The Metahuman Agency: The Sup...

By wrathsburg

1.1K 102 2

An army of mercenaries. Six supervillains. A weapon with the firepower to destroy an entire city Under the co... More

First Strike
Brand New Day
Seeds of Unrest
Exploring D.C.
The Build Up
The Press Conference
The Skeleton Crew
Before the Fall
Outmatched, Outgunned
Pushing Back
Mad Art
Run Or Die
Metal Devil
Frenzied Pursuit
Through the Woods
Respite and Rest
Nightmares and Hopes
Ghostly Caller
Night Raid
In the Belly of the Beast
Moving On
Road Rage
The Spider and the Beetle
The Search
Second Reunion
Sick Mind
Food Run
The Next Step
Circle of Friends
GHOST Headquarters
Beneath the Factory
Lonely Nightmares
The Mistress of War
The Gathering Storm
Dark Strike
Close Quarters Combat
Hallway Brawl
Bombs, Bullets, and Bodies
The Elephant's Roar
Screams Amidst the Fire
Battle of the Bridge
Fallen Friends
Silent Screams
Blood Frenzy
Crocodile Tears
Guests of the Government
Cold Comfort
Out of the Cage
Breaking Point
Friends in High Places
Sleeping Beauty
Tears in the Sun
The Ultimatum
Bay of Memories
Head Games
Young Love
Invasion: San Francisco
Beach Strike
Spider's Kiss
Cellblock Rampage
Cellblock Showdown
Scorched Earth
Wrath of the Inferno
Airship Assault
Enemy Territory
A Rock And A Hard Place
Failed Composition
The Final Countdown
Sinking Ship
Safe And Sound
A New Future
...Need Not End

All Good Things...

7 1 0
By wrathsburg

Two Days Later.

Jason stood tall in the soft grass, the sky almost dark as the last vestiges of the sun sank in the distance. He resisted the urge to scratch, occupying his hands by twiddling his fingers or wrestling with his own thumbs. The suit the government officials had put him in clung too tight to his skin and the tie they had given him felt like a noose around his throat. The worst though was the ski mask he was wearing. A necessary measure to protect his identity, it nonetheless was ill fitting and not as snug as his costume's mask. But unfortunately, you couldn't wear a costume for a funeral and his costume had been taken away for modifications (not to mention his mask had been lost in the battle with Jacqueline). Still, he wished he were wearing something else.

He turned to his side, regarding his companions. Laureen stood next to him, also dressed in funeral attire, her hair combed neatly and wearing her domino mask. Max, Hiroshi, and James stood behind her, the three of them dressed similarly to Jason and also wearing ski masks. James's fingers were idly assembling and disassembling a watch but his gaze was fully focused on what lay before them.

Hiroshi was absently tugging at his tie, looking uncomfortable as well wearing a suit. Jason felt a heavy hand on his shoulder and looked up. Audrey towering over him, clutching a bouquet of roses in one hand while the other lay on his shoulder. She smiled at him and sniffed, her eyes red. She had been crying the whole way here and Jason had nearly broken down too. He didn't know if he was ready for this. But they had insisted on coming. No way in hell would he blow this off, no matter how much in hurt.

He placed a hand on his girlfriend's (it still startled him to think of Audrey that way) giant fingers, stroking them gently. Audrey looked up and stared ahead. Jason swallowed, a lump forming in his throat but forced his gaze ahead.

Before him was a line of graves, all placed neatly in a line. They stretched outwards into the distance, finishing several hundred yards away. In the very center of them, which Jason and the others stood in front of, was a grave larger than the others, carved in the shape of the Metahuman Agency's logo. There was writing carved onto it, which read: "AMANDA PRESCOTT-DIRECTOR OF THE METAHUMAN AGENCY. THE IRON LADY. 1957-2018."

They were in Arlington Cemetery. For her service, the President had insisted the Director and the other members of the Agency be buried here, commemorating their heroism forever next to hundreds of other soldiers from history. It was pretty awe-inspiring to say the least but, more than anything, Jason felt hollow inside as he stared ahead at her grave and the graves of dozens of others he had worked with. She was truly gone now.

Jason swallowed, his lip trembling slightly as he looked at the grave. He closed his eyes and sighed, muttering to himself: "...I'm sorry, Director. I'm sorry I couldn't save you...but we'll keep fighting. I promise, the Metahuman Agency won't die with you. We'll carry on. We will."

