Two Different Worlds (One Dir...

By shianngomez

6.4K 61 1

PLOT: Hey my name is Sara Cruz! I go too a private school and I am the head cheerleader! My best mates are Da... More

Two Different Worlds Chapter 2
Two Different Worlds Chapter 3
Two Different Worlds Chapter 4
Two Different Worlds Ch.5
Two Different Worlds Chapter 6
Two Different Worlds Chapter 7
Two Different Worlds Chapter 8
Two Different Worlds Chapter 9
Two Different Worlds Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Two Different Worlds Chapter 12
Two Different Worlds Chapter 13
Two Different Worlds Chapter 14
Two Different Worlds Chapter 15
Two Different Worlds Chapter 16
Two Different Worlds Chapter 17
Two Different Worlds Chapter 18
Two Different Worlds Chapter 19
Two Different Worlds Chapter 20
Two Different Worlds Chapter 21
Two Different Worlds Chapter 22
Two Different Worlds Chapter 23
Two Different Worlds Chapter 24
Two Different Worlds Chapter 25
Two Different Worlds Chapter 26
Two Different Worlds Chapter 27
Two Different Worlds Chapter 28
Two Different Worlds chapter 29
Two Different Worlds Chapter 30
Two Different Worlds Chapter 31
Two Different Worlds Chapter 32
Two Different Worlds Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Two Different Worlds
Two Different Worlds Chapter 35
Two Different Worlds Chapter 36
Two Different Worlds Chapter 37
Two Different Worlds Chapter 38
Two Different Worlds Chapter 39
Two Different Worlds Chapter 40
Two Different Worlds Chapter 41
Two Different Worlds Chapter 42
Two Different World Chapter 43
Two Different Worlds Chapter 44
Two Different Worlds Chapter 45
Two Different Worlds Chapter 46
The End.

Two Different Worlds Chapter 1

514 5 0
By shianngomez

Chapter 1 {Sara's POV} 

First day back too school since winter break. Ugh every seat is taken. I'll just sit here. "Sara move that's Zayn's seat!" a girl next too me said. "It's a seat what will he do flip!" I say looking at the front of the class room. Then came Zayn the boy everyone in the school was scared of. He looked at me like I stole his money. "Oi!Your in my seat!" Zayn says grinding his teeth. "Your name is no where on this seat." I say. He looked at me like I was mental or something. "Everyone knows I sit there." Zayn said in a deep voice. I stand up and look him right in the eyes. "I'am not moving so find yourself another seat!" I say loud. Then the teacher walks in and is looking right at us. "Disturbing my class I see!" the teacher says. "No I was just sitting he's trying too start something." I say too the teacher. "I don't wanna deal with anything go too the front office and deal with the headmaster." our teacher said sending us both there. I am walking in the hall all fine until Zayn starts talking. "You know you could have just moved." Zayn says. "Really? What would be the fun in letting Zayn Malik get his way once again!" I say in a snappy tone. "Whatever. I am not such a dick." Zayn says. Maybe he wasn't and just put on an act in front of the school. We get too the office and sit in chairs until the headmaster came in. "Zayn again! And Miss.Sara? Why are you two here and together?" the headmaster asked. "She was in my seat and I asked her too move!" Zayn says in a deep voice looking at me. "It's not like we have too claim a seat in class everyone sits in different seats everyday!" I say. "Okay we'll since you disturbed your class I am gonna make you both help Alexis with the prom rather then Dhall."The headmaster says. "I rather take Dhall." Zayn says. "Oh okay so you want Dhall for everyday for two months that's fine!" the headmaster says. "Never mind I'll help with the stupid prom." Zayn says in a pissy tone. "Well Sara are you gonna help." the headmaster asked. "I'll help. Where do we go and from what time?" I ask. "In the basement and every morning from 6 too 7 and at night after cheerleading practice till 8." the headmaster said. "Fine." We both say. "Okay off too lunch you two go!" the headmaster says. I shut the door be hide us and look at him and then look at the ground then I walk off. "Hey it's not gonna be so bad you get too hang with me everyday and maybe even become close." Zayn says laughing. "Yeah I know that's what I am scared of." I say walking into the lunch room.

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