Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.1K 1.2K 413

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 12

2.3K 52 12
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 12, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Twelve

It was three days in at the Burrow and Harry already wanted to kill someone. It seemed that they were under orders to constantly follow him around and bug him to death for the entire holiday. It was near impossible for him to get high because of this. Every time he was more than 5 minutes in the bathroom someone would be there asking if he was okay. Every time he said he was just going for a walk, one of them would always try and tag a long despite the subtle hints that he wanted to be alone.

"Do I look too fucking dumb to you, to walk around in a forest by myself?" he asked darkly

Bill just smiled; Harry usually saved his more creative vocabulary for him and this usually just encouraged him to follow him even more. It's probably due to the fact he's dealt with 5 younger brothers already.

"No, I just fancy a walk with my best friend's brother" said Bill slapping him on the back "Now let's go"

"Stupid gingers" muttered Harry under his breath. He was so tired.

These obstacles lead to Harry having to getting his main fix at night when he was a lot less likely to be disturbed. The up side to this arrangement was that he could enjoy the high for ages without anyone being suspicious and if he drank enough alcohol after shooting up, then he would just black out, so he would have no nightmares that could lead him to be yelling in the middle of the night. The obvious downsides were that by making himself black out was the fact that it was very unhealthy even by his standards and blacking out does not really make up for sleep which he was already getting very little of before he came to the Weasley's house, let alone afterwards.

The other hard thing to deal with was the smells of alcohol and drugs. On the first morning here Hermione had come into the room he and Ron shared and said she smelt a strong smell of alcohol. So after that he had to try and drink in the bathroom, where there were charms that would automatically freshen the room after use. There was also the fact that he smoked and he smoked quite a lot when he was stressed like he was now. He thinks that Mr and Mrs Weasley knows that he does because of the smell but they haven't said anything. He would mostly smoke when he had his walks, so everyone else knew about it.

"You really shouldn't smoke you know" commented Bill with a frown

"Yeah it says something like that on the packet" he replied sarcastically

However the biggest problem living here was that he couldn't have any real contact with Davy and the others. To make his phone work here he would have to perform another spell, which he couldn't do while outside of school. Because of this, he could only send them letters and that wouldn't be effective as it takes about 5 days for them to send one letter to each other so he had just left Hedwig at school. He couldn't even walk to a place where he could get a signal as he was only allowed within the wards of the burrow, even while on his walks. He never thought he would say this, but he really couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts.

"So, how's school?" asked Bill

"Fantastic" he replied deadpanned

Bill laughed "Yeah, they mentioned you weren't having the best time"

Harry turned to look at Bill "What?" he asked

"Hey don't shoot the messenger" said Bill holding his hands up in the air "They're just worried"


"Anyway, you better get all this anger out of your system before Remus comes down" said Bill. He saw Harry give him a questioning look and continued "Remus is coming round with Tonks for dinner tonight, he wants to see how you are as well"

Harry didn't say anything back. He didn't even know what to say. Was Remus angry with him about Sirius? He didn't seem to be after 5th year at Kings cross station when he came to say Good bye with Moody and threaten his relatives but he hadn't made any kind of contact since then either.

When they got back to the burrow Harry walked slowly back towards Ron's room where he found Ginny, Ron and Hermione sitting on the beds chatting. He had never felt the need so bad to just lie down and sleep.

"Oh hi Harry" said Ginny while smiling. He had the feeling that they were just talking about him.

"Hi" he said joining Ron on his bed and leaning against the wall.

"What you all talking about?" he asked into the silence that began as soon as he entered the room.

"Quidditch" said Ron while Hermione said "School"

Harry just laughed "Okay then..."

"Harry, are these yours?" Hermione asked suddenly breaking the tension. She was holding up the alcohol wipes Davy had gotten him. 'Shit' he thought to himself, he had thought he had put them away but he must have blacked out before he had the chance.

Ron looked at the box "Sterets Pre injection swabs?" he said reading it off the box looking at Harry questioningly. Davy had gotten them from a friend who was a nurse; she had just nicked them from work. Harry inwardly cursed at himself again and tried to act casual.

"They're just muggle alcohol wipes" started Harry taking the box off of Ron "They're just handy to have, you know for cleaning small cuts and stuff" he continued while putting them carefully away back in his trunk.