Indeed, the discussion with the President had moved forward considerably. After much discussion and some bad ideas, they had settled on building a new base in New York City. It would be placed on Roosevelt Island, a high tech facility that while it wouldn't match their old base in Massachusetts, it would give them the resources they would need. The detailed plans would be drawn up later but the four who had elected to remain (Jason, James, Laureen, and Audrey) seemed pleased with it. Jason smirked at the notion, as he would be returning back to his roots when moving there.

His eyes flicked to his left. Standing at attention were several soldiers clad in traditional uniforms, rifles slung across their shoulders. In front of them stood Axel Beckett. He took exhausted, enormous bangs beneath his eyes, his face unshaven and dirty. But he managed a smile when he noticed Jason looking at him. He then checked his watch and with a sigh, stepped forward.

He moved in front of the Director's grave, his eyes reading the script across it. He reached out a hand, pressing it against the grave, and frowned deeply, bowing his head. He looked like a man on the verge of collapse but he managed to compose himself and with some effort, pulled himself away from the grave. He turned slowly around and faced the assembled metahumans. Jason stood as tall as he could, biting his lip, swallowing again as Axel cleared his throat and began.

"I...apologize," The head of GHOST said, his voice sounding as tired as he looked. He rubbed a hand to one temple and shook his head. "It's been a long few days. I didn't really have time to prepare a proper speech for this is off the cuff. Forgive me if I...ramble."

Jason nodded at him, not expecting a grand speech. Axel sighed, closing his tired eyes before he began, forcing them open, his voice haggard. It was clearly a struggle just to speak for him.

"The Director..." He swallowed then sighed. "Amanda could be seen as a hard woman. She never let her emotions interfere with her duties and she was always focused on her job. The mission, for her, came first. Her life, when I knew her, was devoted to that. Some might see her as cold, even somewhat heartless, for her no nonsense demeanor. I know I did at firs..."

Axel looked back at the grave and smiled, shaking his head. "But I became privileged to be one of the people she selected to be in her inner circle. And I grew to realize she had a big heart underneath her cold exterior. She was devoted to saving the world so devoted..."

Axel stopped and gripped his tie. He was shaking slightly. Jason took a step forward but the GHOST leader raised one hand and shook his head. He stood up straighter and muttered, "I'm alright...I'm alright..."

Axel shook his head, smoothing out his hair. He sniffed, recovering himself, before he continued. "So devoted it go her killed. But she did the impossible." His eyes traced over Jason and the others. Jason smiled back, as warmly as he could. "She made the Metahuman Agency. She brought together a group of remarkable young people who've saved more lives than, well, than even I can keep count of. She was an incredible woman. And I was proud to serve under her."

Axel turned around. He saluted the Director's grave before he slowly moved off, back into the ranks of soldiers standing at attention. A silence fell over the field. Jason's eyes went to his teammates. He knew it had been suggested they prepare speeches but he couldn't think of anything. He scratched absently at his hair, swallowing past the lump in his throat, the ski mask itchy.

Finally, James stepped forward, his posture noticeably subdued. Approaching the grave, he absently fiddled with his hands, grinding his feet into the grass before he turned around. His expression was hard to read beneath his ski mask but Jason could see his lip trembling.

"Uh the Director Amanda Prescott that's her yes I suppose its good to say her real name here no disrespect naturally yes?" James said, his hands fiddling with the buttons on his suit jacket. "Yes yes quite of course now the Director sorry Amanda she well she gave me a real shot at life a normal life or what I suppose passed for normal yes in the halls of the Metahuman Agency she took me from a life where I really couldn't function no no not at all it was quite terrible quite terrible indeed but that's not relevant I guess I just wanted to say I'm uh well going to miss her very much she gave me the resources to fulfill my dream without her I'd be nothing so thank you Director er Amanda yes thank you indeed."

Laureen clapped loudly and James grinned with embarrassment, rubbing at the back of his neck. He then awkwardly scurried back to the group, sliding back into place. Laureen looked back at the others and asked, "Yo, whose next?"

Jason swallowed. He bit his lip before sighing. "I'll...go," He said nervously. Audrey squeezed his shoulder. He smiled up at her before shrugging his shoulders and approaching the grave.

He looked up at the grave, his eyes scanning its frame. He sighed and whispered, "Director...I hope you're at peace. Wherever you are. And thank you. For all you did for us..."

He stood there for a moment before slowly turning around. The grass crunched beneath his feet. He stared at his friends. As he scanned them, for a moment, he remembered how they were when he had first met them. How terrifying Audrey had seemed. How insane James had come across as. How lazy Laureen had seemed. How rigid Max had appeared. How Hiroshi had seemed a cold killing machine.

