CROSSFIRE •|L.H fanfic|•

By sierram09

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*disclaimer* my username has changed but this is still the same story thx I hope you like it. Jessica's lif... More

In the Beginning (INTRODUCTION)
Chapter 1 The New Me
Chapter 2- bedrooms and homeroom.
Chapter 3- quiff it baby
Chapter 4- This Means War.
Chapter 5- Was I wrong?
Chapter 6- Milkshakes
Chapter 7- Official hand holder?
Chapter 8- people are rude.
Chapter 9- stealer
Chapter 11- Honour **
Chapter 12- Like a Rock
Chapter 13- undercover
Chapter 14 Rings And Room Keys
Chapter 15- Cornered
Chapter 16- Confessions
Chapter 17- phone calls
Chapter 18- I just don' t know anymore
Chapter 19- The beginning of the end...
Chapter 20- Shes fine
Chapter 21- I Tried.
Chapter 23- Whipped
Chapter 24- Find her.
Chapter 25- He'll pay
Chapter 26
Chapter 27-
The End
new book

Chapter 10- your delusional

71 3 0
By sierram09

Ana's POV

The next week went by all to fast. before I knew it I was over at Luke's house helping him pack for the tmh tour.

"Did you pack extra socks?" I asked, "because you tend to forget your socks. I still have a few pairs hidden under the lounge." I laughed.

"Haha yes I packed extra socks and underwear and even extra pairs of pants." He assured me. He walked away from his large suitcase and sat next to me on his bed. I uncrossed my legs and crawled over to him, cuddling into his lap.

"I'm going to be home soon." He said.

I didn't say anything, I didn't want to risk bursting into tears.

"Your meeting us in London right?" he asked. They were heading to LA first then Mexico City. And a few other countries in the Western Hemisphere. Then off to London. I would meet them at the airport. My flight got in two hours after theirs landed.

I just nodded. I felt a tear drop roll off my nose.

"Don't cry," he cupped the side of my face with his large hand wiping under my eye. I leaned in and pressed his soft lips to mine. I swung my leg around his waist straddling him. Crashing my lips with his. Intensifying the kiss he ran his tongue across my bottom lip asking for permission. I widened my mouth a little allowing him entry. His tongue tangling with mine as we fell back on the bed. Without breaking the connection we had, his hands slid up my shirt wrapping around my torso. I tangled my hands in his hair. Tugging a little.

A feeling of complete pleasure and wanting washed over me. I couldn't get enough of Luke. The way his hands ran over my hips. And traced my spine, what was this? Lust. Lust was becoming me. I let out a small moan feeling Luke becoming aroused beneath me. But my moment of lust was interrupted by Luke sitting up and breaking our antics.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown myself at you. You probably think I'm such a slut right now" I untangled myself from Luke. "I-I'm sorry." I walked towards the door. But I didn't make it to the knob before a hand gripped my wrist, spinning me back. Wrapping his arms around my waist, Luke crashed his lips to mine.

After a second we pulled away from each other. His arms still cuffed around my waist.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." His blue orbs looking into my false green ones. "You are not a slut. And believe me. I want it. But it's just not the right time."

"Your right. I want my first time to be special," Yes I am a virgin. And I don't want to trade in my v-card to just anyone. I want it to be Luke.

"And I want to make it as special as I can. Because, Ana, all I want is you. " And with that I couldn't help myself. I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair pulling him toward me. Pressing his lips to mine.

After a few moments I said, "You have to finish packing." Our lips brushing together with every word.

"Your right." He unwrapped his arms from my waist turning around towards his closet.

"Uh, I have to pee," I said turning out of the door. I walked down the hallway and to the bathroom. When I walked in I closed the door and leaned against it. Sliding down the door.

I hate living this lie. But my love for Luke isn't a lie. I just hope the truth stays a secret. I thought to myself a tear streaming down my face.

Luke's POV

"You're right," I said spinning around to my closet taking shirts and singlets off of hangers.

