Iridescent ❀


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"I like you, and it sucks to think that I've never realised it before until now." --- Miya and Jimin are th... More


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"Guess what!?" Jimin exclaimed, making me almost spill my coffee.

I groaned, "I'm guessing, you forgot to ask the Barista to put milk on my iced americano?" I sleepily asked.

"Oh, sorry about that. But guess harder!" He whined as he parked the car.

I grunted, "Ugh, I don't know, I'm guessing, you're not pregnant, because your vagina is fictional?" I tiredly ventured.

He faced me, and pouts as he unbuckled his seat belt. He looked as if he was trying not to burst out. I scrunched my nose and sighed. "Fine, I give up. What is it?" I asked. 

He smiled widely, "Yoongi just followed me back on instagram!" He held back a squeal, as he brought his hand over his mouth. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes gleamed. 

My mouth flew open with his words. I guess, I really did scared Yoongi and made him follow Jimin. Maybe he thought, I was threatening him.

Oh well, I didn't care as long as my best friend is happy.

"Really!? I'm so happy for you!" I cheered, as I took a sip of my coffee.

I'm happy for Jimin, although not entirely. Sometimes, I really don't get myself. I hate the thought of Jimin dating Yoongi, but I also, always and forever wanted Jimin to be immensely happy. And seeing that Yoongi is the cause of his euphoria, that's all that really matters to me. 

Even though Jimin is very cheerful, and his laugh can make you realize that this person is filled with rainbows and sunshine's, and there are times when you'll just caught yourself staring at him when he smiles. But deep down, I know, how sadness creeps in and filled up his hollow heart with sorrow.

He was chained from his secrets that stopped him from ever being free, and he was being devoured by the very thoughts of everyone disowning him just because of his sexual orientation. And as his best friend, I want him to be genuinely happy--- even if Yoongi is his happiness.

He ran his hand through his hair as his face were completely flushed.

"So, did you send him anything?" I asked as I placed my palm on my cheek. He pondered for a minute and gazed on me.

He pouts, "Well... No. I don't know what to say..."

I shook my head lightly, "Give me the phone." I commanded, and he obeyed, handing me his phone.

I opened the instagram app and searched Yoongi's name and clicked to message him.

parkjiminie: hey bro, thank u for following back.

I typed and send it. 

"What did you say!?" He instantly stole the phone from my hand, completely panicking which causes me to giggle at his hysterics.

"Panic gay much? chill, I just thanked him." I uttered, unbuckling my seat belt.

I heard him release a deep sigh. "I'm nervous." He admitted.

I turn to face him. "There's nothing to be nervous about right now." I placed a hand on his shoulder. He smiled and stare softens. "It is weird to start being nervous when he still haven't seen your message yet. You can start panicking when he reads it, Okay?" I continued.

He placed his palm at his forehead as he looked down, "Just when I thought that some words of wisdom would finally come out of your mouth, it always end up saying the most stupidest things." He sighed.

I yawned, "I didn't get enough sleep, so I'm being extra bitch today" I grunted.

"Super colossal bitch!" He cracked, I laughed hysterically. "Let's get inside... come on" He stated as we came out of the car and got into our classes.

I hadn't listened much as to what our teacher blabbed about. In fact, he's not actually teaching, he is just telling his life story and how he became a teacher. It was kind of stupid, because the subject was statistics and probability, and our topic was all about the discrete probability distribution. But he talks about how he used to be a factory worker while he studied in college.

Listening to him was pointless, so I quietly placed both of my arms at my desk and laid my head on top of it as I drifted off to sleep.

"Ms. Moon!!!" Someone yelled making me sat up quickly with my eyes still closed.

I realized that his class was not yet over and I just took a nap.

"What are you doing? Are you sleeping in my class?" He asked.

Well, duh, your autobiography sounded like a bedtime story, so what do you expect?

I pursed my lips and shook my head lightly.

I cleared my throat, "I was just..." I quickly think of an excuse. "praying, your honor... uh majesty... I-I mean, s-sir..." I stammered.

"What!?" He asked in utter confusion.

Honestly, I really don't know what to say.