God, He thought ruefully. We've come so far...

Jason stared awkwardly at them. Audrey's encouraging smile made his heart flutter, but he still wasn't sure what to say. His eyes flicked to Laureen and she cupped her hands to her mouth, yelling: "Whatever you say will be fucking fine, dude!"

Jason laughed at that, shaking his head at Laureen's usual brash and blunt rhetoric. He rubbed at the ski mask before saying, "Well...well..well." He clapped his hands together, trying to push his thoughts into motion. "Well!" He said again, nervously sweating.

Jason rubbed his chin, trying to think. He rolled his shoulders, twisted his neck, and wriggled his toes. But his thoughts were blank. Where should I start? He thought in frustration. Where do I even begin? What the hell should I even say?

He thought for a few moments. Then he inhaled through his nose and decided to just do it 'off the cuff'. He wagged his arms together then said, "You know, before all of this, I was a real asshole."

Hiroshi snorted with laughter. Jason chuckled too before continuing more seriously. "Yeah, it sounds funny but its true," He said, sighing. "I...ah, you guys all knew I lost my parent at a young age. I think it was in a car crash but I can't...I can't remember. After which, I was left at an orphanage. There, I got bullied pretty nastily. It was also there I got powers, bitten by some freaky spider in the basement after I got locked down there one night. I used my abilities to strike back, savaging the bullies who tormented me before eventually running away and going to New York City. There, I began to steal, both to survive and holding for a dream of eventually buying myself a real place to live."

Jason shook his head. "But along the way, I lost myself. I used my powers to hurt people, busting up stores and smacking around anyone who got in my way. Sometimes pretty badly...I kept telling myself I didn't have a choice. But you know what? I did. But I liked hurting people. I liked smashing into stores, beating the employees within inches of their lives, snatching their cash, and fleeing with the cops hot on my trail. I got a rush of adrenaline from being a thief, a criminal. It was fun for me and I never thought of anyone but myself."

Jason tapped his chest. "I could've become a bad guy. Maybe a real nasty one. But being attacked by Zeus was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without that moment, I never would've been picked up by the Agency. The Director was one of the first people I met there. And you know what? Something about the place...soothed me. Seeing you guys..." He gestured at his friends. "...was a goddamn miracle for me. Suddenly, I realized I wasn't the only one out there with special abilities. Suddenly I was around people who were like me. Suddenly...I didn't feel like a freak."

"I..." Jason clutched his hands together, squeezing them hard. The lump in his throat was growing wider. He could feel his eyes trembling, barely holding back tears. " a family because of her. Friends. And...." His eyes went to Audrey. He could see she was crying again, sniffling loudly. "And more. I...I'm gonna miss her. A lot. B-because she...she made me into a hero."

Jason then did start to cry. His knees buckled and he fell to the grass, sobbing uncontrollably. As he lay there, a pair of strong arms grabbed under his arms and lifted him up. Jason opened his eyes, his vision blurry with tears, and he saw Audrey was holding him. She pressed him against her chest and wrapped him up tight. They hugged each other long and hard, crying together.

Finally, the tears stopped. Jason sniffed, wiping his eyes. Audrey released him, her eyes red. He smiled at her and muttered, "...Thanks." Audrey nodded, antennae twitching and they, reluctantly, pulled away from each other.

Audrey lumbered over to the grave and gently placed the flowers before it. Jason slowly stared at it before he sighed and rejoined the line of his friends.

So it went. Everyone gave a small speech about the Director. Surprisingly, Max's was the longest, while Hiroshi's was by far the shortest. But they were all good and by the end, everyone had a good, long cry. Even Max.

When it was all over, the head of the military men barked: "Present ARMS!" The men raised their rifles and fired into the sky, their gunshots echoing across the graveyard. Jason stood next to Audrey, her mammoth hand rubbing his back. Several shots later, the men lowered their rifles and gave a mass salute to the grave.

And it was over.

The six of them stood there for a long few moments, for what felt like hours, Arlington Cemetery bathed in the shadows of night now. Jason just stared at the grave, his eyes sore from crying, unable to think of what to do now.

Finally, Max broke the silence. "Well," He said quietly. "That's that then...I guess I better go."

Laureen turned to him. "You heading out?"

"Yeah," Max took out his phone, checking it. "I'm...going somewhere. Got a flight tonight, ten o' clock." He stuffed the phone back in his pocket, his single eye staring at them from beneath his ski mask.

"Anyway..." He held out a hand. "Its been...its been great guys. Seriously. I'll be back...someday. But until I do, just keep being the people you are. I'll see you all soon..."

