Hooked - A Harry Potter Story

By StarRune

58.4K 1.2K 414

After the death of Sirius and learning the meaning of the prophecy, Harry starts taking drugs and drinking du... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Final Chapter

Chapter 2

2.7K 63 2
By StarRune

Hooked Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction


Not my fanfic. Credit CarlyS123 on Fanfiction.net

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language, mild violence

A/N Decided to write another chapter, please review and tell me how I'm doing. Enjoy :)

Chapter Two

Without noticing Harry was now in a routine of waking up, snort or smoke whatever stash he had left on him, doing his chores, argue with his 'family' (sometimes resulting in a fight), work out until exhausted, smoke some pot, get a few hours sleep, then meet up with the group in the park to get wasted. During one of his rare moments of awareness, he found it funny that a few weeks ago if anyone told him he would be getting drunk almost every night and doing drugs like cocaine and even heroin, which he had decided not to continue after its profound effects, he would have told them to see a shrink. Yet he was here in the park two days later with his new mates doing all of this. They were going a little over board as the night before they couldn't meet up as the rest of the group were busy. Harry laughed thinking what it would be like to be able to tell the group he couldn't make one night because he was busy, as though he had other friends and an exciting social life.

"Your guys are gonna love meee" said Lucy twirling round the bars on the swing set, trying to be elegant but swaying on her feet after everything she'd drank.

"Why? What did you do now?" asked Will

"Well tell me Will, have you got enough happiness in your life?" she asked and went and sat on Wills knee "Enough joy? Enough ecstasy? Hahahaha" she said while pulling out a pack of pills in a small plastic bag.

Harry and Davy were watching with amusement, they were already so drunk that they couldn't stand up properly so hand surrendered to the ground propped up against the park bench. Harry didn't know how much vodka or coke he's had, but by the way he couldn't read the no littering sign that was less than 5m in front of him meant he knew it must have been a lot. They were currently trying to roll up a joint each while watching the commotion with Lucy.

"What about you boys? Fancy some fun?" Lucy asked staggering over to Harry and Davy. Lucy was rarely this drunk in the park as she believed she had more sense than that, but tonight had been an exception.

"Harry" she started "we all know you could use a bit of fun"

"Bring it" laughed harry

She put the pill in between her tongue and her top teeth and went over and straddled harry on the floor, she then put her mouth to his, briefly kissing each other opened mouthed he took the pill and swallowed it. He smiled

"Thanks Luce" he said

She smiled and patted him on the cheek and turned to a gobsmacked Davy

"Hey I'd like a pill too" he said smirking

"Here" she said chucking the bag of pills at him then walked off to Summer who was dancing under the swing set.

"What! Where's the love? I was hoping for a little tongue with mine" shouted Davy

"Get Harry to do it" she replied laughing

"Nah I know where he's been" said Harry turning to Davy

Davy ignored him and pouted turning to Lucy who was already off into the park.

"Oh well" Davy said and took 3 pills at once with a shot of Tequila and shivered

"I hate that shit" said Harry looking at the bottle

"You've been drinking it all night" slurred Davy

"I like the effects, not the actual drink" said Harry. He was starting to feel more energetic and felt the need to get back up and start running. They all spent the rest of the night playing childish games like tag, just running round the park. At about 6am, they were still up until Harry and Will snorted two lines of coke each and both collapsed on the grass in the park.

"Hahaha shit, they're completely gone" said Lucy who had managed to sober up a bit more and the exercise.

"They're still alive right?" asked Davy slurred about to collapse at any point.

Summer jabbed them both with her toe causing harry to grunt before going back unconscious.

"Looks like it" said Summer who had laid down next to Harry on the grass with her head on his chest

"Let's hope so, its Wills turn to buy tomorrow" said Lucy

"Uh huh" replied Summer sleepily "Harry makes a nice cushion" she said drifting off to sleep

"You know I make a nice cushion too Luce" said Davy wiggling his eyebrows

"Shut up Davy" she replied with a smirk

Three hours later Harry woke up to someone shaking him roughly by the shoulders, he looked up and the blurry figure and noticed a weight on his chest. He looked down to see summer lying on him looking at him through glazed and sleepy eyes.

"Hi Harry" she said absently

"Hey" he replied groggily

He very slowly got to his feet and swayed and tried to help summer up. He had a killer headache and felt as though he was coming down with the flu. He sniffed rubbing his irritated nose caused from constantly snorting stuff.

"About time, I've been trying to wake you guys for the last hour. Davy's still out of it of course" said Lucy who looked tired but not as bad as Harry did at the moment

Harry looked at her blearily, he noticed he was still stoned as his vision swayed and he couldn't concentrate on anything.

"What time is it?" he asked

"Nine" she replied going over to try wake the other guys again

Harry's heart stopped, 9am, he should have been back making breakfast for the Dursleys at 7.30am. But after a barely second the feelings of dread went and were replaced with the same 'not caring' attitude he'd had since the start of the holidays. What could they do to him that hasn't already been done?

