Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

60.4K 1.3K 418

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 14

2.4K 57 24
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 14, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Fourteen

"They're taking the house away?" asked Harry indecorously "Why?" he asked into the receiver. Harry was sitting in his usual place on the astronomy tower balcony with a cigarette in his hand and his phone in the other. He was wrapped up in as many clothes he could find as it was now midday in the middle of November and it had gotten considerably colder.

"They found out my dad doesn't live here anymore so they stopped all the benefits coming in" Davy said dully

"But you have money coming in, don't you?" asked Harry, he knew Davy made quite a lot through selling drugs and he had a few part time jobs.

"Yeah but the house didn't belong to us in the first place, it's a council house and it was in my dad's name" he said bitterly

"How did they find out your dad wasn't there?" asked Harry

"No fucking idea, probably that old bitch of a neighbour that kept calling the cops on us every time dad got pissed and fell asleep in her front garden" replied Davy and Harry could tell he rolled his eyes while saying this.

"Sorry mate. Where you gonna go?" asked Harry. He wished he could help Davy out like he had to him in the past.

"Will said I could stay at his for a while but I don't know after a while..." he said

"Why don't you just stay at Wills permanently? Well until you can get your own place and all that" said Harry. Will and Davy were practically best mates.

"Well..." said Davy and he sounded a bit hesitant "Me and Will had a bit of an argument... it's all good now but I don't really wanna get under his feet"

"Okay..." said Harry wondering what the argument was about, he had never seen either of them argue, Will didn't seem like a guy that would start an argument.

"I wish I could help you out mate but I'm stuck in this school for the next year" said Harry depressed.

"It's okay" said Davy also sounding unusually sad. "Hey by the way when do you want to next meet up?"

"Err what day is it today?" asked Harry

"Monday I think" said Davy and Harry inwardly cursed 'Occlumency tonight' he thought to himself

"How about tomorrow?" asked Harry

"Sounds good"

So they arranged the time and the place to see each other tomorrow and said their goodbyes. Harry did feel really bad for Davy getting kicked out. Why was he always so unable to help other people? He thought to himself. So many people including Davy have helped him in the past but Harry is never able to help them when they need it. It made him feel so hopeless.

It was currently lunch time and Harry had decided once again go for a black 'Irish' coffee instead of food and spend his time talking to Davy on the phone. There was about 10 minutes of lunch left before lessons started so he went down towards the great hall to tell Ella about tomorrow.

"Hey Ella" he said sitting next to her at the Gryffindor table. Opposite her were two 7th years that Harry didn't know the names of.

"Hi. Are you gonna eat today or just stare at your plate?" she asked with raised eyebrows. She had noticed how tired he was, it was starting to show a little through the glamour's and he was acting stranger. Harry noticed a group of students behind the two 7th years staring at him and whispering. He really hated it when people stared at him. 'What if they were planning something?' Thought Harry.

"How about I just stare at your pretty face instead?" he asked in a mock soppy voice trying to ignore the paranoia growing inside of him.

One of the other guys laughed "That's a pretty good distraction technique"

"Yeah sure it is" said Ella rolling her eyes.

"Would you stop fucking staring at me!" Harry said suddenly towards the group in front of him in a harsh voice. The students looked shocked and quickly made their way away from Harry and out the hall.

"What were they doing?" asked Ella while the two 7th years were giving Harry strange looks.

"They keep staring at me. People keep following me" said Harry looking around him

"Harry when was the last time you slept?" asked Ella in a low voice

"In Charms I think... Why?" asked Harry. Truthly the last time he slept for more than 20 minutes was about 2 days ago. He didn't want to go to sleep anymore.

"No reason, just checking" said Ella moving from concerned to bubbly again. Harry would be fine, he's just grouchy when he's hung over, she thought to herself.

