Living With The Player

By Kamix3

175K 4.3K 1.2K

Living under the same roof with the school's player is like hell to Connie Colls. Connie Colls: So-called a n... More

Living With The Player
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Randall's POV
Chapter 4
Randall's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Randall's POV
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Randall's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Randall's POV
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Randall's POV
Chapter 20
Author Notes
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author notes
Chapter 27
Chapter 28


1.7K 52 40
By Kamix3


"Joey, is it really necessary to do this?" I huffed out a sigh and glared at her.

"Yes, birthday girl. It's tradition," She pulled me into her brand new car she got as a gift for finally getting a license after failing the test more than 10 times. She slammed the door shut on my side after I got in.

"Couldn't we wait till later?"

"No can do, birthday girl. We have a schedule to follow," She waved her index finger and gave me a disapproving frown.

"Dude, I'm in my jammies." I looked down at my self. I was wearing a loose black tank top with flamingo printed pajamas shorts and my favourite bedroom slippers which has bear prints on them.

Embarrassing, i know. But again, who's gonna judge you when you're asleep? If your partner can't handle you at your most natural state, move along and get someone better. Am i right?

Also not to mention, i didn't have a bra on either because sleeping with a bra on is super uncomfortable. So i was out of my house, shaking under the icy breeze from her car's AC, with my nips hardening and all prepared to cut people.

"You could have at least let me change out of this OR wear a bra," I groaned.

I watched her skip to the other side and she slid into the driver's seat, buckling herself.  She sighed again, "Sorry, hun. We are on a schedule here. Put this on,"

She threw me her jacket and turned down the AC before she continued, "Buckle up, birthday girl. Be honoured you're my first ever passenger,"

I put the jacket on before pulling the seatbelt across my torso and buckling myself up, letting hers words register in my half-awake mind.

First passenger... First...  First passenger?!


Before i could do anything, she stepped on the gas and we speed off to the mall or certain death. May lord be with me.


The moment she shifted the gear into park, i was able to finally let go of the seatbelt i was clinging onto for dear life. Long story short, Joey drives like as if she's a F1 racecar driver and i was her very first victim.

What an honour. Thank you lord for hearing my prayers.

I threw my head back, rubbing my temples, in hopes that my world would stop spinning around me. Thankfully it did, if not, i don't know how I'm gonna keep up with that 'schedule' Joey have planned out for us today.

"The ride was great right?" Joey smiled as she got out from her side.

"Great is an understatement. I would call it....heart stopping, literally." I pressed a hand to my heart, feeling it race. Joey clicked something on car key and the car beeped once.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Joey hooked her arm around my shoulder as we made out way to the elevator. "You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Like i said, it's heart stopping." We stepped into the elevator and pressed "G" as we headed up to the ground level. "Its life-changing. It made me feel thankful that I'm alive,"

"I'll take that as a compliment," Joey grinned, patting my back.

Sure, whatever that makes you happy.

"So, what's next on the schedule?"

"First up, we have... 'Ice cream stuffing'!" Joey cheered, pulling me to the nearest Ben's and Jerry's.

What the heck is 'ice cream stuffing'?

"We are going to stuff our faces with ice cream till we become blue in the face," she grinned from ear to ear. I tugged on her arm, halting her in her tracks.

"But, it's.... barely 10am!"

"Well," She peered at her list on her phone, "that's what the schedule says so..."

"You created that list! Why can't we go for brunch instead?"

"That's at 11am, silly. Come on, we're falling behind time hun." She got behind and and pushed me into the store. The moment we reached the counter, Joey pulled out her credit card from her wallet and began ordering before i could object.

"Hi, can i get 2 medium pints? One will be the chocolate chip cookie dough and the other will be rocky road?.... Yes, having here" she grinned at me.

Oh fudge.


Back at the Coll's residence..

× Randall's ×

"Fuck! I can't do this shit man," Dexter, one of my buds i invited over to help me prep for Connie's birthday, tossed the glue gun onto the floor, groaning in pain, "This is the third time i burned my fingers already, dude. I don't get why we are doing this,"

Ignoring him, i pinched the corners of the white felt material together. "Glue me, muscle head." I watch him pick up the glue gun cautiously, before making his way over to my side and helping me glue the corners together.

"Stop calling me that," He glared at me as he quickly placed the glue gun down. He picked up a piece of white felt and began folding it. "I don't get why we must do this. Isn't buying roses easier than making them? Is someone tight on budget?"

"I don't mind the price. I just don't like the fact that they die. It's not permanent."

Dexter lifted his rose to my face. I picked up the glue gun and helped him glue the sides of his rose together. I then picked up a 'stem' which was made of wire wrapped up in green paper and glued them together.

"So what if it's not permanent?" He gathered all the completed roses and placed them aside.

"Giving her roses is a representation of my love for her. If it's not permanent, it's not accurate right?"