"You okay Harry? You look out of it?" Lucy asked, before he had a chance to reply she carried on "Hey seeing as its Saturday why don't we all meet up later on in the day, none of us are working so... You free?"

"Its Saturday?" asked Harry, sitting down on the bench trying not to fall down. That means he wouldn't get in trouble after all, the Dursleys wouldn't be up for another half hour or so on the weekends.

Lucy laughed "Harry you need to get outta that bubble your living in, Jeez I wouldn't be surprised if didn't know what year we're in"

Harry gave a small laugh. He lit up and took a long drag before saying good bye and starting his walk home. Again he sprayed himself and climbed through the window and over his desk when he noticed an opened letter by his nightstand.

"Ah shit" he mumbled. Snape was coming round today, in less than an hour and a half. He carried on looking at the letter then felt himself try to walk backwards but tripped and fell into a heap on the ground with a bang. 'Yep, still drunk' he thought to himself

"BOY!" came a shout from downstairs "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Harry rolled his eyes, usually he would try and sober up a bit but with by the way this day seemed to be going he decided that it didn't matter anymore. He walked down the stairs slowly so not to trip up again and met his uncle in the hallway.

"Well?" he asked

"Well what?" Harry replied blankly

"Don't get cocky with me boy" he threatened, "What the hell wall all that banging?"

"I'm learning to tap dance, looks like I need more practice though" said Harry with a serious face

His Uncle lunged at him, he put his big forearm against Harry's throat and shoved him against the wall. Harry stared back, right into his eyes. One thing anyone could never call Harry was a coward. Sure his uncle could beat the crap out of him when he wanted but Harry never gave him the satisfaction of crying or begging. Since he came home from school this time round he started answering his uncle back more without even thinking about it, he just didn't care what they did to him hear and he wanted to show that too them.

"You better watch your mouth boy and if I find out you've used any magic under my roof you won't make it out of here for your next school year. Is that clear boy?"

"Crystal" he replied with a smile

His Uncle then roughly pushed Harry's head into the wall and walked off while telling him to make his breakfast.

'That's going to leave a bruise' he thought while massaging his hand that was still sore from punching the wall the other day, it was made worse from last night's running around and then being shoved around by his uncle.

Harry went round the kitchen preparing the breakfasts for his relatives. Aunt Petunia just sat there reading a magazine while Harry did all the work. Surprisingly, it was his aunt that he hated the most out of all of them. Even though it was his uncle that treated him the worst, then there was Dudley who had bullied him and laughed when uncle Vernon verbally attacks him (He was never violent in front of Dudley) but his aunt, his own flesh and blood just watched, never saying anything, never showed him any compassion even when he was young. She had treated strangers kids nicer then she had ever treated harry. He could never understand how she could do that to her own nephew. His mother Lilly did nothing to her yet she completely neglected her own sisters' son.

He finished and served the breakfasts and got out of there. He didn't eat anything himself as he wasn't hungry; he never really was these days. He usually ate lunch and maybe a snack here and there, maybe some food at the park like take out but that was pretty much it. As he went out the kitchen he realised that he hadn't told the Dursleys that Snape would be coming round. He almost turned back around to tell them but then thought 'Let Snape deal with them'. He couldn't be bothered with any of this today. He slowly made his way up to his room and noticed how tired he was. He'd only had about 5 hours sleep in the last two days and it has caught up with him. So he decided for a quick pick me up just to get him through the next few hours. He went to his loose floorboard and got out some of his secret stash. He emptied some of the powder from a vial and made two lines on his desk and snorted them. He sniffed and rubbed his nose and got the remaining coke that was left on the desk and rubbed it round his mouth until he felt numb. He made sure all the evidence was completely hidden and waited on his bed.

At a few minutes past 11 there was a knocking on the front door and Harry heard his Uncle answering the door. He got out of bed and made his way downstairs to find his potions master and uncle face to face in their hallway. Snape was wearing his usual black robes and was glaring at Harry from the dark stairs.

"Boy what the hell is this?" asked his Uncle glaring at Harry with daggers in his eyes "Are you his Godfather?" he suddenly asked turning his glare to Snape, but Harry heard a hint of worry in his voice as he looked at the possible ex-convict standing in his house. Harry felt a slight jolt at the word Godfather but carried on looking impassive.

Snape gave him a mildly curious look wondering how his relatives didn't know that the boy who lived Godfather was dead.

"I am Potter's professor at school and have the unfortunate job of tutoring those who are less then competent in their school work during the holidays" Snape said icily.

Uncle Vernon looked like he was about to argue so Snape said in a menacing voice "If you happen to have a problem with this then you can take it up with the headmaster"

That did it thought Harry. The Dursleys always seemed scared of Dumbledore; he remembered the howler his aunt had gotten last year after the dementer attack.

