Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.3K 1.2K 414

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 16

2.2K 51 34
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 16, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language, a bit of violence

Chapter Sixteen

Harry and Davy were currently sitting down in the abandoned building in West hill estate. He had practically run here after the day he had had, being suspended, glamour's failing and everyone thinking he was crazy (nothing new there). He had found Davy sitting here on the floor in the dark, unusually sober, and had he been shocked to see Harry back so soon after the building incident.

"You look fucked up mate, I bet Lucy would believe you fell off a building now" he stated looking over Harry lighting up a cigarette. Davy looked slightly paler than usual, slightly more worn down.

"Yeah well, I'm a lucky guy" replied Harry sarcastically, but still smiled. Davy would always be his escape. "By the way what ever happened to Steve?"

Davy shrugged "No idea, Liam said he was okay though I think..."

Harry looked around the run down room and saw a fairly big rucksack in the corner. He also noticed that the place seemed more lived in than usual.

"Are you living here?" asked Harry frowning

"Yeah, for a while anyway" he said slowly as though considering something

"Since when? I thought you were staying at Wills" Harry said looking around. It was coming to the end of November now and even with the make shift fire it was still pretty cold.

"Moved in a day or two ago. Me and Will got into a bit of an argument again, thought it would be best that I leave..." he said absently

"What did you argue about?" asked Harry

"Stuff" he said flippantly but then carried on "He doesn't like the whole smack thing... He said that if I want to do it myself then that's fine, I'm only damaging myself" he added the last bit rolling his eyes. "But by giving it to other people, then I'm damaging them and... that's not fair" he said looking straight at Harry to see his reaction.

'So Will did see us take it' Harry thought to himself

"People chose what they take" said Harry emotionlessly "You didn't force anyone to take anything"

Davy smiled slightly "Yeah, that's exactly what I said"

"Anyway, how long are you staying here?" asked Harry

"Dunno yet" he said "Fuck I hate this place; it's not so bad when you're pissed with some mates but..."

"Yeah I get what you mean"

"Anyway" said Davy changing the subject, but failing to sound any happier, "How's your fancy school treating ya?"

They got into a conversation about everything that was happening recently like Davy been evicted, Harry's teachers pissing him off and him falling off a building.

Harry didn't know whether it was because Davy was down on his luck or whether it was because he was comfortable with Harry, but he started sharing more of his past with Harry. Like how his dad would get angry sometimes with him and hit him and how he never really knew his mum.

"I never really liked my family" he had said in an empty voice

"I know, me too" Harry had agreed sadly.

At that point they had both decided to get high instead off carrying on the depressing conversation they were having. They both shot up and relaxed back into blackness. If only it could be like this forever.


It was now mid December and Harry's 2 week 'suspension period' was up. During this time he had written an 'apology' to Snape which consisted of a piece of paper saying "Go fuck yourself" on it, he had done a fair amount of work to catch up and he had been attending all of his sessions with healer Johnson in which he would ignore all the questions she asked and fall asleep. The professors had hoped that this period of time would help him relax a bit and get back on track and the extra sessions with Healer Johnson might help him confide in her more, yet it hasn't helped. Healer Johnson has confirmed their suspicions about the drug taking and this was why Madam Pomfrey, Healer Johnson, professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were having a meeting to discuss what they have to do next.

"What is the next course of action?" asked McGonagall grimly "We cannot allow a student to be damaging himself like this in the school". It didn't help that they had no idea if he actually was taking drugs or not and if so how he was even getting them, they had checked his post and it didn't contain anything.

"Well when someone who is over between the age of 16 and 18 and is taking drugs it gets complicated. We don't know how serious it is and we don't want to rush into anything, it could just cause more damage. Also legally we can't make him do anything medical without a good reason" said the healer

"So then what do we do?" asked Professor McGonagall heatedly, she felt as though they were going around in circles.

"Well, as I said before the only way for us to be able to make him go for drug withdrawal treatment is to declare him a danger to himself therefore someone else would be in charge of his medical well being"

"And would I be correct in saying, that only you have the power to declare him a danger to himself?" said the headmaster with a hint of sadness.

"Correct. But as he has said nothing to make me think he is a danger to himself, I can't do anything, if I tried to it would just be appealed and stopped. So this is the hard part; in this situation the only way to get him declared a danger to himself would be if there was proof he was taking a serious amount of drugs that could lead to death"

The other two women looked slightly confused but Dumbledore thought he knew where this was going.

