Surviving High School

By tardis19

685K 8.9K 2.8K

All Bella Swan wants to do is survive high school, but when you're a klutz extraordinaire, have the hots for... More

Bad Day
Whole Lotta Trouble
Wild Hope
We Will Rock You
Daydream Believer
Everybody Hurts
Welcome to My Life
Ordinary Day
For A Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic
Complicated (Edward Outtake)
Troubled Soul
Dreaming of You
Better than Revenge
Why Can't I?
Closer I Get To You
Truly Madly Deeply
Kiss Me
Bella's Dream (omitted from Kiss Me)
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
Somebody's Watching Me
Mean Disposition
Chapter 25
Not Fragile
Alaska and Me
I Had the Time of My Life
Be Strong
Love Like This (Epilogue)

Take a Bow

20.4K 286 88
By tardis19

A/N: Thank you all so much for the wonderful reviews.  


I was sitting on the couch next to Edward, watching the newest Harry Potter movie. The other couples had abandoned us for some alone time, so there we were. Not that I was complaining. We were about twenty minutes into the movie when I started to cry. What a sad scene! Edward must have noticed my tears because he scooted down the couch until he was close enough to wrap his arm around me.

"Hey. You okay?" he asked me.

I nodded. "I'm fine. I knew this scene was coming, but it still makes me sad. I know. I'm being silly."

"No, you're not. It's a sad moment. No shame in crying."

The rest of the movie was spent with Edward's arm wrapped around me, pulling me into him. I snuggled closer and rested my head on his shoulder, sighing happily. Too soon for my liking, the movie ended, but Edward didn't release me from his grip.


I looked at him.

"I know that I've been a stupid jerk, but I've seen the error of my ways. Would you . . . would you consider going out with me?" he asked in a hopeful voice.

I could hardly breathe. Edward was asking me out!

"Of course!" I practically shouted at him. Then, I buried my face in his shoulder, embarrassed at my reaction.

He laughed at my obvious enthusiasm and squeezed my shoulder.

"I'm glad that you're excited about going out with me. Would you like to go out tomorrow night? We could go out to dinner in Port Angeles, maybe see a movie?"

"I'd like that," I told him shyly.

He beamed.

"Bella. Would it be considered terribly rude of me to kiss you?"

"Not at all. I think I'd like that. A lot."

Cue the blush.

Edward reached up and gently cupped my face in his hands. He leaned down, his bronze hair falling into his eyes, and I saw him wet his lips. The next moment, his lips were pressed firmly on mine. His tongue gently traced my lips, begging me to open up, and I did. His tongue swept into my mouth and began to tangle with my own. And just as I was sinking deeper into the kiss, I heard whispering from nearby.

"Shhhh . . . don't wake them up!"


"Aww . . . they look so cute."

"Jerk better break up with Victoria for real, or I'm gonna break him."

I slowly peeled my eyes open and saw Alice, Jasper, Rose and Emmett staring at me. Or more accurately, at Edward and me. Apparently, he was still wrapped around me with his head on my shoulder. I blinked a few times and began to try to untangle myself from Edward. The group must have noticed that I was awake because they all quickly averted their eyes and began a new conversation.

"Let's head up for breakfast."


"Sounds good."

"I can always eat."

And just like that, they all tromped upstairs, leaving me alone with a sleeping Edward. I shook my head at their antics. One of Edward's arms was wrapped around my waist, while the other hung off the back of the couch. I reached over and gently pushed on his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up.

"Edward. Edward, wake up."

I got a garbled mumble as a response.

I tried shaking him harder, which only caused him to tighten his grip on me.

"Edward!" I shouted in his ear.

He jerked up, almost banging his head into mine.

"What? What?" he said, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Um . . . it's time to get up," I told him.

"Oh. Okay," he said. Then he took a minute to assess the situation. I knew the minute he realized he was wrapped around me because his face took on a light blush. He quickly removed his arm from around my waist and stood up.

"I'm . . . uh . . . sorry about that. I didn't mean to manhandle you in my sleep."

"No worries. It's all good," I told him, getting up from the couch as well. And then we just stood there, staring awkwardly at each other.

"Um . . . I think breakfast is ready."

"Right. Breakfast. Breakfast is good."

I couldn't help but giggle at his behavior. He was acting so cute.

"I'm gonna head on up there and grab something to eat," I said.

"Sure. Go ahead. I'm gonna go shower first."

