it: I DON'T SUFFER FROM INSANITY. I enjoy every minute of it.

Harry found himself smiling again. That about summed him up, or it used to, he didn't know about tomorrow. He sat back down on his bed and switched the lights off. He knew today was just a one off. That easy period when you decide to change something before it really kicks off. Tomorrow everything would feel worse again but it would hopefully get better again. Eventually.


"A Bipolar disorder?" repeated Harry angrily "How do you deduce that?"

Healer Johnson sighed. She knew he was going to react like this. It was the day after Christmas and Harry was already starting to be 'difficult'. Meanwhile Harry was right about waking up to less happier feeling and he was taking it out on the only person he could.

"I said it was a possibility. Our meetings over the last few months would suggest you have it. You admitted yourself you went from high moods to low, which is the most prominent symptom of bipolar"

"I'm not Bipolar! And at the time you didn't know that I was smoking crack in the bathroom before our little meetings. I would have probably admitted to being the leader of bloody 'al qaeda' if you'd have asked me"

"A bipolar disorder was only one of the options" replied Healer Johnson calmly ignoring the last comment "What I think applies to you is some form of depression. But like you said due to the amount of drugs that was in your system it is hard to know whether you are Bipolar or you have just been in a cocaine psychosis for the 3 months" she replied dryly.

Harry just stared back at the healer defiantly and meddled with a pack of gum in his hands. Apparently people recovering from an addiction subconsciously try to replace their old addiction with something else to relieve tension, so so far he had gone through 3 packs of gum and 2 packs of cigarettes.

"Harry, does a happy person take drugs?" she asked catching Harry off guard

"There are many happy people taking drugs, go look at them, they never stop smiling" he replied

"Does a happy person do this to themselves?" she said again ignoring his sarcastic comments

"Do what?" asked "You know what, I didn't really even have that much of a problem. Yes I now know it's bad, but I wasn't that bad"

"You weren't that bad? Well let's see" said the Healer reaching over to her suitcase and pulling out a piece of paper.

"These are the results to your first drug test: cocaine; diacetylmorphine, also known as heroin; morphine; hydrocodone and oxycodone; Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as MDMA or ecstasy; Vicodin; Xanax; Zolpidem, ambien; lysergic acid diethylamide, which is LSD and oh Ketamine, do you know what that one is?" she asked Harry

He shrugged tiredly

"It's a horse tranquiliser" she said

"That's not good" replied Harry frowning while trying to remember when he took horse tranquilisers.

"No it's not really, you just seemed to be taking pills not knowing what they were" she said disapprovingly but the dropped the attitude and looked at Harry seriously "I'm not telling you this to be mean, it's just important you know the extent of the situation. It was only a week ago when you tried to kill yourself with those pills and I understand that that was partly due to the situation at the time, but it can't be ignored"

Harry knew she was telling the truth. He had truly felt it when he woke up today. He just felt sad. It was different to the times he felt down on drugs or alcohol when he was too out of it to think straight. But now he felt sad and empty, like all the hope had been taken from his life, that there was no point in it anymore. He could hardly bother get out of bed this morning which Healer Johnson annoyingly noticed.

"Look, I want us to carry on our daily sessions and see where we go from there, okay?" she asked calmly

Harry just nodded and left the room. Once he got there he sat on his bed and stared into space. He knew he should start revising or actually starting to do some of the work he had skipped over the last term but every time he thought about it he was bombarded with flashbacks and memories.

"What've you got there?" asked Harry walking up the gang in the park

"We got our GCSE results today, Davy was just explaining his" said Lucy rolling her eyes

"Actually Miss Lucy, I seemed to have achieved a fair few, unlike William over here" he said slowly indicating he'd already started celebrating

"Me? I've done good considering I slept through most of the lessons" replied Will laughing

"Okay then, why don't you share with the group why you got a "U" in English?"said Davy clearly enjoying himself (A/N: in the UK that means Unclassified and GCSE's are the exams you take when your 16 at the end of high school)

Harry sat down next to him and Summer. There was a small makeshift fire in the middle of the circle of friends and summer was playing the radio through her phone.

"How did you get a U in English?" asked Lucy smirking

"Well I usually get the train to school in the mornings but on the day of the exam I took ecstasy and decided to get a train to London instead" replied Will

Harry burst out laughing "I'm surprised, I thought it would be Davy pulling that kind of shit"

"No, I at least showed up for all my exams" replied Davy

"Yeah, in some rather interesting states" said summer grimly

"What did you get in History in the end?" asked Lucy disapprovingly

"An 'E'" replied Davy smirking while Lucy laughed hard

"How the fuck did you even manage that?" she asked

"I don't know" he said

"What happened?" asked Will frowning

"Someone gave me some of these LSD patches to pass onto someone else and so I wouldn't get caught I put them in my socks before the exam and the tabs got sweaty and ended up getting absorbed through my skin. Still managed to not get an F though"

The group laughed again

"Haven't you got yours yet Harry?"asked Summer

"Nah we don't get ours until we go back" he lied

"Aww, I think someone is shy about their results" said Davy mockingly

"How do you think you did?" asked Lucy taking a drag of a spliff

"I fell asleep in one of them and another got interrupted when a teacher got into a fight with the... 'Police'" he replied smirking

"Wow, Fancy boarding schools are really starting to go downhill" commented Davy and then suddenly laughed "You fell asleep?! Ha, well at least you showed up..."

Harry and Will watched as Davy downed the last of the Vodka in a few gulps and started to try and light a cigarette

"Fuck Davy, take it easy, you carry on like that and your body is going to be fucked" said Lucy over the radio.

"Chill Luce, I'll have an apple later"

"And he wonders why he failed biology" said Will with a smirk

"Come on Will, we're young! You know what that means?" asked Davy brightly

"Not if it's by your logic..."

"It means we're fucking invincible"

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