Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.3K 1.2K 414

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 11

2.4K 52 9
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 11, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Eleven

Everything was numb. Colours where brighter but more blurred together and sound was distant and hazy. It was like a shield that dulled down anything that tried to get to him physically and mentally. It protected him.

"Harry?" came a quiet voice from the distance

"Harry?" there it was again.

"Harry?" then came a clear voice from right in front of him. It was Ron.

Harry looked around to see he was in the great hall and it was breakfast? Lunch? He didn't know. He couldn't even remember how he got here.

"Harry, are you okay?" asked Hermione worriedly. Again.

"Yeah, you look a bit dazed mate" said Ron concerned.

Harry looked confusedly from Ron to Hermione with misty eyes then smiled clumsily.

"I'm great" he declared then went to rest his head on his arms on the table and turned to the side. Everything was spinning slightly.

"Well, we were just talking about the half term holidays" said Hermione

"What?" asked Harry absently while playing with a bit of threat on the sleeve of his jumper.

"The half term holidays? You know, the extra holidays?" reminded Hermione. Harry said nothing. "For Merlins sake Harry do you ever listen?"

"Sometimes" replied Harry impassively

"We get a week off school, just before Halloween. We've already arranged it so you can come back to ours" said Ron

"Cool" replied Harry, still not really listening

Hermione rolled her eyes. It was a week after Harry and Ella sneaked out and it was only last night when they had been told about the extra holidays. They had been given half term holidays because of Voldemorts return families feel safer knowing they get to see their children more often and check up on everything. But for people like Harry it meant nothing.


Being able to function without the shakes after a high was amazing to Harry; the heroin would keep him numb and sane for a good day or so before he started to feel the withdrawal symptoms. He still kept up his usual routine but he found he was a lot less able to concentrate until hours after the initial high, so the midnight training sessions and studying were pretty much replaced by lounging around and sometimes meeting up with Ella to talk.

Even though it had just been a week since he had last seen Davy and the gang, he felt like he desperately needed to see them again sometime soon, not only for the company, but also to re-stock on his new coping method (which he didn't really want to put in a letter in case one of the others found out about it). Now that he knew how easy it was to get there and back, he could probably do it again soon, maybe in a couple of weeks when the teachers were less likely to be 'looking out' for him.

"Hey Hazza" said Ella smiling

"I don't think so" replied Harry shaking his head

"What's wrong with Hazza, Hazza?" asked Ella lighting up

"Theres a lot of things wrong with it. You got any drink on you?" asked Harry taking a long drag of a cigarette

"You mean drink, drink? No, it's 2.30 in the afternoon. Hey, shouldn't you be in potions right now?"

"Oh yeah, shit" he replied in a deadpanned manor with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. They were sitting on a balcony on the 6th floor today. It was more accessible and too much in the open for Harry's liking but Ella had insisted meeting there because she thought it had a nicer view.

Ella laughed "You know, you are so unlike what people say you are. Or what they did say anyway, your perfect little reputation is going further and further down the drain you know" she said laughing

"To be fair, half my time at this school people have hated me for some reason or another. So I don't really give a shit"

"I'll drink to that. With water though" she added "Seriously though, is that why you've been acting so different lately? You been slipping a few more drinks in the day to get by? Because you've been acting dippy as hell recently"

"Dippy?" asked Harry with a smirk

"Yeah, dippy. Like your head is in the fucking clouds all the time. It's kind of like you've gone retarded and happy at the same time"

Harry laughed "I think you're the drunk one right now"

Ella was about to retaliate when a student, who looked like a 3rd year, came up to where Harry was sitting and passed him a piece of parchment.

"Professor McGonagall wanted me to hand you this" she said blushing furiously and then walking off quickly.

"See, this is why I don't like smoking here, they can find me too easily" he said while opening the note. Harry pulled a face.

"Oh, that's not good"

"What does it say?" asked Ella curiously

"Come to my office at 4pm today" said Harry handing the note to Ella

"Nothing else" said Ella turning the note every which way then laughed "My brothers have had these notes. You're in trouble"

"What did they get the notes for?"