And then I was bombarded with images of a naked Edward in the shower. Oh boy. Best not to think those thoughts. I hurried up the stairs and made my way into the kitchen. I found the two couples, along with Mrs. Cullen, sitting around the table.

"Good morning, Bella!" Alice sang.

"Morning, Alice."

"How did you sleep?" she asked slyly.

"Fine. I slept fine," I answered quickly.

"Looked like it. Looked like Edward slept just fine, too," she said.

I shot her a glare. The last thing I wanted was her mom thinking I was some kind of hussy.

"The two of you did look really cute," Mrs. Cullen said as she passed me a plate full of eggs and bacon.

I'm pretty sure my mouth fell open as I stared at her, and then the blush started to take over. I couldn't look her in the eye as I took my plate from her.

"Oh, Bella. Don't be embarrassed, sweetie."

Too late for that. Edward's mom had seen us cuddling. Plus, he still had a girlfriend. I was completely mortified.

A few minutes later, Edward came into the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Emmett. I held back the sigh that I wanted to let out. He was so cute. The rest of breakfast passed without much conversation, mainly just the scraping of forks on plates. After breakfast was over, I saw Emmett lean down and say something to Edward that seemed to piss him off. Looked like Emmett was still in brother bear mode.

"Alright, kids. What are your plans for the day?" Mrs. Cullen asked us.

I honestly had no idea, but Alice did. Apparently, we were going to spend the day just hanging out and relaxing. Alice's idea of fun was manicures and pedicures. Ugh! Jasper had to head home, so Edward and Emmett decided to have a video game tournament, then Edward would head to Victoria's later to have a "chat."

Alice, Rose, and I all headed upstairs and took turns taking showers. Once dressed, the torture began. Fifteen minutes later, I was sporting clear polish on my fingernails and pink on my toenails. I was not happy about the pink.

"Why did you have to put pink polish on me?" I whined to Alice.

"Because I wanted to," she said, and that was the end of that conversation.

By the time lunch rolled around, Alice had dolled us all up. We walked into the kitchen to find Emmett creating the biggest sandwich I'd ever seen.

"Good lord, Emmett! Are you feeding a small country?" I asked him.

"Hey now, Frank. Be nice. I'm a growing boy. I need to eat."

"So do the starving children in China."

He stuck his tongue out at me, then proceeded to make me a sandwich as big as his. Once done with his creation, he set the plate in front of me.

"Emmett, there is no way I can eat all this," I complained.

"Sure you can. It might take you a while, but I have faith that you can do it."

I rolled my eyes. I cut the sandwich into fourths and started digging in. I would admit, the boy could make a mean sandwich. I had just given half of my sandwich to Alice, when the doorbell rang.

Edward came down the stairs and got the door. A few seconds later, we all heard the screeching that was Victoria's voice.

"Eddie! I'm so glad you're home!"

"Oh," he said in a resigned voice. "Hey, Victoria. I was going to call you later. We need to talk. Why don't we take a walk around to the gardens."

Oh, this was it! He was going to break up with her! Inside, I was doing a happy dance. Part of me wanted to go into spy mode and listen in on their conversation, but the moral part of me told me that was wrong. Fortunately for my evil side, Emmett was all about spying.

"Quick! Let's head outside before they get to the garden! I want to hear this!"

"Emmett, we can't spy on them. That would be wrong," I said, trying to sound convincing.

Rose rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever, Bella. You know you want to hear it as much as we do. So where are we going to hide, Emmett?"

"I don't know. Alice? Any ideas?"

Alice grinned at him. "There's a tree house out back that came with the property. Edward and I found it when we first moved here. It's near the gardens. It's sturdy enough, although I'm not sure if we can all fit in it."

And with that, Emmett took off through the back door, with us at his heels. We found the tree house, and it was definitely made for kids, not three teenage girls and one giant oaf. Alice shimmied up the wooden ladder first, then Rose. I wasn't so sure about this. Yes, the ladder looked strong enough, but this was clumsy me we were talking about. I was on the second rung with Emmett behind me, when we heard Edward and Victoria approaching.

"C'mon . . . hurry up!" Emmett hissed at me.

I started scrambling up the ladder as quickly as possible, but apparently it wasn't fast enough because Emmett put his hands on my ass and boosted me up. I fell onto the floor of the tree house and moved to the corner to make room for Emmett. Once he was in the tree house, I kicked him as hard as I could.