"Anyway, you wanna trip tomorrow?" asked Harry in a low voice to Ella

"Yes, I need a break from all this studying. The teachers are acting as though we're a week away from NEWTS instead of 7 months"

"Okay I'll catch you later" said Harry and walked clumsily out of the hall


Harry knocked on Professor Snape's door at 7pm that night for his Occlumency lesson and waited for the usual 'enter' before he entered the room. When he did enter Snape looked at him. There was something wrong with him and he knew it. Harry looked like a normal healthy boy but if you looked carefully enough you could see something else, like he was tired or ill, especially around the eyes. His behaviour had also become even more erratic. At first he wondered if he was just doig it for attention but now he wasn't sure... This wondering was making him even more annoyed at the boy.

"Sit Potter" demanded Snape and he pointed to the chair in front of his desk "It takes most people, 2 months of lessons to be able to block out a simple attack on the mind. Its been 4 months and you can't even do that" he said snidely

"They probably had a good teacher"

"10 points of Gryfindor. That's unlike you Potter, to blame other hard working people for your own failures" he replied sarcastically

"Whatever" said Harry impassivly and stared firmly back at the potions master.

Snape shot him a disgusted look.

"Just like you father and trust me thats nothing to be proud of" he said coldly

"Really?" asked Harry sarcastically "because everyone esle disagrees. Infact its only you who has ever said that, well you and Voldemort-"

"Do not say that name!" said Snape harshly

"Fucking wimp" muttered Harry wondering why he had even showed up to this lesson. He had skived the last two. Snape's glare seemed to get ten times nastier.

"Abother 30 points of Gryffinor. You know what I find odd Potter?" asked Snape snidely. Whatever it was Harry knew it wasn't going to be good.

"That even though your lack of effort last year had already resulted in that mutt killed, you still continue not to try. And we were under the impression that you cared for him..." he said sarcastically with a smirk.

Harry was so angry at this point that he couldn't think of a come back. Instead he just stared Snape down. Although Harry did blame himself for Sirius's death, in his eyes it never, ever gave Snape any right what so ever to say it.

"What, no resort? I thought the 'new you' we've all had the displeasure of seeing would have somthing else to say?" said Snape icily with is lips curling.

Harry still said nothing and carried on staring at him, he knew that would piss him off. But inside he was having an inward battle. He knew he deserved this and much more for his stupidity for getting Sirius killed. However at the same time he wanted to kill Snape as he had a part in Sirius's death and he was standing here gloating about it in Harry's face.

Snapes lips curled and he pointed his wand at Harry

"Prepare your mind. Legillemens!"

Snape invaded his mind once again and shifted through his memories, mostly consisting of Sirius and anything connected to his parents. It was just the usual torture he had to endur until about an hour in Snape found a different memory...

He and Davy were in the aboned building in West Hill Estate, they were leaning against the wall drunk and Davy starts to pull something out of his jacket pocket... the top of what looks like a needle...

Harry stared around and found himself back in Snapes classroom. Like he had done last summer he had blasted him out of his mind just in time... or was it? He didn't know how much Snape had seen, Davy had definetely pulled out a needle. He had managed these last few months to hide everything incriminating from Snape during occllumency lessons. Most of the time all the memories were about the sad things like Sirius and Cedric being killed and his parents... Him taking drugs never came up because in Harry's mind they were good things.

Snape was recovering and ajusting his robes. He turned around and was giving Harry an unreadable look.


Harry walked furiously back to Gryfindor tower. Snape had made him stay for 3 hours and had ruthlessly tried to find other memories like the one he found with Davy. It took all Harry's strengh to stop him from seeing anything too bad but he had seen the needle and he had also seen more of Davy and the gang with drugs around if you looked closely enough, which Snape probably did. He eventually gave up on that and went back to memories of Sirius.

He stopped at the stairs and decided instead to go to the astronomy tower to be alone. Once he got there he lit up a cigarette with shaking hands.

He hated Snape. He was going to ruin everything as usual. He couldn't keep on with the occlumency lessons, it was too dangerous. From now on he will just have to completley refuse. Why did that bastard keep intefering with his life when it was none of his business. Why did he keep rubbing in Sirius's death. He was a grown man and Snape only got what gave back in high school with his dad. James had never bullied Snape infact Snape probably started it and here he was now picking on a kid, Harry thought to him self furiously.

