Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

StarRune द्वारा

58.4K 1.2K 414

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 17

2.3K 53 61
StarRune द्वारा

Hooked Chapter 17, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language, a bit of violence


Chapter Seventeen

There was complete silence. It took Snape a few seconds to re-group himself and pull the shocked expression off of his face. Meanwhile on the surface Harry looked just slightly tense but on the inside he was completely paralysed with panic. This could be the end of everything he had had going this year...

"Potter, put the needle down" Snape said in a fairly cold and calm voice with his wand in his hand but not raised. He didn't take his eyes of Harry and was positioned to act quickly if Harry tried something.

Harry knew this but still did nothing. There had to be another way, he thought to himself, there had already been lots of near misses this year but he had always managed to get himself out of them

"Potter, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way, which I don't suggest" said Snape dangerously

He had no choice but to do what he said. Harry didn't even have a wand and he couldn't physically attack Snape without getting hexed first by him. Harry angrily threw the needle into the corner of the room. He stood up and loosened the belt that was around his arm and threw that to the floor too. He glared at Snape, who walked quickly across the room and grabbed him tightly around his arm and dragged him out of the bathroom. Harry thought about punching him and legging it but-

"Potter, you even think about running and I'll take you up to the hospital wing in a full body bind"

He couldn't risk that... He was starting to feel numb again, maybe it was adrenalin or maybe it was because even though he didn't get his usual high he had had quite a lot of coke this morning...

It took a while for Harry to realise that Snape had been talking to him the whole time they'd been walking

"It seems that we have underestimated you, Potter. I don't think we've ever had a student like thisbefore" he said in what seemed a snide tone but was lacking its usual sting. Snape was still holding Harry's upper arm tightly and all the students in the corridors they passed stopped to look at them. Instead of giving them his usual charming retaliation he just ignored them and carried on trying to think of a way of out of this. They would not beat him.

Before he knew it they were had entered the hospital wing quickly where Madam Pomfrey was looking up at Snape and Harry with a bewildered face.

"What's going on Professor?" asked Madam Pomfrey looking disapprovingly at Snape's firm grip on Harry's arm

"I think its best you get Professor McGonagall and Healer Johnson in first" said Snape pointedly and Madam Pomfrey looked down at where Harry's sleeve was still rolled up at all the track marks going up and down Harry's arm.

"Okay, I'll need to check him over now, could you fetch Professor McGonagall?" said Madam Pomfrey quickly walking over towards Harry however Snape dragged Harry backwards slightly

"I think its best that he is supervised or at least put in a safe place for the time being" said Snape in an unreadable tone

"Yes" said Madam Pomfrey looking flustered "The other private rooms are full but he can stay in my office for now and then I'll go connect Healer Johnson" she said leading them into the office.

Snape dragged Harry in while Madam Pomfrey locked the window and removed the Floo powder from the fireplace and locked the doors of the draws and cupboards.

"Do not attempt anything foolish Potter; you're in enough trouble as it is" said Snape and both the adults left the room quickly to find 'the people trying to help him'.

Harry was starting to panic again. He was trapped in a room and in about 5 minutes the professors would come in and take away everything... It was during this thought Harry saw a letter opener of all things lying slightly beneath a small pile of paper. 'Idiots' he thought to himself 'how easy it would be just to end it all right now? Leaving him in a room with a sharp object like that... It's like they're asking for it...'

Harry picked up the letter opener and stared at the sharp blade, 'it would definitely do the job' a voice in his head said 'just a little bit of pain followed by a long period of peace... Kind of like shooting up'

He stared the tip of the opener where the point was reflecting light from the window.

He didn't want to die. He lowered the letter opener. He just wanted to be himself, with Davy and the gang again back in Westhill, where they were all happy and constantly laughing, talking and enjoying their lives. He wanted to be back with the gang on those summer nights, dancing drunk in the park around the old, makeshift fires in dark clear nights and then collapsing looking up at the stars; back to when they would sit on the abandoned buildings too high to go to sleep and watch the sun come up on the rough estate. These memories were only a few months old yet they feel like a lifetime ago, just like the very few memories of Sirius he had left...

