Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

60.4K 1.3K 418

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 7

2.7K 59 22
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 7, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language

Chapter Seven

Hermione, Ron and Harry made their way into the great hall for the start of term feast and sat in their usual places on the Gryffindor table. Heads turned as Harry walked in and at least half the hall was standing up to get a glimpse of 'the-chosen-one'. Harry just tried to keep his head up high and ignore the staring and the whispers. He wished people would stop looking at him though. He didn't deserve the attention or the awed looks, he shouldn't be rewarded for getting someone killed.

Once he had sat down he scanned the hall for people he knew. He saw some of the Ravenclaw friends he made last year during DA and his other friends from Hufflepuff like Ernie and Hannah. He then looked over towards the Slytherin table and spotted Draco Malfoy and his goons. Harry knew he needed to be wary of Malfoy after the Department of Mysteries last year. He made it clear that he wanted revenge and he could easily get help from his fellow Slytherins as most of their dads are death eaters. He really needed to watch his back this year and he would start by making a list of all the people he would need to look out for and training more so he was ready when the next attack came. Knowing Harry's luck, it would be pretty soon. He laid his head on the tabled waiting for the food to come.

"Harry?" he heard someone say in his ear while prodding him

"Harry! Wake up!"

Harry opened his eyes and looked up to see the table covered in food of every kind and drinks. Hermione backed off seeing he was now awake.

"Was happen?" asked Harry sleepily sitting up and sniffing and rubbing his nose. Seamus and Dean, who were sitting by him, laughed at him.

"You bored Harry?" laughed Seamus. Harry just have a small laugh and turned to Hermione.

"You fell asleep during the sorting" said Hermione

"Lucky him, he didn't have to listen to sorting hat go on and on" said Ron

"Ron it had some pretty important information in that song about you know who"

"Yeah whatever" replied Ron "You missed Dumbledore's speech as well"

"Anything interesting?" asked Harry

"Just some stuff about you-know-who and how we must all stay united, the usual" said Ron

"Hmm" said Harry. He couldn't believe he fell asleep at the Gryffindor table, if he wanted to keep on using at Hogwarts he would have to try and disguise it better.

After the feast everyone was completely full, except for Harry who barely touched his food as he was starting to feel sick. Everyone was making their way out of the hall when Malfoy decided to make his presence known.

"How were your holidays Potter?" Draco started "I heard your dog died" he shouted across the entrance hall.

"Say that again Malfoy to my face" shouted Harry back. This was the one good thing about coming back to Hogwarts; he could hurt somebody, somebody who deserved it. He had spent most the holidays feeling angry with no release besides quite a few drunken fights, quite a few he had managed to win, but this would be better. Draco wasn't just some random drunk guy that made a bad comment or started harassing a friend. Draco had tried to pick on him for years now for no reason, his family have tried to kill him on numerous occasions now and his dear aunt killed his only father figure. All this and everything Harry has been through in his life and this rich kid comes to make fun of him, it made him want to kill someone.

Malfoy being the arrogant idiot he is strutted over to where he and a few other Gryffindor were standing, with some of his Slytherin mates for support.

"Harry come on, just ignore it" started Hermione but was interrupted by Malfoy

"Aww what's the matter Potter, has-" but Malfoy was cut off as Harry punched him square in the face. Draco's 'guards' came straight over to check he was okay and Crabbe and Goyle started towards Harry threateningly.

"Get him!" shouted Draco.

Before anyone else had time to react Goyle punched Harry in the jaw and Harry punched him in the gut. Everyone in the entrance hall was watching as people were walking over to Harry to back him up in the fight, which was three against one right now, when Snape burst through the dungeon doors.

"What's going on here?" said Snape coldly

Harry ignored him and looked at Draco

"What Malfoy? Can you only win when it's three against one?"

"Ahh Mr Potter" said Snape with a smirk "Barley an hour in school and you've already started a fight. 40 points off Gryffindor"

As the Slytherins smirked as the Gryffindor students were about to argue he shouted to the rest of the hall

"Go up to your dormitories immediately. Now"

"Not you potter" he continued "You come with me"

Harry followed Snape's fast pace down to the dungeons leading towards his office.

"My, my Potter. One day in and you've already got your first detention. This added to the four I gave you in the holidays looks you'll be spending a whole week cleaning cauldrons and sorting out the stock room" said Snape snidely

"Whatever" Harry replied impassively, trying to ignore his comments. He hated Snape so much right now.

Snape looked down at the boy who still looked so ill. It doesn't look like he's improved much health wise from their last Occlumency lesson. They went into Snape's office and organised the detentions he would be having along with more snarky comments from Snape. Snape decided Harry would come round at 7pm every night until Saturday. However Harry left the Dungeons in a fairly good mood, to him a whole month of detentions would have been worth the look on Malfoys face after he punched him in the face.

"Harry I can't believe you just did that!" said Hermione as soon as he joined them in the Gryffindor common room. On his way to his usual table people kept patting his back congratulating him.