"Uh, I have to pee," Ana said sliding out the door. I could hear the faint tap of her boots down the hall. I heard the door close.

I took out my phone and texted Michael.


I need help.

What's up???

It's Ana.

What happened?? You didn't fuck up did you? I really liked Ana dude!

No I didn't fuck up! But I don't know man. I want her. Badly. But I want it to be the right time.

Just wait for her to come to you with it. When it comes to that sort of thing, it's all about the girl.

Your right. Thanks man.

No problem.

I grabbed my guitar and sat on my bed. I strummed the first few cords. Not singing but thinking the lyrics to the song I've been working on. It was about how I would feel being away from Ana while on tour.

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

I'll sing this to Ana. I leave tomorrow after school. So I'll sing it to her when she comes back from the bathroom. She'd been in there a while. I should check on her.

I walked down to the bathroom door lightly knocking on it.

"Ana? Are you alright?"

"Uh, yea I'm fine."

"You sure babe?"

"Yep. I'll be out in a minute." She said in her lovely American accent. Her voice was shaky. Like she'd been crying. I turned the knob opening the door to reveal my beautiful girlfriend sitting on the floor. Her mascara was running down her cheeks. She sniffled.

"Baby what's wrong?" I took a seat next to her on the bathroom floor. Pulling her into my lap she sniffled again. I rubbed her back.

"C'mon, Anastasia you have to talk to me." That's the first time I used her full name.

"I just want to give you what you want. And if that's what you want from me I'll give it to you! I-I j-just want to m-make you happy." She stammered. Letting a few tears fall. I wiped them away with my thumb.

"Ana..." I tried to find the right words. "I do want it. But I don't want it if you're not ready. I want you to feel special when you have your first time. And I don't want to push you into anything." I tried to make her feel better. "I want you, all of you, but not before your ready."

"Thank you Luke. I'm sorry for all this." She gestured to us sitting on the floor. "I'm not sure if I'm ready yet. And I don't want to regret a big decision like that."

"I understand." I said. I stood picking her up with me. Then setting her down on the floor. "C'mon. I want you to hear something.

We sat down on my bed and I picked up my guitar. I strummed the intro to 'Beside You'.

Within a minute I was all packed up

I've got a ticket to another world

I don't wanna go

I don't wanna go

The silent words are hard to speak

When your thoughts are all I see

"Don't ever leave," she said to me

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.

To the beat of our hearts at the same time.

So close but so far away.

(Can you hear me?)

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

She lies awake.

I'm trying to find the words to say.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

Another day and I'm somewhere new.

I made a promise that I'll come home soon.

Bring me back, bring me back to you.

When we both wake up underneath the same sun.

Time stops, I wish that I could rewind.

So close but so far away.

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

She lies awake.

I'm trying to find the words to say.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

The pieces of us both

Under every city light

And they're shining as we fade into the night

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was...

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

She lies awake.

I'm trying to find the words to say.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

She lies awake.

Beside you.

I wish I was, I wish I was...

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was...

She didn't even say anything. She just took the guitar out of my hands setting it aside. She leaned forward kissing my cheek.

"That was beautiful." She said

"Thank you."

<•>•<•>•<•>•<•>the next day at school at lunch<•>•<•>•<•>•<•>

Ana's POV

Michael, Luke, Calum, Elle and I all sat at our octagonal table in the back of the lunchroom. I heard the faint click of heels getting louder every second. I looked away from Elle who was talking about a tv show that came on last night. I saw Kayla wearing a pencil skirt and low cut top with shiny black heels walking towards us.

"Hey Lukey!" she said sitting on his lap. My jaw dropped and eyes got wide.

"Uh, hi," Luke said trying to push her off. She wouldn't budge.

"I miss you. We haven't spoken since you got together with that.." she trailed off giving me the death stare.

"No, we haven't spoken because you don't know when to quit. Just leave me alone." He stood pushing her off him.

But what she did next was unexpected. She swung her arm around Luke's neck pulling him down to her level.

"I know you miss me. I bet she can't give you what you want the way I can. Remember?" she smashed her lips to Luke's. I stood up and shoved her back.