Harry gripped the knife-like object and looked around the room. There had to be a way out. He looked at the clock, 12.33. As it was lunchtime and the professors would be in the great hall, he probably had around 3 minutes to get out. He noticed that Madam Pomfrey had only locked the doors and Windows magically, while the cupboards and draws could be unlocked the old fashioned way. He looked over at the cupboards; the ones in the corner of the room were clearly for medical supplies and the filing cabinet opposite contained the student's medical records (he had learnt that much from experience). The only option left was the desk. He didn't know if there would be anything of value in there though he had seen her put a wand away in there once, it was the option he had left.

He quickly walked over to the desk and started stabbing above the lock on the top draw with the letter opener. He weakened the lock and then shoved the edge of the opener in-between the side of the draw and the desk and hit it down so the draw was opened roughly. He looked inside the draw and only found a few bits of parchment, quills and ink. He pulled the rest of the draw out violently and went on to the one underneath and again found nothing. He was desperately running out of time and so far the only thing he could do is hit his professors over the head with bits of broken draws if they came back now.

He moved on to the bottom draw which was the largest. This was a lot more difficult to open and he repeatedly and hurriedly stabbed, kicked and punched the draw until it finally opened and his hands were starting to bleed again. He quickly shuffled through the draws objects until he finally found something. Spare Floo powder. It was times like this when he was actually grateful that he was a wizard.


It had taken about 5 minutes for Harry to Floo to the leaky cauldron and flag for the night bus. It was so ridiculous he had to laugh. He had Flooed straight into the tinsel filled Leaky cauldron with his hood up and walked quickly out of the pub undetected. He then got onto the night bus (which was also brightly decorated with Christmas ornaments) at the very front ducking slightly behind the small wall at the side of the door so in case anything happened he could make a quick exit. He then went on to snort some coke he had left in his pockets on the ride to try and calm himself down.

The night bus dropped him off at the usual place near the library and Harry broke off into a run through the estate that was covered in crispy white snow. He didn't really know where he was running to until he found himself outside the old abandoned building in Westhill. The building looked oddly clean in the gleaming white snow and in the bright but cold sunlight. He walked through the shattered door and walked a few steps in and slowly lowered himself to the ground and stared blankly ahead.

After a few minutes Harry shivered, it was really cold even inside the building. He could see his own breath clearly. He slowly started to think about what he was going to do next. He had no wand, hardly any money or drugs and nowhere to go. A lot of people would be panicking in his situation, yet he felt so calm, like he was in a bubble. He could start a life here. He could take as many drugs as he liked, he could get a job with Davy and they could see each other whenever they liked, as well as summer, Lucy and maybe Will once he comes around. He wouldn't have to sneak around; he wouldn't have to worry about dark lords, death eaters, and stupid interfering old-

His thoughts were suddenly cut off when he heard a noise come from another part of them building. Harry tensed and gripped the letter opener, his only weapon. He carefully walked (still stumbling a bit from the coke and alcohol from earlier) and found the room where the noise was coming from. He positioned himself outside the door then quickly flung it open to reveal a shocked looking Davy sitting on a single mattress on the floor.

They looked at each other in bewildered then Davy smiled through the dimly lit room.

"You ever heard of greeting someone with a simple hello" he asked in a very slurred voice. The room was quite dark as the windows had been boarded up and there were things scattered all over the floor.

"Wouldn't have been as effective" smiled Harry also while shutting the door and joining him on the mattress. Davy sounded slightly... odd to Harry, but right now he didn't care about any of that: where he was or what was happening. He was just so glad he was back with Davy again.

"Always making a scene Harry" he said in a mock disapproving voice

"Coming of the guy that couldn't even go to Tesco's without getting arrested. I mean, who gets drunk and decides to ride a bicycle around a super market"

"I was merely giving it a test drive; they didn't need to be so rude about it"

"You crashed into the alcohol stands" said Harry laughing

"Yeah, would have been great if it wasn't for all that glass"

"And without the yelling manager, 3 security officers and 4 policemen..."

"I think they over reacted a bit" said Davy leaning back against the wall still smiling.