"Good on you mate, he's been asking for it for years" said Ron laughing

"Ron! He just punched someone in front of the whole school" said Hermione scandalised

"You mean like you did in the third year?" Harry replied with mocking concern

"Yes, well, that was different" said Hermione blushing

Ron and Harry raised their eyebrows at her

"Harry I just worry about you, you can't let him get to you that easily" said Hermione seriously

"Its fine Hermione, it wasn't even a proper fight" said Harry flippantly

"Goyle did get you in the stomach" said Ron with concern in his voice "It did look pretty painful..."

His stomach had been quite uncomfortable on his way up to the common room, but it wasn't that painful so he dismissed it.

"Its fine, for such a big guy he really can't punch properly" said Harry jokingly

"Okay mate, if you say so" said Ron disbelievingly

Harry said goodnight to everyone and made his way up to the dormitories. He sat on his bed and started some of the charms he had learnt in the holidays. One of them was a silencing charm for when he occasionally started screaming blue murder in the middle of the night. The second charm was for himself and was a glamour charm. It would start to make him look healthier and less like a junkie. The charm had strengths and he would simply strengthen it a bit each day so it looks like he's gradually getting healthier, as though he is really recovering from an illness. He put a weak glamour on himself now and would continue to strengthen it every night.

Before actually going to sleep Harry made his way into the dormitory bathrooms, which in Harry's opinion were the perfect design for him to hide out or take drugs when he needed to without suspicion. The bathroom was made up of fully concealed cubicles with toilets in them on one side and showers on the other side. There were no gaps in the cubicles, just a proper door with a lock, so nobody could see smoke coming from out of them or peer through any gaps and see what he was doing.

He went into one of the toilet cubicles and locked the door. He got out his bottle of whiskey that Davy had gotten him and took a long swig, then he reached for a roll up in his hidden pocket in his jacket and lit up. He felt the phone inside his pocket that summer had given him. Right now he couldn't even turn the phone on properly; he would need to get the charm to fix that first. He took a long drag of the spliff, wishing he could be with Davy and summer again. They would make things feel better.

The next day everyone was gathered in the great hall for breakfast while the years timetable was been handed out. Harry reluctantly made his way over to Ron and Hermione, if it wasn't for the timetable he wouldn't have bothered coming down for breakfast. Like last night, he tried to ignore all the stares coming his way, except these stares were for a whole different reason completely then last night. As he sat down in his usual place he looked over towards the Slytherin table but he couldn't see any sign of Malfoy and his crew yet.

"Hey" said Ron

"Harry you're looking much better then yesterday, are you feeling any better?" started Hermione

"Hi guys, and yes Hermione, I'm feeling better" replied Harry simply

"You heard anything from Malfoy yet?" asked Ron in a low voice while piling some bacon onto his plate.

"Nah, not yet" replied Harry tiredly, despite his fake appearance, he was tired and on a come down from all the stuff he took last night. He spent most of the night in the bathroom exercising and just simply walking about. To do this he had to put a silencing charm on the door and a sensory charm to alert him if anyone came out of bed in the night to use the bathroom.

Hermione looked like she was going to comment on Harry's currently empty plate when he interrupted her.

"Hermione, do you know anything and magic and phones? You know, like how to make a mobile work in Hogwarts?" asked Harry hoping that she wouldn't ask too many questions.

"I think there are some spells you could try... wizards are starting to incorporate muggle technology into their world, I could have a look for you. Why do you ask?" asked Hermione curiously

"I got a mobile over the summer, just thought it would be useful" said Harry. He decided he wouldn't mention anything about Davy and the others here. They were two different lives and he wanted to keep them separate. Plus Hermione and the Order might get suspicious of them.

"I could put a magic concealing charm on it for now so you can at least switch it on?"

"Okay" replied Harry giving the mobile to Hermione. She muttered a spell under her breath and handed it back to Harry who promptly turned the phone on.

"Cool" muttered Ron watching the phone "So you can call other muggles with that? Like anywhere else in the world?" he asked amazed

"Yeah, these have been around for ages now" said Harry while discreetly looking through his phones pictures from summer.

"You really need to catch up Ron" said Hermione disapprovingly.

The three of them received their timetables and headed off to their first lesson, Transfiguration. Today they were starting human transfigurations starting off with theory on changing hair colours. As professor McGonagall was talking Harry was sat at the back with Ron and Hermione and zoning out thinking about the summer he had. Davy and the rest would probably be asleep at this time of the day, except the girls maybe, he knew they had jobs. Did they go to school? He thought to himself, high school would have finished for them by now and they would have 6th form or college. He didn't even know what they were doing yet.

"Mr Potter!" shouted a sharp voice breaking his daydreaming

"Wha?" said Harry dreamily lifting his head off the desk, when he moved though he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked around to see an angry professor McGonagall staring at him.

"Potter would you please pay attention! I asked you, what are the components for Larentia's theory?"