Jason shook Max's hand roughly, nodding. Laureen clapped his shoulder and said, "Yo dude, visit fucking soon, kay?" Max nodded back at her before James suddenly tackled him from behind.

"Oh my oh dear Max Max Max you're leaving this is oh my I'm overwhelmed drastically tremendously overwhelmed!" James squealed as he squeezed his friend hard. "Oh Max you'll be alright right promise me that a true promise be careful be safe and come back please do come back no pressure of course but goodness I'll miss you!"

Max coughed awkwardly and patted James's arm a few times. "Er...yes. I'll miss you too, man." James continued to hug him, gritting his eyes and teeth together. "Okay James...I think I think I got the point."

James still didn't let go. Max frowned and said sternly: "James." James sighed and slithered off Max, releasing him.

"Sorry sorry sorry," James replied sheepishly, absently rubbing at his neck. "Sorry I just well you know I said it didn't I apologies I'm just going to well you know I said it but I suppose it bears repeating I'll miss you."

"We all will," Laureen interjected. "Ain't that fucking right, guys?"

"You bet," Jason grunted, nodding at his friend. "Take care of yourself dude."

Max looked at the five of them. He swallowed and for a moment, he looked rather misty eyed. He wiped at his single eye and licked his lips before saying, "...Thanks guys. Really. guys take care of yourself too."

With a sharp turn, he walked off, shoving his hands into his pockets and disappearing among the rows of graves toward the site's exit. Jason watched him go, sighing inwardly at the sight of his friend's exit.

Axel approached them, smiling tiredly at the group. He looked after Max and muttered, "Don't worry about him. He'll be alright."

"Yeah, I know," Laureen grunted, frowning. "Doesn't mean it doesn't fucking hurt to see him go."

"I know," Axel said with a nod. He checked his watch and his eyes went to Hiroshi. "Well, I suppose we better be going. Are you ready?"

Jason's gaze flicked to Hiroshi. The kid swallowed before nodding slowly. He looked at the others and tried to speak but just a breathe of nervous air came out. Axel smiled and spoke in his place.

"I volunteered to drive Hiroshi to where his parents will be picking him up. The President got in touch with them...his folks will be flying in on a private plane to Norfolk. They'll be here early morning tomorrow."

Hiroshi smiled nervously and laughed. "I guess I can't just fly home..." Axel smirked at that remark.

Hiroshi turned to them, his eyes misty. "Um..." He gestured emphatically. "Um...thank you guys for uh...all of this. And stuff...I...I really felt like a hero among you all."

"You weren't 'like' a hero, dipshit!" Laureen scolded. She patted him on the head. "You are a fucking hero. Remember that. You were fucking amazing. You were Photon. And you will always fucking will be."

Hiroshi trembled and he broke into a wide smile. "Thank...thank you," He said, biting his lip. "I...I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We'll miss you too man," Jason nodded. "But you've got a life to get back to. Go home. Rest. Relax. Take comfort in the fact that Akihiro is dead and gone. You did it man. You triumphed."

Hiroshi nodded quietly. He looked at Axel then back at them before saying, "Bye guys...uh..." He swallowed. "...Maybe we'll see each other again. Someday."

"We will we will oh I am certain of it probability points toward it!" James squealed before grabbing Hiroshi in a hug. Hiroshi seemed taken a back for a moment before returned the hug after a moment, squeezing James tightly. Jason watched them for a moment before he thought Oh, what the hell. He moved in and threw his arms around the two, squeezing tightly.

Laureen joined in, awkwardly shoving herself in next to them and throwing her arms around them too. They all stayed like that, before Audrey leaned down and enveloped the four of them in her massive arms. Together, they all shared the group hug before Hiroshi squeaked, his voice hoarse, "'re...choking me..."

Jason laughed and let go, James and Laureen also disentangling themselves. Hiroshi recovered his breath before smiling at them. "Thanks guys...I'll miss you all...its been a hell of a journey."

He moved over to Axel and straightened his shoulders. He took a long breath then said, "Okay...I'm ready."

Axel nodded and began to walk off. Hiroshi took a long, last, lingering look at the others. Jason locked eyes with him and gave him a thumbs up. Hiroshi returned it, smiling through trembling lips. He then slowly turned away before following after Axel. Like Max, the two of them disappeared amongst the rows of graves.

Jason watched them. He sighed deeply and looked at his remaining companions. Laureen was staring off into the distance as well, while Audrey just stood stock still and James was busy adjusting his tie.

"So," Jason finally said. "What now?" 

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