They continued talking for almost an hour as though they were just picking up a conversation from a minute ago. They didn't bother asking questions about why they were here and all that, they just talked while being completely off their heads. They were both already tired and the alcohol pushed them over into a light sleep.


Harry was woken up by two things. Firstly the coldness of the room. Secondly was the moving figure he felt up against him. He got up slightly and opened his eyes to see that he had fallen asleep leaning slightly against Davy who was now clumsily trying to use his lighter to boil a brownish liquid in a tea spoon. Harry checked his watch which said 15.53. He could tell that it was already pretty much pitch black outside, as it was winter and the room was lit up slightly with a few candles. He turned back to a clearly still drunk Davy who had now managed to boil the liquid.

He turned to look a Harry

"You's want some?" he asked slightly dazed

"Yeah, haven't scored in a while" said Harry, who was a little more sober.

When Davy had finally finished preparing it, he leant Harry a needle and they both shot up. They both sank back into the high, the amazing feeling of not caring what's happening or going on in life. They spent around half an hour in comfortable silence completely out of it until Davy broke it.

"Do you ever remember your parents?" Davy asked suddenly in a light but weak voice

Harry lifted his head away from the wall slightly and opened his eyes blearily. The candles had gone out but he looked at the shape he knew was Davy's head

"Not really" he said coming out of his high a bit "I sometimes remember their voices" he said remembering what he heard when the dementers came near him. He shivered remembering how cold this room was and wrapped himself up in his jacket.

"Weird init? How shit turns out... How some of us are left with crazy, uncaring fuckers for family and others left with none at all" Davy said slurred and tiredly

Harry tried to look at him through the darkness wondering what he was babbling on about. He didn't seem upset; in fact he could tell he was smiling slightly. He could see his breath in the air. Harry, getting tired of sitting in complete darkness went through some of the boxes at the side of the room where he knew was an old camping lamp run on batteries. But before he turned the lamp on he listened to what Davy was saying...

"Everything you go through. And then" he started "years later, you're left looking back on life realising how different things could have been. How different everything could have been"

Harry froze and carried on staring at Davy, that bit had actually made sense to him. How different his life could have been... If he hadn't been so fucking stupid running off to the ministry, if he hadn't doomed his own parents with that prophecy...

Harry was starting to understand the message in Davy's half a-sleep stoned ramblings. By the looks of it he couldn't even keep his up properly.

Davy continued "It could have just been one action in your life, and you may not even realise it yet, and it would have changed everything"

Harry switched on the light and stared at Davy properly for the first time since he had gotten here. He looked... ill. He was pale, thin and his eyes had rings around them. His eyes were currently closed and he was leaning weakly against the wall. Harry was pulled out of his thoughts when Davy laughed softly

"I sound like I'm about to pull a fucking bible out don't I?" he said sounding like he was half asleep.

While noticing how weak Davy was he also noticed the contents of the room, a back pack, water bottles, food wrappers...

"I thought you were living with your uncle for Christmas?" asked Harry getting worried. Davy looked really bad... How much had he had? He thought to himself looking around the room at all the empty bottles and a few needles at the side.

Davy gave another laugh "Turns out place is too full for me, what with them just having a baby and all..."

Harry got up from the box he was sitting on and went over next to Davy to get a closer look at him. He was moving his head slightly from side to side. Harry held his head still between his hands and faced him. He was sweating.

"Davy?" he said trying to get his attention. 'shit, shit, shit' he kept thinking over and over to himself.

Davy finally managed to open his eyes slightly. Harry could see they were blood shot and very tired looking.

"Yess, Harry?" he asked dazed. He was completely unfocused and couldn't even look straight. However Harry's high had completely gone. He didn't know what to say or do, was he overdosing? Harry only said the first thing that came to his mind.

"What would you have changed?" asked Harry quietly

"I wouldn't have let him win" he said slowly using up the last of his energy.

He collapsed back into Harry's chest unconscious.

"Davy? DAVY?" Harry said shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. He just laid there completely still, looking quite happy and peaceful almost like he was sleeping.

