Expect the Unexpected

By WriterOfLove91

269K 5.3K 324

Meet Tatum Jameson. She is a 17 year old junior living in the shadow of her twin older siblings. When her b... More

Flashback to The Party
I'm Here When You Need Me
Checking on Baby
A Crush
Telling Daddy's Parents
Breaking the News
Late Night Chat
Moving In
Cravings and Back To School
Halfway There
A Little Accident
Late Night Breakdown
Day Off
Fourth of July
Welcome To The World
Meeting The Family
Getting Home
First Day
Solo Day
First Day of School
New Years
The Verdict Is In
Months Gone By
Welcome Baby
Coming Home
Day Alone
College Visit
New Story
New Story

Shopping and Building

6.3K 143 4
By WriterOfLove91

Dempsey and Tatum woke up the next morning refreshed. Tatum stretched and said, "That is the best I have slept in months! Thank you for not kicking me out."

"I would never kick you out. I'm glad you slept well. I slept better than I ever have. Can...Um...Can we make this a nightly thing? If it's too quick just forget it."

"Yes please. Can we sleep in my room tonight? Then we can decide which mattress is better."

Dempsey chuckled. "That sounds perfect. Only the best for you and Oakley's sleep."

"Thanks, D."

"Of course, babe. We need to get ready for the day. I am going to miss you today. I've really gotten used to spending time with you."

"I'm going to miss you, too. Scott is coming to help you paint and put stuff together, right?"

"Yeah. Your dad said he would come over, too."

"Good. I didn't want you to be doing everything on your own. I'll help when I get home."

"No you won't. I want us to do this. I don't want you lifting a finger to put these things together. I want you to stop stressing. You are overwhelming yourself with school and all things baby. I want you to relax today. Be careful today. Make sure you take breaks and get snacks."

Tatum chuckled. "You are going to be a great dad. You are always more worried about anyone else than yourself."

Dempsey gave her a kiss. Then he got out of bed and helped her up. Dempsey couldn't stop thinking about how well things were going and how much Tatum and Oakley meant to him. He was ready to do anything that he needed to do to make their lives easier and better.

Tatum just responded to the third text from Dempsey. He'd been texting her every twenty minutes to make sure that Tatum wasn't overdoing it. He wanted to make sure she was taking breaks and getting snacks as she had promised. Sophie asked, "Baby daddy again?"

Tatum rolled her eyes, "Stop. He is sweet. He's checking up on me and Oakley. He is so worried that I'm going to overdo it. He's thoughtful."

"How are things on the home front? Are they getting better? I know you were feeling really awkward."

"They are getting better. D is so good to me. He is a real trooper with the cravings and mood swings. Last night he just held me and I have never felt more rested and better."

Her mom asked, "But are you happy?"

"Very. We are learning each other. D is a great guy. I guess I'm kind of dating my husband. I can't wait to see him with Oakley. I know he is going to be a great dad. I think we are finally getting more comfortable with each other."

"Good. You may be married, but I'm still your mother. I can still kick his butt for not treating you right. You know that I will always be here for my baby girl."

Tatum smiled. "Thanks mom. He is a complete gentleman. Everything is going so much better. We still aren't acting like a married couple, but we are getting closer. I'm just worried about making sure that Oakley is happy, healthy and knows how much his parents love him. I really don't care if Dempsey loves me as long as he loves Oakley."

Sophie wrapped her arm around her sister and said, "I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I think the two of you are making a lot of progress. I think your marriage is going to be fine. I know you love him. You can't hide that, no matter how much you want to, sis. I just know the two of you are going to be fine. I'd say within five years I'm going to have another cute niece or nephew on the way."

Tatum chuckled. "Lets see how this one goes first." The three of them laughed and got back to shopping and spoiling the little boy that was going to be coming into their lives. Tatum rubbed her stomach as Oakley kicked. She loved being so close to him, but she couldn't wait for him to be in her arms.

At the apartment, Dempsey, Scott and Dean were putting together furniture and painting the room. Scott said, "Dude! Get your head out of your butt. We have a ton of stuff to get put together. This is your kid anyway. Get your head in it, dude. If we are really going to get this stuff finished before the girls get back we have a lot of work to do."

Dempsey told him, "I know. I'm sorry. I was just making sure that Tate wasn't overdoing it."

"So, you and my sister, huh?"

"What about her?"

"She has you acting like a lost puppy. How are things going?"

"We are really getting to know each other. She is amazing. I think we are finally getting comfortable with each other. We've made a lot of progress in the last couple of months."

"You've got it bad, man. I've never seen you like this before. I've seen you love sick before, too."

"I know, but I don't care. I just can't wait for Oakley to get here. I'm going to be a dad in about three months. It's coming so quickly."

"You are going to be a great dad. You are taking great care of Tate and I know you will do just as great with Oakley once he gets here."

"Thanks, man. You are going to be an awesome uncle. Oak is going to love you."

Tatum's dad said, "Lets get back to it. My grandson needs a room and I really don't know if I'm ready for what might come up about my daughter. Plus, I would hate to see Tatum's face when she comes home and we don't have anything done because the two of you couldn't stop talking." They guys laughed and got back to work. Dempsey couldn't stop thinking about Tatum and Oakley. He just wanted to get the room finished and make sure that it was perfect for when their little boy decided to join them.

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