His Changing Heart (Sesshomar...

By Katherine_771

86.1K 2.3K 234

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a whole other person? Like who are isn't who you're meant... More

Chapter 1 (sneak peakπŸ€“)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Q & A
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
School and posting schedule
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New book!!

Chapter 4

4.2K 113 1
By Katherine_771

Screaming I opened my eyes to see a woman with six hands in this abyss of light.
"Such joy! I can feel my strength returning! My body is coming to life again!" the creepy lady exclaimed. Coming to life again? What the hell?! I looked down at her body which went from bones to a full-on centipede body. Disgusting.
"You have it, don't you? Don't you?" she questioned as her long tongue licked the side of Kagome's face. Ew.

"Let her go you nasty bug!" I punch at one of her arms and in retaliation, she smacked me.
"Let me go! You're disgusting!-" Kagome screams out as she struggles against the whatever you want to call her arms. "-Let! Me! Go! I said!" as she said this light emits from her palm which throws the disgusting centipede back. Staring at Kagome in shock the centipede yells out something before she disappears. We continue falling. A pink light emits from Kagome's stomach.

One of the arms which broke off from whatever Kagome did still clutched to her arm.
"The sacred jewel?" she questioned aloud.
"Like the one your grandpa told us about?"
"I'm not sure," she responded to my own question. This is all so weird. We both let out a small huh as we landed gently on the ground and the light disappeared from around us. We both caught our breath look up at the opening. Something feels off. It's light at the top and I'm pretty sure the well had was in a hut covered by a roof.

"Are we still inside the well? Was that a dream?" She turned to me.
"Certainly didn't feel like a dream," I muttered my response while touching my cheek where I got slapped. She turned to look at her arm and yelped while shaking her arm and the arm that got blown off from the disgusting bug fell to the ground disintegrating.
"Definitely not a dream!" we both yelled out horrified.

"We gotta get out of here!-" she exclaims as she stood up I followed her lead. "-Sota are you there?! Get gramps!" she cried out to the top of the well. We stood in silence before she huffed out in annoyance.
"Kagome, he probably ran away after what he just saw. The kid gets scared easily." I voiced out. She nodded agreeing with me.

A white glowing butterfly fluttered between me and Kagome catching my attention as it flutters up and out of the well. That was unusual. Sighing I turned to Kagome, "We'll have to try our best to climb out using those vines." I told her pointing to the vines on the wall.

"I suppose you're right." she sighed back. We both started our ascend up the vines to the top of the well. Being ahead of Kagome I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself out. That's weird usually I'm more tired after exercising like that. Looking up a sudden fear shook me. We aren't where we were before.

"K-kagome I think you need to see this." I turned to her reaching down my hand to help pull her out of the well. Her face took on the same form as what I felt.
"Where is this? I know we fell into the well at the shrine but...-" she pushed herself off the ledge and walked around a little "-Gramps!? Mom!? Gramps?! Mom?!" she shouted out in worry. Placing my hand on her shoulder I shook my head, "They aren't here it's no use. Wherever 'here' is exactly." She looked at me in fear and worry.
"Come on let's look around see if we can find anything familiar," I told her as I grabbed her hand leading us into the forest.

She continued to shout the names of her family including the cat as we walked. Although what is the cat gonna do?
"Mitsuki the entirety of the shrine is gone.." she muttered in despair. I looked back at her in sympathy but unfortunately, my facial expression didn't express that and I don't know how to comfort people unless they are children.

Looking forward I spotted something that felt familiar. Way more familiar than when I first saw it.
"Kagome look.." I whispered pointing to the tree in disbelief.
"Is that what I think it is? It's the-"
"It's the sacred tree! Mitsuki we're practically home!" she shouted happily as she dragged me to the tree. Suddenly she stopped in front of the tree making me slam into her back making us both fall to the floor.

"Ow.. Kagome why did you randomly just....stop" the word stop barely coming out of my mouth when I looked upwards. What I saw was not what anyone would expect to be. A boy was pinned onto the tree, with roots and vines growing over him covering the majority of his lower body. An arrow is pierced into his chest. His eyes are closed and he looks unconscious or considering the arrow in his chest...dead.

"A boy?" the girl beside me questioned the obvious. She stood up and began to climb the roots.
"Kagome you shou-"
"Hey! What are you doing?" she yelled the question at the obviously unconscious/dead boy. She stopped climbing as she was right next to the boy muttering something.

