Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.1K 1.2K 413

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 5

2.6K 62 6
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 5, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language, mild violence

Chapter 5

Three weeks had passed since Harry's Birthday and things were starting to look better for Harry. His friends had stopped sending overly worried letters to him after giving them long detailed reply thank you letters for the gifts and he and Snape had been doing relatively well in their Occlumency lessons. They were still arguing like usual and he has earned another three detentions for when he goes back to school but he did his best to make sure he looked more presentable and tried his best to care about these extra lessons. Harry knew if he didn't do this then Dumbledore and the Order would try to interfere (as usual) and he'd never be let out of their sight again, a privilege that has only been given to him this summer.

Unknown to Harry Snape was looking out for anything unusual and carefully studied the home whenever he was in it, by being a spy he noticed things other people didn't. He noticed that there were no pictures of him on the walls and his aunt and uncle seemed to have little contact with him at all times. He also noticed that his uncle and cousin were very overweight yet Harry had always been on the thin side. But this didn't prove much as it could just be a matter of genes or he just didn't eat as much. There were no clear signs of abuse (besides the original bruise on his face) and Harry didn't seem to show any signs either; he constantly kept himself impassive or angry when Snape was around. Even though there were no immediate signs of abuse there was still something wrong Snape thought. Even though there were no more bruises or injuries Harry still looked pale, thin and generally ill and exhausted. Dumbledore had suggested it could be due to him grieving for the mutt, but it still didn't seem right. Severus couldn't concern himself with it; the boy wasn't in any immediate danger and won't say what's wrong so for Snape it was a closed case.

To maintain this facade Harry's drug taking had become more frequent. So Snape would never suspect any of the occasional injuries he had gained from his uncle (that were now concentrated on this torso so no one suspected anything) he would take larger doses of weed and cocaine. This would provide a great pain killer but by taking them together, Harry found it cancels out the high so his professor wouldn't see him completely baked and report that to his headmaster instead.

Today Harry found himself in his usual routine again vacuuming the living room. His uncle Vernon popped his head round the door

"Where's your aunt?" he asked gruffly

"Out back" said Harry impassively knowing his uncle was going to start trying to wind him up.

"I don't like your tone boy"

"I don't like yours" Harry replied

"You ungrateful-" started Vernon walking towards Harry

"Ah" said Harry "Wouldn't you prefer me to finish my chores first before you bust my chest in? It kind of makes me work harder" said Harry

"You better watch it boy" his uncle said warningly and he stalked off towards the back garden.

He wondered if he should have answered back but after living with the Dursleys for so many years he's realised he's going to get punished whatever he does, so he might as well do something to wind them up on the way.

It was only one week until he had to go back to Hogwarts and he was already starting to feel claustrophobic mixed with panic. He knew he wasn't even remotely ready to go back. This Saturday he would be leaving for the Weasley's and going with them to Diagon Alley and staying at the burrow until they return to Hogwarts on the Monday.

He finished his chores for the day and had another pitiful dinner before heading upstairs to kill some time by doing some exercise and wait until it was later enough for him to sneak out to the park.

When he got there he was met by Summer and Lucy dancing on the benches singing Abba songs at the top of their voices while Will and Davy watched laughing. He walked over to the guys and sat with them.

"Y'alright Harry?" asked Davy

"Yeah, is that gonna be going on for long?" he replied nodding at the girls

"I'd probably start drinking if I were you, Davy's about a Stella away from joining them" answered Will

"I wish I was dear William but unfortunately I don't think I can stand right at the moment" replied Davy

Harry laughed and started to smoke a joint that Will had given him.

"Right, let's get down to business" said Davy trying not to slur too much.

"Harry is going away to his fancy school in one week, where there is no alcohol or drugs available anywhere" continued Davy

"You sure about that?" Will asked Harry, "Maybe you haven't looked hard enough"

"I'm sure, it's a very err... sheltered place" said Harry taking a long drag of the joint. This was partly true, he knew a few places he could get weed but he can't afford anybody that close to him (or Dumbledore) to know he's buying this sort of stuff, he doesn't even want to imagine what would happen if Rita Skeeter found out...

"Okay then, do you have the money?" asked Davy

"Yep" replied Harry and he handed Davy £220 in notes.

"This will get you through the first month" said Davy passing a bag over to Harry and pocketing the money Harry gave him. Harry raised his eyebrows, that was a lot of stuff for only £220.

