Author Notes

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Hi everyone! This isnt a chapter, sorry. Since the year has ended, I just got a couple of things to say or clarify.

Thanks for all those comments some of you made. It made me feel very happy to read them, knowing that people actually read my stories. And the votes, thank you.

My mom and I had an agreement which is when 31 Decemberis over, I would return my phone to her for safekeeping. As students, we hate studying but want our grades to be good. So to avoid distractions, she would keep my phone. Thus, I might not be able to update often so please bear with me.

Thats all I have to say. Happy new year! Thanks for supporting me and please continue to do so. Thank you! -Kamix.

PS :(I happen to really like porridge thats why I always use porridge in my stories)

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