"There was no need to grab my ass!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"I wasn't trying to cop a feel. I was trying to hurry you up," he whispered back at me.


"Shhh!" Alice hissed at us. "They're here."

So there we were. Four teenagers crammed into a tiny tree house, trying to huddle around the window so we could spy on Edward and Victoria. We were pathetic. Alice and I, being the smallest, were able to fit comfortably enough, but Rose and Emmett were having issues. After a few minutes, we finally got ourselves situated and began to listen in. Oh, we were so going to hell for this. Alice and I looked out the window and saw Edward and Victoria sitting down on a bench, not too far from the tree house.

"So, Eddie. What did you want to talk to me about?" Victoria simpered. Or tried to, at least. She had angled herself so that she was practically in Edward's lap, but he was having none of that. He pushed her to the side and then stood up, pacing back and forth.

"First off, don't call me Eddie. I don't know how many times I've had to tell you that. I hate being called Eddie! Maybe you think it sounds cute, but it doesn't. It just grates on my nerves."

"I'm sorry Eddi--Edward. I don't do it on purpose."

"Whatever. Do you know why I wanted us to take a break?"

She tossed her red hair over her shoulder and said, "It had something to do with Swan. It's all her fault."

"No, it's not. Bella might have had a small part in it, but we were heading toward a break even before all the drama happened. You and I have been drifting apart for some time. You always want to go out somewhere expensive, want me to spend lots of money on you. You're never happy just hanging out around here. After a while, I began to wonder if you were just dating me because my family has money."

"Edward! That's not true. I'm sorry if it seemed like that, but I'm not dating you for your money. I--I love you!" she cried.

Up in the tree house, we all rolled our eyes at Victoria's declaration.

"Really? I seem to recall you getting mad at me because I didn't buy some expensive earrings you wanted for your birthday. You pouted for a week after that."

"Are you accusing me of being a gold digger?! You know, Edward, you never had issues with me until Isabella came along."

"Bella," he said, stressing my name, "has nothing to do with this."

"She has everything to do with this! I knew that she was out to break us up, so I asked you not to be her lab partner, but instead you go right ahead. Then you have the audacity to become her friend! She comes crying to you that I'm being mean to her, which was a fucking lie, by the way . . ."

"Hold on just a second," Edward interrupted. "You didn't ask that I not be Bella's lab partner. You demanded it. I am my own person! I can make my own decisions, and frankly, I don't see why it's your business if I'm friends with her."

"Are you fucking kidding me? The lying tramp has been out for me since day one. She's always been jealous of me! She saw that I had you and decided to try to break us up!"

Despite the fact that I was up in the tree house, I was ready to jump out the window and bitch slap Bitchtoria. Who the hell did she think she was, spouting all these lies?

"Whoa . . . calm down there, Tiger," Emmett whispered in my ear. "Let's see what Edward has to say."

"She's not a tramp! If you know what's good for you, you'll watch your mouth! You know Victoria, I was on your side in the beginning. I stood up for you, despite everything that everyone was telling me about you. Since we first started dating, everyone was telling me what a bitch you were, but I disagreed with them. And I was wrong. I stopped being friends with Bella because you told me that she was being mean to you, and I ended up hurting Bella," he said with a sad tinge in his voice.

"Who the fuck cares if she got hurt?" she sneered.

"I do, because it turns out that she was right about you. They all were. Yesterday, I saw the true you. You go around talking crap about people, and I was too blind or dumb to notice. I feel like an idiot for not having seen it sooner."

"What are you saying, Edward?"

"I'm saying that you and I are over. We're done. I'm breaking up with you."

Victoria flew into a rage. She jumped up off the bench, hair flying and fist clenched. I truly feared for Edward's safety.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't possibly have heard you right. Did you just say that you were breaking up with me?"


"You fucking asshole! I made you! If it wasn't for me, you'd be the same kind of trash that Isabella Swan is! I'm taking you down! You won't get away with this! When I'm through with you, no one will even remember your name!" she threatened.

"Oh, hell no! She did not just threaten my brother," Alice said to us. Before we could stop her, she had climbed out of the tree house window and latched onto the rope that led to the swinging tire. She shimmied down the rope like a pro, made her way over to Victoria, and slapped her across the face before anyone saw it coming.

"You fucking skank! How dare you threaten my brother?" she screeched at Victoria.

I don't know who was more shocked, Victoria or Edward. Both of them wore identical expressions of disbelief, except that Victoria's face was now sporting a bright red, tiny hand print. And then all hell broke loose.