"Failing, pranking, stealing, having sex in abandoned classrooms, drinking and growing weed in the prefect's bathroom" said Ella listing them off one by one

"Wow... It's a good job you dads a lawyer"

"Yeah" said Ella proudly "Johnny was responsible for most of them. I miss having them here"

"I bet..." laughed Harry


"Sit Mr Potter" said McGonagall as Harry made his way into her office

"Do you know why you are here Mr Potter?" she asked. Harry shrugged.

"You are here because we need to discuss your failing grades and bad behaviour me and the other professors have been seeing of late" she said and continued when Harry said nothing "Mr Potter you are now failing in every subject and we are only 5 weeks into this term. You have already received what would be a year's worth of detentions to most students and you haven't even shown up for some of them. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" she asked seriously

Harry sniffed, rubbed his nose and shrugged. That was not the reaction McGonagall was looking for. Somewhere inside Harry, a voice was screaming at him, pleading with him. He knew the consequences if he failed but right at the moment he couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.

McGonagall sighed. She really didn't like doing this but she had no choice.

"I have to inform you Mr Potter that NEWTS are a very hard courses and it takes a lot of effort to pass them. I should also tell you that if a professor does not think it would be worth teaching you said subject then they can kick you of their class and you can't sit the exam. If you do not improve by the end of the term then we may have no other option than to make you drop some classes and get extra tutoring for the others. Do I make myself clear?"

Harry just nodded

"A letter has been sent to your guardians explaining the situation. You may go now"

Harry had to laugh at that part. He wondered what the Dursleys reaction would be when they get a letter saying he's failed in potions and might have to drop his NEWTS. He'd probably pay for that one later...

He should have been expecting it really. He mostly thought it was funny every time he had handed in homework that he had done while being high, but then again he was also high when handing in the homework... He had genuinely been trying recently to catch up on classes and keep his grades good but at the same time he had also skipped a fair amount of lessons, which was sometimes probably better in the long run as most of these times he was in no condition to be doing work, let alone to be around other people. As for the behaviour, he hadn't really been rude to anyone, he mouthed off to Snape quite a lot (nothing new there except for the new range of vocabulary) but he was fine with the other teachers. In Harry's opinion, he hadn't really done anything wrong; he was allowed to have some fun for a bit after the last few years he's had. And as for failing subjects, he's come to realise that he may not live long enough for grades to matter, he can't keep escaping Voldemort by luck alone forever.

These thoughts were what encouraged him to decide to sneak out tonight, instead of waiting for a few weeks, so he could cheer himself up and forget about everything that's happened. It was Thursday, exactly one week after his last night out, and after hours of brooding alone and smoking weed, he decided he would go as soon as the others were asleep so they didn't suspect anything.

So he waited until about 10, when everyone was in bed, before he got changed and under his invisibility coat he made his way to Hogsmeade through the one eyed witch passageway. He had already called ahead telling everyone in Surry that he was nearby on a school trip and he would come around and meet them in the old abandoned building (as it was cold) a bit later on. They rarely met at their own houses as their families were usually in and didn't appreciate 5 teenagers coming round and drinking.

He got on the night bus with his baseball cap low and hoodie up so people wouldn't recognise him and after 20 minutes (which was a lot shorter then last time) the bus dropped him off at the same Library as last time.

"Harry, do the secret knock so we know it's you" said Davy in what was supposed to be a whisper, as soon as he arrived, from behind the shoddy wooden door that led to the inside of the building.

"Davy, you just said it was him" came another voice that sounded like Summer.

"But it could be an imposter"

"But it looks like Harry" replied summer

"You could stick a black wig and a hoodie on anyone and it would like Harry"

"Hey!" said Harry at the door

"It's only 11 and he already thinks people are trying to kill him, Summer take that stuff off him" came Lucy's voice

"Would you just open the damn door!" said Harry loudly "It's fucking freezing out here"

"Then do the secret knock"

"What secret knock?!"

"Fine then, what's the secret password?" asked Davy and Harry sighed

"Is it: I have a 6 inch knife hidden in my trouser pocket and it's about to get used?" said Harry darkly

The door swung open and Davy jumped out and pulled Harry in

"Harry! Only you could come up with something so charming" he said

Harry went round hugging everybody as though it had been longer than a week since he had last seen them all. He noticed that Davy looked kind of bad. He had always been kind of thin for his good build and pale, which is not surprising considering the amount he drinks and the amount of drugs he does but tonight Harry could see he looked worse than usual. Maybe he was just tired?