"Kagome you really shouldn't be up there I think he's.. Dead" I whispered the last part. But what she did next would take anyone by surprise. She was rubbing his ears that resembled much like a dogs.
A nervous sweat started to break out on my face.
"Kag-" halfway into shouting her name everything went black.

"Make way for high priestess Kaede!" a shout filled my ears. Groaning I opened my eyes to a blinding light. Groaning some more I started to sit up trying to get my eyes to come back to focus. As I tried to rub my eyes I noticed something holding my hands behind my back.
"H-hey! What the hell is this!" I began to panic. I was still disoriented from me being woken up. Maybe everything was just a dream. As my eyes came fully into focus I realized very soon that none of it was a dream.

A strangely dressed woman began to throw powder at me and soon I realized Kagome was next to me too.
"Hey! What are doing!?" said the girl protested at the woman throwing some sort of powder that made me feel sleepy again.
"They told me a demon was found in the Inuyasha forest. I thought some ritual purification was an order." the elder woman explained.

"Do I look like a demon to you?!" I shouted finally fed up with this strange place.
"Aye ye do child," she responded. I shrunk back. That kinda hurt considering my past but soon my hurt turned to anger. I've had enough of people and this demon crap against me. Glaring at the old woman I shot back, "If I was a demon I would know and if I was a demon do you think I would still be in these ropes?!" she eyed me for a moment before another strange-looking person spoke up.

"While that one is a demon the other girl could be a foreign spy!" he explained
"Yes, but spy on what?! We can barely feed ourselves in this village. And the girl is correct she wouldn't be in these binds if she was a demon." she exasperated in anger. She takes a long pause and looks at me and Kagome for a moment before a look of recognition crosses her eyes. Well eye since one of them has an eye patch.

Walking up to us she grabs my face and then grabs Kagome's making me glare at her.
"Ye there. let me take a good look at your faces. Look clever girls." she told us making my glare only deepen.
"You!" Kagome practically growled put.
"Such likeness....to my sister Kikyo..and ye I can't place my finger on it but you seem familiar too.." she releases us leaving us with shocked and confused faces. Soon after we are untied.

"Looks delicious! Thank you!" Kagome exasperated in gratitude drinking whatever the hell the old women made in the pot. I was still pissed and fed up. I wanted to go home. The old woman who I now know is named Kaede held a bowl out for me. Looking at it for longer than I should've I caved at the sound of my stomach growling. Grabbing the bowl I utter a small 'thanks'. I hate people.

"Forgive us. With so many wars these days, our young ones have become rash. Even if I tell them we have no business with wars, they refuse to listen and only give me more to worry about." Kaede explained in an apologizing manner. I nodded as if to forgive her as I finished my food setting the bowl on the floor next to me.
"This uh..isn't Tokyo is it?" Kagome asked. No Kagome it isn't. More like a much much older version though.

"To-ky-o?-" the older woman sounded out as if she's never heard the word before. "-never heard such a place is that ye homeland?" She questioned curiously.
"Yes," I replied in short.
"Yes, well...I- we would like to go home soon," Kagome added in. Like we know how to get back. I miss my bed.

Unexpectedly we hear a crash from outside the hut and soon after a ringing of a bell. All three of us rush out the door of the hut.
"What's going on?!" Kaede questioned frantically.
"An evil spirit!" a man said while running away. The disgusting centipede monster that grabbed Kagome and me into the well appears with a horse in her mouth. Several of the villager's men fire arrows at her, whom she swipes away with her tail. She then flung the horse in our direction. luckily we managed to dodge the attack. Just barely.

"That again?!" Kagome yelped in shock while I stared in disbelief. She disappeared though?! What the hell is up with this place?!
"Hand me the sacred jewel!" she ferociously growled at us while swooping down towards Kaede and Kagome. Luckily once again they managed to dodge. I on the other hand got screwed. The lower half of her body slammed into my body making me fly back into one of the exteriors of the villager's home.

Coughing and standing up slowly with a groan while holding a hand to my stomach and one on my head I looked around to try and spot Kagome. No need to find her as she found me. She quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.
"Where are we going!?" I shouted up at her as she released my hand while still running.
"Back...Back to the well!" she shouted back. Setting my mind on that I ran a little faster completely catching up with her.

Will we be saved?! Is anyone coming to help us?! Why would they though we intruded their home? We're alone.
"Someone help us!!" Kagome screams. We ran up the slope that enters the slope of the forest with the centipede chick hot on our tails.
"Give me the sacred jewel!" she yelled from behind us.
"I don't have it!" Kagome countered as we kept running.