He turned around to see how his excuse was sitting. Ron didn't look bothered as it was just a muggle thing; Ginny seemed to believe him but Hermione only looked half convinced. She was a muggleborn and she didn't know any muggles who carried around alcohol wipes. He was not in the mood for this so Harry quickly changed the subject.

"So, you were talking about Quidditch? How are the Chudley cannons doing this season?" he asked Ron who immediately picked up on the subject.


It was 6pm and Harry was feeling slightly better now physically as he had gotten some sleep while the others had gone to play Quidditch down on the field and luckily because Ron's room is on the top floor no one had heard him waking up shouting from a nightmare.

However due to Harry's luck, something bad had to happen.

He thought that after the traumatic nightmare he should relax in the bathroom with a joint to calm his nerves (which had been on edge recently due to the fact he couldn't have a minute alone to himself without people getting suspicious). So he had been smoking a joint in the bathroom with the window open while listening to the music on his phone with headphones on, which usually helps after the nightmares, when somebody had caught him. And again because of Harry's luck, it couldn't have been the twins or Bill or Charlie or Ron, all of the people that would have probably kept their mouths shut (for a while anyway) it had to have been Ginny.

"H-Harry? What's that?" she had asked angrily eying the joint in his hands.

He didn't have time to answer as she was called downstairs by Molly and she had just walked off not giving him another glance. He remembered quickly stubbing out the joint and spraying himself all the while cursing and kicking himself for not remembering to lock the door. He had done this so many times and every time he had locked the door. By being stuck in this environment he was starting to slip up.

This was 3 hours ago and now they were all waiting in the kitchen together for the guests to arrive while helping with the dinner preparations. Ginny was giving him cold glances and, 'oh shit' he thought to himself, Hermione was giving him a desperate 'I need to talk to you' look. Ginny had obviously told Hermione, and Ginny would have known from the smell that he wasn't smoking a normal cigarette but would she know it was weed?

Harry's whole body felt light and his entire chest felt like it was sinking further and further down into its self. Hermione was going to tell someone. She'll think it's for the best. Months of hiding this from his friends had been ruined from one little slip up. While he ignored Hermione and the rest of the people in the room, panicked thoughts went round his mind. He didn't even notice when Lupin and Tonks entered the house.

He was used to being surrounded by mindless chatter and usually blocked it all out so he was surprised when he was face to face Remus who was shaking his hand.

"Harry, are you okay?" he asked concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said forcing a smile

"You want to step outside for a bit with me?" he asked and Harry felt like he had to comply. On the way out Hermione gave him a meaningful look which Harry ignored.

Harry brought his jacket closer to him when they got outside; it was getting a lot colder now they were near November. He looked at the man who was once both his Godfather and fathers best friend.

"Harry, are you really okay?" asked Remus "Because the others seemed to be really concerned?"

How the hell would you know? Harry thought to himself "I'm fine" he repeated. He really wasn't in the mood for this. Why couldn't they all just leave him alone?

"Are you sure? Because if you ever need to talk to someone you can always come to me" said Lupin

"I don't need anyone to talk to" he said impassively and started to walk back towards the house before Lupin tried to carry on talking to him. Remus looked slightly startled but also made his back into the house. He couldn't help being angry at Remus. He never came to see Harry after all those years with the Dursleys.

Before Harry could make it back into the kitchen Hermione blocked his way in the empty hallway.

"Harry, I need to talk to you"

"About what?" he asked innocently

"Ginny told me about what happened earlier"

"What happened?"

"You know full well what happened"

Harry didn't say anything, he just raised his eyebrows and Hermione sighed.

"Harry... were you smoking drugs?" she asked with a sad look in her eyes.

"What?" asked Harry

"Ginny said that you were smoking something and it wasn't a cigarette"

"It was a roll up cigarette" lied Harry "You know, ones you make yourselves, it's cheaper than the other ones"

"Really? Because I've never seen you with the other ones before and Ginny said it was more than just a cigarette"

"And what would Ginny know?" snapped Harry getting more and more irritated. Why did she have to be so nosy?

"Harry why do you keep lying to us?" she asked angry "We're not stupid, you've been acting so different this year and you keep shutting us out. How are we supposed to help you if you won't tell us what's wrong?" she demanded.