"Where's that Ella chick?" asked Will breaking Harry's thoughts

"Yeah, she was fun, didn't you tell her about coming round tonight? She didn't mention anything to me" she said while checking her phone. Ella and summer had been texting each other since last week.

"Ah well, at least we can get straight to the good stuff then, no discretion needed" said Davy getting out a back cocaine and cutting it up into lines for everyone. Harry snorted 3 lines and after a lot of sniffing and rubbing his nose he continued to down as much of a bottle of tequila as he could without taking a breath. Will and Davy had the same idea as Harry but the girls were taking it easy and stuck to a bit of weed as they had jobs to go to in the afternoon. Lucy was actually in college and was doing a nursing course while Summer worked in a coffee shop part time and was doing English literature and some other similar subjects in college.

At around 3 the guys passed out while summer and Lucy made their way back to summers to sleep their hangovers off. This time Harry had come prepared and set alarm to wake him up for 5 so he could get back to Hogwarts in time. The alarm woke Harry up and surprisingly Davy up too while Will stayed unconscious. They sat peacefully slumped against the brick wall while they came round. Harry was starting to develop a banging headache after last night's session and he noticed his hands going a bit dodgy, which reminded him of one of the others reasons he came out last tonight.

"Davy?" he asked in a hoarse voice


"You got any more smack in?" he asked, not really knowing what to say when you want to buy heroin. Davy looked up at him and smiled very slightly.

"Yeah, course I have" he said and he got a bag out from one of many of his inside jacket pockets. He handed him the bag.

"You know how to shot up right? You know, with the spoon and shit?" he asked sleepily

"Yeah, yeah course. How much?"

"£30. I might do some now..." he said as Harry handed him the money.

Harry looked over at Will. He seemed to still be out so Harry decided to join in.

"Haven't got a needle so we can just snort it, I'll show you how to do it" he said, still groggily

"I already know, you showed me last week remember?"

"Did I? Huh..." he replied while boiling some of the brown powder over a bit of foil from a sweet wrapper. They then both inhaled the fumes and held it for as long as possible before breathing out again. They carried on doing this until there was nothing left. They both slumped back and relaxed for a few moments in silence.

"You know how to clean the needle right? Because smack ain't so much dangerous itself, it's the dirty needles that kill you in the end"

"What, like wash the needle?" asked Harry

"You just need to use alcohol wipes to clean it. Wait; here are some I have on me. I'll send you some more through the post. It's only a few pounds for a pack of 100. Make sure you clean the needle every time. And whatever you do: never share. Okay?"

"Got it" replied Harry kind of slurred. The crazy happy feeling was threatening to completely take over him.

"Where do you inject it? You never have any track marks on your arm..."

"Different places, round the legs usually" he replied absently.

Harry heard a slight rustling and turned his head to see Will wide awake staring at Davy and Harry with an unreadable expression on his face. 'How much had he seen?' Harry wondered, but even as he was thinking it he realised how much the little room smelled of burnt foil and an acidy smell that could only be heroin.

"Good morning William, and how did the floor suffice as a bed?" asked Davy in a posh voice

Will looked away from Harry to Davy and stretched out, acting more casually than before. Harry relaxed again and leaned back into the wall.

"I wouldn't advise it"

"Yeah, the grass was a lot more comfortable" replied Davy thoughtfully "Maybe next time we should just do this at one of our houses instead"

They drifted into a fairly comfortable silence until eventually Harry's watch alarm went off again telling him it was 6am and he should probably start making his way back. With that he said his goodbyes and got the night bus back to Hogsmeade, which was surprisingly harder than last time after snorting the smack, and went through honey dukes back into the school. He went straight to the nearest bathroom and put his jacket and hat away in his rucksack so it didn't look as though he'd been out and sprayed himself all over. By the time he got back up to the boys dormitories it was 7am.

He went into the bathroom again, and lit up, not caring that he could get caught at this point and looked into the mirror. It was so weird how normal he looked because of the glamour's. Some stuff could still get through, like he was ever so slightly paler then usual and his eyes looked a tad bit blood shot but other than that, he looked like a healthy person. He sometimes wondered what he would like without the glamour's. Maybe he might looked like Davy did? He wasn't going to try and find out as he didn't have the energy to put the glamour's back up afterwards and he didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

The bathroom door opened and Dean stepped but stopped when he saw Harry smoking and staring into the mirror. Harry turned around to look at him and Dean continues into the bathroom.