"Get your nasty lips off my boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Honey I'm sure he won't be yours for long." She said back to me. "So you can take your wanna be punk rock ass back to America because no one fucking wants you here!" she leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I bet you can't even get him hard.."

I let my jaw drop. "That's it." I reached up and grabbed her beach blonde hair, yanking her down to the ground. I jumped on top of her and punched her in her crooked nose.

I felt two pairs of hands grasp my arms and lift me off her. I kicked and thrashed wanting another punch to her face.

"Lemme go!!" I yelled. "Lemme get her in her eye! maybe she'll see me comin next time!"

"Ana stop!" Elle yelled at me. She stood in front of me trying to calm me down. Breaking Luke an Michael's hold on me I ran back over to her where she was sitting on the floor holding her bloody nose.

"Next time your delusional ass wants insult me and sexually harass my boyfriend, maybe you'll think twice!" I spun on my heel grabbing my bag from the floor. I stormed out of the cafe. Luke probably hated me right now. And so did all of my other friends. But I didn't care, Kayla got what she deserved.

"Ana wait!" Luke yelled after me.

"I'm sorry for embarasing you Luke. I just couln't take her bullshit anymore!"

"What? No! I think what you did was awesome. She needed to be put in her place." Luke was now sitting at one of the picnic tables watching me while I paced back and forth trying to calm myself down. Luke took my hands pulling me towards him. "Stop pacing. Thank you," He said to me.

I sighed, biting my lip. "Your mine, and no one elses." I sat down next to him our hands still laced together. "I don't want anyone else to have you, but me. I love you Luke!" And my heart stopped. Did I really just say that?

"Ana, you're mine, and I am yours. I love you too." He leaned in and kissed me. "C'mon, lets blow off the rest of the day. Just the two of us."

"It's not like I could get into anymore trouble than I'm already in." I shrugged my shoulders, standing up. We walked out of the quad and to my car. I started it up. "So where to?"

"Just start driving, We're taking the long way home." I pulled out of the parking lot getting on the highway.

We were driving for a long time blasting several songs off of various CDs Id kept in the car. Then I saw a sign for the beach. A day at the beach with my boyfriend sounded pretty good to me. I took the exit and parked my car in the beaches parking lot. It was a little crowded but not over by the tide pools. So that's where we went. We sat on the rocks looking out at the ocean.

I stood up on the rocks and walked over to a group of tide pools.

"Luke come look," I motioned for him to join me in looking at the small pools. "I love tide pools. Their like mini oceans." I picked a starfish off a rock in the middle of the pool. Laying him flat on my hand. Luke touched one of the star fishes arms.

"This is so cool." he said.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: later at the airport:-:-:-:-:-:

"Flight 101 to Los Angeles is now boarding," the woman announced that the boys flight was ready. I walked with Luke and the boys to the gate. I gave each of them a hug saving Luke for last.

"I'll miss you guys," I said watching them disappear behind the gate. I turned to Luke wrapping my arms around his waist. Laying my head on his chest he wrapped his arms around me. Engulfing me in his warmth.

"I don't want you to go," I said into his shirt.

"I know babe. But your coming to London in a week. And then we will be together." He pulled away. While I nodded.

He leaned in and I kissed him for a long time.

"Sir, the plane is about to leave." The ticket guy said to Luke.

"Okay thanks." Luke turned to me again planting a quick kiss on my lips.

"I love you!" I called to him before he disappeared into the gate.

"I love you to Ana!" my heart fluttered. And I waved to him. He waved back walking backwards into the plane.

My phone started ringing.


"I miss you," Luke said into the receiver.

"I miss you to baby. See you in 5 days."

"5 days," he assured me. "Bye. I love you."

"I love you to Luke." I heard the other side of the call go dead.


Okay y'all. Double update. Hope you like this chapter!!!! I tried to make it longer for y'all.

It got kinda steamy there for a second.

Haha. Anyway. Luv you all to the moon and back!!!!


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