"Ugh, I'm 'bout to get diabetes." Dexter groaned.

I tosses him a roll of translucent pink paper, "Shut up and help me make a bouquet."


× Connie's ×

Time's now 3.05pm and can i just say? Joey is fucking mad.

First, we ate a pint of ice cream. An hour later, she dragged me over to our favourite dimsum place, DingTaiFung, for brunch where we had 2 servings of Xiao Long Baos (servings is usually 24 pieces in my country). At 12.30pm, we went to this korean barbeque place where we ate for another 2 hours.

By the time we were done, i could barely move an inch. My stomach was filled to the brim. I figured Joey was also feeling the same, maybe a bit worse due to the amount of money she had already burnt.

Before you say I'm taking advantage or what not, she wouldn't let me pay today. She threw my wallet in the car. I couldn't pay even if i wanted to.

We sat down on the bench to rest for a good 30mins. After that, we had to rush off to our next destination, all thanks to the 'schedule'.

Thank god, we aren't eating anymore, but we are at..... Triumph?

I have never had the confidence to step into a lingerie store. I usually buy my lingerie online. The clerks at these stores will just keep staring at you. It's probably to make sure that you won't do anything with their product but it makes me so nervous and uncomfortable. Hence, online shopping for lingerie. #SociallyAwkward and I'm okay with that.

Joey stepped into the store without hesitation and pulled me along with her. "Why are we here?" I whispered, making sure the clerks don't hear me.

"We're here to get you some lingerie of course!" Joey announced, patting my shoulders. "What's your size?" I shrugged.

I have always guessed my bra size. I usually go for 34A but i don't actually know my exact size.

Joey pushed me forward, till i was met face to face with a staff. I tried to say something but nothing would come out.

Thanks, social ability.

"Hi there! My friend wants to get her bra size check please?" Joey spoke on my behalf.

"This way please, ma'am." The store clerk pulled back the curtain for a changing room and followed me in. "Please remove your top so i can measure you."

I did what i was told to do and she began to measure me. After a couple of minutes, she was done.

"You're a 34A, sweetie." She folded her measuring tape and tucked it into her pocket. Meanwhile, i quickly got dressed again.

Hm i was right.

"So what kind of lingerie are you looking for?" The clerk asked, showing me the different sets of ligeries they have on display. I selected a bra at random and pulled out the price tag.

Holy. Shit. So much money for something that holds your boobs and protects your vajayjay.

"Something sexy, lacey?" Joey cuts in and looked at me. My mind was still drawing a blank after seeing the price of that bra.

"Anything," i mumbled.

I regret immediately.


× Randall's ×

After making the bouquet, i went to prepare her dinner meal. I made her steak with a simple salad and some potato wedges as the sides. With some help, I also baked a simple cake for her. During the baking process, Dexter brought up an interesting topic.

Birthday sex.

I wouldn't lie and say i haven't thought about it, but i wouldn't want to force Connie to do anything she doesn't want to do. I've been doing really well in controlling my needs for the entire time that we have been doing together.

Cold showers and internet are my best friends.

All in all, i haven't made a move on her and i don't plan to unless i get her permission to do so.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind from that topic and continued decorating the cake with some red coloured icing that Dexter had helped me prepare before he left. I drew a big red heart on the centre of the cake and wrote "C+R" in the middle of the heart. I put the cake into the fridge after i was done and began tidying up. I glanced at the wall clock.

Shoot, it's 5.30pm. She should be home any time now and i haven't changed.

Just when i had finished thinking that to myself, the doorbell rang. I quickly brushed as much flour as i could off myself. I rushed to the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Standing in front of me was Connie, wearing a beautiful low-cut wine red dress which hugged her around the waist area and ended just above her knees, along with some black boots which complimented her dress well. Her hair was curled in a way i have never seen before, but it really suited her. To conclude, she looks amazing, more amazing than she usually does.

"Does it look weird? Joey picked it out for me." She pushed her hair back, revealing how low-cut her dress actually was. She looked at me, eyes filled with anticipation.

"No, you look gorgeous." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling my ears grow hot. I stepped aside and let her in. She kicked off her boots and walked into the house. I followed closely behind her.

Fuck you, Dexter.

"Randall, you cooked? It smells really good," she beamed at me.

"Yeah, sorry. If i had known what Joey had installed for you, i would have made dinner reservations outside so you wouldn't have dressed up for nothing,"

She turned around to face me and held my hands. I looked down at my feet immediately, trying to avoid looking at her if not, i might lose it. I felt her hand on my left cheek. She tilted it up, forcing me to look at her.

"It's okay, you silly goose. I'm very happy you took the time to cook for me."

My heart began to fill with the similar warm feeling once again. Holding her hand, i guided her to the dining table and sat her down. I went to the kitchen and took out the food that was kept warm in the oven. I plated them quickly and took them out, along with some cutlery. I set her share in front of her and handed her a set of cutlery. I sat down across her and watched her mouth drop at the sight of what i made for her.