"You alright Harry?" he asked tentatively getting his toothbrush

"Yeah" he replied deadpanned and putting his cigarette out in the sink. Dean watched as Harry just stared into the mirror not blinking and moving his face round at slightly different angles as though he was inspecting it. He quickly washed his teeth and walked out not wanting to continue being around the awkward silence.

"Harry's in there smoking" he warned Seamus who was about to walk to the toilets.

"In the toilets?" asked Seamus

"Yeah, he's having a bit of a moment" replied Dean with a humourless laugh

Seamus opened the bathroom door hesitantly to see Harry with another cigarette staring in the mirror while poking and feeling his own face.

"Yeah, I think I'll wait until he's finished" he said to Dean and walked back to the dormitories.

"He's gone mental he has" continues Seamus as they made their ways back to the bed

"Who's gone mental?" asked Ron who was now getting changed. Dean and Seamus looked at each other wondering whether to say anything.

"Harry has been acting a bit weird lately" said Dean while watching closely for Ron's reaction

"He's fine, he's just a bit stressed out" said Ron quickly

"Mate, he's smoking in the bathroom feeling up his own face while stinking of alcohol at 7 in the morning. I think he's a little more than stressed" said Seamus

"He's fine" repeated Ron heatedly "Look, I'll just go get him" he said while Dean and Seamus shrugged and went back to getting changed.

Ron stomped over to the bathroom to where Harry was and stared at him. He didn't look bad at all; he was just acting a little funnier than usual... Before Ron could ask him anything he turned round to Ron

"I can't feel my face" he said and then slapped himself across the face hard. Harry laughed at himself in the mirror and just walked out while Ron stood there rooted to the spot not knowing what exactly just happened.


"No way" said Harry while laughing "What happened?" he asked into the receiver.

"Harry?" came a sing song voice from behind the doorway of the astronomy tower "It's time to go!"

"What? Oh okay, wait a minute" he said to Ella who had just appeared on the balcony in a winter coat with a suitcase.

"I've gotta go now, I'll call you sometime later" he said into the phone and waited "Okay bye"

"Was that Davy again?" asked Ella


"You two talk on the phone more than a bunch of girls would. Are you all packed yet?" she asked

"Yeah, let me just go get my stuff, I'll see you in the entrance hall" he replied running down to the common room. It was now the 23rd of October and Harry was leaving Hogwarts for the new half term holidays and was staying with the Weasley's. The holiday was only a week long and they would all be back for the Halloween feast. Harry was nervous about spending the holidays with the Weasley's just like he was last time, except this would be worse as he's spending a week there instead of a few days and this time around he has more people closely watching him. The closer proximity with all of the other Weasley's in a confined area like the burrow would make it harder to get away from everyone. Of course Harry had no say in this arrangement, it was all organised by Dumbledore before he could say anything.

Once he got to the entrance hall he left with Ella, Ron and Hermione to go to the Hogwarts express. The four got a compartment together as Ella's other friends were staying behind at Hogwarts.

"So, how you gonna get to Switzerland?" asked Harry

"Floo from Kings cross, I just hope I get out at the right place this time..."

"Why? Where'd you end up last time?" asked Ron

"Some place in Germany that I'm pretty sure was a brothel, had to wait there for hour until my dad picked me up. That was awkward"

Harry laughed while Ron looked confused

"Anyway" started Hermione trying to direct the conversation somewhere else "I think a break will do us all some good, it gives us time to relax" she said looking at Harry. She didn't know what to do anymore when it came to Harry. He would still talk to them a lot and sometimes they even managed to have conversations like they used to, but she could feel him slipping away from him. He wasn't the same any more.

They arrived at King cross where they said good bye to Ella and the Weasley's promptly greeted them and lead them out quickly to some ministry appointed cars that would take them to the burrow. It all seemed such a waste of time to Harry, he might as well have stayed at school. During the car journey Mrs Weasley fussed over him the whole time and Bill and Mr Weasley seemed to be paying him more attention than usual. Harry guessed that Dumbledore had told them about the failing grades and the 'change in behaviour'. This was going to be a difficult week.

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