The singing photographer (CON...

By littlez78aka

104K 1.5K 212

(In the last chapter is the account of where the continuous of the book is at!) Peyton Darts. Is a angry fig... More

Moving to Lima
Meeting Him
The Rhodes Not Taken
Vitamin D
author's note
The power of Madonna
Bad Reputation
1st glee book of Mike chang
Dream on
journey to regionals
2k?! a/n
new book covers
coming back to Ohio
Greeting Changs back
Grilled cheesus
James Chang
Never been kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A very glee chirstmas
The sue sylvester shuffle
Peyton Darts
Silly love songs
New cover
Blame it on the alcohol
Bonus chapter: Drunk call for help
Naya Rivera
Original Song


1.4K 26 4
By littlez78aka

Peyton p.o.v:

"Peyton" James voice called me as I snuggled into the bed mattress while the pillow on my head moves with me. "It's okay James get the car ready I go this" 8Mike's voice came in as I moved away from their annoying voices.

"Shut up" I groaned as the sheets cover the bottom half of my body and my lower back expose since I'm laying on my stomach. "Ew! She's naked!" James yelled leaving the room immediately making their mom yell "soon Tina will be in your bed naked!"

"Mom!" James screamed as I groaned annoyed moving the pillow against my ears as I shut my eyes more. The door was now shut as Mike moved on the bed pulling me by my waist towards him.

"Peyton come on babe you have to get up" he whispered moving the pillows off my head and nuzzling his face into my neck as he wrapped his arm around my exposed chest.

I moan slightly as I felt him kiss my neck and his other hand trail down towards my hip. "Okay okay. I'll get up" I mumbled pushing him with my shoulder making him laugh pulling me to lay on my back with me facing him.

I looked up at him hazzily "can you get off of me so I can get ready?" I asked trailing my hand down his cheek to his neck that was covered in love bites.

Mike shook his head tracing his hand down to my neck covered in his love bites. "You feeling better pickles?" He asked I nod humming a yes while I shut my eyes.

"Peyton?" He whispered as I opened my eyes his staring into mine. "I love you" his words making me smile and pull him into a small kiss.

Before he could deepen it I push him back sitting up with the sheets covering my chest now. "I'm gonna get dressed" I said pecking his cheek before standing up and walking to the bathroom.

After I was done in walked down stairs grabbing the toast from the plate Mrs. Chang was holding put for me and biting into it. "Bye mom! Dad!" I yelled muffled as I walked outside hearing mrs. And mister chang saying bye as well as James and Mike fumbling behind me.

When I parked my motorcycle I slid off my helmet immediately pulling my sun glasses on. I looked up watching as Mike get out of the car with James walking to Tina.

I got off my motorcycle placing my helmet on the back before pulling my bag over my shoulder. I haven't talked to any of the glee members besides the Chang brothers and Tina really.

It's weird. I mean I go to glee practice but I stay quiet and look at the tiles all the time. Everyone knows I've been distance because of Quinn's words. Sighing shake my head walking towards the entrance of the school.


I walked into the Choir room late. Everyone turned towards me. I take out one of war buds letting it fall before walking to Mister Shue giving him a note that I was at the principal's office.

I looked at the bored reading duet and my eyes wonder to Mike. Immediately we smile well he smiles while I grin since we're now partners. My thoughts were snapped when Mister Shue pulled me to his office.

He sat down on his chair motioning for me to sit down as well I sit down after I shut the door not wanting them to hear. " what's wrong peyton?" He asked holding up the slip of my detention.

"I'm sorry I was late mister shue. I'll start get myself together" I say standing up and ready to open the door but mister shue stops me by saying "you can talk to me if you need someone Peyton. We're worried"

I sigh nodding before leaving the office and sitting besides mike.


I sat down besides James and Mike after getting my lunch. Everyone who was sitting there (Artie, tina, Mercedes, Rachel) immediately shut up and looked at me. "Hey Peyton" James said trying to break the awkwardness.

I sigh looking up at everyone "sorry guys. I'm sorry for shutting you out. Can we just forget about what happened and act usual?" I asked making them immediately nod yes.

"Yeah Yeah of course girl" Mercedes said eating her tots before looking at me "but next time don't shut us out. We're your friends. Talk to us" Artie and Rachel nodding I agreement.

"Told you~~" James sang making me step on his foot. He groaned grabbing his foot and glaring at me. "Oh sorry I didn't see it" I say faking my innocence making everyone laugh. I smile loving the awkwardness being gone.


Mike and I were in the library. He was doing homework while I was reading with my feet on his lap. He was listening to music sharing an ear bud with me as well. Suddenly we heard Tina and James enter the library talking loudly.

Both of our heads turning to the couple listening to their conversation. "Everyone's knows I'm here to do one thing: which is stay in the backround!" James practically yelled making the librarian shush them loudly.

The two looked at her than a each other talking quieter. "You sing and I'll just hum softly behind you!" James whispered yelled while they walked closer to us making us hear them better.

"No we're singing together! We gonna win that dinner at beadstix, and then we can finally have a normal night out." Tina said loudly at first then softly as seen walked pasted James getting even more closer to us.

"Normal? What do you mean? We went out last night." James said sitting next to Tina. "For dim sum. With your mom. All we ever do is get dim sum with your mom! Why can't we Be more like Mike and Peyton who actually goes to breadtix for their dates!" Tina complained slamming her books on the table making everyone look towards them.

James laughed nervously whispering a sorry before turning to Tina and saying "what do you mean? Peyton loves going out for dim sum she always asks mom whenever Mike plans to take her out!"

Tina sighs groaning annoyed "I just want salad without any chicken feet!" She yelled walking away with James following after her. I look over at Mike smiling and leaning in kissing him softly as he trys to deepen it i pull back going to read again.

"Tease" Mike mumbles moving my book and kissing me once again making me giggle and other people in the library look away immediately.


When Santana and Mercedes were facing the white board while shaking their butts both me and Mike leaned forward then turned to each other laughing sightly.

I leaned towards him whispering "we're both preverts" Mike just laughs kissing my cheek as he says "well we're each others perverts"

When the two finished both me and mike stopped talking clapping exictedly from their performance. And Santana saying "cuz we been goin to breadstix!"


After Kurt finsihed I stood up whistling loudly as everyone clapped and cheered from Kurt's singing.


Tina and James sat in front of the class on stools. James looked at everyone nervous while Tina held his hand on her lap trying to relax him.

"Whenever your ready" Mister Shue said sitting down besides Artie while I leaned against Mike smiling.

When the two of them finished they leaned in kissing each other softly. Everyone in the classroom awed at the couple before Mister. Shue stood up clapping whip saying "that was cute you two now I think Mike and Peyton is supposed to sing."

Everyone watched as the couple got up to sit down and Mike and I stood up walking in front of the glee club.

As we sang we danced slowly together as we only stared at each other and when the song did end I mean in kissing his cheek. The bell rings even so everyone claps for us and then goes to leave after Mister Shue excused them.

The room was empty and it was just us two. I mean in kissing him softly before pulling back "I love you" I whisper as he whispers it back before we both leave to lunch.


In the ending Quinn and Sam won and Santana's reaction was absolutely funny. I may have laughed my ass involving me falling on the ground and Mike picking me up to sit down again.

Anyway in the ending Mike and I still went out to eat But of course Tina and James came along so it made a double date. We had fun and messed around mostly Mike and James arguing while me and Tina talked about how Sam and Quinn will become a couple. Quinn and I still haven't talked but I do care for her. Just hope she feels the same way about me.....


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