For the sake of his hand, he decided to try and calm himself down before he punched something again and he knew exactly what would calm him down...


The next morning Ella was sitting at breakfast with the two 7th year guys she was talking to the day before when Harry had told her about meeting up with Davy again. The first guy was called Eric and she had been friends with him since their 5th year and the other boy was called Dan and they had been mates since their 1st year.

"I see your friend Potter isn't joining you for breakfast today" stated Eric with slight distaste looking up and down the length of the hall, there was no sign of him.

"Incase you havn't noticed, Harry never joins me for breakfast, he doesn't eat breakfast" replied Ella coolly

"Yeah but we have an idea of what he's doing instead" said Dan with a smirk

"And what would that be?" asked Ella casually

"Playing with Mary Jane" replied Dan with a bigger smirk

"Puffing the magic dragon" added Eric

"Rollin' in grass"

"Hilarious" said Ella dryly "What makes you think he does drugs?" asked Ella still remaining surprisingly casual considering she had seen him snort cocaine only a few weeks ago.

"Well firstly, because he's hanging out with you" said Dan bluntly

"Hey! I'm not a bad influence!" said Ella

"Maybe he's the bad influence on you then" commented Eric

"Theres nothing wrong with Harry and everyone does a little bit of weed" said Ella in a low voice. Luckily the spaces around them were clear.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with a bit of weed; in fact I suggest it for some people. However, and I hate to say it seeing as he's supposed to be our saviour and all, Harry Potter is fucking cracked in the head"

"What do you mean he's cracked in the head?" asked Ella warily

"He has a few screws loose, not playing with a full deck of cards, crazy-"

Ella rolled her eyes "You could have just said crazy, what is it with you too and-?"

"Don't change the subject. I mean did you see what he did last week to that Slytherin kid?" said Dan

"Hey! He deserved it! You can't say something like that about someone's dead parents and expect to get away with it" said Ella but she did inwardly cringe at the memory. Some 6th year Slytherin who's friendly with Malfoy had made a comment to Harry's face while he was sitting at the breakfast tables about Harry's parents been scum just as he was and was about to walk away laughing when Harry stepped up to him and violently kicked him square in the chest and he went flying and toppled backwards over the Slytherins table. It had caused quite an uproar as it was lunch time and everyone in the hall had seen him do it. The Slytherin was spitting up blood and couldn't breathe properly and had to be quickly taken to the hospital wing. The whole time Harry hadn't said anything; he just stared impassively at the guy and walked off.

"Yeah he shouldn't have made whatever comment he did but you still don't go round kicking people like that in front of so many people" said Eric

"Usually I like seeing Slytherins getting beaten up but there was something disturbing about that" said Dan

This surprised Ella slightly. Most the other houses in the school congratulated Harry for it and were even in awe of him (if not slightly scared) but disturbing?

Ella smiled slightly "You two are so melodramatic. Of course he is going to react badly when someone says something bad about his parents, especially after all the things he has been through and that kid was probably a son of a death eater" she said firmly but inside she wondered whether there was some truth to what they were saying?


Harry was completely enraged with himself. Out of all the stupid mistakes he had made this had to be the biggest. He stared at the floor in the corner of the room of requirement where the last of his heroin had been. It had been morphine from a hospital that had been tampered with until it became smack. That is why it had been already in liquid form. It was supposed to be better.

He hadn't had his fix last night, he had come to the room to find that the jar of it had fallen of the small cupboard and smashed, and it must have been the day before last night when it happened as most of it had evaporated. He was so desperate he tried snorting it off the floor but it barely did anything. His hands were shaking worse than usual and he felt a slight itching feeling all over his body and his head was pounding. Even if he had his fix last night it would have been later than usual and he knew he probably wouldn't get anything until tonight.

These are some of the many reasons to why he did end up punching a wall after all. As well as a desk, a wardrobe and a stack of books, everything he could find in the room of requirement. He wanted to hurt himself for being so stupid, for not having any backups, for probably being high and breaking the only small jar of precious heroin left.