"DAVY! Shit" he shouted and shakily got out Davy's mobile from his pocket and called for an ambulance. He waited in the old building with Davy in his arms trying to get him to wake up.


Harry was sitting in the hospital's emergency waiting room, staring into space with glassy eyes. It was busy because it was a Friday night. Christmas decorations littered the room with a medium sized tree in the corner and tinsel was everywhere. In the background the radio was playing Christmas carols, right now being silent night. Harry had never had liked Christmas.

He and Davy had been in the ambulance for only 3 minutes when his heart first stopped. They managed to resuscitate him by the time they got to the hospital but there were complications. They tried giving him 3 adrenaline shots to counteract with the heroin but with the amount of alcohol in his system and the mild case of pneumonia he had developed, it hadn't worked.

Davy had been pronounced dead at 6.52pm.

This is how Harry found himself sitting in the busy waiting room completely lost with Davy's rucksack containing all of his possessions in the seat next to him.

It was all so sudden Harry had no idea what he was supposed to think. That's why he had just stared off into the waiting room trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. He slipped into numbness as he watched all the different people go passed him. The busy nurses and doctors, the little children running around dancing to the peaceful Christmas carol music, the drunk guy hand cuffed to the chair at the front guarded by two policemen. It was like time seemed to slow and go into nothingness. Nothing mattered in the world and nothing else seemed to be going on outside this waiting room.

He had been sat there for hours when some emotion started to kick in. He looked at the small rucksack containing all of Davy's belongings. No one gave a fuck about him, harry thought to himself, just like me. The first thing Harry thought of was Davy's house. There were no pictures of him or his family anywhere just like at the Dursleys with Harry. Then he thought about Davy's last words "I wouldn't have let him win". He was talking about his father of course. How didn't Harry see it? Both him and Harry had grown up it shit homes with violent families, how didn't he notice the signs?

Then the next image in Harry's mind was Davy lying in the hospital bed after he was pronounced dead. He looked small in his already oversized dark blue hoodie and in the large hospital bed. But most of all he looked rested, as though he had just relaxed into well needed sleep. It was like he had found peace in death. And that killed Harry inside. Davy didn't deserve this. He wanted to kill his father for doing this to him, kicking him out into the streets with nothing. Why was it always the innocent people? He had seen it so many times now with Voldemort, Siriu-

"It wasn't your fault"

Harry quickly turned to the person sitting next to him. Lucy was looking at him with tears in her eyes, but she seemed relatively calm. Harry now noticed that he had tears down his face. Of course she would know, she was training to be a nurse after all...

Lucy continued when he didn't reply

"Davy has been different for a while now, he's never been truly happy" she said softly "I think we all saw that. It started before you even met him; he got this unexplainable need to damage himself as much as he could"

Harry continued staring ahead trying to gain control of his emotions.

"We all tried to help him. But some people just don't want to be helped. I saw it with my brother and I saw it in Davy (who was practically my adopted brother). And right now, I'm seeing it in you"

Harry turned to look at her with the same emotionless face he'd been carrying for the last few months. The only difference was eyes, filled with tears and sadness.

"I can't make you stop taking heroin. I can only show you what it does to the people around you" she said sadly and got up out of her chair. She was about to leave when she turned back around to Harry

"Call me if you need anything"

And then she was gone.

He turned to the rucksack next to him and opened it. Most of it was just clothes and food but he eventually he came across a small folder. He opened it and found some pictures, around 20.

There were one with his mother when they were much younger and then there were a few of him growing up with friends like him and Will when they were around 9 outside the Westhill local shops. Then there were some newer ones of him and the gang in the park from last summer. There was one of the whole gang together on the swings. Davy in the middle with his arms round Harry and Lucy.

He quickly turned away from the photo as it became too painful. Just like Sirius, Davy had gone. Harry turned back to the bag and carried on looking through it until eventually he found a bottle. He pulled his hand out and found it was a bottle of Vicodin. 'Of course he did, it was Davy' he said to himself. 'Would it really be so bad just to end it?' he wondered 'Davy looked so peaceful'. It's not as though he had anything left here...

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