"Sir, I was praying... to the lord. You know, to end the worlds hunger and for the global warming... to finally stop. I also prayed for the factory that you used to work to... I ask god, for your ex-colleague there to stay healthy... Fighting!" I explained. Earning subtle laughs from my classmates.

I expected him to smile but his face shown that he was infuriated.

"Are you mocking me, Ms. Moon?" He snapped.

I panicked when his voice boomed across the room, making everyone to stay quiet. And this is the time when I realize that I am the most unluckiest person on earth, I wish for the ground to just open up and swallow me.

"Oh, no, sir... I'm sorry." I muttered.

I want to die now please... Can anyone just carry me to my coffin? And like, bury me six feet underneath now? Thanks....

"Get out." He firmly stated.

My mouth flew open, "Sir, I said I was sorry. Okay, maybe I just took a power nap but that doesn't—"

"I said get out!" He yelled, making my hand curled up in a fist out of embarrassment.

I felt everyone's gazed were on me.

I slowly stood up, as I looked down at the ground. I was about to leave when someone spoke.

"Okay, stop." Yoongi stood up and spoke. Our teacher turn his attention to him.

"Do you have any problem Mr. Yoongi?" He asked.

Yoongi placed his hand in his pocket, "Yes sir, I do have a problem..."

His friends are trying to stop him. But he didn't bulge, he didn't care.

Our teacher crossed his arms, waiting for Yoongi to continue.

"You are my problem sir... Why do you pick on this girl just because she slept on your class? I mean, she's not the only one doing it..." He stated as-a-matter-of-fact.

I looked around and I realized that I wasn't the only one who slacked off. There were two of my classmates who sat at the back of the room who are now dozing off.

I gave our teacher a disgusted look....

"Oh, so you're picking on me, sir?" I stated, trying not to make it come out rudely, when I really just had it.

He hissed as he looked at me in as if he was getting ticked off again. I raised a hand and gave him a peace sign.

"What she did is wrong, but you're wrong as well, sir." Yoongi spoke again as he sat down. "You both can call it quits now, and let's move on to our class discussion or something"

Just when our teacher was about to say something in reply, the bell rang. "Aish, whatever." He exclaimed as he walked out of the room. 

It was lunch time and they are all starting to leave one by one.

I sat back on my chair and decided to sleep again. My head hurts and I am regretting that I ever did a night shift, I am internally dying.

I felt someone poked my head. I tried to ignore it, but I felt it again.

"What is it!?" I snapped as I looked up.

"Is that how you say 'thank you'?" Yoongi asked, arms across his chest.

"No, that's how I say, 'piss off, i'm trying to sleep, stop annoying me'..." I sleepily argued. "But, thank you. Although I don't really need saving, I think I'm capable of being as independent as Wonder Woman or Elsa... but still, thank you." I pursed my lips.

He shook his head as he sighed deeply. "You're so lighthearted..."

I gave him a confused look, "Yeah, and you're so cold-hearted." I frowned. "Could you not do it again?

His eyebrows were furrowed, "Do what?"

"Saving my ass?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't liked how he stood up for me. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful because I wanted to die out of embarrassement at that moment. But I know that he pity me and my inability to speak up, and that's what bothers me.

He smirked, "Why? Did I make your heart flutter?"

I shook my head and gave him a straight-face. "It just hurts my ego when someone I hate saves me from my misery, okay?"

He nod his head lightly as he turn around and went off with his friends.

I glanced at him as he walked out of the room, and I saw Jimin was entering the room and was heading towards me. 

"What was that about?" Jimin asked in confusion as he pointed at Yoongi. 

Of course, he saw what happened. I instantly recognize the 'jealousy' in his voice, but I still act like I didn't care, because honestly, I really don't. I mean, I care about Jimin, but I don't give a damn about Yoongi. 

I shrugged, "Some shit happens... long story short, he saves my ass when our teacher got mad because I slept in his class..." I admitted. 

He pursed his lips and nodded, "My future boyfriend is a real prince, I knew it" He place a hand over his mouth, probably holding back the urge to squeal. I shook my head and let out a small smile.

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