Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.2K 1.2K 413

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 9

2.4K 62 10
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 9, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Nine

As September was coming to an end Harry found himself getting closer to Ella. He found out she was a half blood, like Harry, and lives in an English Wizarding area in Switzerland, which Harry thought was quite funny at first. Her father was a well known and respected lawyer, so they were very well off and she was also the youngest of 5, she had four older brothers that had all been to Hogwarts. Every morning and evening they would meet at break time for cigarette, just the two of them. Being with Ella was kind of like being with Davy and everyone back in Surry as it was easy to forget everything while being with her. Another thing he liked about her was that she also had a supply of weed, this surprised Harry as he had never really come across it at Hogwarts, and she was a fun person to smoke it with. Like he had with Davy and the rest, he found himself becoming good friends with her fast.

"So... you got any plans for after Hogwarts?" asked Ella taking a long drag of a joint she rolled. It was currently evening and Harry thought it was a bit dangerous smoking weed in the open but Ella said this area of the tower was usually deserted.

"No idea... used to want to be an Auror but... shit sounds too hard" replied Harry taking another long drag.

Ella laughed "Yeah, you have to do lots of training for that, very serious work" she said in a way that told Harry the cannabis was kicking in

"You wanna go eat something?" asked Harry suddenly. Ella nodded

"I've got the munchies" she said giggling

They both got up and made their way down to the great hall for lunch, trying not to not to laugh the whole way. They sat down together next to Ron and Hermione and started piling their plates with food.

"Blimey Harry, you hungry?" asked Ron looking down at Harry's plate

"Ye huh" replied Harry with a mouth full of food

Ron and Hermione had gotten used to Ella sometimes just randomly joining them to see Harry and Ella seemed like a nice enough girl to them. Hermione however was still worried about Harry. He seemed very different from last term; the only word she could seem to come up with for him was 'self-destructive'. He kept getting detentions, not doing homework, answering back (especially to Snape) and always showing up to lessons late or not showing up at all. Harry would always just play the 'I forgot' card and then he would seem fine again. His moods would constantly go up and down too, he was happy and giddy one minute, then the next he was falling asleep in lessons and being, in her eyes, quite rude (especially in terms on language) Hermione knew that there was something more to this and that's why she decided to go and talk to professor McGonagall.

Her thoughts were distracted a moment as Harry and Ella started laughing madly at something. People round the table started to stare at them as they tried and failed to contain their giggling. With that, Hermione took it as her sign to go see professor McGonagall now, during the free period they had after lunch. She said goodbye to Ron (who was watching Ella and Harry slightly confused) and started towards her head of year's office. She hadn't told Ron about this meeting due to his reaction in 3rd year when she was concerned about the broomstick that Sirius had sent him. Although this situation was different, she had a feeling Ron still wouldn't want to come.

She knocked on the office door and waited to be called in. She sat down opposite her head of house.

"Miss Granger, what can I do for you?"

"Well Professor, I was wondering if I could talk to you about Harry..." said Hermione

Professor McGonagall expression went slightly stern "Ah yes, I'm not really suprised" said the professor in a disapproving tone

"Yes well, he seems distant and has mood swings all the time and he's acting in ways he wouldn't have before. I'm worried he hasn't really grieved properly for Sirius" said Hermione desperately, it was important professor McGonagall knew how worried she was

The professor thought for a moment before speaking. She had already gotten some mild yet unusual complaints off other teachers about him being late or falling asleep in lessons. Also his homework has been a disgrace; she couldn't even read one piece he handed into her.

"His behaviour has been bad of late; if I remember correctly he received 8 detentions in the first week back, though some of them had already been given during the holidays for whatever reason... Is there anything else I should be aware about?"

"Well, he smokes now, mostly with that Ella girl, he would have never done that before" she said sadly. This wasn't news to the professor though; she had already seen him smoking about the castle and had given him lines for it. Ella smoking wasn't much of a surprise though.