"You're so going to fucking pay for this, Alice Cullen! Don't think I won't ruin you!" Victoria shouted as she lunged toward Alice.

Edward yanked Alice out of the way just as Mrs. Cullen came running into the gardens.

"What is all this yelling about?" she asked, looking around at the three of them.

"Nothing, Mom. Victoria was just leaving," Edward told her as Alice said, "Oh, Victoria's a bit upset because Edward finally wised up and saw her for what she truly is."

"Hmmm . . . well Victoria, I think it's time you left. Oh, and Victoria. If I ever hear you threatening any of my children ever again, there will be hell to pay."

Having said that, Mrs. Cullen grabbed Victoria's arm and dragged her toward the front of the house.

"Way to go, Mama C!" Emmett yelled from the tree house.

Edward let out a sigh when he heard Emmett's voice and turned to Alice.

"Really, Alice? Eavesdropping? Aren't you a bit old for that?"

"Of course not. I knew that she wouldn't take it well, and I wanted to be nearby in case anything happened."

"I take it Emmett and Rose are around as well."

"And Bella."

We all waved to Edward from our spots in the tree house.

"How the hell did you all fit in that tree house?" he asked, with a bit of a smile starting to form.

"It's a tight fit. Emmett is taking up all the space," I called down.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Would you two grow up? Geez."

"Why don't the three of you come out of there," Edward said to us.

As quickly as I dared, I made my way down the ladder, managing to trip on air once I was off the ladder. Good thing Edward was there to catch me.

"Seriously, Bella? You get down the ladder unscathed and trip over thin air?"

"That's me."

Rose soon came down and then, last but not least, came Emmett. Except he got stuck. From where I stood, I saw the lower half of his body on the ladder, and the upper half was still inside the trap door.

"Help!" came a muffled call.

"Oh, good God," Rose said as she climbed back up the ladder and attempted to pull Emmett out.

Alice, Edward, and I were beside ourselves, bodies quaking with laughter at watching Rose try to get Emmett unstuck.

"You know, instead of standing there laughing like hyenas, you could help out!" Rose spat at us.

I shook my head and backed away. No way was I going to help. I had a feeling I'd be more of a hindrance, anyway. Edward let out a sigh, told Rose to move, and started tugging at Emmett's legs. Unfortunately, Emmett was wearing a pair of sweatpants and with one hard tug, Edward managed to pull his pants right off. We were left staring at Emmett, clad in a pair of bright red, silk boxers with the words Sexy Beast written across his ass. It was too much. We all looked at each other, and the laughter began all over again. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. I couldn't help it. That was so going on Facebook.

"What's so funny?" Emmett asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all, you Sexy Beast," I replied.

It took a minute for what I said to register with him. "Where are my pants?" he roared at us.

In between giggles, Rose managed to inform him that Edward had accidentally pulled them off.

"I always knew you were gay for me, Edward. If you wanted to check out my ass, all you had to do was ask."

"Speaking of asses, why did you grab Bella's?" Rose asked him.

"He did what?" Edward asked me, looking furious.

Emmett explained that he was trying to hurry us up and just reached up and pushed me, and that he may have grabbed my ass in doing so.

"I wasn't trying to cop a feel! I swear, Rosie. I would never do that."

"I know, you big oaf. Just don't do it again or you'll never be getting any ass. Ever!"

Twenty minutes later, we finally had Emmett out and his pants back on. Alice had whipped out her phone and was furiously texting Jasper to let him know all about the good stuff that he'd missed. We all headed to the living room and sat down to discuss what had happened, as well as what would likely happen on Monday.

"Eddie, man, I'm so fucking proud of you. I didn't think you actually had the balls to go through with it," Emmett told him from his spot on the floor.

"Don't call me Eddie. You know how much I hate it."

"That's why I do it. Duh."

I rolled my eyes at them. Sometimes, they were such boys.

"I'm just glad that you finally saw the light. I was afraid I'd be stuck having to deal with her forever," Alice told him.

"I'm just sorry it took me so long to realize that you all were right. And Bella, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I didn't believe you."

"All will be forgiven in time," I told him.

He looked a bit upset that I hadn't forgiven him right then and there, but he had a lesson to learn. I saw Rose give me a wink from her spot on the couch.

"I have a feeling tomorrow at school is gonna suck," Edward commented.

"Most likely. After all, Bitchtoria is going to ruin you! What was it she said? Oh yes. By the time she's through with you, no one will remember your name or something stupid like that," Alice said.

"Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Tomorrow, I implement the first phase of Operation: Dethrone The Queen," Rose said with an extremely scary smile on her face.

"I don't want to know," I told them. And I really didn't. Sometimes, ignorance was bliss. That way, when I was being tortured by Bitchtoria and her Brainless Bimbo Brigade, I could honestly say I had no idea what was going down.


I woke up early Monday morning, unable to sleep. I had tossed and turned all night, dreams filled with Edward and Victoria. I rolled over and noticed that it was only a little after five. Ugh. I could hear Charlie moving around in the kitchen downstairs, so I headed down to make him a decent breakfast.

"Morning, Dad."

"Bells! You're up early."

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep. How about I make you a real breakfast? Eggs and bacon, okay?"

"Sounds terrific."

We ate our breakfast quietly, then he headed off to the station, and I headed upstairs to log into my Facebook account. The first thing I noticed, once it was up, was that Edward's relationship status had changed to single. I clicked on his page and noticed a ton of people had commented on his new single status, including his mom. I grinned at that. Edward was Facebook friends with his mom. Thankfully, Renee had never figured out how to use Facebook.

Bella Swan is thinking: The best part about this status message is that by the time you've finished reading it, you realize that there is absolutely no point to it. So very true. I considered putting up the picture of Emmett and his Sexy Beast boxers but in the end decided not to. I might need that for blackmailing him someday. I killed some more time catching up on my games, and then got ready for school. Today was, without a doubt, going to be extremely interesting.

I pulled into the lot at school and parked near Edward's mom-mobile. I saw that Alice, Rose, Jasper, and Emmett were all surrounding Edward. They were providing a protective front, should he need one, from the evil that was known as Victoria. I grabbed my stuff and joined the ranks.

"Morning, gang."

"Hey, Bella! Ready to see what today brings?" Alice asked me.

"Oh yeah ," I replied.

Rose looked at us and with a feral grin, said, "Bring it on."

The six of us walked into Forks High, ready to face the gossip-mongers. And there were a ton. At every corner, there were whispers about not only Edward, but the rest of us as well. Looked like Victoria was on her way to try to "ruin" us. Where I had once been afraid of her, now I was just annoyed at her pathetic ploy to get back at us. It was stupid. I made my way to my locker, grabbed my books, and as I was shutting it, I found Bree and Tanya standing next to me.

"Can I help you?" I asked them.

"Hardly. Just thought you should know that you're going down. I'd watch your back if I were you," Bree warned me, while Tanya stood next to her picking her nails.

I snorted. Those two really needed to work on their threats because as threats go, that was pretty lame. "Gee, thanks for the warning, ladies. But, in all honesty, I think the two of you have more to worry about than me. Rose is taking Victoria down, and Victoria's gonna take you all down with her. Best to jump ship while you still can."

I left them looking confused and headed off toward homeroom. Homeroom was filled with people discussing the breakup of the century. Good lord, you'd think that Prince William and Kate had broken up, with all the hype that it was getting.

"I heard that Edward broke up with Victoria so he could date Bella, but she turned him down and now he wants Victoria back, but she's done with him," Eric was telling Tyler in the corner of the room.

From in front of me, I heard a group of girls discussing the best way to catch Edward now that he was single. A group of kids in the back of the room were discussing the showdown that had gone on at the Cullen home, which had led to Alice attacking Victoria. I was amazed at how many details people got wrong. Gossip was like a game of telephone. It started out with the right information, but along the way the information got twisted around and next you thing you know, Victoria dumped Edward for Alice, but Alice had the hots for me, which led to a catfight between Victoria and myself.

Angela and I headed to English and found ourselves stuck in our group, consisting of Mike and Tanya. Fabulous. I couldn't wait to hear what they had to say. And I didn't have to wait long. I had talked to Angela the night before and filled her in on the juicy, yet accurate details of what had gone down. Now, we were going to hear what dear ole Mike had to say.

"So, Bella . . .  I heard that Edward broke up with Victoria," he started.

"Oh, that's such crap. Everyone knows that Victoria dumped him," Tanya interrupted.

"Actually, Edward did break up with her. I was there," I said. Then immediately wished I'd kept my mouth shut, because two sets of eyes flew toward me.

Mike leaned in, eager to hear all about it, but I was keeping my mouth shut.