The centipede crashed into the ground causing me and Kagome to go flying. Hitting a few tree branches I land beside Kagome who lands in front of the sacred tree from before. I rolled over onto my back with a groan. Ignoring any voices I was hearing I pulled up my shirt to see a huge slash across my stomach. It stung like a bitch. Stupid centipede. Stupid tree. Sighing with a small groan I stood up holding my stomach and unfortunately getting my shirt soaked with blood I weakly walked my way to Kagome.

"She's coming." was the last thing I heard before I saw the enormous body of the demon. Moving far away from it I see Kagome narrowly dodging the thing as it lunged at her. Grappling hooks from the villagers stuck their way into the body of the frightening creature.
"I'm saved!" Kagome muttered happily.
"We are saved." I corrected catching her attention. She looked at me then down at my shirt and her eyes widened. Looking down myself it looked worse than before.

Falling weakly to my knees I see Kagome shouting at the now awake boy from before.
"Ka-go-me!" I heard her faintly shout. Everything and everyone in front of me became so blurry and jumbled. How much blood loss have I had? How much more until I'm dead? I don't know..I just want the pain...gone.

Finally, my scenes became high on alert. My eyes focused on one thing and one thing only. An orb that was falling to the floor. The sacred jewel? It clicked in my mind before I knew it and my body moved on its own. Catching the jewel in my hands a feeling surged through my body. It felt like a cooling but burning sensation. Yelling out I caught the attention of the centipede. My body burned more as it felt like it was pulsing. My gums began to hurt and abruptly I felt something cut into my now clenched hands. Opening one of them I saw the cause.

My fingernails were now long and sharp. What's happening to me?! I quickly dropped the jewel and the burning decrease along with the long nails and pain in my gums. Looking up the villagers and the boy along with Kagome stared in shock. What the hell just happened. Before I could ask the centipede lunged my way and I was quick to dodge.

Coming out of shock the boy spoke in a raspy voice, "Don't underestimate me, centipede monster! I can take care of you... If I really get down to business." he warned and my guess as a response to something she said while I was out of it.
"You! You're awfully arrogant. Are you strong?!" Kagome yelled at him and now that I've noticed she's stuck up against the tree with him. He made a sound as if questioning if he heard her right.
"Well are you?" she pushed further.
"Just answer the damn question. Can you kill the bitch or not." I huffed out. I really want to do home.

"What can he do, strapped down like that? He's under a powerful spell. Just stay where you are and watch!" the disgusting monster rejoiced as she bent down and let out her freakishly long tongue swallowing the jewel whole. Blocking out any sound I stared in horror as she shredded her skin and became something much scarier than before.
Turning my head to Kagome I watched as she began to yank on the arrow embedded into the boy.
"I choose to live!" and as she shouted this a bright light appeared as the arrow disappeared.

The boy began to laugh hysterically as the centipede tightens her body around the tree.
"Let them go!" I screamed. There's nothing I can do. I'm so sorry Kagome. Unexpectedly the body completely bursts with Kagome falling to the floor and the boy somersaulting to the ground.
"You brat!" the demon growled.
"Shut up you old hag" the boy countered while holding out his hand with...claws?

Rushing to Kagome's side while the boy flips, slices, and screams out random words.
"Mitsuki?! Your wounds!" she frantically starts to lift my shirt in worry but when she does it shocks us both. It's like nothing happened. No marks no blood and no scar.
"That's impossible...what about your eyes?!" she frantically looked up at me. My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes? I didn't have time to ask as the body of the centipede fell to the floor.

Sighing in relief, "it's over." but I spoke too soon as the body started twitching.
"It's still moving!" The girl next to me shrieks.
"Quickly find the jewel before she revives herself!" Kaede warned. Looking around I saw nothing but Kagome did.
"There!" she points to a piece of the body. Kaede was quick to grab the jewel and as soon as it was removed the flesh disintegrated.

Handing it to Kagome, Kaede spoke up, "Only ye, can possess the Jewel."
"Why was it inside my body? This jewel which can empower such a demon?!" Kagome worriedly questioned. Before Kaede could speak up the boy beat her to it causing our attention to fall to him.
"Exactly! Which a human has no possible use for it! If you don't want to feel the pain of my claws, just give me the Jewel and get it over with!" he's kidding right?! He has to be!
"Aren't you supposed to be the hero!?"

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