To calm the shaking and aching down he drank way too much and snorted many lines of coke which did help the drug withdrawal a bit but the cocaine with the lack of sleep did nothing good for his already bad temper. His angry thoughts about Snape and Sirius went swirling around his at 100 miles per hour and instead of the immediate euphoria he usually got, instead he felt confused, overly giddy and vaguely sick. He had noticed that recently his highs weren't as good as before. Without the heroin he didn't even fall unconscious that night.

It made it worse that he had a full day of lessons today and he was already in enough trouble as it is for skiving. As long as he showed up the professors didn't seem to care.

"Harry are you okay?" asked Hermione

Harry blinked and looked around; he didn't remember leaving the room of requirement. He saw that he was in the charms room and Hermione and Ron were watching him closely along with some other Gryffindors.

"I'm fine" he snapped and they all turned back around, probably wanting to avoid been kicked.

It was another theory lesson and Harry's hands were starting to shake badly again so the very little that he did write was practically unreadable. Hermione gave him a sour look but didn't say anything.

After charms they had potions. Harry was considering not going to the lesson but the anger inside him over took and wanted him to go and face the people that have tried to make his life hell while at Hogwarts. They entered straight into the classroom and sat at the back with Harry on the edge of the row. Snape made a comment about him just after two minutes in. He was probably still mad about yesterday when Harry called him a coward. Harry was again too angry to reply and tried to just ignore him. He could see Malfoy and cronies laughing at the side.

"Hey Potter, why you shaking? Aww are we crying? Don't tell me you've killed another pet?" asked Malfoy smirking from across the aisle. Snape was acting as though nothing was happening.

Harry's heart was pounding fast around his body and his hands shook even more. He had never hated someone as much as he did now.

"Did I hit a sore spot Potter? I bet that hurts, knowing you killed your own parent's best friends, but then again you killed you own parents too so-"

Harry flung his cauldron to the side and started to step towards Malfoy who openly laughed but backed off a bit behind Crabbe and Goyle.

"Potter!" shouted Snape and Harry paused, shaking with anger, drug withdrawal and sleep deprivation.

Snape stood at the front just in front of his desk and stared coldly at Harry.

"50 points from Gryffindor" he said smirking while all the Gryffindors glared at Snape angrily.

"Potter are you incapable of controlling yourself at all?"He asked snidely while the Slytherins smirked. "You would think you'd have learnt some self control after the incidents at the ministry"

The whole room was silent and watching the two tensely, even the Slytherin side. Not everyone knew what Snape was referring to but they understood the tone.

"The-chosen-one or not, I think your an ignorant child" he said coldly.

"And I think you're a pathetic c**t" (A/N- I don't know whether I can say that word on this site but I think you all know what word it is ;)

The silence was deafening. The whole room just stared at him in shock. No one had ever called a teacher a swear word before let alone that one. Some of the Gryffindors were smiling ever so slightly and awkwardly watching the two. The Slytherins were between complete shock and even slight awe, calling Snape that was not a good idea.

Even Snape looked mildly shocked but then his expression turned to dangerous anger but before he could do anything Harry kicked his chair away, where it hit some Slytherin shins, and walked quickly out of the classroom before he did something he regretted.


The news spread like wild fire around Hogwarts. Harry Potter, the supposed chosen one, calling Professor Snape one of the most hated professor the 'C word'.

He was currently hiding in a passageway on the fourth floor waiting until it was late enough to start heading to Hogsmeade and get the Night bus back to Surrey. He had already had a close call with McGonagall when he went for lunch as he had been so high at the time he had forgotten that he was hiding. However he soon remembered as when he had walked into the Great Hall everyone turned around to look at him with looks varying from awe and amusement to wariness and disapproving and then there was McGonagall at the top looking very pissed off. He had to run out fast before she reached him.

He stayed in his hiding place and waited for Ella to show up.