"Really? You were there?" he asked, excitedly. "Wait. Are you the reason they broke up? Oh, my God. You are, aren't you? Edward broke up with Victoria to be with you."

Crap! Now I was going to have to do damage control. Angela beat me to it though.

"Don't be stupid, Mike. Bella's not the reason they broke up. They broke up because Edward finally realized what a skanky-assed bitch Victoria is."

Well, that shut Mike up. I think I was in a bit of shock myself. It was so strange to see Angela getting mouthy and swearing. Sadly, Angela hadn't managed to shut Tanya up.

"I'd watch what you say, Angela, or Victoria might have to have a talk with you. We all know Bella's to blame, and she's gonna get what's coming to her."

I arched an eyebrow at Tanya. "I'd be more concerned about what Rose is going to do to you, than about what Victoria might do to me."

At the mention of Rose's name, Tanya paled a bit under her orange spray-on tan. That's right, bitch. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I couldn't wait to see what Rose had in store for Victoria and her followers.

The rest of my morning flew by as quickly as the gossip was spreading in the school, and soon it was lunch. I grabbed my usual slice of pizza and a lemonade and made my way to our table.

"So how was your morning, Edward?" I asked as I sat down.

"Where to begin? I've been asked countless times why I broke up with Victoria, or asked if she broke up with me. I've been asked if I left Victoria for you, and I've been flirted with and asked out by more girls than I know what to do with," Edward said.

"Romeo, if you don't know what to do with a girl, then you've got some problems," Emmett said, grinning at Edward.

Edward threw an orange at Emmett's head.

"Douche. I know what to do with a girl, don't you worry about that."

Oh, I bet he did. I bet he knew exactly what to do. No, Bella! Stop that train of thought!

"Poor thing," I told him. "Having to fend off all those girls."

He stuck his tongue out at me. "How about you guys? Anyone giving you problems?"

Angela piped in and mentioned that Mike and Tanya had been giving me some crap, but I quickly assured Edward that it was fine. I wasn't worried about them. I wasn't even all that worried about Victoria. If she did anything to me, she would just be showing everyone the truth.

"I wouldn't worry about them too much, Bella," Rose told me. "I've got plans for all of them."

I shuddered at the way she said "plans."

"You aren't going to . . . oh, I don't know . . . kill them, are you?" I asked her.

She grinned at me. "Of course not. But they will wish they were dead, by the time I'm done with them."

My eyes grew as big as saucers when I heard that. I quickly and not so subtly, changed the subject. After lunch, Edward and I headed to Biology. We sat down at our table, talking and laughing like we used to, when Bree came over to us.

"Edward, I need a word with you."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Bree?"

"Can I talk to you alone?"

"No. Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Bella."

Her face flushed with anger and she shot me a glare, like it was my fault that he didn't want to talk to her alone.

"Fine. I used to think that you were a decent guy, and then you go and pull this kind of shit! It pisses me off, and I don't enjoy watching my best friend get played!"

"What the hell are you on about, Bree?" Edward asked, anger tinting his voice.

"Oh, please. Don't try to act all innocent. I'm talking about you screwing Bella while you were still with Victoria. The fact that you cheated on my best friend really pisses me off."

"Before you go throwing accusations around, you need to get your facts straight. I have never cheated on Victoria. Ever! You want to know why I broke up with her? I'll tell you. It's because I finally opened my eyes to what everyone's been telling me for the past two years. That Victoria is a hateful person who talks crap about everyone and will do anything and everything to get what she wants. You consider yourself her best friend, but does she consider you hers?"

Bree was furious. I could tell she wanted to say more, but Mr. Banner walked in and started class, putting a stop to whatever crap she was about to spout.

"So, everyone thinks that you cheated on her with me?" I asked him in a whisper.

He shrugged. "Some people do, but who cares what they think. What's important is that we know the truth and that that never happened."

Although, it had almost happened, and we both knew it. Halfway through class, I needed to use the bathroom, so I got a pass from Mr. Banner and made my way to the girls' room. Once done, I washed my hands and turned to get some paper towels from the dispenser, when I felt someone grab a hold of my ponytail and yank it hard. What the hell?!


a/n: Cliffie?  Yes.  Yes, indeed.  I'm going to be on vacation this coming week and won't be back until next Thursday.  Chances are very good that I won't have time to update between now and then, so I'm letting you all know right now, that you probably won't get an update until August 9th.  So now, I want you all to tell me how you loved that break up scene!

"We need to have a talk, bitch."

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