"So we make him take a drug test" said Professor McGonagall

"We can't make him take a drug test in a school unless he's declared a danger to himself" said the Healer with a humourless smile

"But that's ridiculous!" said Madam Pomfrey

"I believe the term is a 'catch 22'" said Dumbledore quietly

"Indeed" said Healer Johnson grimly "I've worked with lots of kids on drugs and I know that if he is taking any narcotics the last thing you want to do is go down this route, but I've seen people older and more experienced than him accidently overdose and die. The quicker we intervene the better"

"So this is a matter of urgency?" asked the headmaster

"Yes, I think so" said the healer

"Then I believe we will have to conduct a full search of the Gryffindor tower and Mr Potter's belongings"


The whole of the Gryffindor tower was searched the next day for, what the students were told, objects belonging to the dark arts. Ironically enough they had found some minor dark objects but they had found no drugs. Which lead them back to square one again.

Harry wasn't stupid. He knew it wouldn't be long until they started searching trunks so had be hiding his drugs in the room of requirement for ages now. Harry was feeling strangely isolated in Hogwarts now. He had no one to talk to and all of his friends were either staying well away or being extremely annoying. The only person he had to talk to was Davy over the phone. He was still living rough but he would soon have a place to go, in about a week he was going to live with his Uncle who lived on the other side of the estate and was spending Christmas with them. Harry didn't even want to think about what he was going to do at Christmas, hopefully wherever he was going he would be able to sneak off and see Davy and the rest of the gang.

He didn't just want to see them. He needed to see them. He was breaking and he knew it.



"Hi Harry" came a familiar voice from the doorway.

Harry turned around from the window of the old classroom he was sitting in and saw Ron looking fairly apprehensive.

"Hi" said Harry turning back around. He was sitting on a window seat smoking. He may hate Hogwarts right now but at this time of the year, with all the snow, it was the most amazing and calming sight you could see.

It was now exactly a week from Christmas and most people were packing ready to leave tomorrow. Hogwarts was already decorated with massive trees and tinsel decorated every hall way.

Ron came closer towards Harry and the window.

"You think Gawp is still in there?" asked Ron randomly, pointing towards the forest.

Harry laughed tiredly "Let's hope not" and Ron sat opposite him on the window seat.

"Then again" Harry continued "Gawp probably wasn't the worst thing we've come across in there" he said thinking of the spiders

Ron shivered.

"You can say that again"

They sat for a few minutes in comfortable silence, something Harry wasn't sure that could happen lately what with everything that had been going on.

"You know mate..." started Ron out of the silence. He didn't look at Harry but continued to look out of the window "I know things have been weird recently... but we'll always be here for you. Me and Ginny are leaving tomorrow to head back home, if you needed anything or you wanted to talk... about anything, just come to us okay?"

Harry turned his head towards Ron who was now facing him. Harry only smiled slightly but it was genuine.

"Yeah, okay" Harry replied.

Ron gave a small smile too "Okay, well I've got to finish packing. I'll see you later"

He watched Ron leave and stared at the door for many minutes afterwards. 'That was nice' he thought to himself...

He lit up a cigarette and left the classroom.

Harry had found himself walking along not really going anywhere in particular when he turned a corner and walked straight into someone. That someone just happened to be Lucius Malfoy. He fixed his robes and sneered at Harry who was still trying to get over the shock.

Lucius Malfoy had been fighting at the ministry last year and had tried very hard to kill Harry and the rest of the light side. But unlike the other death eaters who got arrested, Lucius had managed to escape and worm his way out of trouble, even with the several witnesses who saw him there. That was another thing that annoyed Harry to the point of madness, Sirius had been falsely sentenced to 12 years in Azkaban with no evidence yet scum like Malfoy commit crimes with strong evidence and he doesn't even have to leave his job, let alone go to prison. It hadn't helped that all the ministry aura's that were there couldn't testify as they could get in trouble for being a part of the order.

"Potter" he said coldly "Walking around the castle all by yourself and unprotected... that's brave of you" he said stepping closer to Harry with his wand out.

Harry stood his ground and stared Lucius down (something he was becoming better at of late). He looked coldly at Lucius.