Harry shrugged impassively with his head still resting on his hand. Why was his stomach hurting? He thought to himself.

"See me after class potter"

The lesson carried on and Harry was ignoring Hermione's disapproving glances. He hadn't had a hit since yesterday and hadn't slept much and it was starting to take a toll on him. His hands had started shaking a bit and he was finding it hard to use a quill, pens would have been so much easier right now. As soon as he was out of this lesson he would go straight back up to the dormitories to get some coke and maybe sneak a cigarette too. It was okay today as he had a free period next which would be handy for the next year for his habits.

After class he went to McGonagall to lose 5 points for Gryffindor and be told off about the fight with Malfoy the night before and for the daydreaming.

"I hope this is not the type of behaviour I will be seeing from you for the rest of the year Mr Potter"

And with that she dismissed him and he met up with Ron and Hermione and they headed back to the common room.

Harry walked into the bathroom wincing as he walked, he had just excused himself from Ron and Hermione and desperately needed a hit. By now his stomach was really hurting; he went up to the mirror out of curiosity and lifted up his shirt.

"Fuck" he muttered to himself. His stomach had purple bruising all in the centre where Goyle had hit him yesterday. He didn't understand, it didn't hurt him at the time, why did it hurt now? Then he remembered the drugs. Cocaine was also a kind of painkiller, so was cannabis and the alcohol also numbs nerves, or something like that he thought to himself. Now the effects are wearing off he can feel it again.

He just stared in the mirror for ages, had he done so much self medicating that he can't feel bruises that big? He knew this was bad but at the same time he wished he had had some of this stuff when he was younger, when he was really injured.

He locked himself in a cubical and started cutting up lines of coke. He snorted the lines and sat back against the wall and let himself drift off. He felt his energy come back and pain the pain all over his body started to subside. He then got out the smaller whiskey bottle he brought with him and took a few mouthfuls. Alcohol always made the high better. He didn't usually drink like this this early in the day but what was the point of staying in pain?

After 5 minutes Harry bounced back up and went back down to see Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys!" he said cheerfully

"Hi" said Ron uncertainly looking at Harry slightly strangely

"We're just starting the homework Professor McGonagall set us" said Hermione watching Harry as he was fidgeting about in his chair

"Homework already? It's the first day back! Anyone fancy a jog?"

Ron and Hermione stared at him dumbfounded. Harry started sniffing again.

"Harry are you ill again?" asked Hermione slightly worried

"Yeah, since when have you wanted to jog?" asked Ron, the thought of extra exercise making him tired.

"I'm fine! Just bored, I've practically been locked up all summer, I feel like running somewhere" said Harry calmly

Hermione relaxed a bit. "Well you don't have enough time to go running yet... we only have half an hour before double charms"

"Fine" said Harry exasperated "Homework it is"

Harry started writing enthusiastically on the parchment on the subject McGonagall had set.

"Merlin Harry, how'd you get so much ink on your hands?" asked Ron 20 minutes later as they were packing up their things read to go to charms.

Harry looked down and laughed to seeing that his hands were covered in ink, as was his sheet of finished homework.

It was 6.45pm and Harry was making his way down to the dungeons for his first of many detentions with professor Snape. He felt like shit and the feeling was only mildly improved by the extra whiskey he had instead of going down to the great hall for dinner. As he made his way down the empty corridors he gave into his cravings and decided it would be safe enough to have a cigarette. He lit up on a 4th floor corridor and made his way slowly down to the dungeons. Instead of getting there through the entrance hall he decided to take a secret passageway so he could enjoy smoking without getting caught.

10 minutes later he left the passage way that went into the dungeon and took a big drag of his cigarette and turned towards Snape's office. But as he did turn he bumped into somebody and they dropped the books they were carrying in their arms. He recognised the guy to be Blaise something, he scowled and Harry from the floor while picking up his things and Harry replied simply by blowing out the smoke he'd been holding in and stubbing out the cigarette on the floor with his foot.

"Soz" he said defiantly

"Dumb ass potter, watch where the fuck your going" said Blaise eying Harry and the cigarette suspiciously. He then stormed off.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, stupid Slytherins he thought to himself. He went and banged on the potions masters door and waited for a reply. The door magically opened and he saw Snape at his desk marking essays. He briefly looked up at him and told him to sit on the chair opposite him.

"You will spend the next week cleaning and re-organising the student stock cupboard, if it is not done to my standards then I will make you come back until it is done properly. Understand?" asked Snape coldly

"Yeah. Sir"

Snape gave him another cold look.

"We also have the matter of Occlumency lessons. They will now be every Monday at 7pm, I think once a week will suffice for now. You may start" said Snape gesturing towards the student stock cupboard.

Harry reluctantly made his way towards the cupboard and started sorting out all of the potions. He carried on for the next 2 and a half hours until he was dismissed so he wasn't held past curfew.

Harry lit up another cigarette not caring if he got caught after all the time he had just spent in that cupboard. He took his time going back to the common room all the while dreading the next 4 nights with Snape.

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