"Because I don't want you help!" said Harry harshly "And there's nothing wrong"

"Look Harry, if you won't help yourself then we'll do it for you. If you don't get help then I'll have to tell someone about this"

"About what?" asked Harry coldly

"Drugs!" whispered furiously "I can't believe you'd do them but apparently you do! Why would even do that?"

Harry looked at her coldly trying to find a way out of this. He sighed.

"Hermione look" he started a bit more softly then before "It was just a tiny bit of weed for the stress. Weed isn't that bad, it's legal in loads of countries, it's not as though it some hardcore drug"

Hermione looked shocked

"Harry I can't believe you would say that. It is serious and you need to talk to someone if you're feeling so bad your turning to doing that" she said trying to remain calm for her friend's sake.

"It's none of your damn business. Just stay out of it" said Harry losing his temper again.

"You're my friend so it is my business and it's not just about the drugs, you've been acting messed up all year. Sneaking out and drinking and smoking with Ella, yes Harry we all know you and her get drunk every weekend!" she stated angrily but then her voice went soft again "I'm sorry Harry but I'll have to tell someone"

"Oh and who would that be?" he sneered back

"I'll tell Remus. He would know how to deal with this, he can help you"

"Do what you want" replied Harry going back to impassive mode

"I mean it Harry, I'll tell him tonig-" but Harry had already walked off.

He walked straight upstairs ignoring the calls from the table and went into Ron's room. He resisted the urge to scream in frustration as he punched the wall hard. He heard something crack. This is the second time he has done this now. He tried to calm down and concentrate on the pain in his hand instead of what was going to happen next. He sat on his bed and started thinking. If they had been watching him like a hawk before they found out about the weed, then after they find out about it they would probably have someone going to the bathroom with him and watching him sleep. He knew Hermione would tell Lupin, she was too 'sensible'. He didn't think he could cope another four days here normally let alone under drug watch. Then he wouldn't be able to take any smack, they would take it all away from him and make stay in this claustrophobic house while everyone would keep dithering over him and talking to him and... He could just imagine Lupin finding his heroin and coke and the look of disappointment and disgust on his face. "What would sirius say? What would your father say?" he could imagine Lupin asking... All of this was too much for Harry too handle. He should have never come here in the first place. He would have to leave.

It was now 8pm and pitch black outside. He quickly gathered everything into his trunk and thanked Ella for having put that feather light charm on his trunk so it would be easy to carry, especially with a suspected broken hand. He put a cap on and his hood up and fetched his broom from the hallway. He tied his trunk to his broom using his belt and was about halfway through the open window when he realised he should probably leave a note. He quickly got out a pen he had in his muggle jacket.

Gone to see a mate, don't worry I'll be safe, see you back at Kings cross


It was a bit weak but he was stressed and didn't know what else to put. He carefully stepped out the window and onto his broom a quickly raced from the Weasley's and carried on way past wards as Harry suspected there would be some kind of alarm that went off when someone leaved. He didn't stop until he was a good mile away and as soon as he landed he signalled for the night bus that would take him to the Library in Little winging. He kept his head down so not to attract any attention and it took just 20 minutes for him to get to his destination.

He quickly got off and kept his good hand on his wand while dragging his trunk by his belt that was looped around his other arm. He had to move fast because it wouldn't take long for someone to ask the night bus if they had picked anyone up like him and where he went. He lit up a cigarette and quickly made his way to the abandoned building, where he and Davy and the gang usually hang out.

When he got there he slowly moved the banged-up door at the back and walked into the hallway. He walked into the room where the mattresses were where they all usually slept after a long night out. He had just lowered his trunk when he noticed that he wasn't alone.

"Davy?" he asked

The figure that was standing at the edge of the room in the dark lowered his knife and pulled down his hood.

"Harry? What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked confused stepping forward into the light from the street lamp that was shining through. Davy looked kind of ill.

Harry also lowered his hood and took off his cap

"That's a nice way to greet someone" he said giving Davy a one armed hug "I was just about to call you" he added with a smile. This place may not be much but Harry already felt 100 times better knowing he was here with Davy.

"What you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" asked Davy with mock disapproving

"It's the holidays, well for the next few days anyway. I needed to get away from that place"

"You were at the Dursleys? What did they do?" he asked with a hint of concern looking at Harry's messed up hand.

