Expect the Unexpected

By WriterOfLove91

265K 5.3K 316

Meet Tatum Jameson. She is a 17 year old junior living in the shadow of her twin older siblings. When her b... More

Flashback to The Party
I'm Here When You Need Me
Checking on Baby
A Crush
Telling Daddy's Parents
Breaking the News
Late Night Chat
Moving In
Cravings and Back To School
Halfway There
A Little Accident
Shopping and Building
Late Night Breakdown
Fourth of July
Welcome To The World
Meeting The Family
Getting Home
First Day
Solo Day
First Day of School
New Years
The Verdict Is In
Months Gone By
Welcome Baby
Coming Home
Day Alone
College Visit
New Story
New Story

Day Off

6K 137 1
By WriterOfLove91

It was the middle of June. Dempsey finally had a day off. Tatum was standing in the kitchen. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He said, "What are you doing?"

"Go back to bed. I'm making you breakfast in bed. You haven't had a day off in over a week. I wanted to do something for you."

"Aww... Babe. I should be the one doing something for you. You are so close. We only have two weeks left until we get to meet our boy."

"I know. He's running out of room in here. I don't think I can possibly stretch anymore than I have already."

"Just a little while longer. Can we just stay in today? I really don't feel like going out. I just want to lay around in grungy clothes."

"Please. I'm so tired and sore. I'm not feeling going out anyway. It's too hot. I'm miserable."

"Then it's decided."

"Yes. Now back to bed, mister. Then I can bring you your breakfast."

"I don't think so, momma. I'll carry if for you. No lifting for you. We'll eat then we'll do whatever you want to do. I'm just glad to have the day off with you. It's been too long and we don't have many days left for just the two of us."

"I just want to spend time with you."

The two of them sat in bed and ate their breakfast. Dempsey couldn't stop looking at Tatum. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was.

later in the afternoon Dempsey held Tatum's feet in his hands as they sat on the couch. He said, "Oh honey. Your poor ankles."

"They are three times their normal size. It's all your son's fault. I just want him to come out already. He's cooked enough. If he keeps growing he is going to be 10 pounds. I don't want to have a 10 pound baby."

"He'll be here soon. We're ready whenever he is."

Tatum leaned over to kiss him. "Thank you for everything. You are the best."

"No. It's all you."

"Not a chance."

"Come cuddle, babe. I just want to hold you. We only have so long before he is here with us and we won't get to chill on the couch like this alone any longer."

"I like the sound of spending the rest of the afternoon in your arms. Feel this."

Tatum put his hand on her stomach. He felt the tightening under his palm. Then Oakley kicked and squirmed. He asked, "What was that?"

"It was a Braxton Hicks contraction. I had my first yesterday. From the sounds of it I'm pretty lucky. They can happen up to two months before and can be killer. Right now it's just a tightening and then he kicks back afterwards like he doesn't like them either."

"He's such a momma's boy already. He knows that they make you uncomfortable and he doesn't want that. Are you sure that they are just Braxton Hicks?"

"Yeah. I called mom when I had the first one yesterday. She said if I can still talk through them then they aren't the real thing. That terrifies me."

"It's all going to be worth it."

"It is so worth it, but it doesn't make it any less scary. The things they talk about your body going through just does not sound appealing."

"I bet. I'm going to be here as much as possible. Take it out on me."

"You don't know what you are asking for."

"I'll deal. I just want to make things better for you."

"I am so glad I have you with me through all of this."

"Me too."

"Now curl up here. Let me rub some of those cramps out." He rubbed circles on the spot that he had just felt the tightening on. Tatum started to relax in his arms again.

"You are just too good to be true sometimes. I don't know what I would do if things hadn't worked out as well as they are now. I can't imagine not being married to you now. I can't imagine living apart. I can't imagine doing all of this on my own. It's unreal how so much can change in such a short amount of time."

"I'm so glad to have you and your family."

"I'm sorry that things are the way they are with your parents."

"I'm sorry they made you marry me."

"They didn't make me marry you. They just encouraged it. I'm just glad Oak is going to have his family together. I know it isn't ideal and it isn't going to be easy, but we are going to figure it out."

"Thank you."

"No. Thank you."

"Stop thanking me."

"Then you stop thanking me."

"I really wish you would have told me how uncomfortable you were."

"It's okay. I am okay. I didn't want to worry you about nothing. I knew if I told you, you would freak out. I didn't want that. You have so much stress already with the dealership and thinking about college. It wasn't fair."

"Stop it. I want to know what is going on. No matter what is going on in my world. You and Oak are important, too. All of this stuff pertains to me, too."

"You are going to be a great dad."

"Thanks. I just hope that some day I can be a great husband, too. I know I still have a long way to go though."

"You are a great husband. You always put me and Oak first. I hate that. I want you to put yourself first sometimes, too. You need to think about you."

"But it makes me happy to know that you are happy, healthy and comfortable."

"You have to stop being so sweet. I feel really bad for all of the hormone induced freakouts that I have put you through when you are this nice."

Dempsey chuckled. "Nah. You haven't been that bad."

"I really have, but there really isn't anything that I could do about that. I hate that."

"Be quiet and curl up here. Pick your favorite chick flicks and binge."

"I really hope that our son is this sweet to a girl some day."

"I just hope that he isn't married and expecting a baby at 18."

Tatum laughed. "Touche." The two of them watched their favorite movies and spent some much needed quality time together.

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