"I know, I got it at a discounted price due to some troubles..." said Davy

"What happened?" asked Will

"You don't want to know, but on the plus side we have a stash of coke that should last us a while" replied Davy brightly

"So what about after the first month of school? Are you gonna send me some stuff?" asked Harry.

"Course we are" replied Davy "You got the address?"

"Yeah" said Harry getting out a piece of paper "You just have to write the address on it then my name underneath it". Hogwarts had developed a system for muggle borns to easily contact the school if they needed to. The muggles were given an address to send it to, where a muggle post man can deliver it to, then the letter is forwarded on to Hogwarts by owls.

"Okay, then you send your money to this address" said Davy handing a piece of paper to Harry. "Its Summers house address, it's less obvious then mine, no one will search though any of her post"

"Sounds good" said Harry

"Next thing to think about is how we are going to conceal the stuff we send you. Does your school check packages? I know some do" said Davy

Harry thought about it. Last year Umbridge had intercepted all his letters and with Voldemort getting stronger certain precautions with the mail coming in and out might be in place, especially for him. But they will most likely be looking for dark objects or curses Harry thought. It's unlikely they'll think to look for drugs or alcohol.

"It's possible that they'll be checking some packages" Harry said

"Okay we've dealt with stuff like that before, we'll just find a way to hide them in something else or sneak it in some other way maybe..."

"Its fine" said Harry "It's not like airport security. As long as it's not just a bag of weed lying around in an envelope then it should be fine"

"We can work round that" replied Davy nodding and helping himself to some more vodka.

Harry joined in and started to down the vodka Davy offered him. The usual happy feeling from the alcohol started to flow around him as he felt all his troubles go away.

Harry arrived back 'home' at 5am and climbed through his window and wondered whether he should try to get some sleep or not. Recently he had been having more and more nightmares courtesy of Voldemort. He had been waking up more due to the visions he was getting from him, usually involving him torturing somebody or plotting things, quite often Harry's death. Sighing he decided against it right away and went back to doing some press ups and sit ups until he crashed an hour later. Two hours later, just before his aunt was going to call him for breakfast, he snorted some coke from his desk and went to wash up quickly before his other relatives got up.

Snape was due to come in two days for their last Occlumency lesson before term started again. For the last three weeks he had been careful to make sure he had a fairly good night's sleep the day before and tried to make sure he didn't have too much of a hangover. But he decided seeing as it's the last lesson and the holidays would be practically over; it wouldn't matter what state Harry was in, no one was going to take him away a few days before leaving. He could tell that Dumbledore had asked Snape to check up on him after seeing him with the bruise. Dumbledore always interfered.

The Order had just had their last meeting before Hogwarts would start again. They were discussing the new security measures that would be in place round the school and making a time table for the members to come and guard the school. At the end of the meeting Dumbledore had asked Snape to stay behind, for what he presumed would be about his spying on Voldemort. Snape had discovered that Voldemort was planning to attack a muggle village in Cornwall in the next week and they had been making preparations for this all week. However, to Snape's annoyance, the headmaster wanted to talk about Potter again.

"How is Harry doing Severus?" asked Dumbledore

"The same as last time headmaster, he's still unable to show any capability of Occlumency" said Snape

"I mean how is he himself? Anything else unusual?" asked the headmaster concerned

"No professor, nothing had changed, he's the same as usual" replied Snape getting annoyed, he had already told Dumbledore everything he had seen while at potter's relative's house.

"Hmm" replied Dumbledore

"Why do you ask headmaster? I gave you my report on him last week" said Snape

"You are aware who Arabella Figg is?" asked Dumbledore

"Yes, she lives on Potters street" replied Snape

"Well she informed me a couple of days ago that she saw Harry climbing through his window back into his house at 6 in the morning when she was letting her cat in" said Dumbledore

"That is most peculiar" agreed Snape with an impassive face

"Indeed" said Dumbledore "She said it was though he sneaking back in from somewhere, but from what I'm aware he doesn't have anywhere to go around Little winging"

"Fool" said Snape harshly "Everyone is trying to protect him and he's sneaking off to walk around at night"

"Now now Severus, this was only once, we don't know what's going on yet"

Snape merely nodded. He didn't think taking protection of Harry's house was the best idea in the world. But Dumbledore said it was okay seeing as there were no plans of Voldemort about an attack on Harry's and he promised to stay in the house all summer.