"Okay Miss Granger, thank you for informing me. For now I will keep an eye on him and see what happens"

"Thank you Professor"


"I wish you could meet them, you'd love 'em" said Harry talking fast while lighting a cigarette. It was 7 in the evening and they were in their usual place on the astronomy tower. He had decided he'd trust Ella and tell her about the friends he made over the Summer after she told him about some of hers.

"Me too..." started Ella "Hey, why don't we? It's Thursday today and this weekend is a Hogsmeade Weekend; we could just sneak off for the day!"

"How could we? They live in Surry"

"The night bus. Duh" she said flicking ash at him smiling

"Shit yeah, the night bus, why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you smoke way too much of this stuff, you do know that alcohol and cannabis destroys brain cells" said Ella

"Yeah, I can tell" he replied pointedly.

"Yeah so tomorrow we go see them? I haven't snuck off since 5th year"

"Why wait until tomorrow?" asked Harry with a mischievous grin

"How else-You know another way out?" she asked impressed. She didn't know he had it in him...

"Yep, we could sneak out and get the night bus over to Surry. We'll both get changed so no one out there gets suspicious. And I'll probably go under my invisibility cloak to seeing as a lot of people want to kill me right now" he added as an afterthought.

"Sounds good to me" said Ella cracking a huge grin "You have an invisibility cloak?"

Harry just smiled. They both went and got changed. Harry told Ron and Hermione he had a late detention and not to stay up and wait for him. Harry and Ella met up on the fourth floor where the one eyed witch passage was. Harry had already called Davy to tell him he's coming over and they'd wait for him at the park.

They came up from Honey dukes cellar and Ella signalled for the night bus and they both got on (Harry still being under his invisibility cloak) and it took 30 minutes to get to Surry. The bus dropped them off at a local Library in Little winging. When they got there they went down an alley and Harry took of his invisibility cloak and put a back baseball cap on to cover his face a bit, just in case. He put the cloak in the bottom of his small rucksack, that was filled with booze he had left and some weed and they made their way down to the park.

After a 20 minute walk Harry and Ella reached the park and they saw figures up ahead wrapped in coats and scarf's.

"Harry!" shouted summer and she ran up to him and jumped into his arms for a hug.

"Summer!" laughed Harry "Wow you've beaten Davy tonight"

"I'm not drunk" she giggled

"Harry, you alright man" said Davy giving him a slap on the back

"Yeah 'cept its fucking freezing" said Harry wishing it was summer hear again.

"Oh by the way guys, this is Ella, she goes to my school" Harry said bringing Ella forward

"Hi" she smiled

Everyone introduced themselves and Lucy and Davy started passing drinks around and roll ups. Will started a fire to warm up and they all circled around it.

"So Ella" started Lucy who was sitting next to her, "What's our Harry like at school?"

Every one grinned "I bet he's a right little swot in real life" said Davy

"Just ignore Davy, he was never really in the right state of mind for school were you?" said Lucy

"They kept kicking me out when I got drunk in school" he replied leaning against the tree trunk behind him

Ella laughed "Harry's almost as bad, he keeps getting high and falling asleep in class from what I've heard"

Everyone laughed.

"Davy has to be the worst though. Did he tell you the head teacher story?" asked Will

"Oh shit, you've got to hear this one" said Summer

"So Davy was tripping out on something in the middle of the school day and I had spent all lunch time trying to keep him in the court yard out of everyone's way. I turn away for about a second and he's fucking legged it and later on I found out he had broken into the head masters office. So the headmaster comes back from his lunch break to find Davy clawing at his filing cabinet screaming 'I WANT TO GO TO NARNIA!"

Everyone burst out laughing and couldn't stop for what felt like hours.

"I was so close to getting expelled that day" said Davy still smiling

"You didn't get expelled?" asked Ella incredulously taking a long drag of a joint

"Nah, just made some excuses up about problems at home..."