"Potter" Snape said sharply indicating his head for them to go upstairs away from the rest of his relatives.

Harry rolled his eyes and lead Snape to his bedroom at the end of the hall. Snape noticed on his bedroom door were several locks on the outside of the door, his was the only door with them, he also noticed a cat flap on his door too. He thought it was strange but then he thought muggles were strange anyway.

Snape conjured two chairs in the small room and looked at Harry properly for the first time. He was definitely thinner and paler, he had dark circles and bags under his eyes, which were also blood shot and seemed misty. He noticed his bandaged hand and a bruise on his cheek. He also looked exhausted and ill. Harry then confirmed that when he sniffed and rubbed his eyes. He was looking at Snape expectantly.

"Do you know why I'm here potter" he asked

Harry shrugged "to teach me Occlumency"

Snape glared at him, the last thing he wanted to do is to waste his time with this brat

"Do you know why?"

Harry just shrugged again. He didn't look 'all there' to Snape. He was already growing impatient at is 'can't-be-bothered' attitude

"Potter, may I remind you that although we are outside of school I am still your professor, you will show respect and address me as 'sir" he said coldly

Harry yawned and blinked tiredly "Yes sir"

Snape scowled "The reason we have decided to carry on your Occlumency, after your dismal efforts last year, if that we have reason to believe he will attempt to carry on trying to get into your mind and control it. Something we cannot afford to happen this year"

Harry could barely contain rolling his eyes, always a mystery with them; they never tell him the 100% complete honest truth he thought to himself. His anger was rising again, he couldn't be bothered with this and he found himself becoming more irritated by the second.

"Why this year?" he asked while sniffing again

"Sir, potter"

"Why this year sir?"

"The Dark Lord grows ever stronger and we believe he may attempt to do something this year" he said quickly while getting his wand out of his pocket "now stop babbling potter and prepare your mind, Legilimens!" Like many times before he didn't give Harry any warning and started attacking his mind.

He was five years old at school where Dudley and his gang were picking on Harry. Then he was eight and being chased by Aunt Marge's dog. Harry then felt dread as he saw before his eyes Sirius laughing in Grimauld place last year at Christmas then the scene changed to the department of mysteries where he saw Sirius fall through the arch again.

Harry opened his eyes and found himself on his bedroom floor panting. He was feel very ill now and wished he could take something to calm himself down, but he would have to wait at least until Snape has gone.

"You lost control" Snape said annoyed "Get up!"

Harry got up slowly, he was still slightly drunk from last night and the happy high from the cocaine was starting to wear off fast in Snape's presence which he didn't believe could be possible. Harry just stared at Snape defiantly; he decided it would be best not to retaliate otherwise he might not be able to stop himself from attacking him.

Snape continued to get more and more impatient with Harry and his attitude throughout the next hour while Harry got more and more angry with Snape. Harry noticed that he seemed to be almost liking the anger inside him right now, he liked being able to feel something, instead of the usual impassiveness. Harry so far had only been able to push Snape out of his mind once and on their 7th try Harry's anger got the better of him.

"Legilimens!" Snape cast

Harry was in the park with his mates drinking. About a hundred dementers were gliding towards him and Sirius by the lake. Sirius in a cave in his 4th year, Cedric dying, hhhe was 7 and his aunt was screaming at him, Sirius falling through the arch

"NO!" Harry yelled

With that Snape had been pushed out of his mind and also pushed back against the wall with great force. Harry opened his eyes, he was covered in sweat and now looked a lot worse than before. He looked at Snape who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Damn it potter! You lost control again" snarled Snape

"What? I got you out my mind, I thought that was whole point of this fucking exercise!" Harry yelled back. He hated the control Snape had over him. What was Dumbledore thinking sending his enemy to go through his mind again. Those were his thoughts and memories and he didn't want that bastard going through them ever.

"Watch your mouth potter" said Snape threateningly "You are not supposed to use magic, that's the whole point, you're supposed to use your mind"

"I did use my mind" replied Harry sarcastically "I thought about hitting you in the face and off you went"

"Potter I'm warning you, you better learn your place, the chosen one or not" he said icily

"Pathetic, you can't block off your mind remotely after all the lessons I wasted last year. I'm not going to waste my time any more" he snarled, then swiftly walked out of the room

Harry sat there for a while then realised that he was shaking, whether it was from a withdrawal from one of the drugs he had taken in the last 24 hour hours or from the rage he was feeling after seeing Snape. He knew he was over doing it but it didn't stop him from getting a joint he had hidden under his nightstand, knowing any minute the Dursleys would come for him now his guest had gone. He went across the hall into the bathroom, locked the door and opened the window and started smoking. He took long drags and held it in for as long as possible to get the full effects, knowing that it could get him through the rest of today. When he had finished he sprayed everywhere and sure enough his Uncle called him down. Sighing, he slowly started to make his way downstairs while embracing the calm and light feeling from the cannabis that was taking over him.

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