"What do you suggest we do?" asked Snape icily

"Nothing Severus, he only had a few days left there. The sooner we get him out of there the better" said Dumbledore

Snape just nodded again and was dismissed. Harry bloody Potter he thought, he can't just do what he's told, even with the most simplest of tasks like staying in his house. Even though he hated the boy he still could sense there was something not right about him since Sirius's death. The boy had changed for the worst. It would be interesting to see what he's like back in Hogwarts he thought to himself.

The next two days went by in a blur for Harry. He and his group had been celebrating so much in the last few days knowing that they soon had to go back to school and work. Harry had hardly slept at all in the last 40 hours or so and was completely relying on coke to keep him awake. He was so stoned he couldn't feel any of the bruises on his stomach and back anymore that he had received the other night from a fight with someone he couldn't quite remember, which was strange because he swore he had a few cracked ribs but he couldn't feel a thing.

It was after his chores when his body finally crashed and he fell unconscious on his bedroom floor. He had completely forgotten about Snape's lesson due to him completely losing his sense of time in the last few days but was reminded quite aggressively by his dear aunt.

He woke up to his aunt roughly nudging him in his ribs with her foot. Harry winced where she kicked him, finally feeling the pain he had avoided for the last few days.

"Get up now you lazy child!" yelled his aunt "Your teacher has arrived, we're not answering it"

Shit! Harry thought to himself as his aunt quickly walked out of the room. He felt so ill, like he had the flu and he had been unconscious for two hours now. He ran down the stairs and quickly put on a large hoodie and opened the door to find his professor there.

"About time potter-" he started coldly but then stopped suddenly looking Harry over, he looked quite shocked for a moment but then quickly went back to impassive. But Harry still noticed, he didn't think he looked that bad even though he felt like shit. He desperately needed a hit but he couldn't risk doing it while Snape was here. He would have to wait.

He led him up to his bedroom and Snape started entering his mind again. Harry was able to change the direction of the incriminating memories so Snape wouldn't see anything too bad but he still found it hard to actually push Snape out of his mind.

"Potter, are you incapable of any kind of improvement?" Snape snarled

Harry picked himself off of the floor and sat back down in his chair. His body was craving for some kind of release; coke, weed, alcohol, just anything that could make him feel better. Snape stopped his rant for a moment and looked at Harry's hands that were visibly shaking.

Snape sighed "Potter are you ill?" asked Snape


"Really? Because your hands seem to indicate otherwise" said Snape snidely

Harry raised his hands mockingly "Huh" he said "That's strange". He then hid his hands in the long sleeves of his hoodie and crossed his arms and stare back defiantly at Snape. He would kill for a line of coke right now. Snape was still staring at him fidgeting and Harry clenched his fists to try stop the shaking, digging his nails into his palm. The pain this caused him gave him a very small release and he relaxed slightly while mentally telling himself over and over in just over an hour he can take drugs again.

"Potter stop wasting my time, if you are sick then there is no point having this session" said Snape angrily

"Okay then I'm sick" replied Harry hoping he escaped doing Occlumency with Snape for the rest of the holidays. Snape noticed this and looked into Harry's eyes properly for the first time today. He noticed how they were glazed and bloodshot and how dilated his pupils are. He'd seen this before with some of his students...

"Potter have you taken any illegal substances in the last 24 hours?" asked Snape. He thought about how he'd been acting in the holidays and how he'd been seen sneaking out his house at night.

Harry raised his eyebrows. He never thought he'd have this conversation with Snape.

"Drugs sir?" asked Harry innocently

"Yes Potter drugs and don't even think about lying to me"

"Where would I get drugs from?" asked Harry, who was now really hoping he wasn't still being watched 24/7 by members of the order.

"Answer the question" replied Snape coldly

"No I don't take drugs" replied Harry dully.

Snape looked into his eyes again, this time trying to look for any evidence that he was lying. Harry kept trying to clear his mind and think about random things like walking round school and Quidditch. It seemed to work for now but the potions master was still suspicious.

They left their lesson there after deciding Harry was too ill to carry on. Snape thought about the possibility of Harry taking drugs. He didn't think potter had it in him but at the same time it would be typical of the attention seeking brat to pull a stunt like this he thought to himself.

Harry didn't even wait for his professor to leave the house this time. As soon as he walked out his bedroom door he rushed over to his jacket where he had some cocaine left over from last night and started to line it up on his desk. 'That was a close one' he thought while inwardly laughing to himself.

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