Harry looked up at this. No one else had noticed, but he had heard a change in Davy's tone. It was the kind of tone that tried to remain casual, the kind of tone that Harry had used all the way through his childhood while living with the Dursleys. He never really knew much about Davy's family. Only that his mum left when he was really young and he never really mentioned his dad but Lucy said that he was a drunk. Perhaps it was this reason that Harry and Davy had become such good friends in such a short amount of time.

The night went on and soon they all forgot about the cold night and they all got completely smashed. Harry hadn't had this much fun since the summer ended. He did lines of coke with everyone, even Ella who had never really tried it before and didn't know Harry took it. Usually he would have been a bit wary of telling anyone who knew the truth about him but at the time he was too drunk to care. Ella seemed to fit in really well with everyone and was dancing with the rest of the girls round the fire they made.

"Oi! Harry!" said Davy in a low slurred voice

"Yeah?" slurred Harry

"Come follow me" he said and grabbed Harry by the wrist and pulled him towards the darker bit of the park where there were more trees. They stopped when they were a bit of a distance away from the others. He let go of Harry's wrist and got something out of his pocket. It was a lighter, a sweet wrapper and a packet of brown stuff.

"Just wanted to get way for a while" said Davy and Harry watched as he started to boil the brown powder in the sweet wrapper and he then dragged Harry down to sit next to him against the tree. Once it had boiled Davy lowered his nose to it and started to snort the fumes.

"Wanna bit?" said Davy raising his hands clumsily to Harry. Harry bent down and snorted it the same as Davy did and leaned back to absorb all of the high.

Davy finished it off and leaned against Harry slightly.

"Feels good don't it?" he said



The 6 of them woke up the next morning in the abandoned building Davy had healed all Harry's injuries a months back. They were in a back room where there were a few makeshift beds and old furniture that must have belonged to the old residents. They were surrounded by empty bottles and cigarettes and joints everywhere. Harry was lying on a mattress on the floor and Ella was lying down on his chest. Davy was in a heap on the floor next to Will and Lucy while summer was curled up on a small armchair. It was a cold morning and light had entered the building through the holes in the walls that used to be windows.

"Fuck. My head" said Harry sleepily as he tried to lean up.

"Fuck, my back" said Lucy getting up off the floor and stretching "I'm getting too old to be doing this anymore"

Everyone slowly woke themselves up and passed around water and pills that Davy kept on him. Everyone huddled up in the blankets that Lucy had brought and tried to bring themselves round.

"What time is it?" asked Summer

"13.15" said Will gesturing to the old clock on the wall.

Ella and Harry looked at each other.

"Fuck, I thought we were only out a few hours" said Ella

"We should have been back by 7 ish" said Harry

"Seriously?" asked Lucy "How did you guys get here so fast in the first place?"

"We already were on the train when you rang, it only takes about 3 hours" lied Harry.

"3 hours on the train for a few hours in the park? Jeez you must really love us Harry" Davy said mockingly with a smile

"Yeah well, I need out of there. But now they are already probably trying to hunt us down" said Harry

"Really?" asked Will "In our school they usually like it when the students skip a few days, it gives them time to recover"

"Yeah, I wonder why" laughed Harry looking pointedly at Davy

Harry knew he was already it trouble but he couldn't care right now, in fact he was almost happy to see what the professors reactions would be when he gets back. He knew they would already be panicking. Hermione would have told on him and it wouldn't take them all long to discover that he was lying about having a detention. Hopefully that would be an indicator that he left of his own will and he wasn't kid napped by death eaters. 'Why did everything have to be so complicated?'

"What are you guys gonna do now?" asked Lucy

"Dunno" started Harry "Fuck going back yet, I can't be bothered"

"Yeah, we're already in enough trouble, might as well enjoy our last bits of freedom" said Ella dramatically

"Will you really get in that much trouble?"

"Nah, we'll probably just lie and say we were trapped in a broom cupboard or something. It's worked before..." said Ella

Lucy, summer and Will soon left to sleep off their hangovers for work in the evening, leaving Davy, Ella and Harry to talk.