"You on an errand for Voldemort? Or did you just come all the way over to Hogwarts by yourself to give me that enlightening speech?" asked Harry emotionlessly with a slight slur which had become a regular now.

Lucius sneered again and looked up and down Harry. Draco had been right he thought to himself, Potter looked a complete mess... They suspected it was because of Blacks death.

"I'm here for ministry business that certainly doesn't involve you. Not that there will be much of a ministry left soon" he smirked and continued "especially if this is supposed to be their saviour" he said looking pointedly up and down at harry.

Harry still stood his ground, even though he had just realised that he doesn't have his wand on him and he was in a deserted corridor with a death eater. If only he had something else he could use as a weapon...

Lucius lowered his wand a little

"What's the matter Potter, do you miss the mutt? It's a shame that-"

He was cut off when Harry quickly pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed Lucius with it just below his collar bone. The almost-3-inch needle was thumped into his skin and hit straight into a muscle.

As Lucius brought his hand to the needle in pain to pull it out, Harry walked off quickly into the nearest passageway. He kept up a fast pace and with satisfaction looked back at the expression on Lucius's face when he stabbed him. Next time he should use a knife, he thought to himself bitterly.

Once he put a good distance between him and Lucius, he sank down to the floor on the end of an empty corridor that held a small window. He was just trying to get his head around what had just happened when his phone rang. Harry looked down at the caller ID and saw it was Davy.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Harry as though nothing had just happened

"Nothing much..." said Davy. He was sounding a bit off to Harry...

"You sure?" asked Harry with a frown

"Yeah, yeah... I'm sure. Anyway what about you? Are the teachers still going on about the whole drugs thing?" asked Davy distractedly. Harry had told him that they suspect some students had been taking drugs.

"No, but I did just stab someone with a needle... so it's probably going to come up again" said Harry thoughtfully.

"How did that happen?" asked Davy with mild surprise

"Remember those people I was talking about? The ones that attacked me and some other kids from school?" asked Harry.

"Yeah... you said some of them were like police men or something?" said Davy trying to remember. Harry had told Davy some very edited muggle versions of what had happened in this last year or so with Voldemort. Davy didn't know the full extent; just that some people didn't like him and his family, with some of them being in high places, like the equivalent to the police etc. Davy was usually too high to question anything and he didn't want to interfere with Harry's life.

"Yeah, kind of like police men... Well one of them was winding me up and tried to threaten me and I only had my needle on me, so..."

"You stabbed a cop with a needle?" asked Davy with a hint of humour in his voice

"He wasn't a cop" said Harry rolling his eyes "and he started it!"

Davy laughed slightly.

"So all your teachers are looking for people taking drugs and you decide to go and stab a copper with a needle that has smack in it and your figure prints all over it?" asked Davy laughing a bit more, but it was still a slightly empty laugh

"That's reckless even for me..."

"I already told you, he wasn't a cop, he just knows a few... Anyway, it's not reckless, I have another needle" said Harry unconcerned. He would just have to be even more careful now.

"Hmm" said Davy going quiet again

"Anyway, how's your uncles?" asked Harry

"It's okay... Do you know when you can sneak out next? It's getting as boring as hell over here" he asked

Harry smiled "Soon hopefully" He had noticed the teachers keeping an eye on him recently; he was worried that they might find out about his little visits out.

"Okay then" he said "text me when you can"

"Kay, bye" replied Harry.

He put his phone in his pocket and headed out towards the room of requirement to get a new needle and some smack as he felt like he needed a slight pick me up after the whole Lucius thing.

After he retrieved his 'equipment' he went into the nearest bathroom, which was a small old one that hadn't been re done yet like the other ones in the dormitories. He locked the main door of the bathroom, by physical means instead of magical as he still didn't have his wand.

Instead of going in one of the disgusting cubicles he went towards the furthest wall from the door. He got out his needle and began boiling the brown powder over a lighter and once it had done he got his new needle and sucked up the liquid. While he waited for it to cool he pulled up his sleeve and tied a belt around his arm and lightly flicked it to bring the veins closer to the surface.

He slowly picked up the needle waiting a little longer for it to cool down, when suddenly, he was interrupted. He saw the bathrooms door handle quickly go down and open.

Of course the old door lock hadn't remotely worked.

In came Snape staring at Harry holding a needle about an inch away from his arm ready to inject. They both completely froze and stared at each other.

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