"Harry, what the hell? It took ages to find this place" she said as soon as she entered the passage

"Because, if they can't find me then they can't talk to me and if they don't talk to me, I don't have to subject my body to as much torment as I usually do. So really it's for my health's sake" he said quickly while dragging Ella to the one-eyed witch passageway. His whole body was shaking and itching. The quicker he could get a fix the better.

"Harry, please tell me it isn't just a rumour?" asked Ella dramatically ducking under the next set off stairs in the passage.

"What is?" asked Harry distractedly

"The whole Snape thing? I mean, Johnny once called him a prick but what you did was amazing... I wish I could have been there" she said thoughtfully

"I'm surprised someone hasn't done it sooner" he replied getting under his invisibility cloak while Ella flagged for the night bus.

"Yeah well, he kind gives off the psychotic murderer vibe so that probably puts people off" said Ella.

They stopped talking while they got on the bus so no one would hear Harry and no one would think Ella was crazy. They got off ay their usual stop and walked towards their old abandoned building in Westhill Estate. When they got in there (without doing a secret knock this time) they found the usual gang with 2 new people.

"Harry!" shouted Summer and jumped onto him and gave him a hug. He hadn't met up with the gang for a while now.

"I thought you had forgotten about us" said Lucy smiling from the back of the room. She hugged Harry and stole his freshly lit cigarette out of his mouth.

"We couldn't forget about you Luce even if we tried!" shouted Davy who was currently with the two people he didn't know.

Harry headed towards him wanting to shoot up as soon as possible.

"This is Liam" said Davy pointing to the guy with brown hair "And this is Steve" he pointed to the guy with dark blue hair

"And this is Harry" he finished

"Hi" said Harry absently "Davy can we talk for a sec?"

"Yeah sure, wait a second guys" he said to Liam and Steve

Davy led Harry out the door and into a smaller room that was more in the back of the building.

"You need some smack?" asked Davy straight away

"Yeah, am I that obvious?" said Harry feeling a lot better seeing Davy pull out a small vile of liquid.

"I can see the shakes a mile off" he said simply after taking the money from Harry. He watched as Harry tied up and injected his arm with heroin. Davy thought it was weird watching someone else shoot up, you could see all of Harry's tension and troubles just float away and let the happiness take over. He waited for a couple of minutes before asking if he was ready and they made their way back into the room.

The next hour was a complete haze for Harry. In his desperation to get high he did take a little more smack then usual and mixed with the alcohol he could barely walk. They had spent the hour chatting and catching up and eventually left the building to wonder the streets. It was only 12 when the group split up; Harry, Davy and Steve went back to a different part of the estate while the others went to get a takeout and go back to Lucy's.

They walked to a side of the Estate near where Davy lived and to another rundown 3 story building on a rough road lit up by street lamps. They climbed up to the top of the building through the old fire escape and walked around on the flat roof.

"What do you think of Steve?" asked Davy slurred while smoking a cigarette. It must have been cold as Harry could see both their own breaths.

"He seems like an okay guy" said Harry absently watching Steve on the other side of the roof skipping about. It was harder to concentrate while drunk.

"Yeah but he can be a fucking wacko, constantly tripping on acid"

"I can tell" commented Harry watching Steve pirouetting over some trash.

"Even I wouldn't touch that shit... Anyway, I'm too sober to deal with him right now, drink up!" he said handing Harry another bottle of something strong, he was too far gone to know what it was.

They downed the rest of the bottle between them both and found themselves running around with Steve. Harry could hardly see straight, the heroin was still strongly pumping around his veins and his whole body, and even his mind felt numb. From the looks of it Davy was just as gone as him.

It was in this moment of blurriness and clouded judgment that they found themselves on the ledge of the roof messing around and staring up at the sky. Why couldn't life always be like this? Harry thought to himself staring up at the stars. Why did there have to be so much death and pain? Why did he have to be the chosen one? He didn't belong in that world...

He was so deep in thought that he didn't move or notice when Steve tripped and fell right back into Harry, pushing him over the building ledge.

He felt the air take him and then he fell into dizziness...

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