"I'm starving" said Ella and she got up and leaned out of the glass-less window to look into the street. She spotted a small fish and chip shop and went out to get everyone something for lunch.

"You know, there's still quite a lot of drink left in these bottles" said Davy picking up and inspecting a tequila bottle before downing the rest of the contents.

"When d'you think your gonna get the train back?" he continued

"Probably early evening. We don't want the staff to have heart attacks" said Ella. Even though Harry knew waiting so long before returning was probably a bad idea, the thought of returning to Hogwarts after all the fun they had in the last few hours completely crushed him.

"How about making you train journey back a little more fun?" said Davy smirking

Harry looked at Ella "Drinking to cure a hangover, does that actually work?"

"Course it does, I've been drunk for a week now" replied Davy with a bright smile

"Well, it is a Friday, and train journeys are rather boring" said Ella

Davy laughed "Exactly, drink up"

Harry and Ella took it easy for the first hours after waking but it didn't take long for them to get drunk again considering how much they had had last night. When Harry looked back at how much he could take at the start of his summer he realised how much of a tolerance he had grown, probably due to the fact he was drunk and high pretty much all of the time. He felt himself drift into numbness again. If only he could feel like this forever.

It was 4pm when Ella and Harry left to get the night bus. As a leaving gift Davy gave them both 2 ecstasy pills each, which they had taken on the walk to where they would signal for the bus. They laughed and tripped over themselves all the way, Harry was pretty surprised he could still walk. His hands were shaking a lot, which was weird as he had already had his usual does of coke that kept the shakes down, and he had even more alcohol than usual.

Ella signalled for the bus while Harry remained under his invisibility cloak so he would not be caught and it was 40 minutes before they made it to their stop. They got out clumsily and Ella joined Harry under the cloak as they went through the passage from honey dukes into Hogwarts. Harry knew he was totally baked, but Ella was completely gone. She wouldn't stop laughing the whole way back, especially when they got into Hogwarts.

"We made it!" laughed Ella "Shit the night bus and ecstasy was a brilliant idea" she shouted

"Ella SSSHHHH. Don't wake anyone up" he laughed as they tried to walk down the corridor as casually as they could without falling over

"But its dinner time now... Fuucckk where is everyone?" whispered Ella

"We could ask you the same thing" came a cold stern voice from behind them

Harry turned around to face his head of house who was looking very angrily at them.

"Follow me" she said coldly and she led them silently to Dumbledore's office. When they entered they saw that Snape was already in there. 'Oh great' he thought to himself.

The headmaster signalled them to sit in the chairs opposite his desk while Snape and McGonagall stood by the door, but made no attempts to leave.

The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes had gone and he looked disappointed. Right now that just made Harry want to smile he thought bitterly.

"Where have you been?" he asked calmly

Ella just burst out giggling. Harry just smirked and tried not to laugh and looked at the corner on the head masters desk. If someone had told him that in the future he could be found stoned in the head masters office he would have laughed, probably just like Ella is laughing now. This went on for a few minutes before Dumbledore sighed.

"You have nothing to say for yourselves?"

"We got locked in a broom closet?" said Ella between laughs, which set Harry off. He had to laugh at that.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair.

"Mineva, would you please take Miss Fenton to the hospital wing to recover"

The head of house led Ella out of the room while Snape gave a disgusted look at them.

"Severus would you please give us a minute"

Harry was still smirking and not looking at the head master. He was still completely stoned and didn't really know what he was doing here.

"You worried a lot of people today Harry" started the old man "Including Miss Granger and Mr Weasley. We thought you were in danger and you could have gotten yourself hurt or killed because of your actions. I can't make you take this war seriously Harry, but you would think with all the sacrifices people have made for you that you would make an effort. We will discuss your punishment later"

Harry didn't say a thing, he didn't even look at him, but he heard every word.

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