All that trouble was so worth it.

She cut out a small piece of her steak and popped it into her mouth. After a minute or so, she stopped chewing and looked up at me with her eyes wide.

"Thwis is amaziwng, swo gowd" she exclaimed, nodding her head approvingly. She swallowed the piece she had in her mouth and continued eating.

"Glad you like it."


× Connie's ×

Dinner was absolutely delicious. I never knew Randall was so skillful in the kitchen, especially since the only things we cooked were usually porridge and pasta which were easy to make.

I offered to wash the dishes but Randall forced me back down on my seat, saying how it's my birthday and all. Thus and i quote, 'birthday girl lifting a finger is a huge no-no'. I didn't fight back - couldn't fight back. This guy is stubborn as hell, but i still love him regardless.

After dinner, he dimmed the lights in the dining area. He then emerged from the kitchen with a cake, while singing the classic birthday song. He slowly made his way over to me. He paced himself well. By the time he was done with the song, the cake was set in front of me. He then hugged me from behind and pecked me lightly on the cheek.

"Make a wish, beautiful."

I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes.

Please let Randall and I be together for a long time.

I opened my eyes and notice Randall peering at my face. "What did you wish for?" He took one of my hands and asked.

"Can't say. It might not come true if i do," I shrugged, picking up the knife and cutting the cake into two. I placed one half on another plate and handed it to him. "Did you make this too?" I added. I cut out a little piece with my fork and ate it.

I've never been a fan of cakes hence i haven't eaten a lot of them in my life. But wow, this chocolate cake is really moist and delicious.

Randall nodded as he continued stuffing his face with cake.

"It's really good," i said after swallowing my piece.

Randall cleared his throat, "First try,"

"Impressive. Looks like i need to step my birthday game for yours," i laughed. Randall put his empty plate and fork down. He wrapped his arms around me lovingly.

"I have never wanted to be with someone so badly before. You're the first. I don't need anything for my birthday, just you by my side is good enough." He pecked my cheek again.

"You're going to give me diabetes," I smiled at him as he pulled away. I wiped the area he had kissed with my index finger. My finger was instantly coated with a layer of oil as well as crumbs. I looked up at Randall who was smiling away at my new discovery. "Oh my god, you did that on purpose. You dick,"

I stood up with a huff, picking up all used cultery and plate. I stomped into the kitchen angrily and scrubbing the dishes.

"Babe, you mad?" Randall leaned against the counter next to me.

I wasn't mad, but i was after revenge.

"Babe, look at me." Randall grabbed the sponge from me and placed it in the sink. "Please?" Randall leaned in, until his face was inches away from mine.

I quickly turned my face and gave him a big oily kiss on his cheek. He jumped away from me.

"Fuck yeah, revenge bitch." I cried.

I wiped the tears of joy away and looked at him. Instead of the gentle eyes i was so used to, he stared at me with icy cold ones. He took a few steps towards me and pulled me into a bear hug.

"You're such an asshole," he laughed.

"You started it," i murmured.

"I know," He pulled away slightly, hands still on my shoulders to make sure i was facing him. "And, i love you."

"I love you too," We shared a quick oily kiss. He released me and we began cleaning up together. I washed the dishes while he cleaned the table outside. Of course, we also washed our mouths. No more oily kisses for now.

After that, we flopped down on the couch and decided to watch netflix. After much convinction as well as one-sided debate by me, we decided to watch "To all the boys i have loved before". It was something i had been dying to watch but never had a chance to due to my busy schedule. We put the movie on and i leaned back into his arms, enjoying his warmth as the movie began to play.

Randall is a horrible movie buddy. He would tickle me from time to time, causing me to scream and squirm around uncomfortablely. I decided to take revenge and tickled him as well.

That somehow triggered something off in Randall's head and soon enough, this light teasing quickly turned into a full on wrestling match. Initially, i had the upper hand. I was above him, tickling him mercilessly. He tried to grab my wrists but i swatted his hands away quickly.

After a period of dodging and attacking, i could feel the energy draining from my body. I believe he could sense that too due to the slowing of my movements. He reached forward and grabbed hold of my wrists. He pushed me back and now our positions had swapped. I was now under him.

He had my wrists pinned down on each side. The little match had completely drained me. I wanted to get myself free of his grip but i could hardly catch my breath.

"Hey, look at me." I felt his breath against my ear.

I looked up as he has requested. He pressed his lips on mine gently. He pulled away and our eyes met. He freed my left wrist and his hand roamed down my body. A soft moan escaped my lips as i closed my eyes, enjoying his touch. His hand stopped at my hips. My eyelids fluttered open in disappointment. I gazed at him. His eyes no longer held that gentleness he always had. It was filled with something i have never seen before.

"Shall we take it upstairs?"


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