"Nah I wasn't at the Dursleys" he said simply "If I was I would have come to see you lot sooner. Speaking of you lot, where is everyone and are you sober?" Harry asked dramatically sitting down onto a crate.

Davy laughed and sat next to him "Harry there is no fun in alcoholism" he joked in a serious voice "As for that lot, they've all fucked off for half term, something to do with college, I wasn't really listening"

"Oh well, guess that leaves all the good stuff for ourselves" Harry replied tiredly, it had been a long day. They wouldn't have to hide the heroin with the rest of them gone however he was sad he wouldn't get to see Summer, she always knew how to cheer him up.

"Yep" said Davy grinning. He then looked at Harry for a while as though considering something.

"Hey, why don't you kip at mine for a while, its fucking freezing here"

Harry looked mildly surprised "You sure? Won't your dad mind?"

"Its fine" he started "As for my dad, he's been gone for months now, I doubt he's coming back anytime soon"

Harry just smiled not knowing what to say to that. Davy led him out of the building and through the streets of the West hill estate until they got to a row of run down terrace houses.

"You better not snore" Davy said as they stopped at number 16 and Davy unlocked the door and let Harry through.

"Nah, just the occasional night terrors" replied Harry. He didn't mind if Davy knew about the nightmares. He wouldn't nag about them.

The door went straight into a messy lounge that was joined up with a scruffy kitchen at the back. There wasn't a great lot of furniture and there and to Harry it looked like the shelves had been stripped of their possessions at some point as there were only a few videos and DVD's. He noticed that there were no photos or pictures anywhere.

Davy then led him to his room upstairs, which was fairly spacious with a double bed and a desk and wardrobe. It was again messy and fairly cluttered with various bits and pieces and like downstairs there were quite a few empty bottles and cigarette packets.

"Just drop you stuff where ever" he told Harry over shoulder while he was searching his wardrobe for something. He came out with a bottle of Bacardi and smokes. He opened the bottle and chugged around 3 shots worth and rested at the head of the bed while Harry sat down at the side of the bed against the wall.

"Knock yourself out!" said Davy handing Harry the bottle "Fuck Harry you look tired" he observed as Harry drank from the bottle. Davy reached into his desk draw and got out some bandages and passed them to Harry. "For your hand"

"Thanks" he said and started wrapping his bloodied hand up

"Yeah... well" started Harry in a hoarse voice "I haven't slept in about 3 days"

"How come? You fancy private school not got comfy enough beds for you?" joked Davy

"Hilarious" said Harry sarcastically "And how many times do I have to tell you it's not a private school, it's a school for criminal like children or something like that..." he said zoning out. He didn't know why he kept the Dursleys versions of events now he was away from them. The alcohol was working fast on his empty stomach.

"Same thing" laughed Davy. They continued to talk, except properly this time, unlike their usual drunken ramblings (though they were still drunk). It was weird how comfortable Harry felt with Davy, he was like a brother to him.

"So you don't know where he is?" asked Harry. Hours after Harry had arrived they had gotten to the subject of Davy's dad.

"No fucking idea, he left around a year ago"

"Shit..." replied Harry. At least Harry always had the comfort that his parents didn't leave him by choice.

"I don't care though; I just hope he stays away"

"What about your brother?" asked Harry remembering Davy mentioning him a couple of times.

Davy looked slightly sad for a second "Don't know where he is either. He left a long time ago with his mum. We're only half brothers see, we had the same dad" he drifted off for moment thinking.

"You wanna shoot up?" asked Davy suddenly

"Yeah" Harry replied.

They both got their needles out and Davy got a table spoon from the kitchen to share. Once they had boiled it Davy got equal amounts into each needle. He watched Harry try to hold the needle in his bad hand.

"Come here" he said tightening the belt at the top of Harry's arm and gently hit the back of his fore arm so the veins would rise. He found a vein and carefully inserted the needle into his arm and released the heroin into his blood. Harry immediately relaxed and slumped down against the wall.

"Thanks" he murmured as Davy started injecting his own arm. He slowly relaxed and lied down on his bed his last thoughts being that it was nice to have some company. He hated this house on its own. In the night they eventually shifted so they were sleeping head to toe in Davys bed covered in blankets. Davys house might not be the nicest house Harry's seen, but that night he had the best night's sleep since last summer had began. He had changed his earlier thought about Hogwarts. Now he really didn't want to go back.

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